//! This module defines the `DepNode` type which the compiler uses to represent //! nodes in the dependency graph. A `DepNode` consists of a `DepKind` (which //! specifies the kind of thing it represents, like a piece of HIR, MIR, etc) //! and a `Fingerprint`, a 128 bit hash value the exact meaning of which //! depends on the node's `DepKind`. Together, the kind and the fingerprint //! fully identify a dependency node, even across multiple compilation sessions. //! In other words, the value of the fingerprint does not depend on anything //! that is specific to a given compilation session, like an unpredictable //! interning key (e.g., NodeId, DefId, Symbol) or the numeric value of a //! pointer. The concept behind this could be compared to how git commit hashes //! uniquely identify a given commit and has a few advantages: //! //! * A `DepNode` can simply be serialized to disk and loaded in another session //! without the need to do any "rebasing (like we have to do for Spans and //! NodeIds) or "retracing" like we had to do for `DefId` in earlier //! implementations of the dependency graph. //! * A `Fingerprint` is just a bunch of bits, which allows `DepNode` to //! implement `Copy`, `Sync`, `Send`, `Freeze`, etc. //! * Since we just have a bit pattern, `DepNode` can be mapped from disk into //! memory without any post-processing (e.g., "abomination-style" pointer //! reconstruction). //! * Because a `DepNode` is self-contained, we can instantiate `DepNodes` that //! refer to things that do not exist anymore. In previous implementations //! `DepNode` contained a `DefId`. A `DepNode` referring to something that //! had been removed between the previous and the current compilation session //! could not be instantiated because the current compilation session //! contained no `DefId` for thing that had been removed. //! //! `DepNode` definition happens in `rustc_middle` with the `define_dep_nodes!()` macro. //! This macro defines the `DepKind` enum and a corresponding `DepConstructor` enum. The //! `DepConstructor` enum links a `DepKind` to the parameters that are needed at runtime in order //! to construct a valid `DepNode` fingerprint. //! //! Because the macro sees what parameters a given `DepKind` requires, it can //! "infer" some properties for each kind of `DepNode`: //! //! * Whether a `DepNode` of a given kind has any parameters at all. Some //! `DepNode`s could represent global concepts with only one value. //! * Whether it is possible, in principle, to reconstruct a query key from a //! given `DepNode`. Many `DepKind`s only require a single `DefId` parameter, //! in which case it is possible to map the node's fingerprint back to the //! `DefId` it was computed from. In other cases, too much information gets //! lost during fingerprint computation. use super::{DepContext, DepKind, FingerprintStyle}; use crate::ich::StableHashingContext; use rustc_data_structures::fingerprint::{Fingerprint, PackedFingerprint}; use rustc_data_structures::stable_hasher::{HashStable, StableHasher}; use rustc_hir::definitions::DefPathHash; use std::fmt; use std::hash::Hash; #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Encodable, Decodable)] pub struct DepNode { pub kind: K, pub hash: PackedFingerprint, } impl DepNode { /// Creates a new, parameterless DepNode. This method will assert /// that the DepNode corresponding to the given DepKind actually /// does not require any parameters. pub fn new_no_params(tcx: Tcx, kind: K) -> DepNode where Tcx: super::DepContext, { debug_assert_eq!(tcx.fingerprint_style(kind), FingerprintStyle::Unit); DepNode { kind, hash: Fingerprint::ZERO.into() } } pub fn construct(tcx: Tcx, kind: K, arg: &Key) -> DepNode where Tcx: super::DepContext, Key: DepNodeParams, { let hash = arg.to_fingerprint(tcx); let dep_node = DepNode { kind, hash: hash.into() }; #[cfg(debug_assertions)] { if !tcx.fingerprint_style(kind).reconstructible() && (tcx.sess().opts.unstable_opts.incremental_info || tcx.sess().opts.unstable_opts.query_dep_graph) { tcx.dep_graph().register_dep_node_debug_str(dep_node, || arg.to_debug_str(tcx)); } } dep_node } /// Construct a DepNode from the given DepKind and DefPathHash. This /// method will assert that the given DepKind actually requires a /// single DefId/DefPathHash parameter. pub fn from_def_path_hash(tcx: Tcx, def_path_hash: DefPathHash, kind: K) -> Self where Tcx: super::DepContext, { debug_assert!(tcx.fingerprint_style(kind) == FingerprintStyle::DefPathHash); DepNode { kind, hash: def_path_hash.0.into() } } } impl fmt::Debug for DepNode { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { K::debug_node(self, f) } } pub trait DepNodeParams: fmt::Debug + Sized { fn fingerprint_style() -> FingerprintStyle; /// This method turns the parameters of a DepNodeConstructor into an opaque /// Fingerprint to be used in DepNode. /// Not all DepNodeParams support being turned into a Fingerprint (they /// don't need to if the corresponding DepNode is anonymous). fn to_fingerprint(&self, _: Tcx) -> Fingerprint { panic!("Not implemented. Accidentally called on anonymous node?") } fn to_debug_str(&self, _: Tcx) -> String { format!("{self:?}") } /// This method tries to recover the query key from the given `DepNode`, /// something which is needed when forcing `DepNode`s during red-green /// evaluation. The query system will only call this method if /// `fingerprint_style()` is not `FingerprintStyle::Opaque`. /// It is always valid to return `None` here, in which case incremental /// compilation will treat the query as having changed instead of forcing it. fn recover(tcx: Tcx, dep_node: &DepNode) -> Option; } impl DepNodeParams for T where T: for<'a> HashStable> + fmt::Debug, { #[inline(always)] default fn fingerprint_style() -> FingerprintStyle { FingerprintStyle::Opaque } #[inline(always)] default fn to_fingerprint(&self, tcx: Tcx) -> Fingerprint { tcx.with_stable_hashing_context(|mut hcx| { let mut hasher = StableHasher::new(); self.hash_stable(&mut hcx, &mut hasher); hasher.finish() }) } #[inline(always)] default fn to_debug_str(&self, _: Tcx) -> String { format!("{:?}", *self) } #[inline(always)] default fn recover(_: Tcx, _: &DepNode) -> Option { None } } /// This struct stores metadata about each DepKind. /// /// Information is retrieved by indexing the `DEP_KINDS` array using the integer value /// of the `DepKind`. Overall, this allows to implement `DepContext` using this manual /// jump table instead of large matches. pub struct DepKindStruct { /// Anonymous queries cannot be replayed from one compiler invocation to the next. /// When their result is needed, it is recomputed. They are useful for fine-grained /// dependency tracking, and caching within one compiler invocation. pub is_anon: bool, /// Eval-always queries do not track their dependencies, and are always recomputed, even if /// their inputs have not changed since the last compiler invocation. The result is still /// cached within one compiler invocation. pub is_eval_always: bool, /// Whether the query key can be recovered from the hashed fingerprint. /// See [DepNodeParams] trait for the behaviour of each key type. pub fingerprint_style: FingerprintStyle, /// The red/green evaluation system will try to mark a specific DepNode in the /// dependency graph as green by recursively trying to mark the dependencies of /// that `DepNode` as green. While doing so, it will sometimes encounter a `DepNode` /// where we don't know if it is red or green and we therefore actually have /// to recompute its value in order to find out. Since the only piece of /// information that we have at that point is the `DepNode` we are trying to /// re-evaluate, we need some way to re-run a query from just that. This is what /// `force_from_dep_node()` implements. /// /// In the general case, a `DepNode` consists of a `DepKind` and an opaque /// GUID/fingerprint that will uniquely identify the node. This GUID/fingerprint /// is usually constructed by computing a stable hash of the query-key that the /// `DepNode` corresponds to. Consequently, it is not in general possible to go /// back from hash to query-key (since hash functions are not reversible). For /// this reason `force_from_dep_node()` is expected to fail from time to time /// because we just cannot find out, from the `DepNode` alone, what the /// corresponding query-key is and therefore cannot re-run the query. /// /// The system deals with this case letting `try_mark_green` fail which forces /// the root query to be re-evaluated. /// /// Now, if `force_from_dep_node()` would always fail, it would be pretty useless. /// Fortunately, we can use some contextual information that will allow us to /// reconstruct query-keys for certain kinds of `DepNode`s. In particular, we /// enforce by construction that the GUID/fingerprint of certain `DepNode`s is a /// valid `DefPathHash`. Since we also always build a huge table that maps every /// `DefPathHash` in the current codebase to the corresponding `DefId`, we have /// everything we need to re-run the query. /// /// Take the `mir_promoted` query as an example. Like many other queries, it /// just has a single parameter: the `DefId` of the item it will compute the /// validated MIR for. Now, when we call `force_from_dep_node()` on a `DepNode` /// with kind `MirValidated`, we know that the GUID/fingerprint of the `DepNode` /// is actually a `DefPathHash`, and can therefore just look up the corresponding /// `DefId` in `tcx.def_path_hash_to_def_id`. pub force_from_dep_node: Option) -> bool>, /// Invoke a query to put the on-disk cached value in memory. pub try_load_from_on_disk_cache: Option)>, } /// A "work product" corresponds to a `.o` (or other) file that we /// save in between runs. These IDs do not have a `DefId` but rather /// some independent path or string that persists between runs without /// the need to be mapped or unmapped. (This ensures we can serialize /// them even in the absence of a tcx.) #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)] #[derive(Encodable, Decodable)] pub struct WorkProductId { hash: Fingerprint, } impl WorkProductId { pub fn from_cgu_name(cgu_name: &str) -> WorkProductId { let mut hasher = StableHasher::new(); cgu_name.hash(&mut hasher); WorkProductId { hash: hasher.finish() } } } impl HashStable for WorkProductId { #[inline] fn hash_stable(&self, hcx: &mut HCX, hasher: &mut StableHasher) { self.hash.hash_stable(hcx, hasher) } }