//! A helper class for dealing with static archives use std::env; use std::ffi::{CStr, CString, OsString}; use std::fs; use std::io::{self, Write}; use std::mem; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::ptr; use std::str; use object::read::macho::FatArch; use crate::common; use crate::llvm::archive_ro::{ArchiveRO, Child}; use crate::llvm::{self, ArchiveKind, LLVMMachineType, LLVMRustCOFFShortExport}; use rustc_codegen_ssa::back::archive::{ArchiveBuilder, ArchiveBuilderBuilder}; use rustc_data_structures::memmap::Mmap; use rustc_session::cstore::DllImport; use rustc_session::Session; /// Helper for adding many files to an archive. #[must_use = "must call build() to finish building the archive"] pub struct LlvmArchiveBuilder<'a> { sess: &'a Session, additions: Vec, } enum Addition { File { path: PathBuf, name_in_archive: String }, Archive { path: PathBuf, archive: ArchiveRO, skip: Box bool> }, } impl Addition { fn path(&self) -> &Path { match self { Addition::File { path, .. } | Addition::Archive { path, .. } => path, } } } fn is_relevant_child(c: &Child<'_>) -> bool { match c.name() { Some(name) => !name.contains("SYMDEF"), None => false, } } /// Map machine type strings to values of LLVM's MachineTypes enum. fn llvm_machine_type(cpu: &str) -> LLVMMachineType { match cpu { "x86_64" => LLVMMachineType::AMD64, "x86" => LLVMMachineType::I386, "aarch64" => LLVMMachineType::ARM64, "arm" => LLVMMachineType::ARM, _ => panic!("unsupported cpu type {}", cpu), } } fn try_filter_fat_archs( archs: object::read::Result<&[impl FatArch]>, target_arch: object::Architecture, archive_path: &Path, archive_map_data: &[u8], ) -> io::Result> { let archs = archs.map_err(|e| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, e))?; let desired = match archs.iter().filter(|a| a.architecture() == target_arch).next() { Some(a) => a, None => return Ok(None), }; let (mut new_f, extracted_path) = tempfile::Builder::new() .suffix(archive_path.file_name().unwrap()) .tempfile()? .keep() .unwrap(); new_f.write_all( desired.data(archive_map_data).map_err(|e| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, e))?, )?; Ok(Some(extracted_path)) } fn try_extract_macho_fat_archive( sess: &Session, archive_path: &Path, ) -> io::Result> { let archive_map = unsafe { Mmap::map(fs::File::open(&archive_path)?)? }; let target_arch = match sess.target.arch.as_ref() { "aarch64" => object::Architecture::Aarch64, "x86_64" => object::Architecture::X86_64, _ => return Ok(None), }; match object::macho::FatHeader::parse(&*archive_map) { Ok(h) if h.magic.get(object::endian::BigEndian) == object::macho::FAT_MAGIC => { let archs = object::macho::FatHeader::parse_arch32(&*archive_map); try_filter_fat_archs(archs, target_arch, archive_path, &*archive_map) } Ok(h) if h.magic.get(object::endian::BigEndian) == object::macho::FAT_MAGIC_64 => { let archs = object::macho::FatHeader::parse_arch64(&*archive_map); try_filter_fat_archs(archs, target_arch, archive_path, &*archive_map) } // Not a FatHeader at all, just return None. _ => Ok(None), } } impl<'a> ArchiveBuilder<'a> for LlvmArchiveBuilder<'a> { fn add_archive( &mut self, archive: &Path, skip: Box bool + 'static>, ) -> io::Result<()> { let mut archive = archive.to_path_buf(); if self.sess.target.llvm_target.contains("-apple-macosx") { if let Some(new_archive) = try_extract_macho_fat_archive(&self.sess, &archive)? { archive = new_archive } } let archive_ro = match ArchiveRO::open(&archive) { Ok(ar) => ar, Err(e) => return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, e)), }; if self.additions.iter().any(|ar| ar.path() == archive) { return Ok(()); } self.additions.push(Addition::Archive { path: archive, archive: archive_ro, skip: Box::new(skip), }); Ok(()) } /// Adds an arbitrary file to this archive fn add_file(&mut self, file: &Path) { let name = file.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap(); self.additions .push(Addition::File { path: file.to_path_buf(), name_in_archive: name.to_owned() }); } /// Combine the provided files, rlibs, and native libraries into a single /// `Archive`. fn build(mut self: Box, output: &Path) -> bool { match self.build_with_llvm(output) { Ok(any_members) => any_members, Err(e) => self.sess.fatal(&format!("failed to build archive: {}", e)), } } } pub struct LlvmArchiveBuilderBuilder; impl ArchiveBuilderBuilder for LlvmArchiveBuilderBuilder { fn new_archive_builder<'a>(&self, sess: &'a Session) -> Box + 'a> { Box::new(LlvmArchiveBuilder { sess, additions: Vec::new() }) } fn create_dll_import_lib( &self, sess: &Session, lib_name: &str, dll_imports: &[DllImport], tmpdir: &Path, is_direct_dependency: bool, ) -> PathBuf { let name_suffix = if is_direct_dependency { "_imports" } else { "_imports_indirect" }; let output_path = { let mut output_path: PathBuf = tmpdir.to_path_buf(); output_path.push(format!("{}{}", lib_name, name_suffix)); output_path.with_extension("lib") }; let target = &sess.target; let mingw_gnu_toolchain = common::is_mingw_gnu_toolchain(target); let import_name_and_ordinal_vector: Vec<(String, Option)> = dll_imports .iter() .map(|import: &DllImport| { if sess.target.arch == "x86" { ( common::i686_decorated_name(import, mingw_gnu_toolchain, false), import.ordinal(), ) } else { (import.name.to_string(), import.ordinal()) } }) .collect(); if mingw_gnu_toolchain { // The binutils linker used on -windows-gnu targets cannot read the import // libraries generated by LLVM: in our attempts, the linker produced an .EXE // that loaded but crashed with an AV upon calling one of the imported // functions. Therefore, use binutils to create the import library instead, // by writing a .DEF file to the temp dir and calling binutils's dlltool. let def_file_path = tmpdir.join(format!("{}{}", lib_name, name_suffix)).with_extension("def"); let def_file_content = format!( "EXPORTS\n{}", import_name_and_ordinal_vector .into_iter() .map(|(name, ordinal)| { match ordinal { Some(n) => format!("{} @{} NONAME", name, n), None => name, } }) .collect::>() .join("\n") ); match std::fs::write(&def_file_path, def_file_content) { Ok(_) => {} Err(e) => { sess.fatal(&format!("Error writing .DEF file: {}", e)); } }; // --no-leading-underscore: For the `import_name_type` feature to work, we need to be // able to control the *exact* spelling of each of the symbols that are being imported: // hence we don't want `dlltool` adding leading underscores automatically. let dlltool = find_binutils_dlltool(sess); let result = std::process::Command::new(dlltool) .args([ "-d", def_file_path.to_str().unwrap(), "-D", lib_name, "-l", output_path.to_str().unwrap(), "--no-leading-underscore", ]) .output(); match result { Err(e) => { sess.fatal(&format!("Error calling dlltool: {}", e)); } Ok(output) if !output.status.success() => sess.fatal(&format!( "Dlltool could not create import library: {}\n{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout), String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr) )), _ => {} } } else { // we've checked for \0 characters in the library name already let dll_name_z = CString::new(lib_name).unwrap(); let output_path_z = rustc_fs_util::path_to_c_string(&output_path); trace!("invoking LLVMRustWriteImportLibrary"); trace!(" dll_name {:#?}", dll_name_z); trace!(" output_path {}", output_path.display()); trace!( " import names: {}", dll_imports .iter() .map(|import| import.name.to_string()) .collect::>() .join(", "), ); // All import names are Rust identifiers and therefore cannot contain \0 characters. // FIXME: when support for #[link_name] is implemented, ensure that the import names // still don't contain any \0 characters. Also need to check that the names don't // contain substrings like " @" or "NONAME" that are keywords or otherwise reserved // in definition files. let cstring_import_name_and_ordinal_vector: Vec<(CString, Option)> = import_name_and_ordinal_vector .into_iter() .map(|(name, ordinal)| (CString::new(name).unwrap(), ordinal)) .collect(); let ffi_exports: Vec = cstring_import_name_and_ordinal_vector .iter() .map(|(name_z, ordinal)| LLVMRustCOFFShortExport::new(name_z.as_ptr(), *ordinal)) .collect(); let result = unsafe { crate::llvm::LLVMRustWriteImportLibrary( dll_name_z.as_ptr(), output_path_z.as_ptr(), ffi_exports.as_ptr(), ffi_exports.len(), llvm_machine_type(&sess.target.arch) as u16, !sess.target.is_like_msvc, ) }; if result == crate::llvm::LLVMRustResult::Failure { sess.fatal(&format!( "Error creating import library for {}: {}", lib_name, llvm::last_error().unwrap_or("unknown LLVM error".to_string()) )); } }; output_path } } impl<'a> LlvmArchiveBuilder<'a> { fn build_with_llvm(&mut self, output: &Path) -> io::Result { let kind = &*self.sess.target.archive_format; let kind = kind.parse::().map_err(|_| kind).unwrap_or_else(|kind| { self.sess.fatal(&format!("Don't know how to build archive of type: {}", kind)) }); let mut additions = mem::take(&mut self.additions); let mut strings = Vec::new(); let mut members = Vec::new(); let dst = CString::new(output.to_str().unwrap())?; unsafe { for addition in &mut additions { match addition { Addition::File { path, name_in_archive } => { let path = CString::new(path.to_str().unwrap())?; let name = CString::new(name_in_archive.clone())?; members.push(llvm::LLVMRustArchiveMemberNew( path.as_ptr(), name.as_ptr(), None, )); strings.push(path); strings.push(name); } Addition::Archive { archive, skip, .. } => { for child in archive.iter() { let child = child.map_err(string_to_io_error)?; if !is_relevant_child(&child) { continue; } let child_name = child.name().unwrap(); if skip(child_name) { continue; } // It appears that LLVM's archive writer is a little // buggy if the name we pass down isn't just the // filename component, so chop that off here and // pass it in. // // See LLVM bug 25877 for more info. let child_name = Path::new(child_name).file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap(); let name = CString::new(child_name)?; let m = llvm::LLVMRustArchiveMemberNew( ptr::null(), name.as_ptr(), Some(child.raw), ); members.push(m); strings.push(name); } } } } let r = llvm::LLVMRustWriteArchive( dst.as_ptr(), members.len() as libc::size_t, members.as_ptr() as *const &_, true, kind, ); let ret = if r.into_result().is_err() { let err = llvm::LLVMRustGetLastError(); let msg = if err.is_null() { "failed to write archive".into() } else { String::from_utf8_lossy(CStr::from_ptr(err).to_bytes()) }; Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, msg)) } else { Ok(!members.is_empty()) }; for member in members { llvm::LLVMRustArchiveMemberFree(member); } ret } } } fn string_to_io_error(s: String) -> io::Error { io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, format!("bad archive: {}", s)) } fn find_binutils_dlltool(sess: &Session) -> OsString { assert!(sess.target.options.is_like_windows && !sess.target.options.is_like_msvc); if let Some(dlltool_path) = &sess.opts.unstable_opts.dlltool { return dlltool_path.clone().into_os_string(); } let mut tool_name: OsString = if sess.host.arch != sess.target.arch { // We are cross-compiling, so we need the tool with the prefix matching our target if sess.target.arch == "x86" { "i686-w64-mingw32-dlltool" } else { "x86_64-w64-mingw32-dlltool" } } else { // We are not cross-compiling, so we just want `dlltool` "dlltool" } .into(); if sess.host.options.is_like_windows { // If we're compiling on Windows, add the .exe suffix tool_name.push(".exe"); } // NOTE: it's not clear how useful it is to explicitly search PATH. for dir in env::split_paths(&env::var_os("PATH").unwrap_or_default()) { let full_path = dir.join(&tool_name); if full_path.is_file() { return full_path.into_os_string(); } } // The user didn't specify the location of the dlltool binary, and we weren't able // to find the appropriate one on the PATH. Just return the name of the tool // and let the invocation fail with a hopefully useful error message. tool_name }