//! Emulation of a subset of the cpuid x86 instruction. use crate::prelude::*; /// Emulates a subset of the cpuid x86 instruction. /// /// This emulates an intel cpu with sse and sse2 support, but which doesn't support anything else. pub(crate) fn codegen_cpuid_call<'tcx>( fx: &mut FunctionCx<'_, '_, 'tcx>, leaf: Value, _sub_leaf: Value, ) -> (Value, Value, Value, Value) { let leaf_0 = fx.bcx.create_block(); let leaf_1 = fx.bcx.create_block(); let leaf_7 = fx.bcx.create_block(); let leaf_8000_0000 = fx.bcx.create_block(); let leaf_8000_0001 = fx.bcx.create_block(); let unsupported_leaf = fx.bcx.create_block(); let dest = fx.bcx.create_block(); let eax = fx.bcx.append_block_param(dest, types::I32); let ebx = fx.bcx.append_block_param(dest, types::I32); let ecx = fx.bcx.append_block_param(dest, types::I32); let edx = fx.bcx.append_block_param(dest, types::I32); let mut switch = cranelift_frontend::Switch::new(); switch.set_entry(0, leaf_0); switch.set_entry(1, leaf_1); switch.set_entry(7, leaf_7); switch.set_entry(0x8000_0000, leaf_8000_0000); switch.set_entry(0x8000_0001, leaf_8000_0001); switch.emit(&mut fx.bcx, leaf, unsupported_leaf); fx.bcx.switch_to_block(leaf_0); let max_basic_leaf = fx.bcx.ins().iconst(types::I32, 1); let vend0 = fx.bcx.ins().iconst(types::I32, i64::from(u32::from_le_bytes(*b"Genu"))); let vend2 = fx.bcx.ins().iconst(types::I32, i64::from(u32::from_le_bytes(*b"ineI"))); let vend1 = fx.bcx.ins().iconst(types::I32, i64::from(u32::from_le_bytes(*b"ntel"))); fx.bcx.ins().jump(dest, &[max_basic_leaf, vend0, vend1, vend2]); fx.bcx.switch_to_block(leaf_1); let cpu_signature = fx.bcx.ins().iconst(types::I32, 0); let additional_information = fx.bcx.ins().iconst(types::I32, 0); let ecx_features = fx.bcx.ins().iconst(types::I32, 0); let edx_features = fx.bcx.ins().iconst(types::I32, 1 << 25 /* sse */ | 1 << 26 /* sse2 */); fx.bcx.ins().jump(dest, &[cpu_signature, additional_information, ecx_features, edx_features]); fx.bcx.switch_to_block(leaf_7); // This leaf technically has subleaves, but we just return zero for all subleaves. let zero = fx.bcx.ins().iconst(types::I32, 0); fx.bcx.ins().jump(dest, &[zero, zero, zero, zero]); fx.bcx.switch_to_block(leaf_8000_0000); let extended_max_basic_leaf = fx.bcx.ins().iconst(types::I32, 0); let zero = fx.bcx.ins().iconst(types::I32, 0); fx.bcx.ins().jump(dest, &[extended_max_basic_leaf, zero, zero, zero]); fx.bcx.switch_to_block(leaf_8000_0001); let zero = fx.bcx.ins().iconst(types::I32, 0); let proc_info_ecx = fx.bcx.ins().iconst(types::I32, 0); let proc_info_edx = fx.bcx.ins().iconst(types::I32, 0); fx.bcx.ins().jump(dest, &[zero, zero, proc_info_ecx, proc_info_edx]); fx.bcx.switch_to_block(unsupported_leaf); crate::trap::trap_unimplemented( fx, "__cpuid_count arch intrinsic doesn't yet support specified leaf", ); fx.bcx.switch_to_block(dest); fx.bcx.ins().nop(); (eax, ebx, ecx, edx) }