use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream}; use quote::quote; use syn::parse::*; use syn::*; // We parse the input and emit the output in a single step. // This field stores the final macro output struct Newtype(TokenStream); impl Parse for Newtype { fn parse(input: ParseStream<'_>) -> Result { let mut attrs =; let vis: Visibility = input.parse()?; input.parse::()?; let name: Ident = input.parse()?; let body; braced!(body in input); // Any additional `#[derive]` macro paths to apply let mut derive_paths: Vec = Vec::new(); let mut debug_format: Option = None; let mut max = None; let mut consts = Vec::new(); let mut encodable = true; let mut ord = true; attrs.retain(|attr| match attr.path().get_ident() { Some(ident) => match &*ident.to_string() { "custom_encodable" => { encodable = false; false } "no_ord_impl" => { ord = false; false } "max" => { let Meta::NameValue(MetaNameValue { value: Expr::Lit(lit), .. }) = &attr.meta else { panic!("#[max = NUMBER] attribute requires max value"); }; if let Some(old) = max.replace(lit.lit.clone()) { panic!("Specified multiple max: {old:?}"); } false } "debug_format" => { let Meta::NameValue(MetaNameValue { value: Expr::Lit(lit), .. }) = &attr.meta else { panic!("#[debug_format = FMT] attribute requires a format"); }; if let Some(old) = debug_format.replace(lit.lit.clone()) { panic!("Specified multiple debug format options: {old:?}"); } false } _ => true, }, _ => true, }); loop { // We've parsed everything that the user provided, so we're done if body.is_empty() { break; } // Otherwise, we are parsing a user-defined constant let const_attrs =; body.parse::()?; let const_name: Ident = body.parse()?; body.parse::()?; let const_val: Expr = body.parse()?; body.parse::()?; consts.push(quote! { #(#const_attrs)* #vis const #const_name: #name = #name::from_u32(#const_val); }); } let debug_format = debug_format.unwrap_or_else(|| Lit::Str(LitStr::new("{}", Span::call_site()))); // shave off 256 indices at the end to allow space for packing these indices into enums let max = max.unwrap_or_else(|| Lit::Int(LitInt::new("0xFFFF_FF00", Span::call_site()))); let encodable_impls = if encodable { quote! { impl ::rustc_serialize::Decodable for #name { fn decode(d: &mut D) -> Self { Self::from_u32(d.read_u32()) } } impl ::rustc_serialize::Encodable for #name { fn encode(&self, e: &mut E) { e.emit_u32(self.private); } } } } else { quote! {} }; if ord { derive_paths.push(parse_quote!(Ord)); derive_paths.push(parse_quote!(PartialOrd)); } let step = if ord { quote! { impl ::std::iter::Step for #name { #[inline] fn steps_between(start: &Self, end: &Self) -> Option { ::steps_between( &Self::index(*start), &Self::index(*end), ) } #[inline] fn forward_checked(start: Self, u: usize) -> Option { Self::index(start).checked_add(u).map(Self::from_usize) } #[inline] fn backward_checked(start: Self, u: usize) -> Option { Self::index(start).checked_sub(u).map(Self::from_usize) } } // Safety: The implementation of `Step` upholds all invariants. unsafe impl ::std::iter::TrustedStep for #name {} } } else { quote! {} }; let debug_impl = quote! { impl ::std::fmt::Debug for #name { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::std::fmt::Result { write!(fmt, #debug_format, self.as_u32()) } } }; let spec_partial_eq_impl = if let Lit::Int(max) = &max { if let Ok(max_val) = max.base10_parse::() { quote! { impl core::option::SpecOptionPartialEq for #name { #[inline] fn eq(l: &Option, r: &Option) -> bool { if #max_val < u32::MAX {|i| i.private).unwrap_or(#max_val+1) ==|i| i.private).unwrap_or(#max_val+1) } else { match (l, r) { (Some(l), Some(r)) => r == l, (None, None) => true, _ => false } } } } } } else { quote! {} } } else { quote! {} }; Ok(Self(quote! { #(#attrs)* #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, #(#derive_paths),*)] #[rustc_layout_scalar_valid_range_end(#max)] #[rustc_pass_by_value] #vis struct #name { private: u32, } #(#consts)* impl #name { /// Maximum value the index can take, as a `u32`. #vis const MAX_AS_U32: u32 = #max; /// Maximum value the index can take. #vis const MAX: Self = Self::from_u32(#max); /// Creates a new index from a given `usize`. /// /// # Panics /// /// Will panic if `value` exceeds `MAX`. #[inline] #vis const fn from_usize(value: usize) -> Self { assert!(value <= (#max as usize)); // SAFETY: We just checked that `value <= max`. unsafe { Self::from_u32_unchecked(value as u32) } } /// Creates a new index from a given `u32`. /// /// # Panics /// /// Will panic if `value` exceeds `MAX`. #[inline] #vis const fn from_u32(value: u32) -> Self { assert!(value <= #max); // SAFETY: We just checked that `value <= max`. unsafe { Self::from_u32_unchecked(value) } } /// Creates a new index from a given `u32`. /// /// # Safety /// /// The provided value must be less than or equal to the maximum value for the newtype. /// Providing a value outside this range is undefined due to layout restrictions. /// /// Prefer using `from_u32`. #[inline] #vis const unsafe fn from_u32_unchecked(value: u32) -> Self { Self { private: value } } /// Extracts the value of this index as a `usize`. #[inline] #vis const fn index(self) -> usize { self.as_usize() } /// Extracts the value of this index as a `u32`. #[inline] #vis const fn as_u32(self) -> u32 { self.private } /// Extracts the value of this index as a `usize`. #[inline] #vis const fn as_usize(self) -> usize { self.as_u32() as usize } } impl std::ops::Add for #name { type Output = Self; fn add(self, other: usize) -> Self { Self::from_usize(self.index() + other) } } impl rustc_index::Idx for #name { #[inline] fn new(value: usize) -> Self { Self::from_usize(value) } #[inline] fn index(self) -> usize { self.as_usize() } } #step #spec_partial_eq_impl impl From<#name> for u32 { #[inline] fn from(v: #name) -> u32 { v.as_u32() } } impl From<#name> for usize { #[inline] fn from(v: #name) -> usize { v.as_usize() } } impl From for #name { #[inline] fn from(value: usize) -> Self { Self::from_usize(value) } } impl From for #name { #[inline] fn from(value: u32) -> Self { Self::from_u32(value) } } #encodable_impls #debug_impl })) } } pub fn newtype(input: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream { let input = parse_macro_input!(input as Newtype); input.0.into() }