use parse::Position::ArgumentNamed; use rustc_ast::ptr::P; use rustc_ast::tokenstream::TokenStream; use rustc_ast::{token, StmtKind}; use rustc_ast::{ Expr, ExprKind, FormatAlignment, FormatArgPosition, FormatArgPositionKind, FormatArgs, FormatArgsPiece, FormatArgument, FormatArgumentKind, FormatArguments, FormatCount, FormatDebugHex, FormatOptions, FormatPlaceholder, FormatSign, FormatTrait, }; use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashSet; use rustc_errors::{ Applicability, DiagnosticBuilder, ErrorGuaranteed, MultiSpan, PResult, SingleLabelManySpans, }; use rustc_expand::base::{self, *}; use rustc_parse_format as parse; use rustc_span::symbol::{Ident, Symbol}; use rustc_span::{BytePos, InnerSpan, Span}; use rustc_lint_defs::builtin::NAMED_ARGUMENTS_USED_POSITIONALLY; use rustc_lint_defs::{BufferedEarlyLint, BuiltinLintDiagnostics, LintId}; // The format_args!() macro is expanded in three steps: // 1. First, `parse_args` will parse the `(literal, arg, arg, name=arg, name=arg)` syntax, // but doesn't parse the template (the literal) itself. // 2. Second, `make_format_args` will parse the template, the format options, resolve argument references, // produce diagnostics, and turn the whole thing into a `FormatArgs` AST node. // 3. Much later, in AST lowering (rustc_ast_lowering), that `FormatArgs` structure will be turned // into the expression of type `core::fmt::Arguments`. // See rustc_ast/src/ for the FormatArgs structure and glossary. // Only used in parse_args and report_invalid_references, // to indicate how a referred argument was used. #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] enum PositionUsedAs { Placeholder(Option), Precision, Width, } use PositionUsedAs::*; use crate::errors; struct MacroInput { fmtstr: P, args: FormatArguments, /// Whether the first argument was a string literal or a result from eager macro expansion. /// If it's not a string literal, we disallow implicit argument capturing. /// /// This does not correspond to whether we can treat spans to the literal normally, as the whole /// invocation might be the result of another macro expansion, in which case this flag may still be true. /// /// See [RFC 2795] for more information. /// /// [RFC 2795]: is_direct_literal: bool, } /// Parses the arguments from the given list of tokens, returning the diagnostic /// if there's a parse error so we can continue parsing other format! /// expressions. /// /// If parsing succeeds, the return value is: /// /// ```text /// Ok((fmtstr, parsed arguments)) /// ``` fn parse_args<'a>(ecx: &mut ExtCtxt<'a>, sp: Span, tts: TokenStream) -> PResult<'a, MacroInput> { let mut args = FormatArguments::new(); let mut p = ecx.new_parser_from_tts(tts); if p.token == token::Eof { return Err(ecx.create_err(errors::FormatRequiresString { span: sp })); } let first_token = &p.token; let fmtstr = if let token::Literal(lit) = first_token.kind && matches!(lit.kind, token::Str | token::StrRaw(_)) { // This allows us to properly handle cases when the first comma // after the format string is mistakenly replaced with any operator, // which cause the expression parser to eat too much tokens. p.parse_literal_maybe_minus()? } else { // Otherwise, we fall back to the expression parser. p.parse_expr()? }; // Only allow implicit captures to be used when the argument is a direct literal // instead of a macro expanding to one. let is_direct_literal = matches!(fmtstr.kind, ExprKind::Lit(_)); let mut first = true; while p.token != token::Eof { if ! { if first { p.clear_expected_tokens(); } match p.expect(&token::Comma) { Err(mut err) => { match token::TokenKind::Comma.similar_tokens() { Some(tks) if tks.contains(&p.token.kind) => { // If a similar token is found, then it may be a typo. We // consider it as a comma, and continue parsing. err.emit(); p.bump(); } // Otherwise stop the parsing and return the error. _ => return Err(err), } } Ok(recovered) => { assert!(recovered); } } } first = false; if p.token == token::Eof { break; } // accept trailing commas match p.token.ident() { Some((ident, _)) if p.look_ahead(1, |t| *t == token::Eq) => { p.bump(); p.expect(&token::Eq)?; let expr = p.parse_expr()?; if let Some((_, prev)) = args.by_name( { ecx.emit_err(errors::FormatDuplicateArg { span: ident.span, prev: prev.kind.ident().unwrap().span, duplicate: ident.span, ident, }); continue; } args.add(FormatArgument { kind: FormatArgumentKind::Named(ident), expr }); } _ => { let expr = p.parse_expr()?; if !args.named_args().is_empty() { ecx.emit_err(errors::PositionalAfterNamed { span: expr.span, args: args .named_args() .iter() .filter_map(|a| a.kind.ident().map(|ident| (a, ident))) .map(|(arg, n)| .collect(), }); } args.add(FormatArgument { kind: FormatArgumentKind::Normal, expr }); } } } Ok(MacroInput { fmtstr, args, is_direct_literal }) } fn make_format_args( ecx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>, input: MacroInput, append_newline: bool, ) -> Result { let msg = "format argument must be a string literal"; let unexpanded_fmt_span = input.fmtstr.span; let MacroInput { fmtstr: efmt, mut args, is_direct_literal } = input; let (fmt_str, fmt_style, fmt_span) = match expr_to_spanned_string(ecx, efmt.clone(), msg) { Ok(mut fmt) if append_newline => { fmt.0 = Symbol::intern(&format!("{}\n", fmt.0)); fmt } Ok(fmt) => fmt, Err(err) => { if let Some((mut err, suggested)) = err { if !suggested { if let ExprKind::Block(block, None) = &efmt.kind && block.stmts.len() == 1 && let StmtKind::Expr(expr) = &block.stmts[0].kind && let ExprKind::Path(None, path) = &expr.kind && path.is_potential_trivial_const_arg() { err.multipart_suggestion( "quote your inlined format argument to use as string literal", vec![ (unexpanded_fmt_span.shrink_to_hi(), "\"".to_string()), (unexpanded_fmt_span.shrink_to_lo(), "\"".to_string()), ], Applicability::MaybeIncorrect, ); } else { let sugg_fmt = match args.explicit_args().len() { 0 => "{}".to_string(), _ => format!("{}{{}}", "{} ".repeat(args.explicit_args().len())), }; err.span_suggestion( unexpanded_fmt_span.shrink_to_lo(), "you might be missing a string literal to format with", format!("\"{sugg_fmt}\", "), Applicability::MaybeIncorrect, ); } } err.emit(); } return Err(()); } }; let str_style = match fmt_style { rustc_ast::StrStyle::Cooked => None, rustc_ast::StrStyle::Raw(raw) => Some(raw as usize), }; let fmt_str = fmt_str.as_str(); // for the suggestions below let fmt_snippet = ecx.source_map().span_to_snippet(unexpanded_fmt_span).ok(); let mut parser = parse::Parser::new( fmt_str, str_style, fmt_snippet, append_newline, parse::ParseMode::Format, ); let mut pieces = Vec::new(); while let Some(piece) = { if !parser.errors.is_empty() { break; } else { pieces.push(piece); } } let is_source_literal = parser.is_source_literal; if !parser.errors.is_empty() { let err = parser.errors.remove(0); let sp = if is_source_literal { fmt_span.from_inner(InnerSpan::new(err.span.start, err.span.end)) } else { // The format string could be another macro invocation, e.g.: // format!(concat!("abc", "{}"), 4); // However, `err.span` is an inner span relative to the *result* of // the macro invocation, which is why we would get a nonsensical // result calling `fmt_span.from_inner(err.span)` as above, and // might even end up inside a multibyte character (issue #86085). // Therefore, we conservatively report the error for the entire // argument span here. fmt_span }; let mut e = errors::InvalidFormatString { span: sp, note_: None, label_: None, sugg_: None, desc: err.description, label1: err.label, }; if let Some(note) = err.note { e.note_ = Some(errors::InvalidFormatStringNote { note }); } if let Some((label, span)) = err.secondary_label && is_source_literal { e.label_ = Some(errors::InvalidFormatStringLabel { span: fmt_span.from_inner(InnerSpan::new(span.start, span.end)), label, }); } match err.suggestion { parse::Suggestion::None => {} parse::Suggestion::UsePositional => { let captured_arg_span = fmt_span.from_inner(InnerSpan::new(err.span.start, err.span.end)); if let Ok(arg) = ecx.source_map().span_to_snippet(captured_arg_span) { let span = match args.unnamed_args().last() { Some(arg) => arg.expr.span, None => fmt_span, }; e.sugg_ = Some(errors::InvalidFormatStringSuggestion::UsePositional { captured: captured_arg_span, len: args.unnamed_args().len().to_string(), span: span.shrink_to_hi(), arg, }); } } parse::Suggestion::RemoveRawIdent(span) => { if is_source_literal { let span = fmt_span.from_inner(InnerSpan::new(span.start, span.end)); e.sugg_ = Some(errors::InvalidFormatStringSuggestion::RemoveRawIdent { span }) } } } ecx.emit_err(e); return Err(()); } let to_span = |inner_span: rustc_parse_format::InnerSpan| { is_source_literal.then(|| { fmt_span.from_inner(InnerSpan { start: inner_span.start, end: inner_span.end }) }) }; let mut used = vec![false; args.explicit_args().len()]; let mut invalid_refs = Vec::new(); let mut numeric_refences_to_named_arg = Vec::new(); enum ArgRef<'a> { Index(usize), Name(&'a str, Option), } use ArgRef::*; let mut lookup_arg = |arg: ArgRef<'_>, span: Option, used_as: PositionUsedAs, kind: FormatArgPositionKind| -> FormatArgPosition { let index = match arg { Index(index) => { if let Some(arg) = args.by_index(index) { used[index] = true; if arg.kind.ident().is_some() { // This was a named argument, but it was used as a positional argument. numeric_refences_to_named_arg.push((index, span, used_as)); } Ok(index) } else { // Doesn't exist as an explicit argument. invalid_refs.push((index, span, used_as, kind)); Err(index) } } Name(name, span) => { let name = Symbol::intern(name); if let Some((index, _)) = args.by_name(name) { // Name found in `args`, so we resolve it to its index. if index < args.explicit_args().len() { // Mark it as used, if it was an explicit argument. used[index] = true; } Ok(index) } else { // Name not found in `args`, so we add it as an implicitly captured argument. let span = span.unwrap_or(fmt_span); let ident = Ident::new(name, span); let expr = if is_direct_literal { ecx.expr_ident(span, ident) } else { // For the moment capturing variables from format strings expanded from macros is // disabled (see RFC #2795) ecx.emit_err(errors::FormatNoArgNamed { span, name }); DummyResult::raw_expr(span, true) }; Ok(args.add(FormatArgument { kind: FormatArgumentKind::Captured(ident), expr })) } } }; FormatArgPosition { index, kind, span } }; let mut template = Vec::new(); let mut unfinished_literal = String::new(); let mut placeholder_index = 0; for piece in &pieces { match *piece { parse::Piece::String(s) => { unfinished_literal.push_str(s); } parse::Piece::NextArgument(box parse::Argument { position, position_span, format }) => { if !unfinished_literal.is_empty() { template.push(FormatArgsPiece::Literal(Symbol::intern(&unfinished_literal))); unfinished_literal.clear(); } let span = parser.arg_places.get(placeholder_index).and_then(|&s| to_span(s)); placeholder_index += 1; let position_span = to_span(position_span); let argument = match position { parse::ArgumentImplicitlyIs(i) => lookup_arg( Index(i), position_span, Placeholder(span), FormatArgPositionKind::Implicit, ), parse::ArgumentIs(i) => lookup_arg( Index(i), position_span, Placeholder(span), FormatArgPositionKind::Number, ), parse::ArgumentNamed(name) => lookup_arg( Name(name, position_span), position_span, Placeholder(span), FormatArgPositionKind::Named, ), }; let alignment = match format.align { parse::AlignUnknown => None, parse::AlignLeft => Some(FormatAlignment::Left), parse::AlignRight => Some(FormatAlignment::Right), parse::AlignCenter => Some(FormatAlignment::Center), }; let format_trait = match format.ty { "" => FormatTrait::Display, "?" => FormatTrait::Debug, "e" => FormatTrait::LowerExp, "E" => FormatTrait::UpperExp, "o" => FormatTrait::Octal, "p" => FormatTrait::Pointer, "b" => FormatTrait::Binary, "x" => FormatTrait::LowerHex, "X" => FormatTrait::UpperHex, _ => { invalid_placeholder_type_error(ecx, format.ty, format.ty_span, fmt_span); FormatTrait::Display } }; let precision_span = format.precision_span.and_then(to_span); let precision = match format.precision { parse::CountIs(n) => Some(FormatCount::Literal(n)), parse::CountIsName(name, name_span) => Some(FormatCount::Argument(lookup_arg( Name(name, to_span(name_span)), precision_span, Precision, FormatArgPositionKind::Named, ))), parse::CountIsParam(i) => Some(FormatCount::Argument(lookup_arg( Index(i), precision_span, Precision, FormatArgPositionKind::Number, ))), parse::CountIsStar(i) => Some(FormatCount::Argument(lookup_arg( Index(i), precision_span, Precision, FormatArgPositionKind::Implicit, ))), parse::CountImplied => None, }; let width_span = format.width_span.and_then(to_span); let width = match format.width { parse::CountIs(n) => Some(FormatCount::Literal(n)), parse::CountIsName(name, name_span) => Some(FormatCount::Argument(lookup_arg( Name(name, to_span(name_span)), width_span, Width, FormatArgPositionKind::Named, ))), parse::CountIsParam(i) => Some(FormatCount::Argument(lookup_arg( Index(i), width_span, Width, FormatArgPositionKind::Number, ))), parse::CountIsStar(_) => unreachable!(), parse::CountImplied => None, }; template.push(FormatArgsPiece::Placeholder(FormatPlaceholder { argument, span, format_trait, format_options: FormatOptions { fill: format.fill, alignment, sign:|s| match s { parse::Sign::Plus => FormatSign::Plus, parse::Sign::Minus => FormatSign::Minus, }), alternate: format.alternate, zero_pad: format.zero_pad, debug_hex:|s| match s { parse::DebugHex::Lower => FormatDebugHex::Lower, parse::DebugHex::Upper => FormatDebugHex::Upper, }), precision, width, }, })); } } } if !unfinished_literal.is_empty() { template.push(FormatArgsPiece::Literal(Symbol::intern(&unfinished_literal))); } if !invalid_refs.is_empty() { report_invalid_references(ecx, &invalid_refs, &template, fmt_span, &args, parser); } let unused = used .iter() .enumerate() .filter(|&(_, used)| !used) .map(|(i, _)| { let named = matches!(args.explicit_args()[i].kind, FormatArgumentKind::Named(_)); (args.explicit_args()[i].expr.span, named) }) .collect::>(); if !unused.is_empty() { // If there's a lot of unused arguments, // let's check if this format arguments looks like another syntax (printf / shell). let detect_foreign_fmt = unused.len() > args.explicit_args().len() / 2; report_missing_placeholders( ecx, unused, &used, &args, &pieces, detect_foreign_fmt, str_style, fmt_str, fmt_span, ); } // Only check for unused named argument names if there are no other errors to avoid causing // too much noise in output errors, such as when a named argument is entirely unused. if invalid_refs.is_empty() && ecx.sess.err_count() == 0 { for &(index, span, used_as) in &numeric_refences_to_named_arg { let (position_sp_to_replace, position_sp_for_msg) = match used_as { Placeholder(pspan) => (span, pspan), Precision => { // Strip the leading `.` for precision. let span =|span| span.with_lo(span.lo() + BytePos(1))); (span, span) } Width => (span, span), }; let arg_name = args.explicit_args()[index].kind.ident().unwrap(); ecx.buffered_early_lint.push(BufferedEarlyLint { span: arg_name.span.into(), msg: format!("named argument `{}` is not used by name",, node_id: rustc_ast::CRATE_NODE_ID, lint_id: LintId::of(&NAMED_ARGUMENTS_USED_POSITIONALLY), diagnostic: BuiltinLintDiagnostics::NamedArgumentUsedPositionally { position_sp_to_replace, position_sp_for_msg, named_arg_sp: arg_name.span, named_arg_name:, is_formatting_arg: matches!(used_as, Width | Precision), }, }); } } Ok(FormatArgs { span: fmt_span, template, arguments: args }) } fn invalid_placeholder_type_error( ecx: &ExtCtxt<'_>, ty: &str, ty_span: Option, fmt_span: Span, ) { let sp =|sp| fmt_span.from_inner(InnerSpan::new(sp.start, sp.end))); let suggs = if let Some(sp) = sp { [ ("", "Display"), ("?", "Debug"), ("e", "LowerExp"), ("E", "UpperExp"), ("o", "Octal"), ("p", "Pointer"), ("b", "Binary"), ("x", "LowerHex"), ("X", "UpperHex"), ] .into_iter() .map(|(fmt, trait_name)| errors::FormatUnknownTraitSugg { span: sp, fmt, trait_name }) .collect() } else { vec![] }; ecx.emit_err(errors::FormatUnknownTrait { span: sp.unwrap_or(fmt_span), ty, suggs }); } fn report_missing_placeholders( ecx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>, unused: Vec<(Span, bool)>, used: &[bool], args: &FormatArguments, pieces: &[parse::Piece<'_>], detect_foreign_fmt: bool, str_style: Option, fmt_str: &str, fmt_span: Span, ) { let mut diag = if let &[(span, named)] = &unused[..] { ecx.create_err(errors::FormatUnusedArg { span, named }) } else { let unused_labels = unused.iter().map(|&(span, named)| errors::FormatUnusedArg { span, named }).collect(); let unused_spans = unused.iter().map(|&(span, _)| span).collect(); ecx.create_err(errors::FormatUnusedArgs { fmt: fmt_span, unused: unused_spans, unused_labels, }) }; let placeholders = pieces .iter() .filter_map(|piece| { if let parse::Piece::NextArgument(argument) = piece && let ArgumentNamed(binding) = argument.position { let span = fmt_span.from_inner(InnerSpan::new(argument.position_span.start, argument.position_span.end)); Some((span, binding)) } else { None } }) .collect::>(); if !placeholders.is_empty() { if let Some(mut new_diag) = report_redundant_format_arguments(ecx, &args, used, placeholders) { diag.cancel(); new_diag.emit(); return; } } // Used to ensure we only report translations for *one* kind of foreign format. let mut found_foreign = false; // Decide if we want to look for foreign formatting directives. if detect_foreign_fmt { use super::format_foreign as foreign; // The set of foreign substitutions we've explained. This prevents spamming the user // with `%d should be written as {}` over and over again. let mut explained = FxHashSet::default(); macro_rules! check_foreign { ($kind:ident) => {{ let mut show_doc_note = false; let mut suggestions = vec![]; // account for `"` and account for raw strings `r#` let padding =|i| i + 2).unwrap_or(1); for sub in foreign::$kind::iter_subs(fmt_str, padding) { let (trn, success) = match sub.translate() { Ok(trn) => (trn, true), Err(Some(msg)) => (msg, false), // If it has no translation, don't call it out specifically. _ => continue, }; let pos = sub.position(); let sub = String::from(sub.as_str()); if explained.contains(&sub) { continue; } explained.insert(sub.clone()); if !found_foreign { found_foreign = true; show_doc_note = true; } if let Some(inner_sp) = pos { let sp = fmt_span.from_inner(inner_sp); if success { suggestions.push((sp, trn)); } else { diag.span_note( sp, format!("format specifiers use curly braces, and {}", trn), ); } } else { if success {!("`{}` should be written as `{}`", sub, trn)); } else { diag.note(format!("`{}` should use curly braces, and {}", sub, trn)); } } } if show_doc_note { diag.note(concat!( stringify!($kind), " formatting is not supported; see the documentation for `std::fmt`", )); } if suggestions.len() > 0 { diag.multipart_suggestion( "format specifiers use curly braces", suggestions, Applicability::MachineApplicable, ); } }}; } check_foreign!(printf); if !found_foreign { check_foreign!(shell); } } if !found_foreign && unused.len() == 1 { diag.span_label(fmt_span, "formatting specifier missing"); } diag.emit(); } /// This function detects and reports unused format!() arguments that are /// redundant due to implicit captures (e.g. `format!("{x}", x)`). fn report_redundant_format_arguments<'a>( ecx: &mut ExtCtxt<'a>, args: &FormatArguments, used: &[bool], placeholders: Vec<(Span, &str)>, ) -> Option> { let mut fmt_arg_indices = vec![]; let mut args_spans = vec![]; let mut fmt_spans = vec![]; for (i, unnamed_arg) in args.unnamed_args().iter().enumerate().rev() { let Some(ty) = unnamed_arg.expr.to_ty() else { continue }; let Some(argument_binding) = ty.kind.is_simple_path() else { continue }; let argument_binding = argument_binding.as_str(); if used[i] { continue; } let matching_placeholders = placeholders .iter() .filter(|(_, inline_binding)| argument_binding == *inline_binding) .map(|(span, _)| span) .collect::>(); if !matching_placeholders.is_empty() { fmt_arg_indices.push(i); args_spans.push(unnamed_arg.expr.span); for span in &matching_placeholders { if fmt_spans.contains(*span) { continue; } fmt_spans.push(**span); } } } if !args_spans.is_empty() { let multispan = MultiSpan::from(fmt_spans); let mut suggestion_spans = vec![]; for (arg_span, fmt_arg_idx) in args_spans.iter().zip(fmt_arg_indices.iter()) { let span = if fmt_arg_idx + 1 == args.explicit_args().len() { *arg_span } else { arg_span.until(args.explicit_args()[*fmt_arg_idx + 1].expr.span) }; suggestion_spans.push(span); } let sugg = if args.named_args().len() == 0 { Some(errors::FormatRedundantArgsSugg { spans: suggestion_spans }) } else { None }; return Some(ecx.create_err(errors::FormatRedundantArgs { n: args_spans.len(), span: MultiSpan::from(args_spans), note: multispan, sugg, })); } None } /// Handle invalid references to positional arguments. Output different /// errors for the case where all arguments are positional and for when /// there are named arguments or numbered positional arguments in the /// format string. fn report_invalid_references( ecx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>, invalid_refs: &[(usize, Option, PositionUsedAs, FormatArgPositionKind)], template: &[FormatArgsPiece], fmt_span: Span, args: &FormatArguments, parser: parse::Parser<'_>, ) { let num_args_desc = match args.explicit_args().len() { 0 => "no arguments were given".to_string(), 1 => "there is 1 argument".to_string(), n => format!("there are {n} arguments"), }; let mut e; if template.iter().all(|piece| match piece { FormatArgsPiece::Placeholder(FormatPlaceholder { argument: FormatArgPosition { kind: FormatArgPositionKind::Number, .. }, .. }) => false, FormatArgsPiece::Placeholder(FormatPlaceholder { format_options: FormatOptions { precision: Some(FormatCount::Argument(FormatArgPosition { kind: FormatArgPositionKind::Number, .. })), .. } | FormatOptions { width: Some(FormatCount::Argument(FormatArgPosition { kind: FormatArgPositionKind::Number, .. })), .. }, .. }) => false, _ => true, }) { // There are no numeric positions. // Collect all the implicit positions: let mut spans = Vec::new(); let mut num_placeholders = 0; for piece in template { let mut placeholder = None; // `{arg:.*}` if let FormatArgsPiece::Placeholder(FormatPlaceholder { format_options: FormatOptions { precision: Some(FormatCount::Argument(FormatArgPosition { span, kind: FormatArgPositionKind::Implicit, .. })), .. }, .. }) = piece { placeholder = *span; num_placeholders += 1; } // `{}` if let FormatArgsPiece::Placeholder(FormatPlaceholder { argument: FormatArgPosition { kind: FormatArgPositionKind::Implicit, .. }, span, .. }) = piece { placeholder = *span; num_placeholders += 1; } // For `{:.*}`, we only push one span. spans.extend(placeholder); } let span = if spans.is_empty() { MultiSpan::from_span(fmt_span) } else { MultiSpan::from_spans(spans) }; e = ecx.create_err(errors::FormatPositionalMismatch { span, n: num_placeholders, desc: num_args_desc, highlight: SingleLabelManySpans { spans: args.explicit_args().iter().map(|arg| arg.expr.span).collect(), label: "", kind: rustc_errors::LabelKind::Label, }, }); // Point out `{:.*}` placeholders: those take an extra argument. let mut has_precision_star = false; for piece in template { if let FormatArgsPiece::Placeholder(FormatPlaceholder { format_options: FormatOptions { precision: Some(FormatCount::Argument(FormatArgPosition { index, span: Some(span), kind: FormatArgPositionKind::Implicit, .. })), .. }, .. }) = piece { let (Ok(index) | Err(index)) = index; has_precision_star = true; e.span_label( *span, format!( "this precision flag adds an extra required argument at position {}, which is why there {} expected", index, if num_placeholders == 1 { "is 1 argument".to_string() } else { format!("are {num_placeholders} arguments") }, ), ); } } if has_precision_star { e.note("positional arguments are zero-based"); } } else { let mut indexes: Vec<_> = invalid_refs.iter().map(|&(index, _, _, _)| index).collect(); // Avoid `invalid reference to positional arguments 7 and 7 (there is 1 argument)` // for `println!("{7:7$}", 1);` indexes.sort(); indexes.dedup(); let span: MultiSpan = if !parser.is_source_literal || parser.arg_places.is_empty() { MultiSpan::from_span(fmt_span) } else { MultiSpan::from_spans(invalid_refs.iter().filter_map(|&(_, span, _, _)| span).collect()) }; let arg_list = if let &[index] = &indexes[..] { format!("argument {index}") } else { let tail = indexes.pop().unwrap(); format!( "arguments {head} and {tail}", head = indexes.into_iter().map(|i| i.to_string()).collect::>().join(", ") ) }; e = ecx.struct_span_err( span, format!("invalid reference to positional {arg_list} ({num_args_desc})"), ); e.note("positional arguments are zero-based"); } if template.iter().any(|piece| match piece { FormatArgsPiece::Placeholder(FormatPlaceholder { format_options: f, .. }) => { *f != FormatOptions::default() } _ => false, }) { e.note("for information about formatting flags, visit"); } e.emit(); } fn expand_format_args_impl<'cx>( ecx: &'cx mut ExtCtxt<'_>, mut sp: Span, tts: TokenStream, nl: bool, ) -> Box { sp = ecx.with_def_site_ctxt(sp); match parse_args(ecx, sp, tts) { Ok(input) => { if let Ok(format_args) = make_format_args(ecx, input, nl) { MacEager::expr(ecx.expr(sp, ExprKind::FormatArgs(P(format_args)))) } else { MacEager::expr(DummyResult::raw_expr(sp, true)) } } Err(mut err) => { err.emit(); DummyResult::any(sp) } } } pub fn expand_format_args<'cx>( ecx: &'cx mut ExtCtxt<'_>, sp: Span, tts: TokenStream, ) -> Box { expand_format_args_impl(ecx, sp, tts, false) } pub fn expand_format_args_nl<'cx>( ecx: &'cx mut ExtCtxt<'_>, sp: Span, tts: TokenStream, ) -> Box { expand_format_args_impl(ecx, sp, tts, true) }