use super::LoweringContext; use rustc_ast as ast; use rustc_ast::visit::{self, Visitor}; use rustc_ast::*; use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxIndexMap; use rustc_hir as hir; use rustc_span::{ sym, symbol::{kw, Ident}, Span, Symbol, }; use std::borrow::Cow; impl<'hir> LoweringContext<'_, 'hir> { pub(crate) fn lower_format_args(&mut self, sp: Span, fmt: &FormatArgs) -> hir::ExprKind<'hir> { // Never call the const constructor of `fmt::Arguments` if the // format_args!() had any arguments _before_ flattening/inlining. let allow_const = fmt.arguments.all_args().is_empty(); let mut fmt = Cow::Borrowed(fmt); if self.tcx.sess.opts.unstable_opts.flatten_format_args { fmt = flatten_format_args(fmt); fmt = inline_literals(fmt); } expand_format_args(self, sp, &fmt, allow_const) } } /// Flattens nested `format_args!()` into one. /// /// Turns /// /// `format_args!("a {} {} {}.", 1, format_args!("b{}!", 2), 3)` /// /// into /// /// `format_args!("a {} b{}! {}.", 1, 2, 3)`. fn flatten_format_args(mut fmt: Cow<'_, FormatArgs>) -> Cow<'_, FormatArgs> { let mut i = 0; while i < fmt.template.len() { if let FormatArgsPiece::Placeholder(placeholder) = &fmt.template[i] && let FormatTrait::Display | FormatTrait::Debug = &placeholder.format_trait && let Ok(arg_index) = placeholder.argument.index && let arg = fmt.arguments.all_args()[arg_index].expr.peel_parens_and_refs() && let ExprKind::FormatArgs(_) = &arg.kind // Check that this argument is not used by any other placeholders. && fmt.template.iter().enumerate().all(|(j, p)| i == j || !matches!(p, FormatArgsPiece::Placeholder(placeholder) if placeholder.argument.index == Ok(arg_index)) ) { // Now we need to mutate the outer FormatArgs. // If this is the first time, this clones the outer FormatArgs. let fmt = fmt.to_mut(); // Take the inner FormatArgs out of the outer arguments, and // replace it by the inner arguments. (We can't just put those at // the end, because we need to preserve the order of evaluation.) let args = fmt.arguments.all_args_mut(); let remaining_args = args.split_off(arg_index + 1); let old_arg_offset = args.len(); let mut fmt2 = &mut args.pop().unwrap().expr; // The inner FormatArgs. let fmt2 = loop { // Unwrap the Expr to get to the FormatArgs. match &mut fmt2.kind { ExprKind::Paren(inner) | ExprKind::AddrOf(BorrowKind::Ref, _, inner) => { fmt2 = inner } ExprKind::FormatArgs(fmt2) => break fmt2, _ => unreachable!(), } }; args.append(fmt2.arguments.all_args_mut()); let new_arg_offset = args.len(); args.extend(remaining_args); // Correct the indexes that refer to the arguments after the newly inserted arguments. for_all_argument_indexes(&mut fmt.template, |index| { if *index >= old_arg_offset { *index -= old_arg_offset; *index += new_arg_offset; } }); // Now merge the placeholders: let rest = fmt.template.split_off(i + 1); fmt.template.pop(); // remove the placeholder for the nested fmt args. // Insert the pieces from the nested format args, but correct any // placeholders to point to the correct argument index. for_all_argument_indexes(&mut fmt2.template, |index| *index += arg_index); fmt.template.append(&mut fmt2.template); fmt.template.extend(rest); // Don't increment `i` here, so we recurse into the newly added pieces. } else { i += 1; } } fmt } /// Inline literals into the format string. /// /// Turns /// /// `format_args!("Hello, {}! {} {}", "World", 123, x)` /// /// into /// /// `format_args!("Hello, World! 123 {}", x)`. fn inline_literals(mut fmt: Cow<'_, FormatArgs>) -> Cow<'_, FormatArgs> { let mut was_inlined = vec![false; fmt.arguments.all_args().len()]; let mut inlined_anything = false; for i in 0..fmt.template.len() { let FormatArgsPiece::Placeholder(placeholder) = &fmt.template[i] else { continue }; let Ok(arg_index) = placeholder.argument.index else { continue }; let mut literal = None; if let FormatTrait::Display = placeholder.format_trait && placeholder.format_options == Default::default() && let arg = fmt.arguments.all_args()[arg_index].expr.peel_parens_and_refs() && let ExprKind::Lit(lit) = arg.kind { if let token::LitKind::Str | token::LitKind::StrRaw(_) = lit.kind && let Ok(LitKind::Str(s, _)) = LitKind::from_token_lit(lit) { literal = Some(s); } else if let token::LitKind::Integer = lit.kind && let Ok(LitKind::Int(n, _)) = LitKind::from_token_lit(lit) { literal = Some(Symbol::intern(&n.to_string())); } } if let Some(literal) = literal { // Now we need to mutate the outer FormatArgs. // If this is the first time, this clones the outer FormatArgs. let fmt = fmt.to_mut(); // Replace the placeholder with the literal. fmt.template[i] = FormatArgsPiece::Literal(literal); was_inlined[arg_index] = true; inlined_anything = true; } } // Remove the arguments that were inlined. if inlined_anything { let fmt = fmt.to_mut(); let mut remove = was_inlined; // Don't remove anything that's still used. for_all_argument_indexes(&mut fmt.template, |index| remove[*index] = false); // Drop all the arguments that are marked for removal. let mut remove_it = remove.iter(); fmt.arguments.all_args_mut().retain(|_| != Some(&true)); // Calculate the mapping of old to new indexes for the remaining arguments. let index_map: Vec = remove .into_iter() .scan(0, |i, remove| { let mapped = *i; *i += !remove as usize; Some(mapped) }) .collect(); // Correct the indexes that refer to arguments that have shifted position. for_all_argument_indexes(&mut fmt.template, |index| *index = index_map[*index]); } fmt } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] enum ArgumentType { Format(FormatTrait), Usize, } /// Generate a hir expression representing an argument to a format_args invocation. /// /// Generates: /// /// ```text /// ::new_…(arg) /// ``` fn make_argument<'hir>( ctx: &mut LoweringContext<'_, 'hir>, sp: Span, arg: &'hir hir::Expr<'hir>, ty: ArgumentType, ) -> hir::Expr<'hir> { use ArgumentType::*; use FormatTrait::*; let new_fn = ctx.arena.alloc(ctx.expr_lang_item_type_relative( sp, hir::LangItem::FormatArgument, match ty { Format(Display) => sym::new_display, Format(Debug) => sym::new_debug, Format(LowerExp) => sym::new_lower_exp, Format(UpperExp) => sym::new_upper_exp, Format(Octal) => sym::new_octal, Format(Pointer) => sym::new_pointer, Format(Binary) => sym::new_binary, Format(LowerHex) => sym::new_lower_hex, Format(UpperHex) => sym::new_upper_hex, Usize => sym::from_usize, }, )); ctx.expr_call_mut(sp, new_fn, std::slice::from_ref(arg)) } /// Generate a hir expression for a format_args Count. /// /// Generates: /// /// ```text /// ::Is(…) /// ``` /// /// or /// /// ```text /// ::Param(…) /// ``` /// /// or /// /// ```text /// ::Implied /// ``` fn make_count<'hir>( ctx: &mut LoweringContext<'_, 'hir>, sp: Span, count: &Option, argmap: &mut FxIndexMap<(usize, ArgumentType), Option>, ) -> hir::Expr<'hir> { match count { Some(FormatCount::Literal(n)) => { let count_is = ctx.arena.alloc(ctx.expr_lang_item_type_relative( sp, hir::LangItem::FormatCount, sym::Is, )); let value = ctx.arena.alloc_from_iter([ctx.expr_usize(sp, *n)]); ctx.expr_call_mut(sp, count_is, value) } Some(FormatCount::Argument(arg)) => { if let Ok(arg_index) = arg.index { let (i, _) = argmap.insert_full((arg_index, ArgumentType::Usize), arg.span); let count_param = ctx.arena.alloc(ctx.expr_lang_item_type_relative( sp, hir::LangItem::FormatCount, sym::Param, )); let value = ctx.arena.alloc_from_iter([ctx.expr_usize(sp, i)]); ctx.expr_call_mut(sp, count_param, value) } else { ctx.expr( sp, hir::ExprKind::Err( ctx.tcx.sess.delay_span_bug(sp, "lowered bad format_args count"), ), ) } } None => ctx.expr_lang_item_type_relative(sp, hir::LangItem::FormatCount, sym::Implied), } } /// Generate a hir expression for a format_args placeholder specification. /// /// Generates /// /// ```text /// ::…, // alignment /// …u32, // flags /// , // width /// , // precision /// ) /// ``` fn make_format_spec<'hir>( ctx: &mut LoweringContext<'_, 'hir>, sp: Span, placeholder: &FormatPlaceholder, argmap: &mut FxIndexMap<(usize, ArgumentType), Option>, ) -> hir::Expr<'hir> { let position = match placeholder.argument.index { Ok(arg_index) => { let (i, _) = argmap.insert_full( (arg_index, ArgumentType::Format(placeholder.format_trait)), placeholder.span, ); ctx.expr_usize(sp, i) } Err(_) => ctx.expr( sp, hir::ExprKind::Err(ctx.tcx.sess.delay_span_bug(sp, "lowered bad format_args count")), ), }; let &FormatOptions { ref width, ref precision, alignment, fill, sign, alternate, zero_pad, debug_hex, } = &placeholder.format_options; let fill = ctx.expr_char(sp, fill.unwrap_or(' ')); let align = ctx.expr_lang_item_type_relative( sp, hir::LangItem::FormatAlignment, match alignment { Some(FormatAlignment::Left) => sym::Left, Some(FormatAlignment::Right) => sym::Right, Some(FormatAlignment::Center) => sym::Center, None => sym::Unknown, }, ); // This needs to match `Flag` in library/core/src/fmt/ let flags: u32 = ((sign == Some(FormatSign::Plus)) as u32) | ((sign == Some(FormatSign::Minus)) as u32) << 1 | (alternate as u32) << 2 | (zero_pad as u32) << 3 | ((debug_hex == Some(FormatDebugHex::Lower)) as u32) << 4 | ((debug_hex == Some(FormatDebugHex::Upper)) as u32) << 5; let flags = ctx.expr_u32(sp, flags); let precision = make_count(ctx, sp, &precision, argmap); let width = make_count(ctx, sp, &width, argmap); let format_placeholder_new = ctx.arena.alloc(ctx.expr_lang_item_type_relative( sp, hir::LangItem::FormatPlaceholder, sym::new, )); let args = ctx.arena.alloc_from_iter([position, fill, align, flags, precision, width]); ctx.expr_call_mut(sp, format_placeholder_new, args) } fn expand_format_args<'hir>( ctx: &mut LoweringContext<'_, 'hir>, macsp: Span, fmt: &FormatArgs, allow_const: bool, ) -> hir::ExprKind<'hir> { let mut incomplete_lit = String::new(); let lit_pieces = ctx.arena.alloc_from_iter(fmt.template.iter().enumerate().filter_map(|(i, piece)| { match piece { &FormatArgsPiece::Literal(s) => { // Coalesce adjacent literal pieces. if let Some(FormatArgsPiece::Literal(_)) = fmt.template.get(i + 1) { incomplete_lit.push_str(s.as_str()); None } else if !incomplete_lit.is_empty() { incomplete_lit.push_str(s.as_str()); let s = Symbol::intern(&incomplete_lit); incomplete_lit.clear(); Some(ctx.expr_str(fmt.span, s)) } else { Some(ctx.expr_str(fmt.span, s)) } } &FormatArgsPiece::Placeholder(_) => { // Inject empty string before placeholders when not already preceded by a literal piece. if i == 0 || matches!(fmt.template[i - 1], FormatArgsPiece::Placeholder(_)) { Some(ctx.expr_str(fmt.span, kw::Empty)) } else { None } } } })); let lit_pieces = ctx.expr_array_ref(fmt.span, lit_pieces); // Whether we'll use the `Arguments::new_v1_formatted` form (true), // or the `Arguments::new_v1` form (false). let mut use_format_options = false; // Create a list of all _unique_ (argument, format trait) combinations. // E.g. "{0} {0:x} {0} {1}" -> [(0, Display), (0, LowerHex), (1, Display)] let mut argmap = FxIndexMap::default(); for piece in &fmt.template { let FormatArgsPiece::Placeholder(placeholder) = piece else { continue }; if placeholder.format_options != Default::default() { // Can't use basic form if there's any formatting options. use_format_options = true; } if let Ok(index) = placeholder.argument.index { if argmap .insert((index, ArgumentType::Format(placeholder.format_trait)), placeholder.span) .is_some() { // Duplicate (argument, format trait) combination, // which we'll only put once in the args array. use_format_options = true; } } } let format_options = use_format_options.then(|| { // Generate: // &[format_spec_0, format_spec_1, format_spec_2] let elements = ctx.arena.alloc_from_iter(fmt.template.iter().filter_map(|piece| { let FormatArgsPiece::Placeholder(placeholder) = piece else { return None }; Some(make_format_spec(ctx, macsp, placeholder, &mut argmap)) })); ctx.expr_array_ref(macsp, elements) }); let arguments = fmt.arguments.all_args(); if allow_const && arguments.is_empty() && argmap.is_empty() { // Generate: // ::new_const(lit_pieces) let new = ctx.arena.alloc(ctx.expr_lang_item_type_relative( macsp, hir::LangItem::FormatArguments, sym::new_const, )); let new_args = ctx.arena.alloc_from_iter([lit_pieces]); return hir::ExprKind::Call(new, new_args); } // If the args array contains exactly all the original arguments once, // in order, we can use a simple array instead of a `match` construction. // However, if there's a yield point in any argument except the first one, // we don't do this, because an Argument cannot be kept across yield points. // // This is an optimization, speeding up compilation about 1-2% in some cases. // See let use_simple_array = argmap.len() == arguments.len() && argmap.iter().enumerate().all(|(i, (&(j, _), _))| i == j) && arguments.iter().skip(1).all(|arg| !may_contain_yield_point(&arg.expr)); let args = if arguments.is_empty() { // Generate: // &::none() // // Note: // `none()` just returns `[]`. We use `none()` rather than `[]` to limit the lifetime. // // This makes sure that this still fails to compile, even when the argument is inlined: // // ``` // let f = format_args!("{}", "a"); // println!("{f}"); // error E0716 // ``` // // Cases where keeping the object around is allowed, such as `format_args!("a")`, // are handled above by the `allow_const` case. let none_fn = ctx.arena.alloc(ctx.expr_lang_item_type_relative( macsp, hir::LangItem::FormatArgument, sym::none, )); let none = ctx.expr_call(macsp, none_fn, &[]); ctx.expr(macsp, hir::ExprKind::AddrOf(hir::BorrowKind::Ref, hir::Mutability::Not, none)) } else if use_simple_array { // Generate: // &[ // ::new_display(&arg0), // ::new_lower_hex(&arg1), // ::new_debug(&arg2), // … // ] let elements = ctx.arena.alloc_from_iter(arguments.iter().zip(argmap).map( |(arg, ((_, ty), placeholder_span))| { let placeholder_span = placeholder_span.unwrap_or(arg.expr.span).with_ctxt(macsp.ctxt()); let arg_span = match arg.kind { FormatArgumentKind::Captured(_) => placeholder_span, _ => arg.expr.span.with_ctxt(macsp.ctxt()), }; let arg = ctx.lower_expr(&arg.expr); let ref_arg = ctx.arena.alloc(ctx.expr( arg_span, hir::ExprKind::AddrOf(hir::BorrowKind::Ref, hir::Mutability::Not, arg), )); make_argument(ctx, placeholder_span, ref_arg, ty) }, )); ctx.expr_array_ref(macsp, elements) } else { // Generate: // &match (&arg0, &arg1, &…) { // args => [ // ::new_display(args.0), // ::new_lower_hex(args.1), // ::new_debug(args.0), // … // ] // } let args_ident = Ident::new(sym::args, macsp); let (args_pat, args_hir_id) = ctx.pat_ident(macsp, args_ident); let args = ctx.arena.alloc_from_iter(argmap.iter().map( |(&(arg_index, ty), &placeholder_span)| { let arg = &arguments[arg_index]; let placeholder_span = placeholder_span.unwrap_or(arg.expr.span).with_ctxt(macsp.ctxt()); let arg_span = match arg.kind { FormatArgumentKind::Captured(_) => placeholder_span, _ => arg.expr.span.with_ctxt(macsp.ctxt()), }; let args_ident_expr = ctx.expr_ident(macsp, args_ident, args_hir_id); let arg = ctx.arena.alloc(ctx.expr( arg_span, hir::ExprKind::Field( args_ident_expr, Ident::new(sym::integer(arg_index), macsp), ), )); make_argument(ctx, placeholder_span, arg, ty) }, )); let elements = ctx.arena.alloc_from_iter(arguments.iter().map(|arg| { let arg_expr = ctx.lower_expr(&arg.expr); ctx.expr( arg.expr.span.with_ctxt(macsp.ctxt()), hir::ExprKind::AddrOf(hir::BorrowKind::Ref, hir::Mutability::Not, arg_expr), ) })); let args_tuple = ctx.arena.alloc(ctx.expr(macsp, hir::ExprKind::Tup(elements))); let array = ctx.arena.alloc(ctx.expr(macsp, hir::ExprKind::Array(args))); let match_arms = ctx.arena.alloc_from_iter([ctx.arm(args_pat, array)]); let match_expr = ctx.arena.alloc(ctx.expr_match( macsp, args_tuple, match_arms, hir::MatchSource::FormatArgs, )); ctx.expr( macsp, hir::ExprKind::AddrOf(hir::BorrowKind::Ref, hir::Mutability::Not, match_expr), ) }; if let Some(format_options) = format_options { // Generate: // ::new_v1_formatted( // lit_pieces, // args, // format_options, // unsafe { ::core::fmt::UnsafeArg::new() } // ) let new_v1_formatted = ctx.arena.alloc(ctx.expr_lang_item_type_relative( macsp, hir::LangItem::FormatArguments, sym::new_v1_formatted, )); let unsafe_arg_new = ctx.arena.alloc(ctx.expr_lang_item_type_relative( macsp, hir::LangItem::FormatUnsafeArg, sym::new, )); let unsafe_arg_new_call = ctx.expr_call(macsp, unsafe_arg_new, &[]); let hir_id = ctx.next_id(); let unsafe_arg = ctx.expr_block(ctx.arena.alloc(hir::Block { stmts: &[], expr: Some(unsafe_arg_new_call), hir_id, rules: hir::BlockCheckMode::UnsafeBlock(hir::UnsafeSource::CompilerGenerated), span: macsp, targeted_by_break: false, })); let args = ctx.arena.alloc_from_iter([lit_pieces, args, format_options, unsafe_arg]); hir::ExprKind::Call(new_v1_formatted, args) } else { // Generate: // ::new_v1( // lit_pieces, // args, // ) let new_v1 = ctx.arena.alloc(ctx.expr_lang_item_type_relative( macsp, hir::LangItem::FormatArguments, sym::new_v1, )); let new_args = ctx.arena.alloc_from_iter([lit_pieces, args]); hir::ExprKind::Call(new_v1, new_args) } } fn may_contain_yield_point(e: &ast::Expr) -> bool { struct MayContainYieldPoint(bool); impl Visitor<'_> for MayContainYieldPoint { fn visit_expr(&mut self, e: &ast::Expr) { if let ast::ExprKind::Await(_, _) | ast::ExprKind::Yield(_) = e.kind { self.0 = true; } else { visit::walk_expr(self, e); } } fn visit_mac_call(&mut self, _: &ast::MacCall) { // Macros should be expanded at this point. unreachable!("unexpanded macro in ast lowering"); } fn visit_item(&mut self, _: &ast::Item) { // Do not recurse into nested items. } } let mut visitor = MayContainYieldPoint(false); visitor.visit_expr(e); visitor.0 } fn for_all_argument_indexes(template: &mut [FormatArgsPiece], mut f: impl FnMut(&mut usize)) { for piece in template { let FormatArgsPiece::Placeholder(placeholder) = piece else { continue }; if let Ok(index) = &mut placeholder.argument.index { f(index); } if let Some(FormatCount::Argument(FormatArgPosition { index: Ok(index), .. })) = &mut placeholder.format_options.width { f(index); } if let Some(FormatCount::Argument(FormatArgPosition { index: Ok(index), .. })) = &mut placeholder.format_options.precision { f(index); } } }