//! Greatest lower bound. See [`lattice`]. use super::combine::{CombineFields, ObligationEmittingRelation}; use super::lattice::{self, LatticeDir}; use super::Subtype; use super::{DefineOpaqueTypes, InferCtxt}; use crate::traits::{ObligationCause, PredicateObligations}; use rustc_middle::ty::relate::{Relate, RelateResult, TypeRelation}; use rustc_middle::ty::{self, Ty, TyCtxt, TypeVisitableExt}; /// "Greatest lower bound" (common subtype) pub struct Glb<'combine, 'infcx, 'tcx> { fields: &'combine mut CombineFields<'infcx, 'tcx>, a_is_expected: bool, } impl<'combine, 'infcx, 'tcx> Glb<'combine, 'infcx, 'tcx> { pub fn new( fields: &'combine mut CombineFields<'infcx, 'tcx>, a_is_expected: bool, ) -> Glb<'combine, 'infcx, 'tcx> { Glb { fields, a_is_expected } } } impl<'tcx> TypeRelation<'tcx> for Glb<'_, '_, 'tcx> { fn tag(&self) -> &'static str { "Glb" } fn tcx(&self) -> TyCtxt<'tcx> { self.fields.tcx() } fn param_env(&self) -> ty::ParamEnv<'tcx> { self.fields.param_env } fn a_is_expected(&self) -> bool { self.a_is_expected } fn relate_with_variance>( &mut self, variance: ty::Variance, _info: ty::VarianceDiagInfo<'tcx>, a: T, b: T, ) -> RelateResult<'tcx, T> { match variance { ty::Invariant => self.fields.equate(self.a_is_expected).relate(a, b), ty::Covariant => self.relate(a, b), // FIXME(#41044) -- not correct, need test ty::Bivariant => Ok(a), ty::Contravariant => self.fields.lub(self.a_is_expected).relate(a, b), } } fn tys(&mut self, a: Ty<'tcx>, b: Ty<'tcx>) -> RelateResult<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>> { lattice::super_lattice_tys(self, a, b) } fn regions( &mut self, a: ty::Region<'tcx>, b: ty::Region<'tcx>, ) -> RelateResult<'tcx, ty::Region<'tcx>> { debug!("{}.regions({:?}, {:?})", self.tag(), a, b); let origin = Subtype(Box::new(self.fields.trace.clone())); // GLB(&'static u8, &'a u8) == &RegionLUB('static, 'a) u8 == &'static u8 Ok(self.fields.infcx.inner.borrow_mut().unwrap_region_constraints().lub_regions( self.tcx(), origin, a, b, )) } fn consts( &mut self, a: ty::Const<'tcx>, b: ty::Const<'tcx>, ) -> RelateResult<'tcx, ty::Const<'tcx>> { self.fields.infcx.super_combine_consts(self, a, b) } fn binders( &mut self, a: ty::Binder<'tcx, T>, b: ty::Binder<'tcx, T>, ) -> RelateResult<'tcx, ty::Binder<'tcx, T>> where T: Relate<'tcx>, { // GLB of a binder and itself is just itself if a == b { return Ok(a); } debug!("binders(a={:?}, b={:?})", a, b); if a.skip_binder().has_escaping_bound_vars() || b.skip_binder().has_escaping_bound_vars() { // When higher-ranked types are involved, computing the GLB is // very challenging, switch to invariance. This is obviously // overly conservative but works ok in practice. self.relate_with_variance( ty::Variance::Invariant, ty::VarianceDiagInfo::default(), a, b, )?; Ok(a) } else { Ok(ty::Binder::dummy(self.relate(a.skip_binder(), b.skip_binder())?)) } } } impl<'combine, 'infcx, 'tcx> LatticeDir<'infcx, 'tcx> for Glb<'combine, 'infcx, 'tcx> { fn infcx(&self) -> &'infcx InferCtxt<'tcx> { self.fields.infcx } fn cause(&self) -> &ObligationCause<'tcx> { &self.fields.trace.cause } fn relate_bound(&mut self, v: Ty<'tcx>, a: Ty<'tcx>, b: Ty<'tcx>) -> RelateResult<'tcx, ()> { let mut sub = self.fields.sub(self.a_is_expected); sub.relate(v, a)?; sub.relate(v, b)?; Ok(()) } fn define_opaque_types(&self) -> DefineOpaqueTypes { self.fields.define_opaque_types } } impl<'tcx> ObligationEmittingRelation<'tcx> for Glb<'_, '_, 'tcx> { fn register_predicates(&mut self, obligations: impl IntoIterator>) { self.fields.register_predicates(obligations); } fn register_obligations(&mut self, obligations: PredicateObligations<'tcx>) { self.fields.register_obligations(obligations); } fn alias_relate_direction(&self) -> ty::AliasRelationDirection { // FIXME(deferred_projection_equality): This isn't right, I think? ty::AliasRelationDirection::Equate } }