//! This module manages how the incremental compilation cache is represented in //! the file system. //! //! Incremental compilation caches are managed according to a copy-on-write //! strategy: Once a complete, consistent cache version is finalized, it is //! never modified. Instead, when a subsequent compilation session is started, //! the compiler will allocate a new version of the cache that starts out as //! a copy of the previous version. Then only this new copy is modified and it //! will not be visible to other processes until it is finalized. This ensures //! that multiple compiler processes can be executed concurrently for the same //! crate without interfering with each other or blocking each other. //! //! More concretely this is implemented via the following protocol: //! //! 1. For a newly started compilation session, the compiler allocates a //! new `session` directory within the incremental compilation directory. //! This session directory will have a unique name that ends with the suffix //! "-working" and that contains a creation timestamp. //! 2. Next, the compiler looks for the newest finalized session directory, //! that is, a session directory from a previous compilation session that //! has been marked as valid and consistent. A session directory is //! considered finalized if the "-working" suffix in the directory name has //! been replaced by the SVH of the crate. //! 3. Once the compiler has found a valid, finalized session directory, it will //! hard-link/copy its contents into the new "-working" directory. If all //! goes well, it will have its own, private copy of the source directory and //! subsequently not have to worry about synchronizing with other compiler //! processes. //! 4. Now the compiler can do its normal compilation process, which involves //! reading and updating its private session directory. //! 5. When compilation finishes without errors, the private session directory //! will be in a state where it can be used as input for other compilation //! sessions. That is, it will contain a dependency graph and cache artifacts //! that are consistent with the state of the source code it was compiled //! from, with no need to change them ever again. At this point, the compiler //! finalizes and "publishes" its private session directory by renaming it //! from "s-{timestamp}-{random}-working" to "s-{timestamp}-{SVH}". //! 6. At this point the "old" session directory that we copied our data from //! at the beginning of the session has become obsolete because we have just //! published a more current version. Thus the compiler will delete it. //! //! ## Garbage Collection //! //! Naively following the above protocol might lead to old session directories //! piling up if a compiler instance crashes for some reason before its able to //! remove its private session directory. In order to avoid wasting disk space, //! the compiler also does some garbage collection each time it is started in //! incremental compilation mode. Specifically, it will scan the incremental //! compilation directory for private session directories that are not in use //! any more and will delete those. It will also delete any finalized session //! directories for a given crate except for the most recent one. //! //! ## Synchronization //! //! There is some synchronization needed in order for the compiler to be able to //! determine whether a given private session directory is not in used any more. //! This is done by creating a lock file for each session directory and //! locking it while the directory is still being used. Since file locks have //! operating system support, we can rely on the lock being released if the //! compiler process dies for some unexpected reason. Thus, when garbage //! collecting private session directories, the collecting process can determine //! whether the directory is still in use by trying to acquire a lock on the //! file. If locking the file fails, the original process must still be alive. //! If locking the file succeeds, we know that the owning process is not alive //! any more and we can safely delete the directory. //! There is still a small time window between the original process creating the //! lock file and actually locking it. In order to minimize the chance that //! another process tries to acquire the lock in just that instance, only //! session directories that are older than a few seconds are considered for //! garbage collection. //! //! Another case that has to be considered is what happens if one process //! deletes a finalized session directory that another process is currently //! trying to copy from. This case is also handled via the lock file. Before //! a process starts copying a finalized session directory, it will acquire a //! shared lock on the directory's lock file. Any garbage collecting process, //! on the other hand, will acquire an exclusive lock on the lock file. //! Thus, if a directory is being collected, any reader process will fail //! acquiring the shared lock and will leave the directory alone. Conversely, //! if a collecting process can't acquire the exclusive lock because the //! directory is currently being read from, it will leave collecting that //! directory to another process at a later point in time. //! The exact same scheme is also used when reading the metadata hashes file //! from an extern crate. When a crate is compiled, the hash values of its //! metadata are stored in a file in its session directory. When the //! compilation session of another crate imports the first crate's metadata, //! it also has to read in the accompanying metadata hashes. It thus will access //! the finalized session directory of all crates it links to and while doing //! so, it will also place a read lock on that the respective session directory //! so that it won't be deleted while the metadata hashes are loaded. //! //! ## Preconditions //! //! This system relies on two features being available in the file system in //! order to work really well: file locking and hard linking. //! If hard linking is not available (like on FAT) the data in the cache //! actually has to be copied at the beginning of each session. //! If file locking does not work reliably (like on NFS), some of the //! synchronization will go haywire. //! In both cases we recommend to locate the incremental compilation directory //! on a file system that supports these things. //! It might be a good idea though to try and detect whether we are on an //! unsupported file system and emit a warning in that case. This is not yet //! implemented. use crate::errors; use rustc_data_structures::fx::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet}; use rustc_data_structures::svh::Svh; use rustc_data_structures::{base_n, flock}; use rustc_errors::ErrorGuaranteed; use rustc_fs_util::{link_or_copy, try_canonicalize, LinkOrCopy}; use rustc_session::{Session, StableCrateId}; use rustc_span::Symbol; use std::fs as std_fs; use std::io::{self, ErrorKind}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH}; use rand::{thread_rng, RngCore}; #[cfg(test)] mod tests; const LOCK_FILE_EXT: &str = ".lock"; const DEP_GRAPH_FILENAME: &str = "dep-graph.bin"; const STAGING_DEP_GRAPH_FILENAME: &str = "dep-graph.part.bin"; const WORK_PRODUCTS_FILENAME: &str = "work-products.bin"; const QUERY_CACHE_FILENAME: &str = "query-cache.bin"; // We encode integers using the following base, so they are shorter than decimal // or hexadecimal numbers (we want short file and directory names). Since these // numbers will be used in file names, we choose an encoding that is not // case-sensitive (as opposed to base64, for example). const INT_ENCODE_BASE: usize = base_n::CASE_INSENSITIVE; /// Returns the path to a session's dependency graph. pub fn dep_graph_path(sess: &Session) -> PathBuf { in_incr_comp_dir_sess(sess, DEP_GRAPH_FILENAME) } /// Returns the path to a session's staging dependency graph. /// /// On the difference between dep-graph and staging dep-graph, /// see `build_dep_graph`. pub fn staging_dep_graph_path(sess: &Session) -> PathBuf { in_incr_comp_dir_sess(sess, STAGING_DEP_GRAPH_FILENAME) } pub fn work_products_path(sess: &Session) -> PathBuf { in_incr_comp_dir_sess(sess, WORK_PRODUCTS_FILENAME) } /// Returns the path to a session's query cache. pub fn query_cache_path(sess: &Session) -> PathBuf { in_incr_comp_dir_sess(sess, QUERY_CACHE_FILENAME) } /// Locks a given session directory. pub fn lock_file_path(session_dir: &Path) -> PathBuf { let crate_dir = session_dir.parent().unwrap(); let directory_name = session_dir.file_name().unwrap().to_string_lossy(); assert_no_characters_lost(&directory_name); let dash_indices: Vec<_> = directory_name.match_indices('-').map(|(idx, _)| idx).collect(); if dash_indices.len() != 3 { bug!( "Encountered incremental compilation session directory with \ malformed name: {}", session_dir.display() ) } crate_dir.join(&directory_name[0..dash_indices[2]]).with_extension(&LOCK_FILE_EXT[1..]) } /// Returns the path for a given filename within the incremental compilation directory /// in the current session. pub fn in_incr_comp_dir_sess(sess: &Session, file_name: &str) -> PathBuf { in_incr_comp_dir(&sess.incr_comp_session_dir(), file_name) } /// Returns the path for a given filename within the incremental compilation directory, /// not necessarily from the current session. /// /// To ensure the file is part of the current session, use [`in_incr_comp_dir_sess`]. pub fn in_incr_comp_dir(incr_comp_session_dir: &Path, file_name: &str) -> PathBuf { incr_comp_session_dir.join(file_name) } /// Allocates the private session directory. /// /// If the result of this function is `Ok`, we have a valid incremental /// compilation session directory. A valid session /// directory is one that contains a locked lock file. It may or may not contain /// a dep-graph and work products from a previous session. /// /// This always attempts to load a dep-graph from the directory. /// If loading fails for some reason, we fallback to a disabled `DepGraph`. /// See [`rustc_interface::queries::dep_graph`]. /// /// If this function returns an error, it may leave behind an invalid session directory. /// The garbage collection will take care of it. /// /// [`rustc_interface::queries::dep_graph`]: ../../rustc_interface/struct.Queries.html#structfield.dep_graph pub fn prepare_session_directory( sess: &Session, crate_name: Symbol, stable_crate_id: StableCrateId, ) -> Result<(), ErrorGuaranteed> { if sess.opts.incremental.is_none() { return Ok(()); } let _timer = sess.timer("incr_comp_prepare_session_directory"); debug!("prepare_session_directory"); // {incr-comp-dir}/{crate-name-and-disambiguator} let crate_dir = crate_path(sess, crate_name, stable_crate_id); debug!("crate-dir: {}", crate_dir.display()); create_dir(sess, &crate_dir, "crate")?; // Hack: canonicalize the path *after creating the directory* // because, on windows, long paths can cause problems; // canonicalization inserts this weird prefix that makes windows // tolerate long paths. let crate_dir = match try_canonicalize(&crate_dir) { Ok(v) => v, Err(err) => { return Err(sess.emit_err(errors::CanonicalizePath { path: crate_dir, err })); } }; let mut source_directories_already_tried = FxHashSet::default(); loop { // Generate a session directory of the form: // // {incr-comp-dir}/{crate-name-and-disambiguator}/s-{timestamp}-{random}-working let session_dir = generate_session_dir_path(&crate_dir); debug!("session-dir: {}", session_dir.display()); // Lock the new session directory. If this fails, return an // error without retrying let (directory_lock, lock_file_path) = lock_directory(sess, &session_dir)?; // Now that we have the lock, we can actually create the session // directory create_dir(sess, &session_dir, "session")?; // Find a suitable source directory to copy from. Ignore those that we // have already tried before. let source_directory = find_source_directory(&crate_dir, &source_directories_already_tried); let Some(source_directory) = source_directory else { // There's nowhere to copy from, we're done debug!( "no source directory found. Continuing with empty session \ directory." ); sess.init_incr_comp_session(session_dir, directory_lock, false); return Ok(()); }; debug!("attempting to copy data from source: {}", source_directory.display()); // Try copying over all files from the source directory if let Ok(allows_links) = copy_files(sess, &session_dir, &source_directory) { debug!("successfully copied data from: {}", source_directory.display()); if !allows_links { sess.emit_warning(errors::HardLinkFailed { path: &session_dir }); } sess.init_incr_comp_session(session_dir, directory_lock, true); return Ok(()); } else { debug!("copying failed - trying next directory"); // Something went wrong while trying to copy/link files from the // source directory. Try again with a different one. source_directories_already_tried.insert(source_directory); // Try to remove the session directory we just allocated. We don't // know if there's any garbage in it from the failed copy action. if let Err(err) = safe_remove_dir_all(&session_dir) { sess.emit_warning(errors::DeletePartial { path: &session_dir, err }); } delete_session_dir_lock_file(sess, &lock_file_path); drop(directory_lock); } } } /// This function finalizes and thus 'publishes' the session directory by /// renaming it to `s-{timestamp}-{svh}` and releasing the file lock. /// If there have been compilation errors, however, this function will just /// delete the presumably invalid session directory. pub fn finalize_session_directory(sess: &Session, svh: Option) { if sess.opts.incremental.is_none() { return; } // The svh is always produced when incr. comp. is enabled. let svh = svh.unwrap(); let _timer = sess.timer("incr_comp_finalize_session_directory"); let incr_comp_session_dir: PathBuf = sess.incr_comp_session_dir().clone(); if let Some(_) = sess.has_errors_or_delayed_span_bugs() { // If there have been any errors during compilation, we don't want to // publish this session directory. Rather, we'll just delete it. debug!( "finalize_session_directory() - invalidating session directory: {}", incr_comp_session_dir.display() ); if let Err(err) = safe_remove_dir_all(&*incr_comp_session_dir) { sess.emit_warning(errors::DeleteFull { path: &incr_comp_session_dir, err }); } let lock_file_path = lock_file_path(&*incr_comp_session_dir); delete_session_dir_lock_file(sess, &lock_file_path); sess.mark_incr_comp_session_as_invalid(); } debug!("finalize_session_directory() - session directory: {}", incr_comp_session_dir.display()); let old_sub_dir_name = incr_comp_session_dir.file_name().unwrap().to_string_lossy(); assert_no_characters_lost(&old_sub_dir_name); // Keep the 's-{timestamp}-{random-number}' prefix, but replace the // '-working' part with the SVH of the crate let dash_indices: Vec<_> = old_sub_dir_name.match_indices('-').map(|(idx, _)| idx).collect(); if dash_indices.len() != 3 { bug!( "Encountered incremental compilation session directory with \ malformed name: {}", incr_comp_session_dir.display() ) } // State: "s-{timestamp}-{random-number}-" let mut new_sub_dir_name = String::from(&old_sub_dir_name[..=dash_indices[2]]); // Append the svh base_n::push_str(svh.as_u64() as u128, INT_ENCODE_BASE, &mut new_sub_dir_name); // Create the full path let new_path = incr_comp_session_dir.parent().unwrap().join(new_sub_dir_name); debug!("finalize_session_directory() - new path: {}", new_path.display()); match rename_path_with_retry(&*incr_comp_session_dir, &new_path, 3) { Ok(_) => { debug!("finalize_session_directory() - directory renamed successfully"); // This unlocks the directory sess.finalize_incr_comp_session(new_path); } Err(e) => { // Warn about the error. However, no need to abort compilation now. sess.emit_warning(errors::Finalize { path: &incr_comp_session_dir, err: e }); debug!("finalize_session_directory() - error, marking as invalid"); // Drop the file lock, so we can garage collect sess.mark_incr_comp_session_as_invalid(); } } let _ = garbage_collect_session_directories(sess); } pub fn delete_all_session_dir_contents(sess: &Session) -> io::Result<()> { let sess_dir_iterator = sess.incr_comp_session_dir().read_dir()?; for entry in sess_dir_iterator { let entry = entry?; safe_remove_file(&entry.path())? } Ok(()) } fn copy_files(sess: &Session, target_dir: &Path, source_dir: &Path) -> Result { // We acquire a shared lock on the lock file of the directory, so that // nobody deletes it out from under us while we are reading from it. let lock_file_path = lock_file_path(source_dir); // not exclusive let Ok(_lock) = flock::Lock::new( &lock_file_path, false, // don't wait, false, // don't create false, ) else { // Could not acquire the lock, don't try to copy from here return Err(()); }; let Ok(source_dir_iterator) = source_dir.read_dir() else { return Err(()); }; let mut files_linked = 0; let mut files_copied = 0; for entry in source_dir_iterator { match entry { Ok(entry) => { let file_name = entry.file_name(); let target_file_path = target_dir.join(file_name); let source_path = entry.path(); debug!("copying into session dir: {}", source_path.display()); match link_or_copy(source_path, target_file_path) { Ok(LinkOrCopy::Link) => files_linked += 1, Ok(LinkOrCopy::Copy) => files_copied += 1, Err(_) => return Err(()), } } Err(_) => return Err(()), } } if sess.opts.unstable_opts.incremental_info { eprintln!( "[incremental] session directory: \ {} files hard-linked", files_linked ); eprintln!( "[incremental] session directory: \ {} files copied", files_copied ); } Ok(files_linked > 0 || files_copied == 0) } /// Generates unique directory path of the form: /// {crate_dir}/s-{timestamp}-{random-number}-working fn generate_session_dir_path(crate_dir: &Path) -> PathBuf { let timestamp = timestamp_to_string(SystemTime::now()); debug!("generate_session_dir_path: timestamp = {}", timestamp); let random_number = thread_rng().next_u32(); debug!("generate_session_dir_path: random_number = {}", random_number); let directory_name = format!( "s-{}-{}-working", timestamp, base_n::encode(random_number as u128, INT_ENCODE_BASE) ); debug!("generate_session_dir_path: directory_name = {}", directory_name); let directory_path = crate_dir.join(directory_name); debug!("generate_session_dir_path: directory_path = {}", directory_path.display()); directory_path } fn create_dir(sess: &Session, path: &Path, dir_tag: &str) -> Result<(), ErrorGuaranteed> { match std_fs::create_dir_all(path) { Ok(()) => { debug!("{} directory created successfully", dir_tag); Ok(()) } Err(err) => Err(sess.emit_err(errors::CreateIncrCompDir { tag: dir_tag, path, err })), } } /// Allocate the lock-file and lock it. fn lock_directory( sess: &Session, session_dir: &Path, ) -> Result<(flock::Lock, PathBuf), ErrorGuaranteed> { let lock_file_path = lock_file_path(session_dir); debug!("lock_directory() - lock_file: {}", lock_file_path.display()); match flock::Lock::new( &lock_file_path, false, // don't wait true, // create the lock file true, ) { // the lock should be exclusive Ok(lock) => Ok((lock, lock_file_path)), Err(lock_err) => { let is_unsupported_lock = flock::Lock::error_unsupported(&lock_err).then_some(()); Err(sess.emit_err(errors::CreateLock { lock_err, session_dir, is_unsupported_lock, is_cargo: std::env::var_os("CARGO").map(|_| ()), })) } } } fn delete_session_dir_lock_file(sess: &Session, lock_file_path: &Path) { if let Err(err) = safe_remove_file(&lock_file_path) { sess.emit_warning(errors::DeleteLock { path: lock_file_path, err }); } } /// Finds the most recent published session directory that is not in the /// ignore-list. fn find_source_directory( crate_dir: &Path, source_directories_already_tried: &FxHashSet, ) -> Option { let iter = crate_dir .read_dir() .unwrap() // FIXME .filter_map(|e| e.ok().map(|e| e.path())); find_source_directory_in_iter(iter, source_directories_already_tried) } fn find_source_directory_in_iter( iter: I, source_directories_already_tried: &FxHashSet, ) -> Option where I: Iterator, { let mut best_candidate = (UNIX_EPOCH, None); for session_dir in iter { debug!("find_source_directory_in_iter - inspecting `{}`", session_dir.display()); let directory_name = session_dir.file_name().unwrap().to_string_lossy(); assert_no_characters_lost(&directory_name); if source_directories_already_tried.contains(&session_dir) || !is_session_directory(&directory_name) || !is_finalized(&directory_name) { debug!("find_source_directory_in_iter - ignoring"); continue; } let timestamp = extract_timestamp_from_session_dir(&directory_name).unwrap_or_else(|_| { bug!("unexpected incr-comp session dir: {}", session_dir.display()) }); if timestamp > best_candidate.0 { best_candidate = (timestamp, Some(session_dir.clone())); } } best_candidate.1 } fn is_finalized(directory_name: &str) -> bool { !directory_name.ends_with("-working") } fn is_session_directory(directory_name: &str) -> bool { directory_name.starts_with("s-") && !directory_name.ends_with(LOCK_FILE_EXT) } fn is_session_directory_lock_file(file_name: &str) -> bool { file_name.starts_with("s-") && file_name.ends_with(LOCK_FILE_EXT) } fn extract_timestamp_from_session_dir(directory_name: &str) -> Result { if !is_session_directory(directory_name) { return Err(()); } let dash_indices: Vec<_> = directory_name.match_indices('-').map(|(idx, _)| idx).collect(); if dash_indices.len() != 3 { return Err(()); } string_to_timestamp(&directory_name[dash_indices[0] + 1..dash_indices[1]]) } fn timestamp_to_string(timestamp: SystemTime) -> String { let duration = timestamp.duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap(); let micros = duration.as_secs() * 1_000_000 + (duration.subsec_nanos() as u64) / 1000; base_n::encode(micros as u128, INT_ENCODE_BASE) } fn string_to_timestamp(s: &str) -> Result { let micros_since_unix_epoch = u64::from_str_radix(s, INT_ENCODE_BASE as u32); if micros_since_unix_epoch.is_err() { return Err(()); } let micros_since_unix_epoch = micros_since_unix_epoch.unwrap(); let duration = Duration::new( micros_since_unix_epoch / 1_000_000, 1000 * (micros_since_unix_epoch % 1_000_000) as u32, ); Ok(UNIX_EPOCH + duration) } fn crate_path(sess: &Session, crate_name: Symbol, stable_crate_id: StableCrateId) -> PathBuf { let incr_dir = sess.opts.incremental.as_ref().unwrap().clone(); let stable_crate_id = base_n::encode(stable_crate_id.to_u64() as u128, INT_ENCODE_BASE); let crate_name = format!("{}-{}", crate_name, stable_crate_id); incr_dir.join(crate_name) } fn assert_no_characters_lost(s: &str) { if s.contains('\u{FFFD}') { bug!("Could not losslessly convert '{}'.", s) } } fn is_old_enough_to_be_collected(timestamp: SystemTime) -> bool { timestamp < SystemTime::now() - Duration::from_secs(10) } /// Runs garbage collection for the current session. pub fn garbage_collect_session_directories(sess: &Session) -> io::Result<()> { debug!("garbage_collect_session_directories() - begin"); let session_directory = sess.incr_comp_session_dir(); debug!( "garbage_collect_session_directories() - session directory: {}", session_directory.display() ); let crate_directory = session_directory.parent().unwrap(); debug!( "garbage_collect_session_directories() - crate directory: {}", crate_directory.display() ); // First do a pass over the crate directory, collecting lock files and // session directories let mut session_directories = FxHashSet::default(); let mut lock_files = FxHashSet::default(); for dir_entry in crate_directory.read_dir()? { let Ok(dir_entry) = dir_entry else { // Ignore any errors continue; }; let entry_name = dir_entry.file_name(); let entry_name = entry_name.to_string_lossy(); if is_session_directory_lock_file(&entry_name) { assert_no_characters_lost(&entry_name); lock_files.insert(entry_name.into_owned()); } else if is_session_directory(&entry_name) { assert_no_characters_lost(&entry_name); session_directories.insert(entry_name.into_owned()); } else { // This is something we don't know, leave it alone } } // Now map from lock files to session directories let lock_file_to_session_dir: FxHashMap> = lock_files .into_iter() .map(|lock_file_name| { assert!(lock_file_name.ends_with(LOCK_FILE_EXT)); let dir_prefix_end = lock_file_name.len() - LOCK_FILE_EXT.len(); let session_dir = { let dir_prefix = &lock_file_name[0..dir_prefix_end]; session_directories.iter().find(|dir_name| dir_name.starts_with(dir_prefix)) }; (lock_file_name, session_dir.map(String::clone)) }) .collect(); // Delete all lock files, that don't have an associated directory. They must // be some kind of leftover for (lock_file_name, directory_name) in &lock_file_to_session_dir { if directory_name.is_none() { let Ok(timestamp) = extract_timestamp_from_session_dir(lock_file_name) else { debug!( "found lock-file with malformed timestamp: {}", crate_directory.join(&lock_file_name).display() ); // Ignore it continue; }; let lock_file_path = crate_directory.join(&**lock_file_name); if is_old_enough_to_be_collected(timestamp) { debug!( "garbage_collect_session_directories() - deleting \ garbage lock file: {}", lock_file_path.display() ); delete_session_dir_lock_file(sess, &lock_file_path); } else { debug!( "garbage_collect_session_directories() - lock file with \ no session dir not old enough to be collected: {}", lock_file_path.display() ); } } } // Filter out `None` directories let lock_file_to_session_dir: FxHashMap = lock_file_to_session_dir .into_iter() .filter_map(|(lock_file_name, directory_name)| directory_name.map(|n| (lock_file_name, n))) .collect(); // Delete all session directories that don't have a lock file. for directory_name in session_directories { if !lock_file_to_session_dir.values().any(|dir| *dir == directory_name) { let path = crate_directory.join(directory_name); if let Err(err) = safe_remove_dir_all(&path) { sess.emit_warning(errors::InvalidGcFailed { path: &path, err }); } } } // Now garbage collect the valid session directories. let mut deletion_candidates = vec![]; for (lock_file_name, directory_name) in &lock_file_to_session_dir { debug!("garbage_collect_session_directories() - inspecting: {}", directory_name); let Ok(timestamp) = extract_timestamp_from_session_dir(directory_name) else { debug!( "found session-dir with malformed timestamp: {}", crate_directory.join(directory_name).display() ); // Ignore it continue; }; if is_finalized(directory_name) { let lock_file_path = crate_directory.join(lock_file_name); match flock::Lock::new( &lock_file_path, false, // don't wait false, // don't create the lock-file true, ) { // get an exclusive lock Ok(lock) => { debug!( "garbage_collect_session_directories() - \ successfully acquired lock" ); debug!( "garbage_collect_session_directories() - adding \ deletion candidate: {}", directory_name ); // Note that we are holding on to the lock deletion_candidates.push(( timestamp, crate_directory.join(directory_name), Some(lock), )); } Err(_) => { debug!( "garbage_collect_session_directories() - \ not collecting, still in use" ); } } } else if is_old_enough_to_be_collected(timestamp) { // When cleaning out "-working" session directories, i.e. // session directories that might still be in use by another // compiler instance, we only look a directories that are // at least ten seconds old. This is supposed to reduce the // chance of deleting a directory in the time window where // the process has allocated the directory but has not yet // acquired the file-lock on it. // Try to acquire the directory lock. If we can't, it // means that the owning process is still alive and we // leave this directory alone. let lock_file_path = crate_directory.join(lock_file_name); match flock::Lock::new( &lock_file_path, false, // don't wait false, // don't create the lock-file true, ) { // get an exclusive lock Ok(lock) => { debug!( "garbage_collect_session_directories() - \ successfully acquired lock" ); delete_old(sess, &crate_directory.join(directory_name)); // Let's make it explicit that the file lock is released at this point, // or rather, that we held on to it until here drop(lock); } Err(_) => { debug!( "garbage_collect_session_directories() - \ not collecting, still in use" ); } } } else { debug!( "garbage_collect_session_directories() - not finalized, not \ old enough" ); } } // Delete all but the most recent of the candidates for (path, lock) in all_except_most_recent(deletion_candidates) { debug!("garbage_collect_session_directories() - deleting `{}`", path.display()); if let Err(err) = safe_remove_dir_all(&path) { sess.emit_warning(errors::FinalizedGcFailed { path: &path, err }); } else { delete_session_dir_lock_file(sess, &lock_file_path(&path)); } // Let's make it explicit that the file lock is released at this point, // or rather, that we held on to it until here drop(lock); } Ok(()) } fn delete_old(sess: &Session, path: &Path) { debug!("garbage_collect_session_directories() - deleting `{}`", path.display()); if let Err(err) = safe_remove_dir_all(&path) { sess.emit_warning(errors::SessionGcFailed { path: &path, err }); } else { delete_session_dir_lock_file(sess, &lock_file_path(&path)); } } fn all_except_most_recent( deletion_candidates: Vec<(SystemTime, PathBuf, Option)>, ) -> FxHashMap> { let most_recent = deletion_candidates.iter().map(|&(timestamp, ..)| timestamp).max(); if let Some(most_recent) = most_recent { deletion_candidates .into_iter() .filter(|&(timestamp, ..)| timestamp != most_recent) .map(|(_, path, lock)| (path, lock)) .collect() } else { FxHashMap::default() } } /// Since paths of artifacts within session directories can get quite long, we /// need to support deleting files with very long paths. The regular /// WinApi functions only support paths up to 260 characters, however. In order /// to circumvent this limitation, we canonicalize the path of the directory /// before passing it to std::fs::remove_dir_all(). This will convert the path /// into the '\\?\' format, which supports much longer paths. fn safe_remove_dir_all(p: &Path) -> io::Result<()> { let canonicalized = match try_canonicalize(p) { Ok(canonicalized) => canonicalized, Err(err) if err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::NotFound => return Ok(()), Err(err) => return Err(err), }; std_fs::remove_dir_all(canonicalized) } fn safe_remove_file(p: &Path) -> io::Result<()> { let canonicalized = match try_canonicalize(p) { Ok(canonicalized) => canonicalized, Err(err) if err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::NotFound => return Ok(()), Err(err) => return Err(err), }; match std_fs::remove_file(canonicalized) { Err(err) if err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::NotFound => Ok(()), result => result, } } // On Windows the compiler would sometimes fail to rename the session directory because // the OS thought something was still being accessed in it. So we retry a few times to give // the OS time to catch up. // See https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/86929. fn rename_path_with_retry(from: &Path, to: &Path, mut retries_left: usize) -> std::io::Result<()> { loop { match std_fs::rename(from, to) { Ok(()) => return Ok(()), Err(e) => { if retries_left > 0 && e.kind() == ErrorKind::PermissionDenied { // Try again after a short waiting period. std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(50)); retries_left -= 1; } else { return Err(e); } } } } }