//! The `InstrumentCoverage` MIR pass implementation includes debugging tools and options //! to help developers understand and/or improve the analysis and instrumentation of a MIR. //! //! To enable coverage, include the rustc command line option: //! //! * `-C instrument-coverage` //! //! MIR Dump Files, with additional `CoverageGraph` graphviz and `CoverageSpan` spanview //! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //! //! Additional debugging options include: //! //! * `-Z dump-mir=InstrumentCoverage` - Generate `.mir` files showing the state of the MIR, //! before and after the `InstrumentCoverage` pass, for each compiled function. //! //! * `-Z dump-mir-graphviz` - If `-Z dump-mir` is also enabled for the current MIR node path, //! each MIR dump is accompanied by a before-and-after graphical view of the MIR, in Graphviz //! `.dot` file format (which can be visually rendered as a graph using any of a number of free //! Graphviz viewers and IDE extensions). //! //! For the `InstrumentCoverage` pass, this option also enables generation of an additional //! Graphviz `.dot` file for each function, rendering the `CoverageGraph`: the control flow //! graph (CFG) of `BasicCoverageBlocks` (BCBs), as nodes, internally labeled to show the //! `CoverageSpan`-based MIR elements each BCB represents (`BasicBlock`s, `Statement`s and //! `Terminator`s), assigned coverage counters and/or expressions, and edge counters, as needed. //! //! (Note the additional option, `-Z graphviz-dark-mode`, can be added, to change the rendered //! output from its default black-on-white background to a dark color theme, if desired.) //! //! * `-Z dump-mir-spanview` - If `-Z dump-mir` is also enabled for the current MIR node path, //! each MIR dump is accompanied by a before-and-after `.html` document showing the function's //! original source code, highlighted by it's MIR spans, at the `statement`-level (by default), //! `terminator` only, or encompassing span for the `Terminator` plus all `Statement`s, in each //! `block` (`BasicBlock`). //! //! For the `InstrumentCoverage` pass, this option also enables generation of an additional //! spanview `.html` file for each function, showing the aggregated `CoverageSpan`s that will //! require counters (or counter expressions) for accurate coverage analysis. //! //! Debug Logging //! ------------- //! //! The `InstrumentCoverage` pass includes debug logging messages at various phases and decision //! points, which can be enabled via environment variable: //! //! ```shell //! RUSTC_LOG=rustc_mir_transform::transform::coverage=debug //! ``` //! //! Other module paths with coverage-related debug logs may also be of interest, particularly for //! debugging the coverage map data, injected as global variables in the LLVM IR (during rustc's //! code generation pass). For example: //! //! ```shell //! RUSTC_LOG=rustc_mir_transform::transform::coverage,rustc_codegen_ssa::coverageinfo,rustc_codegen_llvm::coverageinfo=debug //! ``` //! //! Coverage Debug Options //! --------------------------------- //! //! Additional debugging options can be enabled using the environment variable: //! //! ```shell //! RUSTC_COVERAGE_DEBUG_OPTIONS= //! ``` //! //! These options are comma-separated, and specified in the format `option-name=value`. For example: //! //! ```shell //! $ RUSTC_COVERAGE_DEBUG_OPTIONS=counter-format=id+operation,allow-unused-expressions=yes cargo build //! ``` //! //! Coverage debug options include: //! //! * `allow-unused-expressions=yes` or `no` (default: `no`) //! //! The `InstrumentCoverage` algorithms _should_ only create and assign expressions to a //! `BasicCoverageBlock`, or an incoming edge, if that expression is either (a) required to //! count a `CoverageSpan`, or (b) a dependency of some other required counter expression. //! //! If an expression is generated that does not map to a `CoverageSpan` or dependency, this //! probably indicates there was a bug in the algorithm that creates and assigns counters //! and expressions. //! //! When this kind of bug is encountered, the rustc compiler will panic by default. Setting: //! `allow-unused-expressions=yes` will log a warning message instead of panicking (effectively //! ignoring the unused expressions), which may be helpful when debugging the root cause of //! the problem. //! //! * `counter-format=`, where `` can be any plus-separated combination of `id`, //! `block`, and/or `operation` (default: `block+operation`) //! //! This option effects both the `CoverageGraph` (graphviz `.dot` files) and debug logging, when //! generating labels for counters and expressions. //! //! Depending on the values and combinations, counters can be labeled by: //! //! * `id` - counter or expression ID (ascending counter IDs, starting at 1, or descending //! expression IDs, starting at `u32:MAX`) //! * `block` - the `BasicCoverageBlock` label (for example, `bcb0`) or edge label (for //! example `bcb0->bcb1`), for counters or expressions assigned to count a //! `BasicCoverageBlock` or edge. Intermediate expressions (not directly associated with //! a BCB or edge) will be labeled by their expression ID, unless `operation` is also //! specified. //! * `operation` - applied to expressions only, labels include the left-hand-side counter //! or expression label (lhs operand), the operator (`+` or `-`), and the right-hand-side //! counter or expression (rhs operand). Expression operand labels are generated //! recursively, generating labels with nested operations, enclosed in parentheses //! (for example: `bcb2 + (bcb0 - bcb1)`). use super::graph::{BasicCoverageBlock, BasicCoverageBlockData, CoverageGraph}; use super::spans::CoverageSpan; use itertools::Itertools; use rustc_middle::mir::create_dump_file; use rustc_middle::mir::generic_graphviz::GraphvizWriter; use rustc_middle::mir::spanview::{self, SpanViewable}; use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashMap; use rustc_middle::mir::coverage::*; use rustc_middle::mir::{self, BasicBlock, TerminatorKind}; use rustc_middle::ty::TyCtxt; use rustc_span::Span; use std::iter; use std::ops::Deref; use std::sync::OnceLock; pub const NESTED_INDENT: &str = " "; const RUSTC_COVERAGE_DEBUG_OPTIONS: &str = "RUSTC_COVERAGE_DEBUG_OPTIONS"; pub(super) fn debug_options<'a>() -> &'a DebugOptions { static DEBUG_OPTIONS: OnceLock = OnceLock::new(); &DEBUG_OPTIONS.get_or_init(DebugOptions::from_env) } /// Parses and maintains coverage-specific debug options captured from the environment variable /// "RUSTC_COVERAGE_DEBUG_OPTIONS", if set. #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub(super) struct DebugOptions { pub allow_unused_expressions: bool, counter_format: ExpressionFormat, } impl DebugOptions { fn from_env() -> Self { let mut allow_unused_expressions = true; let mut counter_format = ExpressionFormat::default(); if let Ok(env_debug_options) = std::env::var(RUSTC_COVERAGE_DEBUG_OPTIONS) { for setting_str in env_debug_options.replace(' ', "").replace('-', "_").split(',') { let (option, value) = match setting_str.split_once('=') { None => (setting_str, None), Some((k, v)) => (k, Some(v)), }; match option { "allow_unused_expressions" => { allow_unused_expressions = bool_option_val(option, value); debug!( "{} env option `allow_unused_expressions` is set to {}", RUSTC_COVERAGE_DEBUG_OPTIONS, allow_unused_expressions ); } "counter_format" => { match value { None => { bug!( "`{}` option in environment variable {} requires one or more \ plus-separated choices (a non-empty subset of \ `id+block+operation`)", option, RUSTC_COVERAGE_DEBUG_OPTIONS ); } Some(val) => { counter_format = counter_format_option_val(val); debug!( "{} env option `counter_format` is set to {:?}", RUSTC_COVERAGE_DEBUG_OPTIONS, counter_format ); } }; } _ => bug!( "Unsupported setting `{}` in environment variable {}", option, RUSTC_COVERAGE_DEBUG_OPTIONS ), }; } } Self { allow_unused_expressions, counter_format } } } fn bool_option_val(option: &str, some_strval: Option<&str>) -> bool { if let Some(val) = some_strval { if vec!["yes", "y", "on", "true"].contains(&val) { true } else if vec!["no", "n", "off", "false"].contains(&val) { false } else { bug!( "Unsupported value `{}` for option `{}` in environment variable {}", option, val, RUSTC_COVERAGE_DEBUG_OPTIONS ) } } else { true } } fn counter_format_option_val(strval: &str) -> ExpressionFormat { let mut counter_format = ExpressionFormat { id: false, block: false, operation: false }; let components = strval.splitn(3, '+'); for component in components { match component { "id" => counter_format.id = true, "block" => counter_format.block = true, "operation" => counter_format.operation = true, _ => bug!( "Unsupported counter_format choice `{}` in environment variable {}", component, RUSTC_COVERAGE_DEBUG_OPTIONS ), } } counter_format } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct ExpressionFormat { id: bool, block: bool, operation: bool, } impl Default for ExpressionFormat { fn default() -> Self { Self { id: false, block: true, operation: true } } } /// If enabled, this struct maintains a map from `CoverageKind` IDs (as `ExpressionOperandId`) to /// the `CoverageKind` data and optional label (normally, the counter's associated /// `BasicCoverageBlock` format string, if any). /// /// Use `format_counter` to convert one of these `CoverageKind` counters to a debug output string, /// as directed by the `DebugOptions`. This allows the format of counter labels in logs and dump /// files (including the `CoverageGraph` graphviz file) to be changed at runtime, via environment /// variable. /// /// `DebugCounters` supports a recursive rendering of `Expression` counters, so they can be /// presented as nested expressions such as `(bcb3 - (bcb0 + bcb1))`. pub(super) struct DebugCounters { some_counters: Option>, } impl DebugCounters { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { some_counters: None } } pub fn enable(&mut self) { debug_assert!(!self.is_enabled()); self.some_counters.replace(FxHashMap::default()); } pub fn is_enabled(&self) -> bool { self.some_counters.is_some() } pub fn add_counter(&mut self, counter_kind: &CoverageKind, some_block_label: Option) { if let Some(counters) = &mut self.some_counters { let id: ExpressionOperandId = match *counter_kind { CoverageKind::Counter { id, .. } => id.into(), CoverageKind::Expression { id, .. } => id.into(), _ => bug!( "the given `CoverageKind` is not an counter or expression: {:?}", counter_kind ), }; counters .try_insert(id, DebugCounter::new(counter_kind.clone(), some_block_label)) .expect("attempt to add the same counter_kind to DebugCounters more than once"); } } pub fn some_block_label(&self, operand: ExpressionOperandId) -> Option<&String> { self.some_counters.as_ref().map_or(None, |counters| { counters .get(&operand) .map_or(None, |debug_counter| debug_counter.some_block_label.as_ref()) }) } pub fn format_counter(&self, counter_kind: &CoverageKind) -> String { match *counter_kind { CoverageKind::Counter { .. } => { format!("Counter({})", self.format_counter_kind(counter_kind)) } CoverageKind::Expression { .. } => { format!("Expression({})", self.format_counter_kind(counter_kind)) } CoverageKind::Unreachable { .. } => "Unreachable".to_owned(), } } fn format_counter_kind(&self, counter_kind: &CoverageKind) -> String { let counter_format = &debug_options().counter_format; if let CoverageKind::Expression { id, lhs, op, rhs } = *counter_kind { if counter_format.operation { return format!( "{}{} {} {}", if counter_format.id || self.some_counters.is_none() { format!("#{} = ", id.index()) } else { String::new() }, self.format_operand(lhs), match op { Op::Add => "+", Op::Subtract => "-", }, self.format_operand(rhs), ); } } let id: ExpressionOperandId = match *counter_kind { CoverageKind::Counter { id, .. } => id.into(), CoverageKind::Expression { id, .. } => id.into(), _ => { bug!("the given `CoverageKind` is not an counter or expression: {:?}", counter_kind) } }; if self.some_counters.is_some() && (counter_format.block || !counter_format.id) { let counters = self.some_counters.as_ref().unwrap(); if let Some(DebugCounter { some_block_label: Some(block_label), .. }) = counters.get(&id) { return if counter_format.id { format!("{}#{}", block_label, id.index()) } else { block_label.to_string() }; } } format!("#{}", id.index()) } fn format_operand(&self, operand: ExpressionOperandId) -> String { if operand.index() == 0 { return String::from("0"); } if let Some(counters) = &self.some_counters { if let Some(DebugCounter { counter_kind, some_block_label }) = counters.get(&operand) { if let CoverageKind::Expression { .. } = counter_kind { if let Some(label) = some_block_label && debug_options().counter_format.block { return format!( "{}:({})", label, self.format_counter_kind(counter_kind) ); } return format!("({})", self.format_counter_kind(counter_kind)); } return self.format_counter_kind(counter_kind); } } format!("#{}", operand.index()) } } /// A non-public support class to `DebugCounters`. #[derive(Debug)] struct DebugCounter { counter_kind: CoverageKind, some_block_label: Option, } impl DebugCounter { fn new(counter_kind: CoverageKind, some_block_label: Option) -> Self { Self { counter_kind, some_block_label } } } /// If enabled, this data structure captures additional debugging information used when generating /// a Graphviz (.dot file) representation of the `CoverageGraph`, for debugging purposes. pub(super) struct GraphvizData { some_bcb_to_coverage_spans_with_counters: Option>>, some_bcb_to_dependency_counters: Option>>, some_edge_to_counter: Option>, } impl GraphvizData { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { some_bcb_to_coverage_spans_with_counters: None, some_bcb_to_dependency_counters: None, some_edge_to_counter: None, } } pub fn enable(&mut self) { debug_assert!(!self.is_enabled()); self.some_bcb_to_coverage_spans_with_counters = Some(FxHashMap::default()); self.some_bcb_to_dependency_counters = Some(FxHashMap::default()); self.some_edge_to_counter = Some(FxHashMap::default()); } pub fn is_enabled(&self) -> bool { self.some_bcb_to_coverage_spans_with_counters.is_some() } pub fn add_bcb_coverage_span_with_counter( &mut self, bcb: BasicCoverageBlock, coverage_span: &CoverageSpan, counter_kind: &CoverageKind, ) { if let Some(bcb_to_coverage_spans_with_counters) = self.some_bcb_to_coverage_spans_with_counters.as_mut() { bcb_to_coverage_spans_with_counters .entry(bcb) .or_insert_with(Vec::new) .push((coverage_span.clone(), counter_kind.clone())); } } pub fn get_bcb_coverage_spans_with_counters( &self, bcb: BasicCoverageBlock, ) -> Option<&[(CoverageSpan, CoverageKind)]> { if let Some(bcb_to_coverage_spans_with_counters) = self.some_bcb_to_coverage_spans_with_counters.as_ref() { bcb_to_coverage_spans_with_counters.get(&bcb).map(Deref::deref) } else { None } } pub fn add_bcb_dependency_counter( &mut self, bcb: BasicCoverageBlock, counter_kind: &CoverageKind, ) { if let Some(bcb_to_dependency_counters) = self.some_bcb_to_dependency_counters.as_mut() { bcb_to_dependency_counters .entry(bcb) .or_insert_with(Vec::new) .push(counter_kind.clone()); } } pub fn get_bcb_dependency_counters(&self, bcb: BasicCoverageBlock) -> Option<&[CoverageKind]> { if let Some(bcb_to_dependency_counters) = self.some_bcb_to_dependency_counters.as_ref() { bcb_to_dependency_counters.get(&bcb).map(Deref::deref) } else { None } } pub fn set_edge_counter( &mut self, from_bcb: BasicCoverageBlock, to_bb: BasicBlock, counter_kind: &CoverageKind, ) { if let Some(edge_to_counter) = self.some_edge_to_counter.as_mut() { edge_to_counter .try_insert((from_bcb, to_bb), counter_kind.clone()) .expect("invalid attempt to insert more than one edge counter for the same edge"); } } pub fn get_edge_counter( &self, from_bcb: BasicCoverageBlock, to_bb: BasicBlock, ) -> Option<&CoverageKind> { if let Some(edge_to_counter) = self.some_edge_to_counter.as_ref() { edge_to_counter.get(&(from_bcb, to_bb)) } else { None } } } /// If enabled, this struct captures additional data used to track whether expressions were used, /// directly or indirectly, to compute the coverage counts for all `CoverageSpan`s, and any that are /// _not_ used are retained in the `unused_expressions` Vec, to be included in debug output (logs /// and/or a `CoverageGraph` graphviz output). pub(super) struct UsedExpressions { some_used_expression_operands: Option>>, some_unused_expressions: Option, BasicCoverageBlock)>>, } impl UsedExpressions { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { some_used_expression_operands: None, some_unused_expressions: None } } pub fn enable(&mut self) { debug_assert!(!self.is_enabled()); self.some_used_expression_operands = Some(FxHashMap::default()); self.some_unused_expressions = Some(Vec::new()); } pub fn is_enabled(&self) -> bool { self.some_used_expression_operands.is_some() } pub fn add_expression_operands(&mut self, expression: &CoverageKind) { if let Some(used_expression_operands) = self.some_used_expression_operands.as_mut() { if let CoverageKind::Expression { id, lhs, rhs, .. } = *expression { used_expression_operands.entry(lhs).or_insert_with(Vec::new).push(id); used_expression_operands.entry(rhs).or_insert_with(Vec::new).push(id); } } } pub fn expression_is_used(&self, expression: &CoverageKind) -> bool { if let Some(used_expression_operands) = self.some_used_expression_operands.as_ref() { used_expression_operands.contains_key(&expression.as_operand_id()) } else { false } } pub fn add_unused_expression_if_not_found( &mut self, expression: &CoverageKind, edge_from_bcb: Option, target_bcb: BasicCoverageBlock, ) { if let Some(used_expression_operands) = self.some_used_expression_operands.as_ref() { if !used_expression_operands.contains_key(&expression.as_operand_id()) { self.some_unused_expressions.as_mut().unwrap().push(( expression.clone(), edge_from_bcb, target_bcb, )); } } } /// Return the list of unused counters (if any) as a tuple with the counter (`CoverageKind`), /// optional `from_bcb` (if it was an edge counter), and `target_bcb`. pub fn get_unused_expressions( &self, ) -> Vec<(CoverageKind, Option, BasicCoverageBlock)> { if let Some(unused_expressions) = self.some_unused_expressions.as_ref() { unused_expressions.clone() } else { Vec::new() } } /// If enabled, validate that every BCB or edge counter not directly associated with a coverage /// span is at least indirectly associated (it is a dependency of a BCB counter that _is_ /// associated with a coverage span). pub fn validate( &mut self, bcb_counters_without_direct_coverage_spans: &[( Option, BasicCoverageBlock, CoverageKind, )], ) { if self.is_enabled() { let mut not_validated = bcb_counters_without_direct_coverage_spans .iter() .map(|(_, _, counter_kind)| counter_kind) .collect::>(); let mut validating_count = 0; while not_validated.len() != validating_count { let to_validate = not_validated.split_off(0); validating_count = to_validate.len(); for counter_kind in to_validate { if self.expression_is_used(counter_kind) { self.add_expression_operands(counter_kind); } else { not_validated.push(counter_kind); } } } } } pub fn alert_on_unused_expressions(&self, debug_counters: &DebugCounters) { if let Some(unused_expressions) = self.some_unused_expressions.as_ref() { for (counter_kind, edge_from_bcb, target_bcb) in unused_expressions { let unused_counter_message = if let Some(from_bcb) = edge_from_bcb.as_ref() { format!( "non-coverage edge counter found without a dependent expression, in \ {:?}->{:?}; counter={}", from_bcb, target_bcb, debug_counters.format_counter(&counter_kind), ) } else { format!( "non-coverage counter found without a dependent expression, in {:?}; \ counter={}", target_bcb, debug_counters.format_counter(&counter_kind), ) }; if debug_options().allow_unused_expressions { debug!("WARNING: {}", unused_counter_message); } else { bug!("{}", unused_counter_message); } } } } } /// Generates the MIR pass `CoverageSpan`-specific spanview dump file. pub(super) fn dump_coverage_spanview<'tcx>( tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, mir_body: &mir::Body<'tcx>, basic_coverage_blocks: &CoverageGraph, pass_name: &str, body_span: Span, coverage_spans: &[CoverageSpan], ) { let mir_source = mir_body.source; let def_id = mir_source.def_id(); let span_viewables = span_viewables(tcx, mir_body, basic_coverage_blocks, &coverage_spans); let mut file = create_dump_file(tcx, "html", false, pass_name, &0, mir_body) .expect("Unexpected error creating MIR spanview HTML file"); let crate_name = tcx.crate_name(def_id.krate); let item_name = tcx.def_path(def_id).to_filename_friendly_no_crate(); let title = format!("{}.{} - Coverage Spans", crate_name, item_name); spanview::write_document(tcx, body_span, span_viewables, &title, &mut file) .expect("Unexpected IO error dumping coverage spans as HTML"); } /// Converts the computed `BasicCoverageBlockData`s into `SpanViewable`s. fn span_viewables<'tcx>( tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, mir_body: &mir::Body<'tcx>, basic_coverage_blocks: &CoverageGraph, coverage_spans: &[CoverageSpan], ) -> Vec { let mut span_viewables = Vec::new(); for coverage_span in coverage_spans { let tooltip = coverage_span.format_coverage_statements(tcx, mir_body); let CoverageSpan { span, bcb, .. } = coverage_span; let bcb_data = &basic_coverage_blocks[*bcb]; let id = bcb_data.id(); let leader_bb = bcb_data.leader_bb(); span_viewables.push(SpanViewable { bb: leader_bb, span: *span, id, tooltip }); } span_viewables } /// Generates the MIR pass coverage-specific graphviz dump file. pub(super) fn dump_coverage_graphviz<'tcx>( tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, mir_body: &mir::Body<'tcx>, pass_name: &str, basic_coverage_blocks: &CoverageGraph, debug_counters: &DebugCounters, graphviz_data: &GraphvizData, intermediate_expressions: &[CoverageKind], debug_used_expressions: &UsedExpressions, ) { let mir_source = mir_body.source; let def_id = mir_source.def_id(); let node_content = |bcb| { bcb_to_string_sections( tcx, mir_body, debug_counters, &basic_coverage_blocks[bcb], graphviz_data.get_bcb_coverage_spans_with_counters(bcb), graphviz_data.get_bcb_dependency_counters(bcb), // intermediate_expressions are injected into the mir::START_BLOCK, so // include them in the first BCB. if bcb.index() == 0 { Some(&intermediate_expressions) } else { None }, ) }; let edge_labels = |from_bcb| { let from_bcb_data = &basic_coverage_blocks[from_bcb]; let from_terminator = from_bcb_data.terminator(mir_body); let mut edge_labels = from_terminator.kind.fmt_successor_labels(); edge_labels.retain(|label| label != "unreachable"); let edge_counters = from_terminator .successors() .map(|successor_bb| graphviz_data.get_edge_counter(from_bcb, successor_bb)); iter::zip(&edge_labels, edge_counters) .map(|(label, some_counter)| { if let Some(counter) = some_counter { format!("{}\n{}", label, debug_counters.format_counter(counter)) } else { label.to_string() } }) .collect::>() }; let graphviz_name = format!("Cov_{}_{}", def_id.krate.index(), def_id.index.index()); let mut graphviz_writer = GraphvizWriter::new(basic_coverage_blocks, &graphviz_name, node_content, edge_labels); let unused_expressions = debug_used_expressions.get_unused_expressions(); if unused_expressions.len() > 0 { graphviz_writer.set_graph_label(&format!( "Unused expressions:\n {}", unused_expressions .as_slice() .iter() .map(|(counter_kind, edge_from_bcb, target_bcb)| { if let Some(from_bcb) = edge_from_bcb.as_ref() { format!( "{:?}->{:?}: {}", from_bcb, target_bcb, debug_counters.format_counter(&counter_kind), ) } else { format!( "{:?}: {}", target_bcb, debug_counters.format_counter(&counter_kind), ) } }) .join("\n ") )); } let mut file = create_dump_file(tcx, "dot", false, pass_name, &0, mir_body) .expect("Unexpected error creating BasicCoverageBlock graphviz DOT file"); graphviz_writer .write_graphviz(tcx, &mut file) .expect("Unexpected error writing BasicCoverageBlock graphviz DOT file"); } fn bcb_to_string_sections<'tcx>( tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, mir_body: &mir::Body<'tcx>, debug_counters: &DebugCounters, bcb_data: &BasicCoverageBlockData, some_coverage_spans_with_counters: Option<&[(CoverageSpan, CoverageKind)]>, some_dependency_counters: Option<&[CoverageKind]>, some_intermediate_expressions: Option<&[CoverageKind]>, ) -> Vec { let len = bcb_data.basic_blocks.len(); let mut sections = Vec::new(); if let Some(collect_intermediate_expressions) = some_intermediate_expressions { sections.push( collect_intermediate_expressions .iter() .map(|expression| { format!("Intermediate {}", debug_counters.format_counter(expression)) }) .join("\n"), ); } if let Some(coverage_spans_with_counters) = some_coverage_spans_with_counters { sections.push( coverage_spans_with_counters .iter() .map(|(covspan, counter)| { format!( "{} at {}", debug_counters.format_counter(counter), covspan.format(tcx, mir_body) ) }) .join("\n"), ); } if let Some(dependency_counters) = some_dependency_counters { sections.push(format!( "Non-coverage counters:\n {}", dependency_counters .iter() .map(|counter| debug_counters.format_counter(counter)) .join(" \n"), )); } if let Some(counter_kind) = &bcb_data.counter_kind { sections.push(format!("{:?}", counter_kind)); } let non_term_blocks = bcb_data.basic_blocks[0..len - 1] .iter() .map(|&bb| format!("{:?}: {}", bb, term_type(&mir_body[bb].terminator().kind))) .collect::>(); if non_term_blocks.len() > 0 { sections.push(non_term_blocks.join("\n")); } sections.push(format!( "{:?}: {}", bcb_data.basic_blocks.last().unwrap(), term_type(&bcb_data.terminator(mir_body).kind) )); sections } /// Returns a simple string representation of a `TerminatorKind` variant, independent of any /// values it might hold. pub(super) fn term_type(kind: &TerminatorKind<'_>) -> &'static str { match kind { TerminatorKind::Goto { .. } => "Goto", TerminatorKind::SwitchInt { .. } => "SwitchInt", TerminatorKind::Resume => "Resume", TerminatorKind::Abort => "Abort", TerminatorKind::Return => "Return", TerminatorKind::Unreachable => "Unreachable", TerminatorKind::Drop { .. } => "Drop", TerminatorKind::DropAndReplace { .. } => "DropAndReplace", TerminatorKind::Call { .. } => "Call", TerminatorKind::Assert { .. } => "Assert", TerminatorKind::Yield { .. } => "Yield", TerminatorKind::GeneratorDrop => "GeneratorDrop", TerminatorKind::FalseEdge { .. } => "FalseEdge", TerminatorKind::FalseUnwind { .. } => "FalseUnwind", TerminatorKind::InlineAsm { .. } => "InlineAsm", } }