use std::fs; use std::path::Path; use std::process::{self, Command}; use super::path::{Dirs, RelPath}; use super::rustc_info::{get_file_name, get_rustc_version, get_wrapper_file_name}; use super::utils::{spawn_and_wait, try_hard_link, CargoProject, Compiler}; use super::SysrootKind; static DIST_DIR: RelPath = RelPath::DIST; static BIN_DIR: RelPath = RelPath::DIST.join("bin"); static LIB_DIR: RelPath = RelPath::DIST.join("lib"); static RUSTLIB_DIR: RelPath = LIB_DIR.join("rustlib"); pub(crate) fn build_sysroot( dirs: &Dirs, channel: &str, sysroot_kind: SysrootKind, cg_clif_dylib_src: &Path, host_triple: &str, target_triple: &str, ) { eprintln!("[BUILD] sysroot {:?}", sysroot_kind); DIST_DIR.ensure_fresh(dirs); BIN_DIR.ensure_exists(dirs); LIB_DIR.ensure_exists(dirs); // Copy the backend let cg_clif_dylib_path = if cfg!(windows) { // Windows doesn't have rpath support, so the cg_clif dylib needs to be next to the // binaries. BIN_DIR } else { LIB_DIR } .to_path(dirs) .join(get_file_name("rustc_codegen_cranelift", "dylib")); try_hard_link(cg_clif_dylib_src, &cg_clif_dylib_path); // Build and copy rustc and cargo wrappers for wrapper in ["rustc-clif", "rustdoc-clif", "cargo-clif"] { let wrapper_name = get_wrapper_file_name(wrapper, "bin"); let mut build_cargo_wrapper_cmd = Command::new("rustc"); build_cargo_wrapper_cmd .arg(RelPath::SCRIPTS.to_path(dirs).join(&format!("{wrapper}.rs"))) .arg("-o") .arg(DIST_DIR.to_path(dirs).join(wrapper_name)) .arg("-g"); spawn_and_wait(build_cargo_wrapper_cmd); } let default_sysroot = super::rustc_info::get_default_sysroot(); let host_rustlib_lib = RUSTLIB_DIR.to_path(dirs).join(host_triple).join("lib"); let target_rustlib_lib = RUSTLIB_DIR.to_path(dirs).join(target_triple).join("lib"); fs::create_dir_all(&host_rustlib_lib).unwrap(); fs::create_dir_all(&target_rustlib_lib).unwrap(); if target_triple == "x86_64-pc-windows-gnu" { if !default_sysroot.join("lib").join("rustlib").join(target_triple).join("lib").exists() { eprintln!( "The x86_64-pc-windows-gnu target needs to be installed first before it is possible \ to compile a sysroot for it.", ); process::exit(1); } for file in fs::read_dir( default_sysroot.join("lib").join("rustlib").join(target_triple).join("lib"), ) .unwrap() { let file = file.unwrap().path(); if file.extension().map_or(true, |ext| ext.to_str().unwrap() != "o") { continue; // only copy object files } try_hard_link(&file, target_rustlib_lib.join(file.file_name().unwrap())); } } match sysroot_kind { SysrootKind::None => {} // Nothing to do SysrootKind::Llvm => { for file in fs::read_dir( default_sysroot.join("lib").join("rustlib").join(host_triple).join("lib"), ) .unwrap() { let file = file.unwrap().path(); let file_name_str = file.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap(); if (file_name_str.contains("rustc_") && !file_name_str.contains("rustc_std_workspace_") && !file_name_str.contains("rustc_demangle")) || file_name_str.contains("chalk") || file_name_str.contains("tracing") || file_name_str.contains("regex") { // These are large crates that are part of the rustc-dev component and are not // necessary to run regular programs. continue; } try_hard_link(&file, host_rustlib_lib.join(file.file_name().unwrap())); } if target_triple != host_triple { for file in fs::read_dir( default_sysroot.join("lib").join("rustlib").join(target_triple).join("lib"), ) .unwrap() { let file = file.unwrap().path(); try_hard_link(&file, target_rustlib_lib.join(file.file_name().unwrap())); } } } SysrootKind::Clif => { build_clif_sysroot_for_triple(dirs, channel, host_triple, &cg_clif_dylib_path, None); if host_triple != target_triple { // When cross-compiling it is often necessary to manually pick the right linker let linker = match target_triple { "aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu" => Some("aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc"), "s390x-unknown-linux-gnu" => Some("s390x-linux-gnu-gcc"), _ => None, }; build_clif_sysroot_for_triple( dirs, channel, target_triple, &cg_clif_dylib_path, linker, ); } // Copy std for the host to the lib dir. This is necessary for the jit mode to find // libstd. for file in fs::read_dir(host_rustlib_lib).unwrap() { let file = file.unwrap().path(); let filename = file.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap(); if filename.contains("std-") && !filename.contains(".rlib") { try_hard_link(&file, LIB_DIR.to_path(dirs).join(file.file_name().unwrap())); } } } } } // FIXME move to download/ or dist/ pub(crate) static SYSROOT_RUSTC_VERSION: RelPath = RelPath::BUILD_SYSROOT.join("rustc_version"); pub(crate) static SYSROOT_SRC: RelPath = RelPath::BUILD_SYSROOT.join("sysroot_src"); static STANDARD_LIBRARY: CargoProject = CargoProject::new(&RelPath::BUILD_SYSROOT, "build_sysroot"); fn build_clif_sysroot_for_triple( dirs: &Dirs, channel: &str, triple: &str, cg_clif_dylib_path: &Path, linker: Option<&str>, ) { match fs::read_to_string(SYSROOT_RUSTC_VERSION.to_path(dirs)) { Err(e) => { eprintln!("Failed to get rustc version for patched sysroot source: {}", e); eprintln!("Hint: Try `./ prepare` to patch the sysroot source"); process::exit(1); } Ok(source_version) => { let rustc_version = get_rustc_version(); if source_version != rustc_version { eprintln!("The patched sysroot source is outdated"); eprintln!("Source version: {}", source_version.trim()); eprintln!("Rustc version: {}", rustc_version.trim()); eprintln!("Hint: Try `./ prepare` to update the patched sysroot source"); process::exit(1); } } } let build_dir = STANDARD_LIBRARY.target_dir(dirs).join(triple).join(channel); if !super::config::get_bool("keep_sysroot") { // Cleanup the deps dir, but keep build scripts and the incremental cache for faster // recompilation as they are not affected by changes in cg_clif. if build_dir.join("deps").exists() { fs::remove_dir_all(build_dir.join("deps")).unwrap(); } } // Build sysroot let mut rustflags = "-Zforce-unstable-if-unmarked -Cpanic=abort".to_string(); rustflags.push_str(&format!(" -Zcodegen-backend={}", cg_clif_dylib_path.to_str().unwrap())); rustflags.push_str(&format!(" --sysroot={}", DIST_DIR.to_path(dirs).to_str().unwrap())); if channel == "release" { rustflags.push_str(" -Zmir-opt-level=3"); } if let Some(linker) = linker { use std::fmt::Write; write!(rustflags, " -Clinker={}", linker).unwrap(); } let mut compiler = Compiler::with_triple(triple.to_owned()); compiler.rustflags = rustflags; let mut build_cmd =, dirs); if channel == "release" { build_cmd.arg("--release"); } build_cmd.env("__CARGO_DEFAULT_LIB_METADATA", "cg_clif"); spawn_and_wait(build_cmd); // Copy all relevant files to the sysroot for entry in fs::read_dir(build_dir.join("deps")).unwrap() { let entry = entry.unwrap(); if let Some(ext) = entry.path().extension() { if ext == "rmeta" || ext == "d" || ext == "dSYM" || ext == "clif" { continue; } } else { continue; }; try_hard_link( entry.path(), RUSTLIB_DIR.to_path(dirs).join(triple).join("lib").join(entry.file_name()), ); } }