use super::graph; use graph::{BasicCoverageBlock, BcbBranch, CoverageGraph, TraverseCoverageGraphWithLoops}; use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashMap; use rustc_data_structures::graph::WithNumNodes; use rustc_index::bit_set::BitSet; use rustc_index::IndexVec; use rustc_middle::mir::coverage::*; use std::fmt::{self, Debug}; /// The coverage counter or counter expression associated with a particular /// BCB node or BCB edge. #[derive(Clone)] pub(super) enum BcbCounter { Counter { id: CounterId }, Expression { id: ExpressionId }, } impl BcbCounter { fn is_expression(&self) -> bool { matches!(self, Self::Expression { .. }) } pub(super) fn as_term(&self) -> CovTerm { match *self { BcbCounter::Counter { id, .. } => CovTerm::Counter(id), BcbCounter::Expression { id, .. } => CovTerm::Expression(id), } } } impl Debug for BcbCounter { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { match self { Self::Counter { id, .. } => write!(fmt, "Counter({:?})", id.index()), Self::Expression { id } => write!(fmt, "Expression({:?})", id.index()), } } } /// Generates and stores coverage counter and coverage expression information /// associated with nodes/edges in the BCB graph. pub(super) struct CoverageCounters { next_counter_id: CounterId, /// Coverage counters/expressions that are associated with individual BCBs. bcb_counters: IndexVec>, /// Coverage counters/expressions that are associated with the control-flow /// edge between two BCBs. bcb_edge_counters: FxHashMap<(BasicCoverageBlock, BasicCoverageBlock), BcbCounter>, /// Tracks which BCBs have a counter associated with some incoming edge. /// Only used by assertions, to verify that BCBs with incoming edge /// counters do not have their own physical counters (expressions are allowed). bcb_has_incoming_edge_counters: BitSet, /// Table of expression data, associating each expression ID with its /// corresponding operator (+ or -) and its LHS/RHS operands. expressions: IndexVec, } impl CoverageCounters { pub(super) fn new(basic_coverage_blocks: &CoverageGraph) -> Self { let num_bcbs = basic_coverage_blocks.num_nodes(); Self { next_counter_id: CounterId::START, bcb_counters: IndexVec::from_elem_n(None, num_bcbs), bcb_edge_counters: FxHashMap::default(), bcb_has_incoming_edge_counters: BitSet::new_empty(num_bcbs), expressions: IndexVec::new(), } } /// Makes [`BcbCounter`] `Counter`s and `Expressions` for the `BasicCoverageBlock`s directly or /// indirectly associated with coverage spans, and accumulates additional `Expression`s /// representing intermediate values. pub fn make_bcb_counters( &mut self, basic_coverage_blocks: &CoverageGraph, bcb_has_coverage_spans: impl Fn(BasicCoverageBlock) -> bool, ) { MakeBcbCounters::new(self, basic_coverage_blocks).make_bcb_counters(bcb_has_coverage_spans) } fn make_counter(&mut self) -> BcbCounter { let id = self.next_counter(); BcbCounter::Counter { id } } fn make_expression(&mut self, lhs: CovTerm, op: Op, rhs: CovTerm) -> BcbCounter { let id = self.expressions.push(Expression { lhs, op, rhs }); BcbCounter::Expression { id } } /// Counter IDs start from one and go up. fn next_counter(&mut self) -> CounterId { let next = self.next_counter_id; self.next_counter_id = self.next_counter_id + 1; next } pub(super) fn num_counters(&self) -> usize { self.next_counter_id.as_usize() } #[cfg(test)] pub(super) fn num_expressions(&self) -> usize { self.expressions.len() } fn set_bcb_counter(&mut self, bcb: BasicCoverageBlock, counter_kind: BcbCounter) -> CovTerm { assert!( // If the BCB has an edge counter (to be injected into a new `BasicBlock`), it can also // have an expression (to be injected into an existing `BasicBlock` represented by this // `BasicCoverageBlock`). counter_kind.is_expression() || !self.bcb_has_incoming_edge_counters.contains(bcb), "attempt to add a `Counter` to a BCB target with existing incoming edge counters" ); let term = counter_kind.as_term(); if let Some(replaced) = self.bcb_counters[bcb].replace(counter_kind) { bug!( "attempt to set a BasicCoverageBlock coverage counter more than once; \ {bcb:?} already had counter {replaced:?}", ); } else { term } } fn set_bcb_edge_counter( &mut self, from_bcb: BasicCoverageBlock, to_bcb: BasicCoverageBlock, counter_kind: BcbCounter, ) -> CovTerm { // If the BCB has an edge counter (to be injected into a new `BasicBlock`), it can also // have an expression (to be injected into an existing `BasicBlock` represented by this // `BasicCoverageBlock`). if let Some(node_counter) = self.bcb_counter(to_bcb) && !node_counter.is_expression() { bug!( "attempt to add an incoming edge counter from {from_bcb:?} \ when the target BCB already has {node_counter:?}" ); } self.bcb_has_incoming_edge_counters.insert(to_bcb); let term = counter_kind.as_term(); if let Some(replaced) = self.bcb_edge_counters.insert((from_bcb, to_bcb), counter_kind) { bug!( "attempt to set an edge counter more than once; from_bcb: \ {from_bcb:?} already had counter {replaced:?}", ); } else { term } } pub(super) fn bcb_counter(&self, bcb: BasicCoverageBlock) -> Option<&BcbCounter> { self.bcb_counters[bcb].as_ref() } pub(super) fn bcb_node_counters( &self, ) -> impl Iterator { self.bcb_counters .iter_enumerated() .filter_map(|(bcb, counter_kind)| Some((bcb, counter_kind.as_ref()?))) } /// For each edge in the BCB graph that has an associated counter, yields /// that edge's *from* and *to* nodes, and its counter. pub(super) fn bcb_edge_counters( &self, ) -> impl Iterator { self.bcb_edge_counters .iter() .map(|(&(from_bcb, to_bcb), counter_kind)| (from_bcb, to_bcb, counter_kind)) } pub(super) fn take_expressions(&mut self) -> IndexVec { std::mem::take(&mut self.expressions) } } /// Traverse the `CoverageGraph` and add either a `Counter` or `Expression` to every BCB, to be /// injected with coverage spans. `Expressions` have no runtime overhead, so if a viable expression /// (adding or subtracting two other counters or expressions) can compute the same result as an /// embedded counter, an `Expression` should be used. struct MakeBcbCounters<'a> { coverage_counters: &'a mut CoverageCounters, basic_coverage_blocks: &'a CoverageGraph, } impl<'a> MakeBcbCounters<'a> { fn new( coverage_counters: &'a mut CoverageCounters, basic_coverage_blocks: &'a CoverageGraph, ) -> Self { Self { coverage_counters, basic_coverage_blocks } } /// If two `BasicCoverageBlock`s branch from another `BasicCoverageBlock`, one of the branches /// can be counted by `Expression` by subtracting the other branch from the branching /// block. Otherwise, the `BasicCoverageBlock` executed the least should have the `Counter`. /// One way to predict which branch executes the least is by considering loops. A loop is exited /// at a branch, so the branch that jumps to a `BasicCoverageBlock` outside the loop is almost /// always executed less than the branch that does not exit the loop. fn make_bcb_counters(&mut self, bcb_has_coverage_spans: impl Fn(BasicCoverageBlock) -> bool) { debug!("make_bcb_counters(): adding a counter or expression to each BasicCoverageBlock"); // Walk the `CoverageGraph`. For each `BasicCoverageBlock` node with an associated // coverage span, add a counter. If the `BasicCoverageBlock` branches, add a counter or // expression to each branch `BasicCoverageBlock` (if the branch BCB has only one incoming // edge) or edge from the branching BCB to the branch BCB (if the branch BCB has multiple // incoming edges). // // The `TraverseCoverageGraphWithLoops` traversal ensures that, when a loop is encountered, // all `BasicCoverageBlock` nodes in the loop are visited before visiting any node outside // the loop. The `traversal` state includes a `context_stack`, providing a way to know if // the current BCB is in one or more nested loops or not. let mut traversal = TraverseCoverageGraphWithLoops::new(&self.basic_coverage_blocks); while let Some(bcb) = { if bcb_has_coverage_spans(bcb) { debug!("{:?} has at least one coverage span. Get or make its counter", bcb); let branching_counter_operand = self.get_or_make_counter_operand(bcb); if self.bcb_needs_branch_counters(bcb) { self.make_branch_counters(&traversal, bcb, branching_counter_operand); } } else { debug!( "{:?} does not have any coverage spans. A counter will only be added if \ and when a covered BCB has an expression dependency.", bcb, ); } } assert!( traversal.is_complete(), "`TraverseCoverageGraphWithLoops` missed some `BasicCoverageBlock`s: {:?}", traversal.unvisited(), ); } fn make_branch_counters( &mut self, traversal: &TraverseCoverageGraphWithLoops<'_>, branching_bcb: BasicCoverageBlock, branching_counter_operand: CovTerm, ) { let branches = self.bcb_branches(branching_bcb); debug!( "{:?} has some branch(es) without counters:\n {}", branching_bcb, branches .iter() .map(|branch| { format!("{:?}: {:?}", branch, self.branch_counter(branch)) }) .collect::>() .join("\n "), ); // Use the `traversal` state to decide if a subset of the branches exit a loop, making it // likely that branch is executed less than branches that do not exit the same loop. In this // case, any branch that does not exit the loop (and has not already been assigned a // counter) should be counted by expression, if possible. (If a preferred expression branch // is not selected based on the loop context, select any branch without an existing // counter.) let expression_branch = self.choose_preferred_expression_branch(traversal, &branches); // Assign a Counter or Expression to each branch, plus additional `Expression`s, as needed, // to sum up intermediate results. let mut some_sumup_counter_operand = None; for branch in branches { // Skip the selected `expression_branch`, if any. It's expression will be assigned after // all others. if branch != expression_branch { let branch_counter_operand = if branch.is_only_path_to_target() { debug!( " {:?} has only one incoming edge (from {:?}), so adding a \ counter", branch, branching_bcb ); self.get_or_make_counter_operand(branch.target_bcb) } else { debug!(" {:?} has multiple incoming edges, so adding an edge counter", branch); self.get_or_make_edge_counter_operand(branching_bcb, branch.target_bcb) }; if let Some(sumup_counter_operand) = some_sumup_counter_operand.replace(branch_counter_operand) { let intermediate_expression = self.coverage_counters.make_expression( branch_counter_operand, Op::Add, sumup_counter_operand, ); debug!(" [new intermediate expression: {:?}]", intermediate_expression); let intermediate_expression_operand = intermediate_expression.as_term(); some_sumup_counter_operand.replace(intermediate_expression_operand); } } } // Assign the final expression to the `expression_branch` by subtracting the total of all // other branches from the counter of the branching BCB. let sumup_counter_operand = some_sumup_counter_operand.expect("sumup_counter_operand should have a value"); debug!( "Making an expression for the selected expression_branch: {:?} \ (expression_branch predecessors: {:?})", expression_branch, self.bcb_predecessors(expression_branch.target_bcb), ); let expression = self.coverage_counters.make_expression( branching_counter_operand, Op::Subtract, sumup_counter_operand, ); debug!("{:?} gets an expression: {:?}", expression_branch, expression); let bcb = expression_branch.target_bcb; if expression_branch.is_only_path_to_target() { self.coverage_counters.set_bcb_counter(bcb, expression); } else { self.coverage_counters.set_bcb_edge_counter(branching_bcb, bcb, expression); } } #[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self))] fn get_or_make_counter_operand(&mut self, bcb: BasicCoverageBlock) -> CovTerm { // If the BCB already has a counter, return it. if let Some(counter_kind) = &self.coverage_counters.bcb_counters[bcb] { debug!("{bcb:?} already has a counter: {counter_kind:?}"); return counter_kind.as_term(); } // A BCB with only one incoming edge gets a simple `Counter` (via `make_counter()`). // Also, a BCB that loops back to itself gets a simple `Counter`. This may indicate the // program results in a tight infinite loop, but it should still compile. let one_path_to_target = self.bcb_has_one_path_to_target(bcb); if one_path_to_target || self.bcb_predecessors(bcb).contains(&bcb) { let counter_kind = self.coverage_counters.make_counter(); if one_path_to_target { debug!("{bcb:?} gets a new counter: {counter_kind:?}"); } else { debug!( "{bcb:?} has itself as its own predecessor. It can't be part of its own \ Expression sum, so it will get its own new counter: {counter_kind:?}. \ (Note, the compiled code will generate an infinite loop.)", ); } return self.coverage_counters.set_bcb_counter(bcb, counter_kind); } // A BCB with multiple incoming edges can compute its count by `Expression`, summing up the // counters and/or expressions of its incoming edges. This will recursively get or create // counters for those incoming edges first, then call `make_expression()` to sum them up, // with additional intermediate expressions as needed. let _sumup_debug_span = debug_span!("(preparing sum-up expression)").entered(); let mut predecessors = self.bcb_predecessors(bcb).to_owned().into_iter(); let first_edge_counter_operand = self.get_or_make_edge_counter_operand(, bcb); let mut some_sumup_edge_counter_operand = None; for predecessor in predecessors { let edge_counter_operand = self.get_or_make_edge_counter_operand(predecessor, bcb); if let Some(sumup_edge_counter_operand) = some_sumup_edge_counter_operand.replace(edge_counter_operand) { let intermediate_expression = self.coverage_counters.make_expression( sumup_edge_counter_operand, Op::Add, edge_counter_operand, ); debug!("new intermediate expression: {intermediate_expression:?}"); let intermediate_expression_operand = intermediate_expression.as_term(); some_sumup_edge_counter_operand.replace(intermediate_expression_operand); } } let counter_kind = self.coverage_counters.make_expression( first_edge_counter_operand, Op::Add, some_sumup_edge_counter_operand.unwrap(), ); drop(_sumup_debug_span); debug!("{bcb:?} gets a new counter (sum of predecessor counters): {counter_kind:?}"); self.coverage_counters.set_bcb_counter(bcb, counter_kind) } #[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self))] fn get_or_make_edge_counter_operand( &mut self, from_bcb: BasicCoverageBlock, to_bcb: BasicCoverageBlock, ) -> CovTerm { // If the source BCB has only one successor (assumed to be the given target), an edge // counter is unnecessary. Just get or make a counter for the source BCB. let successors = self.bcb_successors(from_bcb).iter(); if successors.len() == 1 { return self.get_or_make_counter_operand(from_bcb); } // If the edge already has a counter, return it. if let Some(counter_kind) = self.coverage_counters.bcb_edge_counters.get(&(from_bcb, to_bcb)) { debug!("Edge {from_bcb:?}->{to_bcb:?} already has a counter: {counter_kind:?}"); return counter_kind.as_term(); } // Make a new counter to count this edge. let counter_kind = self.coverage_counters.make_counter(); debug!("Edge {from_bcb:?}->{to_bcb:?} gets a new counter: {counter_kind:?}"); self.coverage_counters.set_bcb_edge_counter(from_bcb, to_bcb, counter_kind) } /// Select a branch for the expression, either the recommended `reloop_branch`, or if none was /// found, select any branch. fn choose_preferred_expression_branch( &self, traversal: &TraverseCoverageGraphWithLoops<'_>, branches: &[BcbBranch], ) -> BcbBranch { let good_reloop_branch = self.find_good_reloop_branch(traversal, &branches); if let Some(reloop_branch) = good_reloop_branch { assert!(self.branch_has_no_counter(&reloop_branch)); debug!("Selecting reloop branch {reloop_branch:?} to get an expression"); reloop_branch } else { let &branch_without_counter = branches.iter().find(|&branch| self.branch_has_no_counter(branch)).expect( "needs_branch_counters was `true` so there should be at least one \ branch", ); debug!( "Selecting any branch={:?} that still needs a counter, to get the \ `Expression` because there was no `reloop_branch`, or it already had a \ counter", branch_without_counter ); branch_without_counter } } /// Tries to find a branch that leads back to the top of a loop, and that /// doesn't already have a counter. Such branches are good candidates to /// be given an expression (instead of a physical counter), because they /// will tend to be executed more times than a loop-exit branch. fn find_good_reloop_branch( &self, traversal: &TraverseCoverageGraphWithLoops<'_>, branches: &[BcbBranch], ) -> Option { // Consider each loop on the current traversal context stack, top-down. for reloop_bcbs in traversal.reloop_bcbs_per_loop() { let mut all_branches_exit_this_loop = true; // Try to find a branch that doesn't exit this loop and doesn't // already have a counter. for &branch in branches { // A branch is a reloop branch if it dominates any BCB that has // an edge back to the loop header. (Other branches are exits.) let is_reloop_branch = reloop_bcbs.iter().any(|&reloop_bcb| { self.basic_coverage_blocks.dominates(branch.target_bcb, reloop_bcb) }); if is_reloop_branch { all_branches_exit_this_loop = false; if self.branch_has_no_counter(&branch) { // We found a good branch to be given an expression. return Some(branch); } // Keep looking for another reloop branch without a counter. } else { // This branch exits the loop. } } if !all_branches_exit_this_loop { // We found one or more reloop branches, but all of them already // have counters. Let the caller choose one of the exit branches. debug!("All reloop branches had counters; skip checking the other loops"); return None; } // All of the branches exit this loop, so keep looking for a good // reloop branch for one of the outer loops. } None } #[inline] fn bcb_predecessors(&self, bcb: BasicCoverageBlock) -> &[BasicCoverageBlock] { &self.basic_coverage_blocks.predecessors[bcb] } #[inline] fn bcb_successors(&self, bcb: BasicCoverageBlock) -> &[BasicCoverageBlock] { &self.basic_coverage_blocks.successors[bcb] } #[inline] fn bcb_branches(&self, from_bcb: BasicCoverageBlock) -> Vec { self.bcb_successors(from_bcb) .iter() .map(|&to_bcb| BcbBranch::from_to(from_bcb, to_bcb, &self.basic_coverage_blocks)) .collect::>() } fn bcb_needs_branch_counters(&self, bcb: BasicCoverageBlock) -> bool { let branch_needs_a_counter = |branch: &BcbBranch| self.branch_has_no_counter(branch); let branches = self.bcb_branches(bcb); branches.len() > 1 && branches.iter().any(branch_needs_a_counter) } fn branch_has_no_counter(&self, branch: &BcbBranch) -> bool { self.branch_counter(branch).is_none() } fn branch_counter(&self, branch: &BcbBranch) -> Option<&BcbCounter> { let to_bcb = branch.target_bcb; if let Some(from_bcb) = branch.edge_from_bcb { self.coverage_counters.bcb_edge_counters.get(&(from_bcb, to_bcb)) } else { self.coverage_counters.bcb_counters[to_bcb].as_ref() } } /// Returns true if the BasicCoverageBlock has zero or one incoming edge. (If zero, it should be /// the entry point for the function.) #[inline] fn bcb_has_one_path_to_target(&self, bcb: BasicCoverageBlock) -> bool { self.bcb_predecessors(bcb).len() <= 1 } }