An associated type value was specified more than once. Erroneous code example: ```compile_fail,E0719 #![feature(associated_type_bounds)] trait FooTrait {} trait BarTrait {} // error: associated type `Item` in trait `Iterator` is specified twice struct Foo> { f: T } ``` `Item` in trait `Iterator` cannot be specified multiple times for struct `Foo`. To fix this, create a new trait that is a combination of the desired traits and specify the associated type with the new trait. Corrected example: ``` #![feature(associated_type_bounds)] trait FooTrait {} trait BarTrait {} trait FooBarTrait: FooTrait + BarTrait {} struct Foo> { f: T } // ok! ``` For more information about associated types, see [the book][bk-at]. For more information on associated type bounds, see [RFC 2289][rfc-2289]. [bk-at]: [rfc-2289]: