#![deny(unused_must_use)] use crate::diagnostics::error::{ invalid_nested_attr, span_err, throw_invalid_attr, throw_invalid_nested_attr, throw_span_err, DiagnosticDeriveError, }; use crate::diagnostics::utils::{ report_error_if_not_applied_to_span, report_type_error, type_is_unit, type_matches_path, Applicability, FieldInfo, FieldInnerTy, HasFieldMap, SetOnce, }; use proc_macro2::{Ident, Span, TokenStream}; use quote::{format_ident, quote}; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::str::FromStr; use syn::{ parse_quote, spanned::Spanned, Attribute, Field, Meta, MetaList, MetaNameValue, NestedMeta, Path, Type, }; use synstructure::{BindingInfo, Structure}; /// What kind of diagnostic is being derived - a fatal/error/warning or a lint? #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub(crate) enum DiagnosticDeriveKind { SessionDiagnostic, LintDiagnostic, } /// Tracks persistent information required for building up individual calls to diagnostic methods /// for generated diagnostic derives - both `SessionDiagnostic` for fatal/errors/warnings and /// `LintDiagnostic` for lints. pub(crate) struct DiagnosticDeriveBuilder { /// The identifier to use for the generated `DiagnosticBuilder` instance. pub diag: syn::Ident, /// Store a map of field name to its corresponding field. This is built on construction of the /// derive builder. pub fields: HashMap, /// Kind of diagnostic that should be derived. pub kind: DiagnosticDeriveKind, /// Slug is a mandatory part of the struct attribute as corresponds to the Fluent message that /// has the actual diagnostic message. pub slug: Option<(Path, proc_macro::Span)>, /// Error codes are a optional part of the struct attribute - this is only set to detect /// multiple specifications. pub code: Option<(String, proc_macro::Span)>, } impl HasFieldMap for DiagnosticDeriveBuilder { fn get_field_binding(&self, field: &String) -> Option<&TokenStream> { self.fields.get(field) } } impl DiagnosticDeriveBuilder { pub fn preamble<'s>(&mut self, structure: &Structure<'s>) -> TokenStream { let ast = structure.ast(); let attrs = &ast.attrs; let preamble = attrs.iter().map(|attr| { self.generate_structure_code_for_attr(attr).unwrap_or_else(|v| v.to_compile_error()) }); quote! { #(#preamble)*; } } pub fn body<'s>(&mut self, structure: &mut Structure<'s>) -> (TokenStream, TokenStream) { // Keep track of which fields need to be handled with a by-move binding. let mut needs_moved = std::collections::HashSet::new(); // Generates calls to `span_label` and similar functions based on the attributes // on fields. Code for suggestions uses formatting machinery and the value of // other fields - because any given field can be referenced multiple times, it // should be accessed through a borrow. When passing fields to `add_subdiagnostic` // or `set_arg` (which happens below) for Fluent, we want to move the data, so that // has to happen in a separate pass over the fields. let attrs = structure .clone() .filter(|field_binding| { let ast = &field_binding.ast(); !self.needs_move(ast) || { needs_moved.insert(field_binding.binding.clone()); false } }) .each(|field_binding| self.generate_field_attrs_code(field_binding)); structure.bind_with(|_| synstructure::BindStyle::Move); // When a field has attributes like `#[label]` or `#[note]` then it doesn't // need to be passed as an argument to the diagnostic. But when a field has no // attributes or a `#[subdiagnostic]` attribute then it must be passed as an // argument to the diagnostic so that it can be referred to by Fluent messages. let args = structure .filter(|field_binding| needs_moved.contains(&field_binding.binding)) .each(|field_binding| self.generate_field_attrs_code(field_binding)); (attrs, args) } /// Returns `true` if `field` should generate a `set_arg` call rather than any other diagnostic /// call (like `span_label`). fn should_generate_set_arg(&self, field: &Field) -> bool { field.attrs.is_empty() } /// Returns `true` if `field` needs to have code generated in the by-move branch of the /// generated derive rather than the by-ref branch. fn needs_move(&self, field: &Field) -> bool { let generates_set_arg = self.should_generate_set_arg(field); let is_multispan = type_matches_path(&field.ty, &["rustc_errors", "MultiSpan"]); // FIXME(davidtwco): better support for one field needing to be in the by-move and // by-ref branches. let is_subdiagnostic = field .attrs .iter() .map(|attr| attr.path.segments.last().unwrap().ident.to_string()) .any(|attr| attr == "subdiagnostic"); // `set_arg` calls take their argument by-move.. generates_set_arg // If this is a `MultiSpan` field then it needs to be moved to be used by any // attribute.. || is_multispan // If this a `#[subdiagnostic]` then it needs to be moved as the other diagnostic is // unlikely to be `Copy`.. || is_subdiagnostic } /// Establishes state in the `DiagnosticDeriveBuilder` resulting from the struct /// attributes like `#[diag(..)]`, such as the slug and error code. Generates /// diagnostic builder calls for setting error code and creating note/help messages. fn generate_structure_code_for_attr( &mut self, attr: &Attribute, ) -> Result { let diag = &self.diag; let span = attr.span().unwrap(); let name = attr.path.segments.last().unwrap().ident.to_string(); let name = name.as_str(); let meta = attr.parse_meta()?; let is_diag = name == "diag"; let nested = match meta { // Most attributes are lists, like `#[diag(..)]` for most cases or // `#[help(..)]`/`#[note(..)]` when the user is specifying a alternative slug. Meta::List(MetaList { ref nested, .. }) => nested, // Subdiagnostics without spans can be applied to the type too, and these are just // paths: `#[help]`, `#[note]` and `#[warning]` Meta::Path(_) if !is_diag => { let fn_name = if name == "warning" { Ident::new("warn", attr.span()) } else { Ident::new(name, attr.span()) }; return Ok(quote! { #diag.#fn_name(rustc_errors::fluent::_subdiag::#fn_name); }); } _ => throw_invalid_attr!(attr, &meta), }; // Check the kind before doing any further processing so that there aren't misleading // "no kind specified" errors if there are failures later. match name { "error" | "lint" => throw_invalid_attr!(attr, &meta, |diag| { diag.help("`error` and `lint` have been replaced by `diag`") }), "warn_" => throw_invalid_attr!(attr, &meta, |diag| { diag.help("`warn_` have been replaced by `warning`") }), "diag" | "help" | "note" | "warning" => (), _ => throw_invalid_attr!(attr, &meta, |diag| { diag.help("only `diag`, `help`, `note` and `warning` are valid attributes") }), } // First nested element should always be the path, e.g. `#[diag(typeck::invalid)]` or // `#[help(typeck::another_help)]`. let mut nested_iter = nested.into_iter(); if let Some(nested_attr) = nested_iter.next() { // Report an error if there are any other list items after the path. if !is_diag && nested_iter.next().is_some() { throw_invalid_nested_attr!(attr, &nested_attr, |diag| { diag.help( "`help`, `note` and `warning` struct attributes can only have one argument", ) }); } match nested_attr { NestedMeta::Meta(Meta::Path(path)) => { if is_diag { self.slug.set_once((path.clone(), span)); } else { let fn_name = proc_macro2::Ident::new(name, attr.span()); return Ok(quote! { #diag.#fn_name(rustc_errors::fluent::#path); }); } } NestedMeta::Meta(meta @ Meta::NameValue(_)) if is_diag && meta.path().segments.last().unwrap().ident == "code" => { // don't error for valid follow-up attributes } nested_attr => throw_invalid_nested_attr!(attr, &nested_attr, |diag| { diag.help("first argument of the attribute should be the diagnostic slug") }), }; } // Remaining attributes are optional, only `code = ".."` at the moment. let mut tokens = Vec::new(); for nested_attr in nested_iter { let meta = match nested_attr { syn::NestedMeta::Meta(meta) => meta, _ => throw_invalid_nested_attr!(attr, &nested_attr), }; let path = meta.path(); let nested_name = path.segments.last().unwrap().ident.to_string(); // Struct attributes are only allowed to be applied once, and the diagnostic // changes will be set in the initialisation code. if let Meta::NameValue(MetaNameValue { lit: syn::Lit::Str(s), .. }) = &meta { let span = s.span().unwrap(); match nested_name.as_str() { "code" => { self.code.set_once((s.value(), span)); let code = &self.code.as_ref().map(|(v, _)| v); tokens.push(quote! { #diag.code(rustc_errors::DiagnosticId::Error(#code.to_string())); }); } _ => invalid_nested_attr(attr, &nested_attr) .help("only `code` is a valid nested attributes following the slug") .emit(), } } else { invalid_nested_attr(attr, &nested_attr).emit() } } Ok(tokens.into_iter().collect()) } fn generate_field_attrs_code(&mut self, binding_info: &BindingInfo<'_>) -> TokenStream { let field = binding_info.ast(); let field_binding = &binding_info.binding; if self.should_generate_set_arg(&field) { let diag = &self.diag; let ident = field.ident.as_ref().unwrap(); return quote! { #diag.set_arg( stringify!(#ident), #field_binding ); }; } let needs_move = self.needs_move(&field); let inner_ty = FieldInnerTy::from_type(&field.ty); field .attrs .iter() .map(move |attr| { let name = attr.path.segments.last().unwrap().ident.to_string(); let needs_clone = name == "primary_span" && matches!(inner_ty, FieldInnerTy::Vec(_)); let (binding, needs_destructure) = if needs_clone { // `primary_span` can accept a `Vec` so don't destructure that. (quote! { #field_binding.clone() }, false) } else if needs_move { (quote! { #field_binding }, true) } else { (quote! { *#field_binding }, true) }; let generated_code = self .generate_inner_field_code( attr, FieldInfo { binding: binding_info, ty: inner_ty.inner_type().unwrap_or(&field.ty), span: &field.span(), }, binding, ) .unwrap_or_else(|v| v.to_compile_error()); if needs_destructure { inner_ty.with(field_binding, generated_code) } else { generated_code } }) .collect() } fn generate_inner_field_code( &mut self, attr: &Attribute, info: FieldInfo<'_>, binding: TokenStream, ) -> Result { let meta = attr.parse_meta()?; match meta { Meta::Path(_) => self.generate_inner_field_code_path(attr, info, binding), Meta::List(MetaList { .. }) => self.generate_inner_field_code_list(attr, info, binding), _ => throw_invalid_attr!(attr, &meta), } } fn generate_inner_field_code_path( &mut self, attr: &Attribute, info: FieldInfo<'_>, binding: TokenStream, ) -> Result { assert!(matches!(attr.parse_meta()?, Meta::Path(_))); let diag = &self.diag; let meta = attr.parse_meta()?; let ident = &attr.path.segments.last().unwrap().ident; let name = ident.to_string(); let name = name.as_str(); match name { "skip_arg" => { // Don't need to do anything - by virtue of the attribute existing, the // `set_arg` call will not be generated. Ok(quote! {}) } "primary_span" => { match self.kind { DiagnosticDeriveKind::SessionDiagnostic => { report_error_if_not_applied_to_span(attr, &info)?; Ok(quote! { #diag.set_span(#binding); }) } DiagnosticDeriveKind::LintDiagnostic => { throw_invalid_attr!(attr, &meta, |diag| { diag.help("the `primary_span` field attribute is not valid for lint diagnostics") }) } } } "label" => { report_error_if_not_applied_to_span(attr, &info)?; Ok(self.add_spanned_subdiagnostic(binding, ident, parse_quote! { _subdiag::label })) } "note" | "help" | "warning" => { let warn_ident = Ident::new("warn", Span::call_site()); let (ident, path) = match name { "note" => (ident, parse_quote! { _subdiag::note }), "help" => (ident, parse_quote! { _subdiag::help }), "warning" => (&warn_ident, parse_quote! { _subdiag::warn }), _ => unreachable!(), }; if type_matches_path(&info.ty, &["rustc_span", "Span"]) { Ok(self.add_spanned_subdiagnostic(binding, ident, path)) } else if type_is_unit(&info.ty) { Ok(self.add_subdiagnostic(ident, path)) } else { report_type_error(attr, "`Span` or `()`")? } } "subdiagnostic" => Ok(quote! { #diag.subdiagnostic(#binding); }), _ => throw_invalid_attr!(attr, &meta, |diag| { diag.help( "only `skip_arg`, `primary_span`, `label`, `note`, `help` and `subdiagnostic` \ are valid field attributes", ) }), } } fn generate_inner_field_code_list( &mut self, attr: &Attribute, info: FieldInfo<'_>, binding: TokenStream, ) -> Result { let meta = attr.parse_meta()?; let Meta::List(MetaList { ref path, ref nested, .. }) = meta else { unreachable!() }; let ident = &attr.path.segments.last().unwrap().ident; let name = path.segments.last().unwrap().ident.to_string(); let name = name.as_ref(); match name { "suggestion" | "suggestion_short" | "suggestion_hidden" | "suggestion_verbose" => { return self.generate_inner_field_code_suggestion(attr, info); } "label" | "help" | "note" | "warning" => (), _ => throw_invalid_attr!(attr, &meta, |diag| { diag.help( "only `label`, `help`, `note`, `warn` or `suggestion{,_short,_hidden,_verbose}` are \ valid field attributes", ) }), } // For `#[label(..)]`, `#[note(..)]` and `#[help(..)]`, the first nested element must be a // path, e.g. `#[label(typeck::label)]`. let mut nested_iter = nested.into_iter(); let msg = match nested_iter.next() { Some(NestedMeta::Meta(Meta::Path(path))) => path.clone(), Some(nested_attr) => throw_invalid_nested_attr!(attr, &nested_attr), None => throw_invalid_attr!(attr, &meta), }; // None of these attributes should have anything following the slug. if nested_iter.next().is_some() { throw_invalid_attr!(attr, &meta); } match name { "label" => { report_error_if_not_applied_to_span(attr, &info)?; Ok(self.add_spanned_subdiagnostic(binding, ident, msg)) } "note" | "help" if type_matches_path(&info.ty, &["rustc_span", "Span"]) => { Ok(self.add_spanned_subdiagnostic(binding, ident, msg)) } "note" | "help" if type_is_unit(&info.ty) => Ok(self.add_subdiagnostic(ident, msg)), // `warning` must be special-cased because the attribute `warn` already has meaning and // so isn't used, despite the diagnostic API being named `warn`. "warning" if type_matches_path(&info.ty, &["rustc_span", "Span"]) => Ok(self .add_spanned_subdiagnostic(binding, &Ident::new("warn", Span::call_site()), msg)), "warning" if type_is_unit(&info.ty) => { Ok(self.add_subdiagnostic(&Ident::new("warn", Span::call_site()), msg)) } "note" | "help" | "warning" => report_type_error(attr, "`Span` or `()`")?, _ => unreachable!(), } } fn generate_inner_field_code_suggestion( &mut self, attr: &Attribute, info: FieldInfo<'_>, ) -> Result { let diag = &self.diag; let mut meta = attr.parse_meta()?; let Meta::List(MetaList { ref path, ref mut nested, .. }) = meta else { unreachable!() }; let (span_field, mut applicability) = self.span_and_applicability_of_ty(info)?; let mut msg = None; let mut code = None; let mut nested_iter = nested.into_iter().peekable(); if let Some(nested_attr) = nested_iter.peek() { if let NestedMeta::Meta(Meta::Path(path)) = nested_attr { msg = Some(path.clone()); } }; // Move the iterator forward if a path was found (don't otherwise so that // code/applicability can be found or an error emitted). if msg.is_some() { let _ = nested_iter.next(); } for nested_attr in nested_iter { let meta = match nested_attr { syn::NestedMeta::Meta(ref meta) => meta, syn::NestedMeta::Lit(_) => throw_invalid_nested_attr!(attr, &nested_attr), }; let nested_name = meta.path().segments.last().unwrap().ident.to_string(); let nested_name = nested_name.as_str(); match meta { Meta::NameValue(MetaNameValue { lit: syn::Lit::Str(s), .. }) => { let span = meta.span().unwrap(); match nested_name { "code" => { let formatted_str = self.build_format(&s.value(), s.span()); code = Some(formatted_str); } "applicability" => { applicability = match applicability { Some(v) => { span_err( span, "applicability cannot be set in both the field and \ attribute", ) .emit(); Some(v) } None => match Applicability::from_str(&s.value()) { Ok(v) => Some(quote! { #v }), Err(()) => { span_err(span, "invalid applicability").emit(); None } }, } } _ => throw_invalid_nested_attr!(attr, &nested_attr, |diag| { diag.help( "only `message`, `code` and `applicability` are valid field \ attributes", ) }), } } _ => throw_invalid_nested_attr!(attr, &nested_attr, |diag| { if matches!(meta, Meta::Path(_)) { diag.help("a diagnostic slug must be the first argument to the attribute") } else { diag } }), } } let applicability = applicability.unwrap_or_else(|| quote!(rustc_errors::Applicability::Unspecified)); let name = path.segments.last().unwrap().ident.to_string(); let method = format_ident!("span_{}", name); let msg = msg.unwrap_or_else(|| parse_quote! { _subdiag::suggestion }); let msg = quote! { rustc_errors::fluent::#msg }; let code = code.unwrap_or_else(|| quote! { String::new() }); Ok(quote! { #diag.#method(#span_field, #msg, #code, #applicability); }) } /// Adds a spanned subdiagnostic by generating a `diag.span_$kind` call with the current slug /// and `fluent_attr_identifier`. fn add_spanned_subdiagnostic( &self, field_binding: TokenStream, kind: &Ident, fluent_attr_identifier: Path, ) -> TokenStream { let diag = &self.diag; let fn_name = format_ident!("span_{}", kind); quote! { #diag.#fn_name( #field_binding, rustc_errors::fluent::#fluent_attr_identifier ); } } /// Adds a subdiagnostic by generating a `diag.span_$kind` call with the current slug /// and `fluent_attr_identifier`. fn add_subdiagnostic(&self, kind: &Ident, fluent_attr_identifier: Path) -> TokenStream { let diag = &self.diag; quote! { #diag.#kind(rustc_errors::fluent::#fluent_attr_identifier); } } fn span_and_applicability_of_ty( &self, info: FieldInfo<'_>, ) -> Result<(TokenStream, Option), DiagnosticDeriveError> { match &info.ty { // If `ty` is `Span` w/out applicability, then use `Applicability::Unspecified`. ty @ Type::Path(..) if type_matches_path(ty, &["rustc_span", "Span"]) => { let binding = &info.binding.binding; Ok((quote!(*#binding), None)) } // If `ty` is `(Span, Applicability)` then return tokens accessing those. Type::Tuple(tup) => { let mut span_idx = None; let mut applicability_idx = None; for (idx, elem) in tup.elems.iter().enumerate() { if type_matches_path(elem, &["rustc_span", "Span"]) { if span_idx.is_none() { span_idx = Some(syn::Index::from(idx)); } else { throw_span_err!( info.span.unwrap(), "type of field annotated with `#[suggestion(...)]` contains more \ than one `Span`" ); } } else if type_matches_path(elem, &["rustc_errors", "Applicability"]) { if applicability_idx.is_none() { applicability_idx = Some(syn::Index::from(idx)); } else { throw_span_err!( info.span.unwrap(), "type of field annotated with `#[suggestion(...)]` contains more \ than one Applicability" ); } } } if let Some(span_idx) = span_idx { let binding = &info.binding.binding; let span = quote!(#binding.#span_idx); let applicability = applicability_idx .map(|applicability_idx| quote!(#binding.#applicability_idx)) .unwrap_or_else(|| quote!(rustc_errors::Applicability::Unspecified)); return Ok((span, Some(applicability))); } throw_span_err!(info.span.unwrap(), "wrong types for suggestion", |diag| { diag.help( "`#[suggestion(...)]` on a tuple field must be applied to fields of type \ `(Span, Applicability)`", ) }); } // If `ty` isn't a `Span` or `(Span, Applicability)` then emit an error. _ => throw_span_err!(info.span.unwrap(), "wrong field type for suggestion", |diag| { diag.help( "`#[suggestion(...)]` should be applied to fields of type `Span` or \ `(Span, Applicability)`", ) }), } } }