A variable was used after its contents have been moved elsewhere. Erroneous code example: ```compile_fail,E0382 struct MyStruct { s: u32 } fn main() { let mut x = MyStruct{ s: 5u32 }; let y = x; x.s = 6; println!("{}", x.s); } ``` Since `MyStruct` is a type that is not marked `Copy`, the data gets moved out of `x` when we set `y`. This is fundamental to Rust's ownership system: outside of workarounds like `Rc`, a value cannot be owned by more than one variable. Sometimes we don't need to move the value. Using a reference, we can let another function borrow the value without changing its ownership. In the example below, we don't actually have to move our string to `calculate_length`, we can give it a reference to it with `&` instead. ``` fn main() { let s1 = String::from("hello"); let len = calculate_length(&s1); println!("The length of '{}' is {}.", s1, len); } fn calculate_length(s: &String) -> usize { s.len() } ``` A mutable reference can be created with `&mut`. Sometimes we don't want a reference, but a duplicate. All types marked `Clone` can be duplicated by calling `.clone()`. Subsequent changes to a clone do not affect the original variable. Most types in the standard library are marked `Clone`. The example below demonstrates using `clone()` on a string. `s1` is first set to "many", and then copied to `s2`. Then the first character of `s1` is removed, without affecting `s2`. "any many" is printed to the console. ``` fn main() { let mut s1 = String::from("many"); let s2 = s1.clone(); s1.remove(0); println!("{} {}", s1, s2); } ``` If we control the definition of a type, we can implement `Clone` on it ourselves with `#[derive(Clone)]`. Some types have no ownership semantics at all and are trivial to duplicate. An example is `i32` and the other number types. We don't have to call `.clone()` to clone them, because they are marked `Copy` in addition to `Clone`. Implicit cloning is more convenient in this case. We can mark our own types `Copy` if all their members also are marked `Copy`. In the example below, we implement a `Point` type. Because it only stores two integers, we opt-out of ownership semantics with `Copy`. Then we can `let p2 = p1` without `p1` being moved. ``` #[derive(Copy, Clone)] struct Point { x: i32, y: i32 } fn main() { let mut p1 = Point{ x: -1, y: 2 }; let p2 = p1; p1.x = 1; println!("p1: {}, {}", p1.x, p1.y); println!("p2: {}, {}", p2.x, p2.y); } ``` Alternatively, if we don't control the struct's definition, or mutable shared ownership is truly required, we can use `Rc` and `RefCell`: ``` use std::cell::RefCell; use std::rc::Rc; struct MyStruct { s: u32 } fn main() { let mut x = Rc::new(RefCell::new(MyStruct{ s: 5u32 })); let y = x.clone(); x.borrow_mut().s = 6; println!("{}", x.borrow().s); } ``` With this approach, x and y share ownership of the data via the `Rc` (reference count type). `RefCell` essentially performs runtime borrow checking: ensuring that at most one writer or multiple readers can access the data at any one time. If you wish to learn more about ownership in Rust, start with the [Understanding Ownership][understanding-ownership] chapter in the Book. [understanding-ownership]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ch04-00-understanding-ownership.html