use crate::errors; /// The expansion from a test function to the appropriate test struct for libtest /// Ideally, this code would be in libtest but for efficiency and error messages it lives here. use crate::util::{check_builtin_macro_attribute, warn_on_duplicate_attribute}; use rustc_ast::ptr::P; use rustc_ast::{self as ast, attr}; use rustc_ast_pretty::pprust; use rustc_errors::Applicability; use rustc_expand::base::*; use rustc_span::symbol::{sym, Ident, Symbol}; use rustc_span::{FileNameDisplayPreference, Span}; use std::iter; use thin_vec::{thin_vec, ThinVec}; /// #[test_case] is used by custom test authors to mark tests /// When building for test, it needs to make the item public and gensym the name /// Otherwise, we'll omit the item. This behavior means that any item annotated /// with #[test_case] is never addressable. /// /// We mark item with an inert attribute "rustc_test_marker" which the test generation /// logic will pick up on. pub fn expand_test_case( ecx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>, attr_sp: Span, meta_item: &ast::MetaItem, anno_item: Annotatable, ) -> Vec { check_builtin_macro_attribute(ecx, meta_item, sym::test_case); warn_on_duplicate_attribute(&ecx, &anno_item, sym::test_case); if !ecx.ecfg.should_test { return vec![]; } let sp = ecx.with_def_site_ctxt(attr_sp); let (mut item, is_stmt) = match anno_item { Annotatable::Item(item) => (item, false), Annotatable::Stmt(stmt) if let ast::StmtKind::Item(_) = stmt.kind => if let ast::StmtKind::Item(i) = stmt.into_inner().kind { (i, true) } else { unreachable!() }, _ => { ecx.emit_err(errors::TestCaseNonItem { span: anno_item.span() }); return vec![]; } }; item =|mut item| { let test_path_symbol = Symbol::intern(&item_path( // skip the name of the root module &ecx.current_expansion.module.mod_path[1..], &item.ident, )); item.vis = ast::Visibility { span: item.vis.span, kind: ast::VisibilityKind::Public, tokens: None, }; item.ident.span = item.ident.span.with_ctxt(sp.ctxt()); item.attrs.push(ecx.attr_name_value_str(sym::rustc_test_marker, test_path_symbol, sp)); item }); let ret = if is_stmt { Annotatable::Stmt(P(ecx.stmt_item(item.span, item))) } else { Annotatable::Item(item) }; vec![ret] } pub fn expand_test( cx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>, attr_sp: Span, meta_item: &ast::MetaItem, item: Annotatable, ) -> Vec { check_builtin_macro_attribute(cx, meta_item, sym::test); warn_on_duplicate_attribute(&cx, &item, sym::test); expand_test_or_bench(cx, attr_sp, item, false) } pub fn expand_bench( cx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>, attr_sp: Span, meta_item: &ast::MetaItem, item: Annotatable, ) -> Vec { check_builtin_macro_attribute(cx, meta_item, sym::bench); warn_on_duplicate_attribute(&cx, &item, sym::bench); expand_test_or_bench(cx, attr_sp, item, true) } pub fn expand_test_or_bench( cx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>, attr_sp: Span, item: Annotatable, is_bench: bool, ) -> Vec { // If we're not in test configuration, remove the annotated item if !cx.ecfg.should_test { return vec![]; } let (item, is_stmt) = match item { Annotatable::Item(i) => (i, false), Annotatable::Stmt(stmt) if matches!(stmt.kind, ast::StmtKind::Item(_)) => { // FIXME: Use an 'if let' guard once they are implemented if let ast::StmtKind::Item(i) = stmt.into_inner().kind { (i, true) } else { unreachable!() } } other => { not_testable_error(cx, attr_sp, None); return vec![other]; } }; let ast::ItemKind::Fn(fn_) = &item.kind else { not_testable_error(cx, attr_sp, Some(&item)); return if is_stmt { vec![Annotatable::Stmt(P(ast::Stmt { id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID, span: item.span, kind: ast::StmtKind::Item(item), }))] } else { vec![Annotatable::Item(item)] }; }; // has_*_signature will report any errors in the type so compilation // will fail. We shouldn't try to expand in this case because the errors // would be spurious. if (!is_bench && !has_test_signature(cx, &item)) || (is_bench && !has_bench_signature(cx, &item)) { return vec![Annotatable::Item(item)]; } let sp = cx.with_def_site_ctxt(item.span); let ret_ty_sp = cx.with_def_site_ctxt(fn_.sig.decl.output.span()); let attr_sp = cx.with_def_site_ctxt(attr_sp); let test_id = Ident::new(sym::test, attr_sp); // creates test::$name let test_path = |name| cx.path(ret_ty_sp, vec![test_id, Ident::from_str_and_span(name, sp)]); // creates test::ShouldPanic::$name let should_panic_path = |name| { cx.path( sp, vec![ test_id, Ident::from_str_and_span("ShouldPanic", sp), Ident::from_str_and_span(name, sp), ], ) }; // creates test::TestType::$name let test_type_path = |name| { cx.path( sp, vec![ test_id, Ident::from_str_and_span("TestType", sp), Ident::from_str_and_span(name, sp), ], ) }; // creates $name: $expr let field = |name, expr| cx.field_imm(sp, Ident::from_str_and_span(name, sp), expr); let test_fn = if is_bench { // A simple ident for a lambda let b = Ident::from_str_and_span("b", attr_sp); cx.expr_call( sp, cx.expr_path(test_path("StaticBenchFn")), thin_vec![ // |b| self::test::assert_test_result( cx.lambda1( sp, cx.expr_call( sp, cx.expr_path(test_path("assert_test_result")), thin_vec![ // super::$test_fn(b) cx.expr_call( ret_ty_sp, cx.expr_path(cx.path(sp, vec![item.ident])), thin_vec![cx.expr_ident(sp, b)], ), ], ), b, ), // ) ], ) } else { cx.expr_call( sp, cx.expr_path(test_path("StaticTestFn")), thin_vec![ // || { cx.lambda0( sp, // test::assert_test_result( cx.expr_call( sp, cx.expr_path(test_path("assert_test_result")), thin_vec![ // $test_fn() cx.expr_call( ret_ty_sp, cx.expr_path(cx.path(sp, vec![item.ident])), ThinVec::new(), ), // ) ], ), // } ), // ) ], ) }; let test_path_symbol = Symbol::intern(&item_path( // skip the name of the root module &cx.current_expansion.module.mod_path[1..], &item.ident, )); let location_info = get_location_info(cx, &item); let mut test_const = cx.item( sp, Ident::new(, sp), thin_vec![ // #[cfg(test)] cx.attr_nested_word(sym::cfg, sym::test, attr_sp), // #[rustc_test_marker = "test_case_sort_key"] cx.attr_name_value_str(sym::rustc_test_marker, test_path_symbol, attr_sp), ], // const $ident: test::TestDescAndFn = ast::ItemKind::Const( ast::ConstItem { defaultness: ast::Defaultness::Final, ty: cx.ty(sp, ast::TyKind::Path(None, test_path("TestDescAndFn"))), // test::TestDescAndFn { expr: Some( cx.expr_struct( sp, test_path("TestDescAndFn"), thin_vec![ // desc: test::TestDesc { field( "desc", cx.expr_struct( sp, test_path("TestDesc"), thin_vec![ // name: "path::to::test" field( "name", cx.expr_call( sp, cx.expr_path(test_path("StaticTestName")), thin_vec![cx.expr_str(sp, test_path_symbol)], ), ), // ignore: true | false field("ignore", cx.expr_bool(sp, should_ignore(&item)),), // ignore_message: Some("...") | None field( "ignore_message", if let Some(msg) = should_ignore_message(&item) { cx.expr_some(sp, cx.expr_str(sp, msg)) } else { cx.expr_none(sp) }, ), // source_file: field("source_file", cx.expr_str(sp, location_info.0)), // start_line: start line of the test fn identifier. field("start_line", cx.expr_usize(sp, location_info.1)), // start_col: start column of the test fn identifier. field("start_col", cx.expr_usize(sp, location_info.2)), // end_line: end line of the test fn identifier. field("end_line", cx.expr_usize(sp, location_info.3)), // end_col: end column of the test fn identifier. field("end_col", cx.expr_usize(sp, location_info.4)), // compile_fail: true | false field("compile_fail", cx.expr_bool(sp, false)), // no_run: true | false field("no_run", cx.expr_bool(sp, false)), // should_panic: ... field( "should_panic", match should_panic(cx, &item) { // test::ShouldPanic::No ShouldPanic::No => { cx.expr_path(should_panic_path("No")) } // test::ShouldPanic::Yes ShouldPanic::Yes(None) => { cx.expr_path(should_panic_path("Yes")) } // test::ShouldPanic::YesWithMessage("...") ShouldPanic::Yes(Some(sym)) => cx.expr_call( sp, cx.expr_path(should_panic_path("YesWithMessage")), thin_vec![cx.expr_str(sp, sym)], ), }, ), // test_type: ... field( "test_type", match test_type(cx) { // test::TestType::UnitTest TestType::UnitTest => { cx.expr_path(test_type_path("UnitTest")) } // test::TestType::IntegrationTest TestType::IntegrationTest => { cx.expr_path(test_type_path("IntegrationTest")) } // test::TestPath::Unknown TestType::Unknown => { cx.expr_path(test_type_path("Unknown")) } }, ), // }, ], ), ), // testfn: test::StaticTestFn(...) | test::StaticBenchFn(...) field("testfn", test_fn), // } ], ), // } ), } .into(), ), ); test_const =|mut tc| { tc.vis.kind = ast::VisibilityKind::Public; tc }); // extern crate test let test_extern = cx.item(sp, test_id, ast::AttrVec::new(), ast::ItemKind::ExternCrate(None)); debug!("synthetic test item:\n{}\n", pprust::item_to_string(&test_const)); if is_stmt { vec![ // Access to libtest under a hygienic name Annotatable::Stmt(P(cx.stmt_item(sp, test_extern))), // The generated test case Annotatable::Stmt(P(cx.stmt_item(sp, test_const))), // The original item Annotatable::Stmt(P(cx.stmt_item(sp, item))), ] } else { vec![ // Access to libtest under a hygienic name Annotatable::Item(test_extern), // The generated test case Annotatable::Item(test_const), // The original item Annotatable::Item(item), ] } } fn not_testable_error(cx: &ExtCtxt<'_>, attr_sp: Span, item: Option<&ast::Item>) { let diag = &cx.sess.parse_sess.span_diagnostic; let msg = "the `#[test]` attribute may only be used on a non-associated function"; let mut err = match|i| &i.kind) { // These were a warning before #92959 and need to continue being that to avoid breaking // stable user code (#94508). Some(ast::ItemKind::MacCall(_)) => diag.struct_span_warn(attr_sp, msg), // `.forget_guarantee()` needed to get these two arms to match types. Because of how // locally close the `.emit()` call is I'm comfortable with it, but if it can be // reworked in the future to not need it, it'd be nice. _ => diag.struct_span_err(attr_sp, msg).forget_guarantee(), }; if let Some(item) = item { err.span_label( item.span, format!( "expected a non-associated function, found {} {}", item.kind.article(), item.kind.descr() ), ); } err.span_label(attr_sp, "the `#[test]` macro causes a function to be run as a test and has no effect on non-functions") .span_suggestion(attr_sp, "replace with conditional compilation to make the item only exist when tests are being run", "#[cfg(test)]", Applicability::MaybeIncorrect) .emit(); } fn get_location_info(cx: &ExtCtxt<'_>, item: &ast::Item) -> (Symbol, usize, usize, usize, usize) { let span = item.ident.span; let (source_file, lo_line, lo_col, hi_line, hi_col) = cx.sess.source_map().span_to_location_info(span); let file_name = match source_file { Some(sf) =>, None => "no-location".to_string(), }; (Symbol::intern(&file_name), lo_line, lo_col, hi_line, hi_col) } fn item_path(mod_path: &[Ident], item_ident: &Ident) -> String { mod_path .iter() .chain(iter::once(item_ident)) .map(|x| x.to_string()) .collect::>() .join("::") } enum ShouldPanic { No, Yes(Option), } fn should_ignore(i: &ast::Item) -> bool { attr::contains_name(&i.attrs, sym::ignore) } fn should_ignore_message(i: &ast::Item) -> Option { match attr::find_by_name(&i.attrs, sym::ignore) { Some(attr) => { match attr.meta_item_list() { // Handle #[ignore(bar = "foo")] Some(_) => None, // Handle #[ignore] and #[ignore = "message"] None => attr.value_str(), } } None => None, } } fn should_panic(cx: &ExtCtxt<'_>, i: &ast::Item) -> ShouldPanic { match attr::find_by_name(&i.attrs, sym::should_panic) { Some(attr) => { let sd = &cx.sess.parse_sess.span_diagnostic; match attr.meta_item_list() { // Handle #[should_panic(expected = "foo")] Some(list) => { let msg = list .iter() .find(|mi| mi.has_name(sym::expected)) .and_then(|mi| mi.meta_item()) .and_then(|mi| mi.value_str()); if list.len() != 1 || msg.is_none() { sd.struct_span_warn( attr.span, "argument must be of the form: \ `expected = \"error message\"`", ) .note( "errors in this attribute were erroneously \ allowed and will become a hard error in a \ future release", ) .emit(); ShouldPanic::Yes(None) } else { ShouldPanic::Yes(msg) } } // Handle #[should_panic] and #[should_panic = "expected"] None => ShouldPanic::Yes(attr.value_str()), } } None => ShouldPanic::No, } } enum TestType { UnitTest, IntegrationTest, Unknown, } /// Attempts to determine the type of test. /// Since doctests are created without macro expanding, only possible variants here /// are `UnitTest`, `IntegrationTest` or `Unknown`. fn test_type(cx: &ExtCtxt<'_>) -> TestType { // Root path from context contains the topmost sources directory of the crate. // I.e., for `project` with sources in `src` and tests in `tests` folders // (no matter how many nested folders lie inside), // there will be two different root paths: `/project/src` and `/project/tests`. let crate_path = cx.root_path.as_path(); if crate_path.ends_with("src") { // `/src` folder contains unit-tests. TestType::UnitTest } else if crate_path.ends_with("tests") { // `/tests` folder contains integration tests. TestType::IntegrationTest } else { // Crate layout doesn't match expected one, test type is unknown. TestType::Unknown } } fn has_test_signature(cx: &ExtCtxt<'_>, i: &ast::Item) -> bool { let has_should_panic_attr = attr::contains_name(&i.attrs, sym::should_panic); let sd = &cx.sess.parse_sess.span_diagnostic; match &i.kind { ast::ItemKind::Fn(box ast::Fn { sig, generics, .. }) => { if let ast::Unsafe::Yes(span) = sig.header.unsafety { sd.emit_err(errors::TestBadFn { span: i.span, cause: span, kind: "unsafe" }); return false; } if let ast::Async::Yes { span, .. } = sig.header.asyncness { sd.emit_err(errors::TestBadFn { span: i.span, cause: span, kind: "async" }); return false; } // If the termination trait is active, the compiler will check that the output // type implements the `Termination` trait as `libtest` enforces that. let has_output = match &sig.decl.output { ast::FnRetTy::Default(..) => false, ast::FnRetTy::Ty(t) if t.kind.is_unit() => false, _ => true, }; if !sig.decl.inputs.is_empty() { sd.span_err(i.span, "functions used as tests can not have any arguments"); return false; } match (has_output, has_should_panic_attr) { (true, true) => { sd.span_err(i.span, "functions using `#[should_panic]` must return `()`"); false } (true, false) => { if !generics.params.is_empty() { sd.span_err( i.span, "functions used as tests must have signature fn() -> ()", ); false } else { true } } (false, _) => true, } } _ => { // should be unreachable because `is_test_fn_item` should catch all non-fn items debug_assert!(false); false } } } fn has_bench_signature(cx: &ExtCtxt<'_>, i: &ast::Item) -> bool { let has_sig = match &i.kind { // N.B., inadequate check, but we're running // well before resolve, can't get too deep. ast::ItemKind::Fn(box ast::Fn { sig, .. }) => sig.decl.inputs.len() == 1, _ => false, }; if !has_sig { cx.sess.parse_sess.span_diagnostic.span_err( i.span, "functions used as benches must have \ signature `fn(&mut Bencher) -> impl Termination`", ); } has_sig }