use rustc_codegen_ssa::debuginfo::{ type_names::{compute_debuginfo_type_name, cpp_like_debuginfo}, wants_c_like_enum_debuginfo, }; use rustc_hir::def::CtorKind; use rustc_index::vec::IndexSlice; use rustc_middle::{ bug, mir::{GeneratorLayout, GeneratorSavedLocal}, ty::{ self, layout::{IntegerExt, LayoutOf, PrimitiveExt, TyAndLayout}, AdtDef, GeneratorSubsts, Ty, VariantDef, }, }; use rustc_span::Symbol; use rustc_target::abi::{ FieldIdx, HasDataLayout, Integer, Primitive, TagEncoding, VariantIdx, Variants, }; use std::borrow::Cow; use crate::{ common::CodegenCx, debuginfo::{ metadata::{ build_field_di_node, build_generic_type_param_di_nodes, type_di_node, type_map::{self, Stub}, unknown_file_metadata, UNKNOWN_LINE_NUMBER, }, utils::{create_DIArray, get_namespace_for_item, DIB}, }, llvm::{ self, debuginfo::{DIFlags, DIType}, }, }; use super::{ size_and_align_of, type_map::{DINodeCreationResult, UniqueTypeId}, SmallVec, }; mod cpp_like; mod native; pub(super) fn build_enum_type_di_node<'ll, 'tcx>( cx: &CodegenCx<'ll, 'tcx>, unique_type_id: UniqueTypeId<'tcx>, ) -> DINodeCreationResult<'ll> { let enum_type = unique_type_id.expect_ty(); let &ty::Adt(enum_adt_def, _) = enum_type.kind() else { bug!("build_enum_type_di_node() called with non-enum type: `{:?}`", enum_type) }; let enum_type_and_layout = cx.layout_of(enum_type); if wants_c_like_enum_debuginfo(enum_type_and_layout) { return build_c_style_enum_di_node(cx, enum_adt_def, enum_type_and_layout); } if cpp_like_debuginfo(cx.tcx) { cpp_like::build_enum_type_di_node(cx, unique_type_id) } else { native::build_enum_type_di_node(cx, unique_type_id) } } pub(super) fn build_generator_di_node<'ll, 'tcx>( cx: &CodegenCx<'ll, 'tcx>, unique_type_id: UniqueTypeId<'tcx>, ) -> DINodeCreationResult<'ll> { if cpp_like_debuginfo(cx.tcx) { cpp_like::build_generator_di_node(cx, unique_type_id) } else { native::build_generator_di_node(cx, unique_type_id) } } /// Build the debuginfo node for a C-style enum, i.e. an enum the variants of which have no fields. /// /// The resulting debuginfo will be a DW_TAG_enumeration_type. fn build_c_style_enum_di_node<'ll, 'tcx>( cx: &CodegenCx<'ll, 'tcx>, enum_adt_def: AdtDef<'tcx>, enum_type_and_layout: TyAndLayout<'tcx>, ) -> DINodeCreationResult<'ll> { let containing_scope = get_namespace_for_item(cx, enum_adt_def.did()); DINodeCreationResult { di_node: build_enumeration_type_di_node( cx, &compute_debuginfo_type_name(cx.tcx, enum_type_and_layout.ty, false), tag_base_type(cx, enum_type_and_layout), enum_adt_def.discriminants(cx.tcx).map(|(variant_index, discr)| { let name = Cow::from(enum_adt_def.variant(variant_index).name.as_str()); (name, discr.val) }), containing_scope, ), already_stored_in_typemap: false, } } /// Extract the type with which we want to describe the tag of the given enum or generator. fn tag_base_type<'ll, 'tcx>( cx: &CodegenCx<'ll, 'tcx>, enum_type_and_layout: TyAndLayout<'tcx>, ) -> Ty<'tcx> { debug_assert!(match enum_type_and_layout.ty.kind() { ty::Generator(..) => true, ty::Adt(adt_def, _) => adt_def.is_enum(), _ => false, }); match enum_type_and_layout.layout.variants() { // A single-variant enum has no discriminant. Variants::Single { .. } => { bug!("tag_base_type() called for enum without tag: {:?}", enum_type_and_layout) } Variants::Multiple { tag_encoding: TagEncoding::Niche { .. }, tag, .. } => { // Niche tags are always normalized to unsized integers of the correct size. match tag.primitive() { Primitive::Int(t, _) => t, Primitive::F32 => Integer::I32, Primitive::F64 => Integer::I64, // FIXME(erikdesjardins): handle non-default addrspace ptr sizes Primitive::Pointer(_) => { // If the niche is the NULL value of a reference, then `discr_enum_ty` will be // a RawPtr. CodeView doesn't know what to do with enums whose base type is a // pointer so we fix this up to just be `usize`. // DWARF might be able to deal with this but with an integer type we are on // the safe side there too. cx.data_layout().ptr_sized_integer() } } .to_ty(cx.tcx, false) } Variants::Multiple { tag_encoding: TagEncoding::Direct, tag, .. } => { // Direct tags preserve the sign. tag.primitive().to_ty(cx.tcx) } } } /// Build a DW_TAG_enumeration_type debuginfo node, with the given base type and variants. /// This is a helper function and does not register anything in the type map by itself. /// /// `variants` is an iterator of (discr-value, variant-name). fn build_enumeration_type_di_node<'ll, 'tcx>( cx: &CodegenCx<'ll, 'tcx>, type_name: &str, base_type: Ty<'tcx>, enumerators: impl Iterator, u128)>, containing_scope: &'ll DIType, ) -> &'ll DIType { let is_unsigned = match base_type.kind() { ty::Int(_) => false, ty::Uint(_) => true, _ => bug!("build_enumeration_type_di_node() called with non-integer tag type."), }; let (size, align) = cx.size_and_align_of(base_type); let enumerator_di_nodes: SmallVec> = enumerators .map(|(name, value)| unsafe { let value = [value as u64, (value >> 64) as u64]; Some(llvm::LLVMRustDIBuilderCreateEnumerator( DIB(cx), name.as_ptr().cast(), name.len(), value.as_ptr(), size.bits() as libc::c_uint, is_unsigned, )) }) .collect(); unsafe { llvm::LLVMRustDIBuilderCreateEnumerationType( DIB(cx), containing_scope, type_name.as_ptr().cast(), type_name.len(), unknown_file_metadata(cx), UNKNOWN_LINE_NUMBER, size.bits(), align.bits() as u32, create_DIArray(DIB(cx), &enumerator_di_nodes[..]), type_di_node(cx, base_type), true, ) } } /// Build the debuginfo node for the struct type describing a single variant of an enum. /// /// ```txt /// DW_TAG_structure_type (top-level type for enum) /// DW_TAG_variant_part (variant part) /// DW_AT_discr (reference to discriminant DW_TAG_member) /// DW_TAG_member (discriminant member) /// DW_TAG_variant (variant 1) /// DW_TAG_variant (variant 2) /// DW_TAG_variant (variant 3) /// ---> DW_TAG_structure_type (type of variant 1) /// ---> DW_TAG_structure_type (type of variant 2) /// ---> DW_TAG_structure_type (type of variant 3) /// ``` /// /// In CPP-like mode, we have the exact same descriptions for each variant too: /// /// ```txt /// DW_TAG_union_type (top-level type for enum) /// DW_TAG_member (member for variant 1) /// DW_TAG_member (member for variant 2) /// DW_TAG_member (member for variant 3) /// ---> DW_TAG_structure_type (type of variant 1) /// ---> DW_TAG_structure_type (type of variant 2) /// ---> DW_TAG_structure_type (type of variant 3) /// DW_TAG_enumeration_type (type of tag) /// ``` /// /// The node looks like: /// /// ```txt /// DW_TAG_structure_type /// DW_AT_name /// DW_AT_byte_size 0x00000010 /// DW_AT_alignment 0x00000008 /// DW_TAG_member /// DW_AT_name /// DW_AT_type <0x0000018e> /// DW_AT_alignment 0x00000004 /// DW_AT_data_member_location 4 /// DW_TAG_member /// DW_AT_name /// DW_AT_type <0x00000195> /// DW_AT_alignment 0x00000008 /// DW_AT_data_member_location 8 /// ... /// ``` /// /// The type of a variant is always a struct type with the name of the variant /// and a DW_TAG_member for each field (but not the discriminant). fn build_enum_variant_struct_type_di_node<'ll, 'tcx>( cx: &CodegenCx<'ll, 'tcx>, enum_type_and_layout: TyAndLayout<'tcx>, enum_type_di_node: &'ll DIType, variant_index: VariantIdx, variant_def: &VariantDef, variant_layout: TyAndLayout<'tcx>, ) -> &'ll DIType { debug_assert_eq!(variant_layout.ty, enum_type_and_layout.ty); type_map::build_type_with_children( cx, type_map::stub( cx, Stub::Struct, UniqueTypeId::for_enum_variant_struct_type( cx.tcx, enum_type_and_layout.ty, variant_index, ),, // NOTE: We use size and align of enum_type, not from variant_layout: size_and_align_of(enum_type_and_layout), Some(enum_type_di_node), DIFlags::FlagZero, ), |cx, struct_type_di_node| { (0..variant_layout.fields.count()) .map(|field_index| { let field_name = if variant_def.ctor_kind() != Some(CtorKind::Fn) { // Fields have names let field = &variant_def.fields[FieldIdx::from_usize(field_index)]; Cow::from( } else { // Tuple-like super::tuple_field_name(field_index) }; let field_layout = variant_layout.field(cx, field_index); build_field_di_node( cx, struct_type_di_node, &field_name, (field_layout.size, field_layout.align.abi), variant_layout.fields.offset(field_index), DIFlags::FlagZero, type_di_node(cx, field_layout.ty), ) }) .collect::>() }, |cx| build_generic_type_param_di_nodes(cx, enum_type_and_layout.ty), ) .di_node } /// Build the struct type for describing a single generator state. /// See [build_generator_variant_struct_type_di_node]. /// /// ```txt /// /// DW_TAG_structure_type (top-level type for enum) /// DW_TAG_variant_part (variant part) /// DW_AT_discr (reference to discriminant DW_TAG_member) /// DW_TAG_member (discriminant member) /// DW_TAG_variant (variant 1) /// DW_TAG_variant (variant 2) /// DW_TAG_variant (variant 3) /// ---> DW_TAG_structure_type (type of variant 1) /// ---> DW_TAG_structure_type (type of variant 2) /// ---> DW_TAG_structure_type (type of variant 3) /// /// ``` pub fn build_generator_variant_struct_type_di_node<'ll, 'tcx>( cx: &CodegenCx<'ll, 'tcx>, variant_index: VariantIdx, generator_type_and_layout: TyAndLayout<'tcx>, generator_type_di_node: &'ll DIType, generator_layout: &GeneratorLayout<'tcx>, state_specific_upvar_names: &IndexSlice>, common_upvar_names: &[String], ) -> &'ll DIType { let variant_name = GeneratorSubsts::variant_name(variant_index); let unique_type_id = UniqueTypeId::for_enum_variant_struct_type( cx.tcx, generator_type_and_layout.ty, variant_index, ); let variant_layout = generator_type_and_layout.for_variant(cx, variant_index); let generator_substs = match generator_type_and_layout.ty.kind() { ty::Generator(_, substs, _) => substs.as_generator(), _ => unreachable!(), }; type_map::build_type_with_children( cx, type_map::stub( cx, Stub::Struct, unique_type_id, &variant_name, size_and_align_of(generator_type_and_layout), Some(generator_type_di_node), DIFlags::FlagZero, ), |cx, variant_struct_type_di_node| { // Fields that just belong to this variant/state let state_specific_fields: SmallVec<_> = (0..variant_layout.fields.count()) .map(|field_index| { let generator_saved_local = generator_layout.variant_fields[variant_index] [FieldIdx::from_usize(field_index)]; let field_name_maybe = state_specific_upvar_names[generator_saved_local]; let field_name = field_name_maybe .as_ref() .map(|s| Cow::from(s.as_str())) .unwrap_or_else(|| super::tuple_field_name(field_index)); let field_type = variant_layout.field(cx, field_index).ty; build_field_di_node( cx, variant_struct_type_di_node, &field_name, cx.size_and_align_of(field_type), variant_layout.fields.offset(field_index), DIFlags::FlagZero, type_di_node(cx, field_type), ) }) .collect(); // Fields that are common to all states let common_fields: SmallVec<_> = generator_substs .prefix_tys() .enumerate() .map(|(index, upvar_ty)| { build_field_di_node( cx, variant_struct_type_di_node, &common_upvar_names[index], cx.size_and_align_of(upvar_ty), generator_type_and_layout.fields.offset(index), DIFlags::FlagZero, type_di_node(cx, upvar_ty), ) }) .collect(); state_specific_fields.into_iter().chain(common_fields.into_iter()).collect() }, |cx| build_generic_type_param_di_nodes(cx, generator_type_and_layout.ty), ) .di_node } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] enum DiscrResult { NoDiscriminant, Value(u128), Range(u128, u128), } impl DiscrResult { fn opt_single_val(&self) -> Option { if let Self::Value(d) = *self { Some(d) } else { None } } } /// Returns the discriminant value corresponding to the variant index. /// /// Will return `None` if there is less than two variants (because then the enum won't have) /// a tag, and if this is the untagged variant of a niche-layout enum (because then there is no /// single discriminant value). fn compute_discriminant_value<'ll, 'tcx>( cx: &CodegenCx<'ll, 'tcx>, enum_type_and_layout: TyAndLayout<'tcx>, variant_index: VariantIdx, ) -> DiscrResult { match enum_type_and_layout.layout.variants() { &Variants::Single { .. } => DiscrResult::NoDiscriminant, &Variants::Multiple { tag_encoding: TagEncoding::Direct, .. } => DiscrResult::Value( enum_type_and_layout.ty.discriminant_for_variant(cx.tcx, variant_index).unwrap().val, ), &Variants::Multiple { tag_encoding: TagEncoding::Niche { ref niche_variants, niche_start, untagged_variant }, tag, .. } => { if variant_index == untagged_variant { let valid_range = enum_type_and_layout .for_variant(cx, variant_index) .largest_niche .as_ref() .unwrap() .valid_range; let min = valid_range.start.min(valid_range.end); let min = tag.size(cx).truncate(min); let max = valid_range.start.max(valid_range.end); let max = tag.size(cx).truncate(max); DiscrResult::Range(min, max) } else { let value = (variant_index.as_u32() as u128) .wrapping_sub(niche_variants.start().as_u32() as u128) .wrapping_add(niche_start); let value = tag.size(cx).truncate(value); DiscrResult::Value(value) } } } }