use super::*; // The tests below compare the computed hashes to particular expected values // in order to test that we produce the same results on different platforms, // regardless of endianness and `usize` and `isize` size differences (this // of course assumes we run these tests on platforms that differ in those // ways). The expected values depend on the hashing algorithm used, so they // need to be updated whenever StableHasher changes its hashing algorithm. #[test] fn test_hash_integers() { // Test that integers are handled consistently across platforms. let test_u8 = 0xAB_u8; let test_u16 = 0xFFEE_u16; let test_u32 = 0x445577AA_u32; let test_u64 = 0x01234567_13243546_u64; let test_u128 = 0x22114433_66557788_99AACCBB_EEDDFF77_u128; let test_usize = 0xD0C0B0A0_usize; let test_i8 = -100_i8; let test_i16 = -200_i16; let test_i32 = -300_i32; let test_i64 = -400_i64; let test_i128 = -500_i128; let test_isize = -600_isize; let mut h = StableHasher::new(); test_u8.hash(&mut h); test_u16.hash(&mut h); test_u32.hash(&mut h); test_u64.hash(&mut h); test_u128.hash(&mut h); test_usize.hash(&mut h); test_i8.hash(&mut h); test_i16.hash(&mut h); test_i32.hash(&mut h); test_i64.hash(&mut h); test_i128.hash(&mut h); test_isize.hash(&mut h); // This depends on the hashing algorithm. See note at top of file. let expected = (13997337031081104755, 6178945012502239489); assert_eq!(h.finalize(), expected); } #[test] fn test_hash_usize() { // Test that usize specifically is handled consistently across platforms. let test_usize = 0xABCDEF01_usize; let mut h = StableHasher::new(); test_usize.hash(&mut h); // This depends on the hashing algorithm. See note at top of file. let expected = (12037165114281468837, 3094087741167521712); assert_eq!(h.finalize(), expected); } #[test] fn test_hash_isize() { // Test that isize specifically is handled consistently across platforms. let test_isize = -7_isize; let mut h = StableHasher::new(); test_isize.hash(&mut h); // This depends on the hashing algorithm. See note at top of file. let expected = (3979067582695659080, 2322428596355037273); assert_eq!(h.finalize(), expected); } fn hash>(t: &T) -> Hash128 { let mut h = StableHasher::new(); let ctx = &mut (); t.hash_stable(ctx, &mut h); h.finish() } // Check that bit set hash includes the domain size. #[test] fn test_hash_bit_set() { use rustc_index::bit_set::BitSet; let a: BitSet = BitSet::new_empty(1); let b: BitSet = BitSet::new_empty(2); assert_ne!(a, b); assert_ne!(hash(&a), hash(&b)); } // Check that bit matrix hash includes the matrix dimensions. #[test] fn test_hash_bit_matrix() { use rustc_index::bit_set::BitMatrix; let a: BitMatrix = BitMatrix::new(1, 1); let b: BitMatrix = BitMatrix::new(1, 2); assert_ne!(a, b); assert_ne!(hash(&a), hash(&b)); } // Check that exchanging the value of two adjacent fields changes the hash. #[test] fn test_attribute_permutation() { macro_rules! test_type { ($ty: ty) => {{ struct Foo { a: $ty, b: $ty, } impl HashStable for Foo { fn hash_stable(&self, hcx: &mut CTX, hasher: &mut StableHasher) { self.a.hash_stable(hcx, hasher); self.b.hash_stable(hcx, hasher); } } #[allow(overflowing_literals)] let mut item = Foo { a: 0xFF, b: 0xFF_FF }; let hash_a = hash(&item); std::mem::swap(&mut item.a, &mut item.b); let hash_b = hash(&item); assert_ne!( hash_a, hash_b, "The hash stayed the same after values were swapped for type `{}`!", stringify!($ty) ); }}; } test_type!(u16); test_type!(u32); test_type!(u64); test_type!(u128); test_type!(i16); test_type!(i32); test_type!(i64); test_type!(i128); } // Check that the `isize` hashing optimization does not produce the same hash when permuting two // values. #[test] fn test_isize_compression() { fn check_hash(a: u64, b: u64) { let hash_a = hash(&(a as isize, b as isize)); let hash_b = hash(&(b as isize, a as isize)); assert_ne!( hash_a, hash_b, "The hash stayed the same when permuting values `{a}` and `{b}`!", ); } check_hash(0xAA, 0xAAAA); check_hash(0xFF, 0xFFFF); check_hash(0xAAAA, 0xAAAAAA); check_hash(0xAAAAAA, 0xAAAAAAAA); check_hash(0xFF, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF); check_hash(u64::MAX /* -1 */, 1); }