A crate was declared but cannot be found. Erroneous code example: ```compile_fail,E0463 extern crate foo; // error: can't find crate ``` You need to link your code to the relevant crate in order to be able to use it (through Cargo or the `-L` option of rustc, for example). ## Common causes - The crate is not present at all. If using Cargo, add it to `[dependencies]` in Cargo.toml. - The crate is present, but under a different name. If using Cargo, look for `package = ` under `[dependencies]` in Cargo.toml. ## Common causes for missing `std` or `core` - You are cross-compiling for a target which doesn't have `std` prepackaged. Consider one of the following: + Adding a pre-compiled version of std with `rustup target add` + Building std from source with `cargo build -Z build-std` + Using `#![no_std]` at the crate root, so you won't need `std` in the first place. - You are developing the compiler itself and haven't built libstd from source. You can usually build it with `x.py build library/std`. More information about x.py is available in the [rustc-dev-guide]. [rustc-dev-guide]: https://rustc-dev-guide.rust-lang.org/building/how-to-build-and-run.html#building-the-compiler