use crate::snippet::Style; use crate::{ CodeSuggestion, DiagnosticMessage, EmissionGuarantee, Level, LintDiagnosticBuilder, MultiSpan, SubdiagnosticMessage, Substitution, SubstitutionPart, SuggestionStyle, }; use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashMap; use rustc_error_messages::FluentValue; use rustc_hir as hir; use rustc_lint_defs::{Applicability, LintExpectationId}; use rustc_span::edition::LATEST_STABLE_EDITION; use rustc_span::symbol::{Ident, Symbol}; use rustc_span::{edition::Edition, Span, DUMMY_SP}; use std::borrow::Cow; use std::fmt; use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher}; /// Error type for `Diagnostic`'s `suggestions` field, indicating that /// `.disable_suggestions()` was called on the `Diagnostic`. #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Encodable, Decodable)] pub struct SuggestionsDisabled; /// Simplified version of `FluentArg` that can implement `Encodable` and `Decodable`. Collection of /// `DiagnosticArg` are converted to `FluentArgs` (consuming the collection) at the start of /// diagnostic emission. pub type DiagnosticArg<'source> = (Cow<'source, str>, DiagnosticArgValue<'source>); /// Simplified version of `FluentValue` that can implement `Encodable` and `Decodable`. Converted /// to a `FluentValue` by the emitter to be used in diagnostic translation. #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Encodable, Decodable)] pub enum DiagnosticArgValue<'source> { Str(Cow<'source, str>), Number(usize), } /// Converts a value of a type into a `DiagnosticArg` (typically a field of a `SessionDiagnostic` /// struct). Implemented as a custom trait rather than `From` so that it is implemented on the type /// being converted rather than on `DiagnosticArgValue`, which enables types from other `rustc_*` /// crates to implement this. pub trait IntoDiagnosticArg { fn into_diagnostic_arg(self) -> DiagnosticArgValue<'static>; } pub struct DiagnosticArgFromDisplay<'a>(pub &'a dyn fmt::Display); impl IntoDiagnosticArg for DiagnosticArgFromDisplay<'_> { fn into_diagnostic_arg(self) -> DiagnosticArgValue<'static> { self.0.to_string().into_diagnostic_arg() } } impl<'a> From<&'a dyn fmt::Display> for DiagnosticArgFromDisplay<'a> { fn from(t: &'a dyn fmt::Display) -> Self { DiagnosticArgFromDisplay(t) } } impl<'a, T: fmt::Display> From<&'a T> for DiagnosticArgFromDisplay<'a> { fn from(t: &'a T) -> Self { DiagnosticArgFromDisplay(t) } } macro_rules! into_diagnostic_arg_using_display { ($( $ty:ty ),+ $(,)?) => { $( impl IntoDiagnosticArg for $ty { fn into_diagnostic_arg(self) -> DiagnosticArgValue<'static> { self.to_string().into_diagnostic_arg() } } )+ } } into_diagnostic_arg_using_display!( i8, u8, i16, u16, i32, u32, i64, u64, i128, u128, std::num::NonZeroU32, hir::Target, Edition, Ident, ); impl IntoDiagnosticArg for bool { fn into_diagnostic_arg(self) -> DiagnosticArgValue<'static> { if self { DiagnosticArgValue::Str(Cow::Borrowed("true")) } else { DiagnosticArgValue::Str(Cow::Borrowed("false")) } } } impl IntoDiagnosticArg for char { fn into_diagnostic_arg(self) -> DiagnosticArgValue<'static> { DiagnosticArgValue::Str(Cow::Owned(format!("{:?}", self))) } } impl IntoDiagnosticArg for Symbol { fn into_diagnostic_arg(self) -> DiagnosticArgValue<'static> { self.to_ident_string().into_diagnostic_arg() } } impl<'a> IntoDiagnosticArg for &'a str { fn into_diagnostic_arg(self) -> DiagnosticArgValue<'static> { self.to_string().into_diagnostic_arg() } } impl IntoDiagnosticArg for String { fn into_diagnostic_arg(self) -> DiagnosticArgValue<'static> { DiagnosticArgValue::Str(Cow::Owned(self)) } } impl IntoDiagnosticArg for usize { fn into_diagnostic_arg(self) -> DiagnosticArgValue<'static> { DiagnosticArgValue::Number(self) } } impl<'source> Into> for DiagnosticArgValue<'source> { fn into(self) -> FluentValue<'source> { match self { DiagnosticArgValue::Str(s) => From::from(s), DiagnosticArgValue::Number(n) => From::from(n), } } } impl IntoDiagnosticArg for hir::ConstContext { fn into_diagnostic_arg(self) -> DiagnosticArgValue<'static> { DiagnosticArgValue::Str(Cow::Borrowed(match self { hir::ConstContext::ConstFn => "constant function", hir::ConstContext::Static(_) => "static", hir::ConstContext::Const => "constant", })) } } /// Trait implemented by error types. This should not be implemented manually. Instead, use /// `#[derive(SessionSubdiagnostic)]` -- see [rustc_macros::SessionSubdiagnostic]. #[rustc_diagnostic_item = "AddSubdiagnostic"] pub trait AddSubdiagnostic { /// Add a subdiagnostic to an existing diagnostic. fn add_to_diagnostic(self, diag: &mut Diagnostic); } /// Trait implemented by lint types. This should not be implemented manually. Instead, use /// `#[derive(LintDiagnostic)]` -- see [rustc_macros::LintDiagnostic]. #[rustc_diagnostic_item = "DecorateLint"] pub trait DecorateLint<'a, G: EmissionGuarantee> { /// Decorate and emit a lint. fn decorate_lint(self, diag: LintDiagnosticBuilder<'a, G>); } #[must_use] #[derive(Clone, Debug, Encodable, Decodable)] pub struct Diagnostic { // NOTE(eddyb) this is private to disallow arbitrary after-the-fact changes, // outside of what methods in this crate themselves allow. pub(crate) level: Level, pub message: Vec<(DiagnosticMessage, Style)>, pub code: Option, pub span: MultiSpan, pub children: Vec, pub suggestions: Result, SuggestionsDisabled>, args: Vec>, /// This is not used for highlighting or rendering any error message. Rather, it can be used /// as a sort key to sort a buffer of diagnostics. By default, it is the primary span of /// `span` if there is one. Otherwise, it is `DUMMY_SP`. pub sort_span: Span, /// If diagnostic is from Lint, custom hash function ignores notes /// otherwise hash is based on the all the fields pub is_lint: bool, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Encodable, Decodable)] pub enum DiagnosticId { Error(String), Lint { name: String, has_future_breakage: bool, is_force_warn: bool }, } /// A "sub"-diagnostic attached to a parent diagnostic. /// For example, a note attached to an error. #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Hash, Encodable, Decodable)] pub struct SubDiagnostic { pub level: Level, pub message: Vec<(DiagnosticMessage, Style)>, pub span: MultiSpan, pub render_span: Option, } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct DiagnosticStyledString(pub Vec); impl DiagnosticStyledString { pub fn new() -> DiagnosticStyledString { DiagnosticStyledString(vec![]) } pub fn push_normal>(&mut self, t: S) { self.0.push(StringPart::Normal(t.into())); } pub fn push_highlighted>(&mut self, t: S) { self.0.push(StringPart::Highlighted(t.into())); } pub fn push>(&mut self, t: S, highlight: bool) { if highlight { self.push_highlighted(t); } else { self.push_normal(t); } } pub fn normal>(t: S) -> DiagnosticStyledString { DiagnosticStyledString(vec![StringPart::Normal(t.into())]) } pub fn highlighted>(t: S) -> DiagnosticStyledString { DiagnosticStyledString(vec![StringPart::Highlighted(t.into())]) } pub fn content(&self) -> String { self.0.iter().map(|x| x.content()).collect::() } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum StringPart { Normal(String), Highlighted(String), } impl StringPart { pub fn content(&self) -> &str { match self { &StringPart::Normal(ref s) | &StringPart::Highlighted(ref s) => s, } } } impl Diagnostic { pub fn new>(level: Level, message: M) -> Self { Diagnostic::new_with_code(level, None, message) } pub fn new_with_code>( level: Level, code: Option, message: M, ) -> Self { Diagnostic { level, message: vec![(message.into(), Style::NoStyle)], code, span: MultiSpan::new(), children: vec![], suggestions: Ok(vec![]), args: vec![], sort_span: DUMMY_SP, is_lint: false, } } #[inline(always)] pub fn level(&self) -> Level { self.level } pub fn is_error(&self) -> bool { match self.level { Level::Bug | Level::DelayedBug | Level::Fatal | Level::Error { .. } | Level::FailureNote => true, Level::Warning(_) | Level::Note | Level::OnceNote | Level::Help | Level::Allow | Level::Expect(_) => false, } } pub fn update_unstable_expectation_id( &mut self, unstable_to_stable: &FxHashMap, ) { if let Level::Expect(expectation_id) | Level::Warning(Some(expectation_id)) = &mut self.level { if expectation_id.is_stable() { return; } // The unstable to stable map only maps the unstable `AttrId` to a stable `HirId` with an attribute index. // The lint index inside the attribute is manually transferred here. let lint_index = expectation_id.get_lint_index(); expectation_id.set_lint_index(None); let mut stable_id = *unstable_to_stable .get(&expectation_id) .expect("each unstable `LintExpectationId` must have a matching stable id"); stable_id.set_lint_index(lint_index); *expectation_id = stable_id; } } pub fn has_future_breakage(&self) -> bool { match self.code { Some(DiagnosticId::Lint { has_future_breakage, .. }) => has_future_breakage, _ => false, } } pub fn is_force_warn(&self) -> bool { match self.code { Some(DiagnosticId::Lint { is_force_warn, .. }) => is_force_warn, _ => false, } } /// Delay emission of this diagnostic as a bug. /// /// This can be useful in contexts where an error indicates a bug but /// typically this only happens when other compilation errors have already /// happened. In those cases this can be used to defer emission of this /// diagnostic as a bug in the compiler only if no other errors have been /// emitted. /// /// In the meantime, though, callsites are required to deal with the "bug" /// locally in whichever way makes the most sense. #[track_caller] pub fn downgrade_to_delayed_bug(&mut self) -> &mut Self { assert!( self.is_error(), "downgrade_to_delayed_bug: cannot downgrade {:?} to DelayedBug: not an error", self.level ); self.level = Level::DelayedBug; self } /// Adds a span/label to be included in the resulting snippet. /// /// This is pushed onto the [`MultiSpan`] that was created when the diagnostic /// was first built. That means it will be shown together with the original /// span/label, *not* a span added by one of the `span_{note,warn,help,suggestions}` methods. /// /// This span is *not* considered a ["primary span"][`MultiSpan`]; only /// the `Span` supplied when creating the diagnostic is primary. #[rustc_lint_diagnostics] pub fn span_label(&mut self, span: Span, label: impl Into) -> &mut Self { self.span.push_span_label(span, self.subdiagnostic_message_to_diagnostic_message(label)); self } /// Labels all the given spans with the provided label. /// See [`Self::span_label()`] for more information. pub fn span_labels( &mut self, spans: impl IntoIterator, label: impl AsRef, ) -> &mut Self { let label = label.as_ref(); for span in spans { self.span_label(span, label); } self } pub fn replace_span_with(&mut self, after: Span) -> &mut Self { let before = self.span.clone(); self.set_span(after); for span_label in before.span_labels() { if let Some(label) = span_label.label { self.span.push_span_label(after, label); } } self } pub fn note_expected_found( &mut self, expected_label: &dyn fmt::Display, expected: DiagnosticStyledString, found_label: &dyn fmt::Display, found: DiagnosticStyledString, ) -> &mut Self { self.note_expected_found_extra(expected_label, expected, found_label, found, &"", &"") } pub fn note_unsuccessful_coercion( &mut self, expected: DiagnosticStyledString, found: DiagnosticStyledString, ) -> &mut Self { let mut msg: Vec<_> = vec![("required when trying to coerce from type `", Style::NoStyle)]; msg.extend(expected.0.iter().map(|x| match *x { StringPart::Normal(ref s) => (s.as_str(), Style::NoStyle), StringPart::Highlighted(ref s) => (s.as_str(), Style::Highlight), })); msg.push(("` to type '", Style::NoStyle)); msg.extend(found.0.iter().map(|x| match *x { StringPart::Normal(ref s) => (s.as_str(), Style::NoStyle), StringPart::Highlighted(ref s) => (s.as_str(), Style::Highlight), })); msg.push(("`", Style::NoStyle)); // For now, just attach these as notes self.highlighted_note(msg); self } pub fn note_expected_found_extra( &mut self, expected_label: &dyn fmt::Display, expected: DiagnosticStyledString, found_label: &dyn fmt::Display, found: DiagnosticStyledString, expected_extra: &dyn fmt::Display, found_extra: &dyn fmt::Display, ) -> &mut Self { let expected_label = expected_label.to_string(); let expected_label = if expected_label.is_empty() { "expected".to_string() } else { format!("expected {}", expected_label) }; let found_label = found_label.to_string(); let found_label = if found_label.is_empty() { "found".to_string() } else { format!("found {}", found_label) }; let (found_padding, expected_padding) = if expected_label.len() > found_label.len() { (expected_label.len() - found_label.len(), 0) } else { (0, found_label.len() - expected_label.len()) }; let mut msg: Vec<_> = vec![(format!("{}{} `", " ".repeat(expected_padding), expected_label), Style::NoStyle)]; msg.extend(expected.0.iter().map(|x| match *x { StringPart::Normal(ref s) => (s.to_owned(), Style::NoStyle), StringPart::Highlighted(ref s) => (s.to_owned(), Style::Highlight), })); msg.push((format!("`{}\n", expected_extra), Style::NoStyle)); msg.push((format!("{}{} `", " ".repeat(found_padding), found_label), Style::NoStyle)); msg.extend(found.0.iter().map(|x| match *x { StringPart::Normal(ref s) => (s.to_owned(), Style::NoStyle), StringPart::Highlighted(ref s) => (s.to_owned(), Style::Highlight), })); msg.push((format!("`{}", found_extra), Style::NoStyle)); // For now, just attach these as notes. self.highlighted_note(msg); self } pub fn note_trait_signature(&mut self, name: Symbol, signature: String) -> &mut Self { self.highlighted_note(vec![ (format!("`{}` from trait: `", name), Style::NoStyle), (signature, Style::Highlight), ("`".to_string(), Style::NoStyle), ]); self } /// Add a note attached to this diagnostic. #[rustc_lint_diagnostics] pub fn note(&mut self, msg: impl Into) -> &mut Self { self.sub(Level::Note, msg, MultiSpan::new(), None); self } pub fn highlighted_note>( &mut self, msg: Vec<(M, Style)>, ) -> &mut Self { self.sub_with_highlights(Level::Note, msg, MultiSpan::new(), None); self } /// Prints the span with a note above it. /// This is like [`Diagnostic::note()`], but it gets its own span. pub fn note_once(&mut self, msg: impl Into) -> &mut Self { self.sub(Level::OnceNote, msg, MultiSpan::new(), None); self } /// Prints the span with a note above it. /// This is like [`Diagnostic::note()`], but it gets its own span. #[rustc_lint_diagnostics] pub fn span_note>( &mut self, sp: S, msg: impl Into, ) -> &mut Self { self.sub(Level::Note, msg, sp.into(), None); self } /// Prints the span with a note above it. /// This is like [`Diagnostic::note()`], but it gets its own span. pub fn span_note_once>( &mut self, sp: S, msg: impl Into, ) -> &mut Self { self.sub(Level::OnceNote, msg, sp.into(), None); self } /// Add a warning attached to this diagnostic. #[rustc_lint_diagnostics] pub fn warn(&mut self, msg: impl Into) -> &mut Self { self.sub(Level::Warning(None), msg, MultiSpan::new(), None); self } /// Prints the span with a warning above it. /// This is like [`Diagnostic::warn()`], but it gets its own span. #[rustc_lint_diagnostics] pub fn span_warn>( &mut self, sp: S, msg: impl Into, ) -> &mut Self { self.sub(Level::Warning(None), msg, sp.into(), None); self } /// Add a help message attached to this diagnostic. #[rustc_lint_diagnostics] pub fn help(&mut self, msg: impl Into) -> &mut Self { self.sub(Level::Help, msg, MultiSpan::new(), None); self } /// Add a help message attached to this diagnostic with a customizable highlighted message. pub fn highlighted_help(&mut self, msg: Vec<(String, Style)>) -> &mut Self { self.sub_with_highlights(Level::Help, msg, MultiSpan::new(), None); self } /// Prints the span with some help above it. /// This is like [`Diagnostic::help()`], but it gets its own span. #[rustc_lint_diagnostics] pub fn span_help>( &mut self, sp: S, msg: impl Into, ) -> &mut Self { self.sub(Level::Help, msg, sp.into(), None); self } /// Help the user upgrade to the latest edition. /// This is factored out to make sure it does the right thing with `Cargo.toml`. pub fn help_use_latest_edition(&mut self) -> &mut Self { if std::env::var_os("CARGO").is_some() {!("set `edition = \"{}\"` in `Cargo.toml`", LATEST_STABLE_EDITION)); } else {!("pass `--edition {}` to `rustc`", LATEST_STABLE_EDITION)); } self.note("for more on editions, read"); self } /// Disallow attaching suggestions this diagnostic. /// Any suggestions attached e.g. with the `span_suggestion_*` methods /// (before and after the call to `disable_suggestions`) will be ignored. pub fn disable_suggestions(&mut self) -> &mut Self { self.suggestions = Err(SuggestionsDisabled); self } /// Clear any existing suggestions. pub fn clear_suggestions(&mut self) -> &mut Self { if let Ok(suggestions) = &mut self.suggestions { suggestions.clear(); } self } /// Helper for pushing to `self.suggestions`, if available (not disable). fn push_suggestion(&mut self, suggestion: CodeSuggestion) { if let Ok(suggestions) = &mut self.suggestions { suggestions.push(suggestion); } } /// Show a suggestion that has multiple parts to it. /// In other words, multiple changes need to be applied as part of this suggestion. pub fn multipart_suggestion( &mut self, msg: impl Into, suggestion: Vec<(Span, String)>, applicability: Applicability, ) -> &mut Self { self.multipart_suggestion_with_style( msg, suggestion, applicability, SuggestionStyle::ShowCode, ) } /// Show a suggestion that has multiple parts to it, always as it's own subdiagnostic. /// In other words, multiple changes need to be applied as part of this suggestion. pub fn multipart_suggestion_verbose( &mut self, msg: impl Into, suggestion: Vec<(Span, String)>, applicability: Applicability, ) -> &mut Self { self.multipart_suggestion_with_style( msg, suggestion, applicability, SuggestionStyle::ShowAlways, ) } /// [`Diagnostic::multipart_suggestion()`] but you can set the [`SuggestionStyle`]. pub fn multipart_suggestion_with_style( &mut self, msg: impl Into, suggestion: Vec<(Span, String)>, applicability: Applicability, style: SuggestionStyle, ) -> &mut Self { assert!(!suggestion.is_empty()); self.push_suggestion(CodeSuggestion { substitutions: vec![Substitution { parts: suggestion .into_iter() .map(|(span, snippet)| SubstitutionPart { snippet, span }) .collect(), }], msg: self.subdiagnostic_message_to_diagnostic_message(msg), style, applicability, }); self } /// Prints out a message with for a multipart suggestion without showing the suggested code. /// /// This is intended to be used for suggestions that are obvious in what the changes need to /// be from the message, showing the span label inline would be visually unpleasant /// (marginally overlapping spans or multiline spans) and showing the snippet window wouldn't /// improve understandability. pub fn tool_only_multipart_suggestion( &mut self, msg: impl Into, suggestion: Vec<(Span, String)>, applicability: Applicability, ) -> &mut Self { assert!(!suggestion.is_empty()); self.push_suggestion(CodeSuggestion { substitutions: vec![Substitution { parts: suggestion .into_iter() .map(|(span, snippet)| SubstitutionPart { snippet, span }) .collect(), }], msg: self.subdiagnostic_message_to_diagnostic_message(msg), style: SuggestionStyle::CompletelyHidden, applicability, }); self } /// Prints out a message with a suggested edit of the code. /// /// In case of short messages and a simple suggestion, rustc displays it as a label: /// /// ```text /// try adding parentheses: `(tup.0).1` /// ``` /// /// The message /// /// * should not end in any punctuation (a `:` is added automatically) /// * should not be a question (avoid language like "did you mean") /// * should not contain any phrases like "the following", "as shown", etc. /// * may look like "to do xyz, use" or "to do xyz, use abc" /// * may contain a name of a function, variable, or type, but not whole expressions /// /// See `CodeSuggestion` for more information. pub fn span_suggestion( &mut self, sp: Span, msg: impl Into, suggestion: impl ToString, applicability: Applicability, ) -> &mut Self { self.span_suggestion_with_style( sp, msg, suggestion, applicability, SuggestionStyle::ShowCode, ); self } /// [`Diagnostic::span_suggestion()`] but you can set the [`SuggestionStyle`]. pub fn span_suggestion_with_style( &mut self, sp: Span, msg: impl Into, suggestion: impl ToString, applicability: Applicability, style: SuggestionStyle, ) -> &mut Self { self.push_suggestion(CodeSuggestion { substitutions: vec![Substitution { parts: vec![SubstitutionPart { snippet: suggestion.to_string(), span: sp }], }], msg: self.subdiagnostic_message_to_diagnostic_message(msg), style, applicability, }); self } /// Always show the suggested change. pub fn span_suggestion_verbose( &mut self, sp: Span, msg: impl Into, suggestion: impl ToString, applicability: Applicability, ) -> &mut Self { self.span_suggestion_with_style( sp, msg, suggestion, applicability, SuggestionStyle::ShowAlways, ); self } /// Prints out a message with multiple suggested edits of the code. /// See also [`Diagnostic::span_suggestion()`]. pub fn span_suggestions( &mut self, sp: Span, msg: impl Into, suggestions: impl Iterator, applicability: Applicability, ) -> &mut Self { let mut suggestions: Vec<_> = suggestions.collect(); suggestions.sort(); let substitutions = suggestions .into_iter() .map(|snippet| Substitution { parts: vec![SubstitutionPart { snippet, span: sp }] }) .collect(); self.push_suggestion(CodeSuggestion { substitutions, msg: self.subdiagnostic_message_to_diagnostic_message(msg), style: SuggestionStyle::ShowCode, applicability, }); self } /// Prints out a message with multiple suggested edits of the code. /// See also [`Diagnostic::span_suggestion()`]. pub fn multipart_suggestions( &mut self, msg: impl Into, suggestions: impl Iterator>, applicability: Applicability, ) -> &mut Self { self.push_suggestion(CodeSuggestion { substitutions: suggestions .map(|sugg| Substitution { parts: sugg .into_iter() .map(|(span, snippet)| SubstitutionPart { snippet, span }) .collect(), }) .collect(), msg: self.subdiagnostic_message_to_diagnostic_message(msg), style: SuggestionStyle::ShowCode, applicability, }); self } /// Prints out a message with a suggested edit of the code. If the suggestion is presented /// inline, it will only show the message and not the suggestion. /// /// See `CodeSuggestion` for more information. pub fn span_suggestion_short( &mut self, sp: Span, msg: impl Into, suggestion: impl ToString, applicability: Applicability, ) -> &mut Self { self.span_suggestion_with_style( sp, msg, suggestion, applicability, SuggestionStyle::HideCodeInline, ); self } /// Prints out a message for a suggestion without showing the suggested code. /// /// This is intended to be used for suggestions that are obvious in what the changes need to /// be from the message, showing the span label inline would be visually unpleasant /// (marginally overlapping spans or multiline spans) and showing the snippet window wouldn't /// improve understandability. pub fn span_suggestion_hidden( &mut self, sp: Span, msg: impl Into, suggestion: impl ToString, applicability: Applicability, ) -> &mut Self { self.span_suggestion_with_style( sp, msg, suggestion, applicability, SuggestionStyle::HideCodeAlways, ); self } /// Adds a suggestion to the JSON output that will not be shown in the CLI. /// /// This is intended to be used for suggestions that are *very* obvious in what the changes /// need to be from the message, but we still want other tools to be able to apply them. pub fn tool_only_span_suggestion( &mut self, sp: Span, msg: impl Into, suggestion: impl ToString, applicability: Applicability, ) -> &mut Self { self.span_suggestion_with_style( sp, msg, suggestion, applicability, SuggestionStyle::CompletelyHidden, ); self } /// Add a subdiagnostic from a type that implements `SessionSubdiagnostic` - see /// [rustc_macros::SessionSubdiagnostic]. pub fn subdiagnostic(&mut self, subdiagnostic: impl AddSubdiagnostic) -> &mut Self { subdiagnostic.add_to_diagnostic(self); self } pub fn set_span>(&mut self, sp: S) -> &mut Self { self.span = sp.into(); if let Some(span) = self.span.primary_span() { self.sort_span = span; } self } pub fn set_is_lint(&mut self) -> &mut Self { self.is_lint = true; self } pub fn code(&mut self, s: DiagnosticId) -> &mut Self { self.code = Some(s); self } pub fn clear_code(&mut self) -> &mut Self { self.code = None; self } pub fn get_code(&self) -> Option { self.code.clone() } pub fn set_primary_message(&mut self, msg: impl Into) -> &mut Self { self.message[0] = (msg.into(), Style::NoStyle); self } pub fn args(&self) -> &[DiagnosticArg<'static>] { &self.args } pub fn set_arg( &mut self, name: impl Into>, arg: impl IntoDiagnosticArg, ) -> &mut Self { self.args.push((name.into(), arg.into_diagnostic_arg())); self } pub fn styled_message(&self) -> &[(DiagnosticMessage, Style)] { &self.message } /// Helper function that takes a `SubdiagnosticMessage` and returns a `DiagnosticMessage` by /// combining it with the primary message of the diagnostic (if translatable, otherwise it just /// passes the user's string along). fn subdiagnostic_message_to_diagnostic_message( &self, attr: impl Into, ) -> DiagnosticMessage { let msg = self.message.iter().map(|(msg, _)| msg).next().expect("diagnostic with no messages"); msg.with_subdiagnostic_message(attr.into()) } /// Convenience function for internal use, clients should use one of the /// public methods above. /// /// Used by `proc_macro_server` for implementing `server::Diagnostic`. pub fn sub( &mut self, level: Level, message: impl Into, span: MultiSpan, render_span: Option, ) { let sub = SubDiagnostic { level, message: vec![( self.subdiagnostic_message_to_diagnostic_message(message), Style::NoStyle, )], span, render_span, }; self.children.push(sub); } /// Convenience function for internal use, clients should use one of the /// public methods above. fn sub_with_highlights>( &mut self, level: Level, mut message: Vec<(M, Style)>, span: MultiSpan, render_span: Option, ) { let message = message .drain(..) .map(|m| (self.subdiagnostic_message_to_diagnostic_message(m.0), m.1)) .collect(); let sub = SubDiagnostic { level, message, span, render_span }; self.children.push(sub); } /// Fields used for Hash, and PartialEq trait fn keys( &self, ) -> ( &Level, &[(DiagnosticMessage, Style)], &Option, &MultiSpan, &Result, SuggestionsDisabled>, Option<&[SubDiagnostic]>, ) { ( &self.level, &self.message, &self.code, &self.span, &self.suggestions, (if self.is_lint { None } else { Some(&self.children) }), ) } } impl Hash for Diagnostic { fn hash(&self, state: &mut H) where H: Hasher, { self.keys().hash(state); } } impl PartialEq for Diagnostic { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { self.keys() == other.keys() } }