This error indicates that the compiler is unable to determine whether there is exactly one unique region in the set of derived region bounds. Example of erroneous code: ```compile_fail,E0227 trait Foo<'foo>: 'foo {} trait Bar<'bar>: 'bar {} trait FooBar<'foo, 'bar>: Foo<'foo> + Bar<'bar> {} struct Baz<'foo, 'bar> { baz: dyn FooBar<'foo, 'bar>, } ``` Here, `baz` can have either `'foo` or `'bar` lifetimes. To resolve this error, provide an explicit lifetime: ```rust trait Foo<'foo>: 'foo {} trait Bar<'bar>: 'bar {} trait FooBar<'foo, 'bar>: Foo<'foo> + Bar<'bar> {} struct Baz<'foo, 'bar, 'baz> where 'baz: 'foo + 'bar, { obj: dyn FooBar<'foo, 'bar> + 'baz, } ```