//! This module defines a generic file format that allows to check if a given //! file generated by incremental compilation was generated by a compatible //! compiler version. This file format is used for the on-disk version of the //! dependency graph and the exported metadata hashes. //! //! In practice "compatible compiler version" means "exactly the same compiler //! version", since the header encodes the git commit hash of the compiler. //! Since we can always just ignore the incremental compilation cache and //! compiler versions don't change frequently for the typical user, being //! conservative here practically has no downside. use crate::errors; use rustc_data_structures::memmap::Mmap; use rustc_serialize::opaque::{FileEncodeResult, FileEncoder}; use rustc_serialize::Encoder; use rustc_session::Session; use std::borrow::Cow; use std::env; use std::fs; use std::io::{self, Read}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; /// The first few bytes of files generated by incremental compilation. const FILE_MAGIC: &[u8] = b"RSIC"; /// Change this if the header format changes. const HEADER_FORMAT_VERSION: u16 = 0; pub(crate) fn write_file_header(stream: &mut FileEncoder, sess: &Session) { stream.emit_raw_bytes(FILE_MAGIC); stream .emit_raw_bytes(&[(HEADER_FORMAT_VERSION >> 0) as u8, (HEADER_FORMAT_VERSION >> 8) as u8]); let rustc_version = rustc_version(sess.is_nightly_build(), sess.cfg_version); assert_eq!(rustc_version.len(), (rustc_version.len() as u8) as usize); stream.emit_raw_bytes(&[rustc_version.len() as u8]); stream.emit_raw_bytes(rustc_version.as_bytes()); } pub(crate) fn save_in(sess: &Session, path_buf: PathBuf, name: &str, encode: F) where F: FnOnce(FileEncoder) -> FileEncodeResult, { debug!("save: storing data in {}", path_buf.display()); // Delete the old file, if any. // Note: It's important that we actually delete the old file and not just // truncate and overwrite it, since it might be a shared hard-link, the // underlying data of which we don't want to modify. // // We have to ensure we have dropped the memory maps to this file // before performing this removal. match fs::remove_file(&path_buf) { Ok(()) => { debug!("save: remove old file"); } Err(err) if err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::NotFound => (), Err(err) => { sess.emit_err(errors::DeleteOld { name, path: path_buf, err }); return; } } let mut encoder = match FileEncoder::new(&path_buf) { Ok(encoder) => encoder, Err(err) => { sess.emit_err(errors::CreateNew { name, path: path_buf, err }); return; } }; write_file_header(&mut encoder, sess); match encode(encoder) { Ok(position) => { sess.prof.artifact_size( &name.replace(' ', "_"), path_buf.file_name().unwrap().to_string_lossy(), position as u64, ); debug!("save: data written to disk successfully"); } Err(err) => { sess.emit_err(errors::WriteNew { name, path: path_buf, err }); } } } /// Reads the contents of a file with a file header as defined in this module. /// /// - Returns `Ok(Some(data, pos))` if the file existed and was generated by a /// compatible compiler version. `data` is the entire contents of the file /// and `pos` points to the first byte after the header. /// - Returns `Ok(None)` if the file did not exist or was generated by an /// incompatible version of the compiler. /// - Returns `Err(..)` if some kind of IO error occurred while reading the /// file. pub fn read_file( path: &Path, report_incremental_info: bool, is_nightly_build: bool, cfg_version: &'static str, ) -> io::Result> { let file = match fs::File::open(path) { Ok(file) => file, Err(err) if err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::NotFound => return Ok(None), Err(err) => return Err(err), }; // SAFETY: This process must not modify nor remove the backing file while the memory map lives. // For the dep-graph and the work product index, it is as soon as the decoding is done. // For the query result cache, the memory map is dropped in save_dep_graph before calling // save_in and trying to remove the backing file. // // There is no way to prevent another process from modifying this file. let mmap = unsafe { Mmap::map(file) }?; let mut file = io::Cursor::new(&*mmap); // Check FILE_MAGIC { debug_assert!(FILE_MAGIC.len() == 4); let mut file_magic = [0u8; 4]; file.read_exact(&mut file_magic)?; if file_magic != FILE_MAGIC { report_format_mismatch(report_incremental_info, path, "Wrong FILE_MAGIC"); return Ok(None); } } // Check HEADER_FORMAT_VERSION { debug_assert!(::std::mem::size_of_val(&HEADER_FORMAT_VERSION) == 2); let mut header_format_version = [0u8; 2]; file.read_exact(&mut header_format_version)?; let header_format_version = (header_format_version[0] as u16) | ((header_format_version[1] as u16) << 8); if header_format_version != HEADER_FORMAT_VERSION { report_format_mismatch(report_incremental_info, path, "Wrong HEADER_FORMAT_VERSION"); return Ok(None); } } // Check RUSTC_VERSION { let mut rustc_version_str_len = [0u8; 1]; file.read_exact(&mut rustc_version_str_len)?; let rustc_version_str_len = rustc_version_str_len[0] as usize; let mut buffer = vec![0; rustc_version_str_len]; file.read_exact(&mut buffer)?; if buffer != rustc_version(is_nightly_build, cfg_version).as_bytes() { report_format_mismatch(report_incremental_info, path, "Different compiler version"); return Ok(None); } } let post_header_start_pos = file.position() as usize; Ok(Some((mmap, post_header_start_pos))) } fn report_format_mismatch(report_incremental_info: bool, file: &Path, message: &str) { debug!("read_file: {}", message); if report_incremental_info { eprintln!( "[incremental] ignoring cache artifact `{}`: {}", file.file_name().unwrap().to_string_lossy(), message ); } } /// A version string that hopefully is always different for compiler versions /// with different encodings of incremental compilation artifacts. Contains /// the Git commit hash. fn rustc_version(nightly_build: bool, cfg_version: &'static str) -> Cow<'static, str> { if nightly_build { if let Ok(val) = env::var("RUSTC_FORCE_RUSTC_VERSION") { return val.into(); } } cfg_version.into() }