use crate::dep_graph; use crate::dep_graph::DepKind; use crate::query::on_disk_cache::CacheEncoder; use crate::query::on_disk_cache::EncodedDepNodeIndex; use crate::query::on_disk_cache::OnDiskCache; use crate::query::{ DynamicQueries, ExternProviders, Providers, QueryArenas, QueryCaches, QueryEngine, QueryStates, }; use crate::ty::TyCtxt; use field_offset::FieldOffset; use measureme::StringId; use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashMap; use rustc_data_structures::sync::AtomicU64; use rustc_hir::def::DefKind; use rustc_hir::def_id::{DefId, LocalDefId}; use rustc_hir::hir_id::OwnerId; use rustc_query_system::dep_graph::DepNodeIndex; use rustc_query_system::dep_graph::SerializedDepNodeIndex; pub(crate) use rustc_query_system::query::QueryJobId; use rustc_query_system::query::*; use rustc_query_system::HandleCycleError; use rustc_span::{Span, DUMMY_SP}; use std::ops::Deref; pub struct QueryKeyStringCache { pub def_id_cache: FxHashMap, } impl QueryKeyStringCache { pub fn new() -> QueryKeyStringCache { QueryKeyStringCache { def_id_cache: Default::default() } } } pub struct DynamicQuery<'tcx, C: QueryCache> { pub name: &'static str, pub eval_always: bool, pub dep_kind: DepKind, pub handle_cycle_error: HandleCycleError, pub query_state: FieldOffset, QueryState>, pub query_cache: FieldOffset, C>, pub cache_on_disk: fn(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, key: &C::Key) -> bool, pub execute_query: fn(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, k: C::Key) -> C::Value, pub compute: fn(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, key: C::Key) -> C::Value, pub can_load_from_disk: bool, pub try_load_from_disk: fn( tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, key: &C::Key, prev_index: SerializedDepNodeIndex, index: DepNodeIndex, ) -> Option, pub loadable_from_disk: fn(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, key: &C::Key, index: SerializedDepNodeIndex) -> bool, pub hash_result: HashResult, pub value_from_cycle_error: fn(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, cycle: &[QueryInfo]) -> C::Value, pub format_value: fn(&C::Value) -> String, } pub struct QuerySystemFns<'tcx> { pub engine: QueryEngine, pub local_providers: Providers, pub extern_providers: ExternProviders, pub encode_query_results: fn( tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, encoder: &mut CacheEncoder<'_, 'tcx>, query_result_index: &mut EncodedDepNodeIndex, ), pub try_mark_green: fn(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, dep_node: &dep_graph::DepNode) -> bool, } pub struct QuerySystem<'tcx> { pub states: QueryStates<'tcx>, pub arenas: QueryArenas<'tcx>, pub caches: QueryCaches<'tcx>, pub dynamic_queries: DynamicQueries<'tcx>, /// This provides access to the incremental compilation on-disk cache for query results. /// Do not access this directly. It is only meant to be used by /// `DepGraph::try_mark_green()` and the query infrastructure. /// This is `None` if we are not incremental compilation mode pub on_disk_cache: Option>, pub fns: QuerySystemFns<'tcx>, pub jobs: AtomicU64, } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub struct TyCtxtAt<'tcx> { pub tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, pub span: Span, } impl<'tcx> Deref for TyCtxtAt<'tcx> { type Target = TyCtxt<'tcx>; #[inline(always)] fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.tcx } } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub struct TyCtxtEnsure<'tcx> { pub tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub struct TyCtxtEnsureWithValue<'tcx> { pub tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, } impl<'tcx> TyCtxt<'tcx> { /// Returns a transparent wrapper for `TyCtxt`, which ensures queries /// are executed instead of just returning their results. #[inline(always)] pub fn ensure(self) -> TyCtxtEnsure<'tcx> { TyCtxtEnsure { tcx: self } } /// Returns a transparent wrapper for `TyCtxt`, which ensures queries /// are executed instead of just returning their results. /// /// This version verifies that the computed result exists in the cache before returning. #[inline(always)] pub fn ensure_with_value(self) -> TyCtxtEnsureWithValue<'tcx> { TyCtxtEnsureWithValue { tcx: self } } /// Returns a transparent wrapper for `TyCtxt` which uses /// `span` as the location of queries performed through it. #[inline(always)] pub fn at(self, span: Span) -> TyCtxtAt<'tcx> { TyCtxtAt { tcx: self, span } } pub fn try_mark_green(self, dep_node: &dep_graph::DepNode) -> bool { (self.query_system.fns.try_mark_green)(self, dep_node) } } #[inline] pub fn query_get_at<'tcx, Cache>( tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, execute_query: fn(TyCtxt<'tcx>, Span, Cache::Key, QueryMode) -> Option, query_cache: &Cache, span: Span, key: Cache::Key, ) -> Cache::Value where Cache: QueryCache, { let key = key.into_query_param(); match try_get_cached(tcx, query_cache, &key) { Some(value) => value, None => execute_query(tcx, span, key, QueryMode::Get).unwrap(), } } #[inline] pub fn query_ensure<'tcx, Cache>( tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, execute_query: fn(TyCtxt<'tcx>, Span, Cache::Key, QueryMode) -> Option, query_cache: &Cache, key: Cache::Key, check_cache: bool, ) where Cache: QueryCache, { let key = key.into_query_param(); if try_get_cached(tcx, query_cache, &key).is_none() { execute_query(tcx, DUMMY_SP, key, QueryMode::Ensure { check_cache }); } } macro_rules! query_helper_param_ty { (DefId) => { impl IntoQueryParam }; (LocalDefId) => { impl IntoQueryParam }; ($K:ty) => { $K }; } macro_rules! query_if_arena { ([] $arena:tt $no_arena:tt) => { $no_arena }; ([(arena_cache) $($rest:tt)*] $arena:tt $no_arena:tt) => { $arena }; ([$other:tt $($modifiers:tt)*]$($args:tt)*) => { query_if_arena!([$($modifiers)*]$($args)*) }; } /// If `separate_provide_if_extern`, then the key can be projected to its /// local key via `<$K as AsLocalKey>::LocalKey`. macro_rules! local_key_if_separate_extern { ([] $($K:tt)*) => { $($K)* }; ([(separate_provide_extern) $($rest:tt)*] $($K:tt)*) => { <$($K)* as AsLocalKey>::LocalKey }; ([$other:tt $($modifiers:tt)*] $($K:tt)*) => { local_key_if_separate_extern!([$($modifiers)*] $($K)*) }; } macro_rules! separate_provide_extern_decl { ([][$name:ident]) => { () }; ([(separate_provide_extern) $($rest:tt)*][$name:ident]) => { for<'tcx> fn( TyCtxt<'tcx>, queries::$name::Key<'tcx>, ) -> queries::$name::ProvidedValue<'tcx> }; ([$other:tt $($modifiers:tt)*][$($args:tt)*]) => { separate_provide_extern_decl!([$($modifiers)*][$($args)*]) }; } macro_rules! separate_provide_extern_default { ([][$name:ident]) => { () }; ([(separate_provide_extern) $($rest:tt)*][$name:ident]) => { |_, key| bug!( "`tcx.{}({:?})` unsupported by its crate; \ perhaps the `{}` query was never assigned a provider function", stringify!($name), key, stringify!($name), ) }; ([$other:tt $($modifiers:tt)*][$($args:tt)*]) => { separate_provide_extern_default!([$($modifiers)*][$($args)*]) }; } macro_rules! define_callbacks { ( $($(#[$attr:meta])* [$($modifiers:tt)*] fn $name:ident($($K:tt)*) -> $V:ty,)*) => { #[allow(unused_lifetimes)] pub mod queries { $(pub mod $name { use super::super::*; pub type Key<'tcx> = $($K)*; pub type Value<'tcx> = $V; pub type LocalKey<'tcx> = local_key_if_separate_extern!([$($modifiers)*] $($K)*); /// This type alias specifies the type returned from query providers and the type /// used for decoding. For regular queries this is the declared returned type `V`, /// but `arena_cache` will use `::Target` instead. pub type ProvidedValue<'tcx> = query_if_arena!( [$($modifiers)*] (<$V as Deref>::Target) ($V) ); /// This function takes `ProvidedValue` and coverts it to an erased `Value` by /// allocating it on an arena if the query has the `arena_cache` modifier. The /// value is then erased and returned. This will happen when computing the query /// using a provider or decoding a stored result. #[inline(always)] pub fn provided_to_erased<'tcx>( _tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, value: ProvidedValue<'tcx>, ) -> Erase> { erase(query_if_arena!([$($modifiers)*] { if mem::needs_drop::>() { &*_tcx.query_system.arenas.$name.alloc(value) } else { &*_tcx.arena.dropless.alloc(value) } } (value) )) } pub type Storage<'tcx> = < <$($K)* as keys::Key>::CacheSelector as CacheSelector<'tcx, Erase<$V>> >::Cache; // Ensure that keys grow no larger than 64 bytes #[cfg(all(target_arch = "x86_64", target_pointer_width = "64"))] const _: () = { if mem::size_of::>() > 64 { panic!("{}", concat!( "the query `", stringify!($name), "` has a key type `", stringify!($($K)*), "` that is too large" )); } }; // Ensure that values grow no larger than 64 bytes #[cfg(all(target_arch = "x86_64", target_pointer_width = "64"))] const _: () = { if mem::size_of::>() > 64 { panic!("{}", concat!( "the query `", stringify!($name), "` has a value type `", stringify!($V), "` that is too large" )); } }; })* } pub struct QueryArenas<'tcx> { $($(#[$attr])* pub $name: query_if_arena!([$($modifiers)*] (WorkerLocal::Target>>) () ),)* } impl Default for QueryArenas<'_> { fn default() -> Self { Self { $($name: query_if_arena!([$($modifiers)*] (WorkerLocal::new(|_| Default::default())) () ),)* } } } #[derive(Default)] pub struct QueryCaches<'tcx> { $($(#[$attr])* pub $name: queries::$name::Storage<'tcx>,)* } impl<'tcx> TyCtxtEnsure<'tcx> { $($(#[$attr])* #[inline(always)] pub fn $name(self, key: query_helper_param_ty!($($K)*)) { query_ensure( self.tcx, self.tcx.query_system.fns.engine.$name, &self.tcx.query_system.caches.$name, key.into_query_param(), false, ); })* } impl<'tcx> TyCtxtEnsureWithValue<'tcx> { $($(#[$attr])* #[inline(always)] pub fn $name(self, key: query_helper_param_ty!($($K)*)) { query_ensure( self.tcx, self.tcx.query_system.fns.engine.$name, &self.tcx.query_system.caches.$name, key.into_query_param(), true, ); })* } impl<'tcx> TyCtxt<'tcx> { $($(#[$attr])* #[inline(always)] #[must_use] pub fn $name(self, key: query_helper_param_ty!($($K)*)) -> $V {$name(key) })* } impl<'tcx> TyCtxtAt<'tcx> { $($(#[$attr])* #[inline(always)] pub fn $name(self, key: query_helper_param_ty!($($K)*)) -> $V { restore::<$V>(query_get_at( self.tcx, self.tcx.query_system.fns.engine.$name, &self.tcx.query_system.caches.$name, self.span, key.into_query_param(), )) })* } pub struct DynamicQueries<'tcx> { $( pub $name: DynamicQuery<'tcx, queries::$name::Storage<'tcx>>, )* } #[derive(Default)] pub struct QueryStates<'tcx> { $( pub $name: QueryState<$($K)*, DepKind>, )* } pub struct Providers { $(pub $name: for<'tcx> fn( TyCtxt<'tcx>, queries::$name::LocalKey<'tcx>, ) -> queries::$name::ProvidedValue<'tcx>,)* } pub struct ExternProviders { $(pub $name: separate_provide_extern_decl!([$($modifiers)*][$name]),)* } impl Default for Providers { fn default() -> Self { Providers { $($name: |_, key| bug!( "`tcx.{}({:?})` is not supported for this key;\n\ hint: Queries can be either made to the local crate, or the external crate. \ This error means you tried to use it for one that's not supported.\n\ If that's not the case, {} was likely never assigned to a provider function.\n", stringify!($name), key, stringify!($name), ),)* } } } impl Default for ExternProviders { fn default() -> Self { ExternProviders { $($name: separate_provide_extern_default!([$($modifiers)*][$name]),)* } } } impl Copy for Providers {} impl Clone for Providers { fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self } } impl Copy for ExternProviders {} impl Clone for ExternProviders { fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self } } pub struct QueryEngine { $(pub $name: for<'tcx> fn( TyCtxt<'tcx>, Span, queries::$name::Key<'tcx>, QueryMode, ) -> Option>,)* } }; } macro_rules! hash_result { ([]) => {{ Some(dep_graph::hash_result) }}; ([(no_hash) $($rest:tt)*]) => {{ None }}; ([$other:tt $($modifiers:tt)*]) => { hash_result!([$($modifiers)*]) }; } macro_rules! define_feedable { ($($(#[$attr:meta])* [$($modifiers:tt)*] fn $name:ident($($K:tt)*) -> $V:ty,)*) => { $(impl<'tcx, K: IntoQueryParam<$($K)*> + Copy> TyCtxtFeed<'tcx, K> { $(#[$attr])* #[inline(always)] pub fn $name(self, value: queries::$name::ProvidedValue<'tcx>) { let key = self.key().into_query_param(); let tcx = self.tcx; let erased = queries::$name::provided_to_erased(tcx, value); let value = restore::<$V>(erased); let cache = &tcx.query_system.caches.$name; let hasher: Option, &_) -> _> = hash_result!([$($modifiers)*]); match try_get_cached(tcx, cache, &key) { Some(old) => { let old = restore::<$V>(old); if let Some(hasher) = hasher { let (value_hash, old_hash): (Fingerprint, Fingerprint) = tcx.with_stable_hashing_context(|mut hcx| (hasher(&mut hcx, &value), hasher(&mut hcx, &old)) ); if old_hash != value_hash { // We have an inconsistency. This can happen if one of the two // results is tainted by errors. In this case, delay a bug to // ensure compilation is doomed, and keep the `old` value. tcx.sess.delay_span_bug(DUMMY_SP, format!( "Trying to feed an already recorded value for query {} key={key:?}:\n\ old value: {old:?}\nnew value: {value:?}", stringify!($name), )); } } else { // The query is `no_hash`, so we have no way to perform a sanity check. // If feeding the same value multiple times needs to be supported, // the query should not be marked `no_hash`. bug!( "Trying to feed an already recorded value for query {} key={key:?}:\nold value: {old:?}\nnew value: {value:?}", stringify!($name), ) } } None => { let dep_node = dep_graph::DepNode::construct(tcx, dep_graph::DepKind::$name, &key); let dep_node_index = tcx.dep_graph.with_feed_task( dep_node, tcx, key, &value, hash_result!([$($modifiers)*]), ); cache.complete(key, erased, dep_node_index); } } } })* } } // Each of these queries corresponds to a function pointer field in the // `Providers` struct for requesting a value of that type, and a method // on `tcx: TyCtxt` (and ``) for doing that request in a way // which memoizes and does dep-graph tracking, wrapping around the actual // `Providers` that the driver creates (using several `rustc_*` crates). // // The result type of each query must implement `Clone`, and additionally // `ty::query::values::Value`, which produces an appropriate placeholder // (error) value if the query resulted in a query cycle. // Queries marked with `fatal_cycle` do not need the latter implementation, // as they will raise an fatal error on query cycles instead. mod sealed { use super::{DefId, LocalDefId, OwnerId}; /// An analogue of the `Into` trait that's intended only for query parameters. /// /// This exists to allow queries to accept either `DefId` or `LocalDefId` while requiring that the /// user call `to_def_id` to convert between them everywhere else. pub trait IntoQueryParam

{ fn into_query_param(self) -> P; } impl


for P { #[inline(always)] fn into_query_param(self) -> P { self } } impl<'a, P: Copy> IntoQueryParam

for &'a P { #[inline(always)] fn into_query_param(self) -> P { *self } } impl IntoQueryParam for OwnerId { #[inline(always)] fn into_query_param(self) -> LocalDefId { self.def_id } } impl IntoQueryParam for LocalDefId { #[inline(always)] fn into_query_param(self) -> DefId { self.to_def_id() } } impl IntoQueryParam for OwnerId { #[inline(always)] fn into_query_param(self) -> DefId { self.to_def_id() } } } pub use sealed::IntoQueryParam; impl<'tcx> TyCtxt<'tcx> { pub fn def_kind(self, def_id: impl IntoQueryParam) -> DefKind { let def_id = def_id.into_query_param(); self.opt_def_kind(def_id) .unwrap_or_else(|| bug!("def_kind: unsupported node: {:?}", def_id)) } } impl<'tcx> TyCtxtAt<'tcx> { pub fn def_kind(self, def_id: impl IntoQueryParam) -> DefKind { let def_id = def_id.into_query_param(); self.opt_def_kind(def_id) .unwrap_or_else(|| bug!("def_kind: unsupported node: {:?}", def_id)) } }