A lifetime bound on a trait implementation was captured at an incorrect place. Erroneous code example: ```compile_fail,E0657 trait Id {} trait Lt<'a> {} impl<'a> Lt<'a> for () {} impl Id for T {} fn free_fn_capture_hrtb_in_impl_trait() -> Box Id>> // error! { Box::new(()) } struct Foo; impl Foo { fn impl_fn_capture_hrtb_in_impl_trait() -> Box Id>> // error! { Box::new(()) } } ``` Here, you have used the inappropriate lifetime in the `impl Trait`, The `impl Trait` can only capture lifetimes bound at the fn or impl level. To fix this we have to define the lifetime at the function or impl level and use that lifetime in the `impl Trait`. For example you can define the lifetime at the function: ``` trait Id {} trait Lt<'a> {} impl<'a> Lt<'a> for () {} impl Id for T {} fn free_fn_capture_hrtb_in_impl_trait<'b>() -> Box Id>> // ok! { Box::new(()) } struct Foo; impl Foo { fn impl_fn_capture_hrtb_in_impl_trait<'b>() -> Box Id>> // ok! { Box::new(()) } } ```