path: root/vendor/zerocopy/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/zerocopy/')
1 files changed, 215 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/zerocopy/ b/vendor/zerocopy/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..929e80996
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/zerocopy/
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+<!-- Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
+Licensed under a BSD-style license <LICENSE-BSD>, Apache License, Version 2.0
+<LICENSE-APACHE or>, or the MIT
+license <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your option.
+This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
+those terms. -->
+# How to Contribute
+We'd love to accept your patches and contributions to zerocopy. There are just a
+few small guidelines you need to follow.
+Once you've read the rest of this doc, check out our [good-first-issue
+label][good-first-issue] for some good issues you can use to get your toes wet!
+## Contributor License Agreement
+Contributions to this project must be accompanied by a Contributor License
+Agreement. You (or your employer) retain the copyright to your contribution;
+this simply gives us permission to use and redistribute your contributions as
+part of the project. Head over to <> to see
+your current agreements on file or to sign a new one.
+You generally only need to submit a CLA once, so if you've already submitted one
+(even if it was for a different project), you probably don't need to do it
+## Code Reviews
+All submissions, including submissions by project members, require review. We
+use GitHub pull requests for this purpose. Consult [GitHub
+Help][about_pull_requests] for more information on using pull requests.
+## Code Guidelines
+### Philosophy
+This section is inspired by [Flutter's style guide][flutter_philosophy], which
+contains many general principles that you should apply to all your programming
+work. Read it. The below calls out specific aspects that we feel are
+particularly important.
+#### Dogfood Your Features
+In non-library code, it's often advised to only implement features you need.
+After all, it's hard to correctly design code without a concrete use case to
+guide its design. Since zerocopy is a library, this advice is not as applicable;
+we want our API surface to be featureful and complete even if not every feature
+or method has a known use case. However, the observation that unused code is
+hard to design still holds.
+Thus, when designing external-facing features, try to make use of them somehow.
+This could be by using them to implement other features, or it could be by
+writing prototype code which won't actually be checked in anywhere. If you're
+feeling ambitious, you could even add (and check in) a [Cargo
+example][cargo_example] that exercises the new feature.
+#### Go Down the Rabbit Hole
+You will occasionally encounter behavior that surprises you or seems wrong. It
+probably is! Invest the time to find the root cause - you will either learn
+something, or fix something, and both are worth your time. Do not work around
+behavior you don't understand.
+### Avoid Duplication
+Avoid duplicating code whenever possible. In cases where existing code is not
+exposed in a manner suitable to your needs, prefer to extract the necessary
+parts into a common dependency.
+### Comments
+When writing comments, take a moment to consider the future reader of your
+comment. Ensure that your comments are complete sentences with proper grammar
+and punctuation. Note that adding more comments or more verbose comments is not
+always better; for example, avoid comments that repeat the code they're anchored
+Documentation comments should be self-contained; in other words, do not assume
+that the reader is aware of documentation in adjacent files or on adjacent
+structures. Avoid documentation comments on types which describe _instances_ of
+the type; for example, `AddressSet is a set of client addresses.` is a comment
+that describes a field of type `AddressSet`, but the type may be used to hold
+any kind of `Address`, not just a client's.
+Phrase your comments to avoid references that might become stale; for example:
+do not mention a variable or type by name when possible (certain doc comments
+are necessary exceptions). Also avoid references to past or future versions of
+or past or future work surrounding the item being documented; explain things
+from first principles rather than making external references (including past
+When writing TODOs:
+1. Include an issue reference using the format `TODO(#123):`
+1. Phrase the text as an action that is to be taken; it should be possible for
+ another contributor to pick up the TODO without consulting any external
+ sources, including the referenced issue.
+### Tests
+Much of the code in zerocopy has the property that, if it is buggy, those bugs
+may not cause user code to fail. This makes it extra important to write thorough
+tests, but it also makes it harder to write those tests correctly. Here are some
+guidelines on how to test code in zerocopy:
+1. All code added to zerocopy must include tests that exercise it completely.
+1. Tests must be deterministic. Threaded or time-dependent code, random number
+ generators (RNGs), and communication with external processes are common
+ sources of nondeterminism. See [Write reproducible, deterministic
+ tests][determinism] for tips.
+1. Avoid [change detector tests][change_detector_tests]; tests that are
+ unnecessarily sensitive to changes, especially ones external to the code
+ under test, can hamper feature development and refactoring.
+1. Since we run tests in [Miri][miri], make sure that tests exist which exercise
+ any potential [undefined behavior][undefined_behavior] so that Miri can catch
+ it.
+1. If there's some user code that should be impossible to compile, add a
+ [trybuild test][trybuild] to ensure that it's properly rejected.
+### Source Control Best Practices
+Commits should be arranged for ease of reading; that is, incidental changes
+such as code movement or formatting changes should be committed separately from
+actual code changes.
+Commits should always be focused. For example, a commit could add a feature,
+fix a bug, or refactor code, but not a mixture.
+Commits should be thoughtfully sized; avoid overly large or complex commits
+which can be logically separated, but also avoid overly separated commits that
+require code reviews to load multiple commits into their mental working memory
+in order to properly understand how the various pieces fit together.
+#### Commit Messages
+Commit messages should be _concise_ but self-contained (avoid relying on issue
+references as explanations for changes) and written such that they are helpful
+to people reading in the future (include rationale and any necessary context).
+Avoid superfluous details or narrative.
+Commit messages should consist of a brief subject line and a separate
+explanatory paragraph in accordance with the following:
+1. [Separate subject from body with a blank line](
+1. [Limit the subject line to 50 characters](
+1. [Capitalize the subject line](
+1. [Do not end the subject line with a period](
+1. [Use the imperative mood in the subject line](
+1. [Wrap the body at 72 characters](
+1. [Use the body to explain what and why vs. how](
+If the code affects a particular subsystem, prefix the subject line with the
+name of that subsystem in square brackets, omitting any "zerocopy" prefix
+(that's implicit). For example, for a commit adding a feature to the
+zerocopy-derive crate:
+[derive] Support AsBytes on types with parameters
+The body may be omitted if the subject is self-explanatory; e.g. when fixing a
+typo. The git book contains a [Commit Guidelines][commit_guidelines] section
+with much of the same advice, and the list above is part of a [blog
+post][beams_git_commit] by [Chris Beams][chris_beams].
+Commit messages should make use of issue integration. Including an issue
+reference like `#123` will cause the GitHub UI to link the text of that
+reference to the referenced issue, and will also make it so that the referenced
+issue back-links to the commit. Use "Closes", "Fixes", or "Resolves" on its own
+line to automatically close an issue when your commit is merged:
+Closes #123
+Fixes #123
+Resolves #123
+When using issue integration, don't omit necessary context that may also be
+included in the relevant issue (see "Commit messages should be _concise_ but
+self-contained" above). Git history is more likely to be retained indefinitely
+than issue history (for example, if this repository is migrated away from GitHub
+at some point in the future).
+Commit messages should never contain references to any of:
+1. Relative moments in time
+1. Non-public URLs
+1. Individuals
+1. Hosted code reviews (such as on
+ + Refer to commits in this repository by their SHA-1 hash
+ + Refer to commits in other repositories by public web address (such as
+1. Other entities which may not make sense to arbitrary future readers
+## Community Guidelines
+This project follows [Google's Open Source Community