use crate::utils::{get_gcc_path, get_os_name, get_rustc_host_triple}; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::env as std_env; pub struct ConfigInfo { pub target: String, pub target_triple: String, pub rustc_command: Vec, } // Returns the beginning for the command line of rustc. pub fn set_config( env: &mut HashMap, test_flags: &[String], gcc_path: Option<&str>, ) -> Result { env.insert("CARGO_INCREMENTAL".to_string(), "0".to_string()); let gcc_path = match gcc_path { Some(path) => path.to_string(), None => get_gcc_path()?, }; env.insert("GCC_PATH".to_string(), gcc_path.clone()); let os_name = get_os_name()?; let dylib_ext = match os_name.as_str() { "Linux" => "so", "Darwin" => "dylib", os => return Err(format!("unsupported OS `{}`", os)), }; let host_triple = get_rustc_host_triple()?; let mut linker = None; let mut target_triple = host_triple.clone(); let mut target = target_triple.clone(); // We skip binary name and the command. let mut args = std::env::args().skip(2); let mut set_target_triple = false; let mut set_target = false; while let Some(arg) = { match arg.as_str() { "--target-triple" => { if let Some(arg) = { target_triple = arg; set_target_triple = true; } else { return Err( "Expected a value after `--target-triple`, found nothing".to_string() ); } }, "--target" => { if let Some(arg) = { target = arg; set_target = true; } else { return Err( "Expected a value after `--target`, found nothing".to_string() ); } }, _ => (), } } if set_target_triple && !set_target { target = target_triple.clone(); } if host_triple != target_triple { linker = Some(format!("-Clinker={}-gcc", target_triple)); } let current_dir = std_env::current_dir().map_err(|error| format!("`current_dir` failed: {:?}", error))?; let channel = if let Some(channel) = env.get("CHANNEL") { channel.as_str() } else { "debug" }; let cg_backend_path = current_dir .join("target") .join(channel) .join(&format!("librustc_codegen_gcc.{}", dylib_ext)); let sysroot_path = current_dir.join("build_sysroot/sysroot"); let mut rustflags = Vec::new(); if let Some(cg_rustflags) = env.get("CG_RUSTFLAGS") { rustflags.push(cg_rustflags.clone()); } if let Some(linker) = linker { rustflags.push(linker.to_string()); } rustflags.extend_from_slice(&[ "-Csymbol-mangling-version=v0".to_string(), "-Cdebuginfo=2".to_string(), format!("-Zcodegen-backend={}", cg_backend_path.display()), "--sysroot".to_string(), sysroot_path.display().to_string(), ]); // Since we don't support ThinLTO, disable LTO completely when not trying to do LTO. // TODO(antoyo): remove when we can handle ThinLTO. if !env.contains_key(&"FAT_LTO".to_string()) { rustflags.push("-Clto=off".to_string()); } rustflags.extend_from_slice(test_flags); // FIXME(antoyo): remove once the atomic shim is gone if os_name == "Darwin" { rustflags.extend_from_slice(&[ "-Clink-arg=-undefined".to_string(), "-Clink-arg=dynamic_lookup".to_string(), ]); } env.insert("RUSTFLAGS".to_string(), rustflags.join(" ")); // display metadata load errors env.insert("RUSTC_LOG".to_string(), "warn".to_string()); let sysroot = current_dir.join(&format!( "build_sysroot/sysroot/lib/rustlib/{}/lib", target_triple )); let ld_library_path = format!( "{target}:{sysroot}:{gcc_path}", target = current_dir.join("target/out").display(), sysroot = sysroot.display(), ); env.insert("LD_LIBRARY_PATH".to_string(), ld_library_path.clone()); env.insert("DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH".to_string(), ld_library_path); // NOTE: To avoid the -fno-inline errors, use /opt/gcc/bin/gcc instead of cc. // To do so, add a symlink for cc to /opt/gcc/bin/gcc in our PATH. // Another option would be to add the following Rust flag: -Clinker=/opt/gcc/bin/gcc let path = std::env::var("PATH").unwrap_or_default(); env.insert("PATH".to_string(), format!("/opt/gcc/bin:{}", path)); let mut rustc_command = vec!["rustc".to_string()]; rustc_command.extend_from_slice(&rustflags); rustc_command.extend_from_slice(&[ "-L".to_string(), "crate=target/out".to_string(), "--out-dir".to_string(), "target/out".to_string(), ]); Ok(ConfigInfo { target, target_triple, rustc_command, }) }