use crate::rmeta::*; use rustc_data_structures::fingerprint::Fingerprint; use rustc_hir::def::{CtorKind, CtorOf}; use rustc_index::vec::Idx; use rustc_middle::ty::ParameterizedOverTcx; use rustc_serialize::opaque::FileEncoder; use rustc_serialize::Encoder as _; use rustc_span::hygiene::MacroKind; use std::marker::PhantomData; use std::num::NonZeroUsize; pub(super) trait IsDefault: Default { fn is_default(&self) -> bool; } impl IsDefault for Option { fn is_default(&self) -> bool { self.is_none() } } impl IsDefault for AttrFlags { fn is_default(&self) -> bool { self.is_empty() } } impl IsDefault for bool { fn is_default(&self) -> bool { !self } } impl IsDefault for u32 { fn is_default(&self) -> bool { *self == 0 } } impl IsDefault for LazyArray { fn is_default(&self) -> bool { self.num_elems == 0 } } impl IsDefault for DefPathHash { fn is_default(&self) -> bool { self.0 == Fingerprint::ZERO } } /// Helper trait, for encoding to, and decoding from, a fixed number of bytes. /// Used mainly for Lazy positions and lengths. /// Unchecked invariant: `Self::default()` should encode as `[0; BYTE_LEN]`, /// but this has no impact on safety. pub(super) trait FixedSizeEncoding: IsDefault { /// This should be `[u8; BYTE_LEN]`; /// Cannot use an associated `const BYTE_LEN: usize` instead due to const eval limitations. type ByteArray; fn from_bytes(b: &Self::ByteArray) -> Self; fn write_to_bytes(self, b: &mut Self::ByteArray); } /// This implementation is not used generically, but for reading/writing /// concrete `u32` fields in `Lazy*` structures, which may be zero. impl FixedSizeEncoding for u32 { type ByteArray = [u8; 4]; #[inline] fn from_bytes(b: &[u8; 4]) -> Self { Self::from_le_bytes(*b) } #[inline] fn write_to_bytes(self, b: &mut [u8; 4]) { *b = self.to_le_bytes(); } } macro_rules! fixed_size_enum { ($ty:ty { $(($($pat:tt)*))* }) => { impl FixedSizeEncoding for Option<$ty> { type ByteArray = [u8;1]; #[inline] fn from_bytes(b: &[u8;1]) -> Self { use $ty::*; if b[0] == 0 { return None; } match b[0] - 1 { $(${index()} => Some($($pat)*),)* _ => panic!("Unexpected {} code: {:?}", stringify!($ty), b[0]), } } #[inline] fn write_to_bytes(self, b: &mut [u8;1]) { use $ty::*; b[0] = match self { None => unreachable!(), $(Some($($pat)*) => 1 + ${index()},)* } } } } } fixed_size_enum! { DefKind { ( Mod ) ( Struct ) ( Union ) ( Enum ) ( Variant ) ( Trait ) ( TyAlias ) ( ForeignTy ) ( TraitAlias ) ( AssocTy ) ( TyParam ) ( Fn ) ( Const ) ( ConstParam ) ( AssocFn ) ( AssocConst ) ( ExternCrate ) ( Use ) ( ForeignMod ) ( AnonConst ) ( InlineConst ) ( OpaqueTy ) ( ImplTraitPlaceholder ) ( Field ) ( LifetimeParam ) ( GlobalAsm ) ( Impl { of_trait: false } ) ( Impl { of_trait: true } ) ( Closure ) ( Generator ) ( Static(ast::Mutability::Not) ) ( Static(ast::Mutability::Mut) ) ( Ctor(CtorOf::Struct, CtorKind::Fn) ) ( Ctor(CtorOf::Struct, CtorKind::Const) ) ( Ctor(CtorOf::Variant, CtorKind::Fn) ) ( Ctor(CtorOf::Variant, CtorKind::Const) ) ( Macro(MacroKind::Bang) ) ( Macro(MacroKind::Attr) ) ( Macro(MacroKind::Derive) ) } } fixed_size_enum! { ty::ImplPolarity { ( Positive ) ( Negative ) ( Reservation ) } } fixed_size_enum! { hir::Constness { ( NotConst ) ( Const ) } } fixed_size_enum! { hir::Defaultness { ( Final ) ( Default { has_value: false } ) ( Default { has_value: true } ) } } fixed_size_enum! { hir::IsAsync { ( NotAsync ) ( Async ) } } fixed_size_enum! { ty::AssocItemContainer { ( TraitContainer ) ( ImplContainer ) } } fixed_size_enum! { MacroKind { ( Attr ) ( Bang ) ( Derive ) } } // We directly encode `DefPathHash` because a `LazyValue` would incur a 25% cost. impl FixedSizeEncoding for DefPathHash { type ByteArray = [u8; 16]; #[inline] fn from_bytes(b: &[u8; 16]) -> Self { DefPathHash(Fingerprint::from_le_bytes(*b)) } #[inline] fn write_to_bytes(self, b: &mut [u8; 16]) { debug_assert!(!self.is_default()); *b = self.0.to_le_bytes(); } } // We directly encode RawDefId because using a `LazyValue` would incur a 50% overhead in the worst case. impl FixedSizeEncoding for Option { type ByteArray = [u8; 8]; #[inline] fn from_bytes(b: &[u8; 8]) -> Self { let krate = u32::from_le_bytes(b[0..4].try_into().unwrap()); if krate == 0 { return None; } let index = u32::from_le_bytes(b[4..8].try_into().unwrap()); Some(RawDefId { krate: krate - 1, index }) } #[inline] fn write_to_bytes(self, b: &mut [u8; 8]) { match self { None => unreachable!(), Some(RawDefId { krate, index }) => { // CrateNum is less than `CrateNum::MAX_AS_U32`. debug_assert!(krate < u32::MAX); b[0..4].copy_from_slice(&(1 + krate).to_le_bytes()); b[4..8].copy_from_slice(&index.to_le_bytes()); } } } } impl FixedSizeEncoding for AttrFlags { type ByteArray = [u8; 1]; #[inline] fn from_bytes(b: &[u8; 1]) -> Self { AttrFlags::from_bits_truncate(b[0]) } #[inline] fn write_to_bytes(self, b: &mut [u8; 1]) { debug_assert!(!self.is_default()); b[0] = self.bits(); } } impl FixedSizeEncoding for bool { type ByteArray = [u8; 1]; #[inline] fn from_bytes(b: &[u8; 1]) -> Self { b[0] != 0 } #[inline] fn write_to_bytes(self, b: &mut [u8; 1]) { debug_assert!(!self.is_default()); b[0] = self as u8 } } // NOTE(eddyb) there could be an impl for `usize`, which would enable a more // generic `LazyValue` impl, but in the general case we might not need / want // to fit every `usize` in `u32`. impl FixedSizeEncoding for Option> { type ByteArray = [u8; 4]; #[inline] fn from_bytes(b: &[u8; 4]) -> Self { let position = NonZeroUsize::new(u32::from_bytes(b) as usize)?; Some(LazyValue::from_position(position)) } #[inline] fn write_to_bytes(self, b: &mut [u8; 4]) { match self { None => unreachable!(), Some(lazy) => { let position = lazy.position.get(); let position: u32 = position.try_into().unwrap(); position.write_to_bytes(b) } } } } impl LazyArray { #[inline] fn write_to_bytes_impl(self, b: &mut [u8; 8]) { let ([position_bytes, meta_bytes],[])= b.as_chunks_mut::<4>() else { panic!() }; let position = self.position.get(); let position: u32 = position.try_into().unwrap(); position.write_to_bytes(position_bytes); let len = self.num_elems; let len: u32 = len.try_into().unwrap(); len.write_to_bytes(meta_bytes); } fn from_bytes_impl(position_bytes: &[u8; 4], meta_bytes: &[u8; 4]) -> Option> { let position = NonZeroUsize::new(u32::from_bytes(position_bytes) as usize)?; let len = u32::from_bytes(meta_bytes) as usize; Some(LazyArray::from_position_and_num_elems(position, len)) } } impl FixedSizeEncoding for LazyArray { type ByteArray = [u8; 8]; #[inline] fn from_bytes(b: &[u8; 8]) -> Self { let ([position_bytes, meta_bytes],[])= b.as_chunks::<4>() else { panic!() }; if *meta_bytes == [0; 4] { return Default::default(); } LazyArray::from_bytes_impl(position_bytes, meta_bytes).unwrap() } #[inline] fn write_to_bytes(self, b: &mut [u8; 8]) { assert!(!self.is_default()); self.write_to_bytes_impl(b) } } impl FixedSizeEncoding for Option> { type ByteArray = [u8; 8]; #[inline] fn from_bytes(b: &[u8; 8]) -> Self { let ([position_bytes, meta_bytes],[])= b.as_chunks::<4>() else { panic!() }; LazyArray::from_bytes_impl(position_bytes, meta_bytes) } #[inline] fn write_to_bytes(self, b: &mut [u8; 8]) { match self { None => unreachable!(), Some(lazy) => lazy.write_to_bytes_impl(b), } } } /// Helper for constructing a table's serialization (also see `Table`). pub(super) struct TableBuilder { blocks: IndexVec, _marker: PhantomData, } impl Default for TableBuilder { fn default() -> Self { TableBuilder { blocks: Default::default(), _marker: PhantomData } } } impl TableBuilder> where Option: FixedSizeEncoding, { pub(crate) fn set_some(&mut self, i: I, value: T) { self.set(i, Some(value)) } } impl> TableBuilder { /// Sets the table value if it is not default. /// ATTENTION: For optimization default values are simply ignored by this function, because /// right now metadata tables never need to reset non-default values to default. If such need /// arises in the future then a new method (e.g. `clear` or `reset`) will need to be introduced /// for doing that explicitly. pub(crate) fn set(&mut self, i: I, value: T) { if !value.is_default() { // FIXME(eddyb) investigate more compact encodings for sparse tables. // On the PR @michaelwoerister mentioned: // > Space requirements could perhaps be optimized by using the HAMT `popcnt` // > trick (i.e. divide things into buckets of 32 or 64 items and then // > store bit-masks of which item in each bucket is actually serialized). self.blocks.ensure_contains_elem(i, || [0; N]); value.write_to_bytes(&mut self.blocks[i]); } } pub(crate) fn encode(&self, buf: &mut FileEncoder) -> LazyTable { let pos = buf.position(); for block in &self.blocks { buf.emit_raw_bytes(block); } let num_bytes = self.blocks.len() * N; LazyTable::from_position_and_encoded_size( NonZeroUsize::new(pos as usize).unwrap(), num_bytes, ) } } impl + ParameterizedOverTcx> LazyTable where for<'tcx> T::Value<'tcx>: FixedSizeEncoding, { /// Given the metadata, extract out the value at a particular index (if any). #[inline(never)] pub(super) fn get<'a, 'tcx, M: Metadata<'a, 'tcx>>(&self, metadata: M, i: I) -> T::Value<'tcx> { debug!("LazyTable::lookup: index={:?} len={:?}", i, self.encoded_size); let start = self.position.get(); let bytes = &metadata.blob()[start..start + self.encoded_size]; let (bytes, []) = bytes.as_chunks::() else { panic!() }; bytes.get(i.index()).map_or_else(Default::default, FixedSizeEncoding::from_bytes) } /// Size of the table in entries, including possible gaps. pub(super) fn size(&self) -> usize { self.encoded_size / N } }