// The compiler code necessary to support the env! extension. Eventually this // should all get sucked into either the compiler syntax extension plugin // interface. // use rustc_ast::tokenstream::TokenStream; use rustc_ast::{self as ast, AstDeref, GenericArg}; use rustc_expand::base::{self, *}; use rustc_span::symbol::{kw, sym, Ident, Symbol}; use rustc_span::Span; use std::env; use thin_vec::thin_vec; use crate::errors; fn lookup_env<'cx>(cx: &'cx ExtCtxt<'_>, var: Symbol) -> Option { let var = var.as_str(); if let Some(value) = cx.sess.opts.logical_env.get(var) { return Some(Symbol::intern(value)); } // If the environment variable was not defined with the `--env` option, we try to retrieve it // from rustc's environment. env::var(var).ok().as_deref().map(Symbol::intern) } pub fn expand_option_env<'cx>( cx: &'cx mut ExtCtxt<'_>, sp: Span, tts: TokenStream, ) -> Box { let Some(var) = get_single_str_from_tts(cx, sp, tts, "option_env!") else { return DummyResult::any(sp); }; let sp = cx.with_def_site_ctxt(sp); let value = lookup_env(cx, var); cx.sess.parse_sess.env_depinfo.borrow_mut().insert((var, value)); let e = match value { None => { let lt = cx.lifetime(sp, Ident::new(kw::StaticLifetime, sp)); cx.expr_path(cx.path_all( sp, true, cx.std_path(&[sym::option, sym::Option, sym::None]), vec![GenericArg::Type(cx.ty_ref( sp, cx.ty_ident(sp, Ident::new(sym::str, sp)), Some(lt), ast::Mutability::Not, ))], )) } Some(value) => cx.expr_call_global( sp, cx.std_path(&[sym::option, sym::Option, sym::Some]), thin_vec![cx.expr_str(sp, value)], ), }; MacEager::expr(e) } pub fn expand_env<'cx>( cx: &'cx mut ExtCtxt<'_>, sp: Span, tts: TokenStream, ) -> Box { let mut exprs = match get_exprs_from_tts(cx, tts) { Some(exprs) if exprs.is_empty() || exprs.len() > 2 => { cx.emit_err(errors::EnvTakesArgs { span: sp }); return DummyResult::any(sp); } None => return DummyResult::any(sp), Some(exprs) => exprs.into_iter(), }; let var_expr = exprs.next().unwrap(); let Some((var, _)) = expr_to_string(cx, var_expr.clone(), "expected string literal") else { return DummyResult::any(sp); }; let custom_msg = match exprs.next() { None => None, Some(second) => match expr_to_string(cx, second, "expected string literal") { None => return DummyResult::any(sp), Some((s, _)) => Some(s), }, }; let span = cx.with_def_site_ctxt(sp); let value = lookup_env(cx, var); cx.sess.parse_sess.env_depinfo.borrow_mut().insert((var, value)); let e = match value { None => { let ast::ExprKind::Lit(ast::token::Lit { kind: ast::token::LitKind::Str | ast::token::LitKind::StrRaw(..), symbol, .. }) = &var_expr.kind else { unreachable!("`expr_to_string` ensures this is a string lit") }; if let Some(msg_from_user) = custom_msg { cx.emit_err(errors::EnvNotDefinedWithUserMessage { span, msg_from_user }); } else if is_cargo_env_var(var.as_str()) { cx.emit_err(errors::EnvNotDefined::CargoEnvVar { span, var: *symbol, var_expr: var_expr.ast_deref(), }); } else { cx.emit_err(errors::EnvNotDefined::CustomEnvVar { span, var: *symbol, var_expr: var_expr.ast_deref(), }); } return DummyResult::any(sp); } Some(value) => cx.expr_str(span, value), }; MacEager::expr(e) } /// Returns `true` if an environment variable from `env!` is one used by Cargo. fn is_cargo_env_var(var: &str) -> bool { var.starts_with("CARGO_") || var.starts_with("DEP_") || matches!(var, "OUT_DIR" | "OPT_LEVEL" | "PROFILE" | "HOST" | "TARGET") }