Found `staticlib` `..` instead of `rlib` or `dylib`. Consider the following two files: `` ```ignore (cannot-link-with-other-tests) #![crate_type = "staticlib"] fn foo() {} ``` `` ```ignore (cannot-link-with-other-tests) extern crate a; fn main() { a::foo(); } ``` Crate `a` is compiled as a `staticlib`. A `staticlib` is a system-dependant library only intended for linking with non-Rust applications (C programs). Note that `staticlib`s include all upstream dependencies (`core`, `std`, other user dependencies, etc) which makes them significantly larger than `dylib`s: prefer `staticlib` for linking with C programs. Learn more about different `crate_type`s in [this section of the Reference](../reference/linkage.html). This error can be fixed by: * Using [Cargo](../cargo/index.html), the Rust package manager, automatically fixing this issue. * Recompiling the crate as a `rlib` or `dylib`; formats suitable for Rust linking.