A captured variable in a closure may not live long enough. Erroneous code example: ```compile_fail,E0373 fn foo() -> Box u32> { let x = 0u32; Box::new(|y| x + y) } ``` This error occurs when an attempt is made to use data captured by a closure, when that data may no longer exist. It's most commonly seen when attempting to return a closure as shown in the previous code example. Notice that `x` is stack-allocated by `foo()`. By default, Rust captures closed-over data by reference. This means that once `foo()` returns, `x` no longer exists. An attempt to access `x` within the closure would thus be unsafe. Another situation where this might be encountered is when spawning threads: ```compile_fail,E0373 fn foo() { let x = 0u32; let y = 1u32; let thr = std::thread::spawn(|| { x + y }); } ``` Since our new thread runs in parallel, the stack frame containing `x` and `y` may well have disappeared by the time we try to use them. Even if we call `thr.join()` within foo (which blocks until `thr` has completed, ensuring the stack frame won't disappear), we will not succeed: the compiler cannot prove that this behavior is safe, and so won't let us do it. The solution to this problem is usually to switch to using a `move` closure. This approach moves (or copies, where possible) data into the closure, rather than taking references to it. For example: ``` fn foo() -> Box u32> { let x = 0u32; Box::new(move |y| x + y) } ``` Now that the closure has its own copy of the data, there's no need to worry about safety. This error may also be encountered while using `async` blocks: ```compile_fail,E0373,edition2018 use std::future::Future; async fn f() { let v = vec![1, 2, 3i32]; spawn(async { //~ ERROR E0373 println!("{:?}", v) }); } fn spawn(future: F) { unimplemented!() } ``` Similarly to closures, `async` blocks are not executed immediately and may capture closed-over data by reference. For more information, see https://rust-lang.github.io/async-book/03_async_await/01_chapter.html.