This error occurs when the compiler is unable to unambiguously infer the return type of a function or method which is generic on return type, such as the `collect` method for `Iterator`s. For example: ```compile_fail,E0284 fn main() { let n: u32 = 1; let mut d: u64 = 2; d = d + n.into(); } ``` Here we have an addition of `d` and `n.into()`. Hence, `n.into()` can return any type `T` where `u64: Add`. On the other hand, the `into` method can return any type where `u32: Into`. The author of this code probably wants `into()` to return a `u64`, but the compiler can't be sure that there isn't another type `T` where both `u32: Into` and `u64: Add`. To resolve this error, use a concrete type for the intermediate expression: ``` fn main() { let n: u32 = 1; let mut d: u64 = 2; let m: u64 = n.into(); d = d + m; } ```