use super::*; use rustc_data_structures::sync::Lrc; fn init_source_map() -> SourceMap { let sm = SourceMap::new(FilePathMapping::empty()); sm.new_source_file(PathBuf::from("").into(), "first line.\nsecond line".to_string()); sm.new_source_file(PathBuf::from("").into(), String::new()); sm.new_source_file(PathBuf::from("").into(), "first line.\nsecond line".to_string()); sm } impl SourceMap { /// Returns `Some(span)`, a union of the LHS and RHS span. The LHS must precede the RHS. If /// there are gaps between LHS and RHS, the resulting union will cross these gaps. /// For this to work, /// /// * the syntax contexts of both spans much match, /// * the LHS span needs to end on the same line the RHS span begins, /// * the LHS span must start at or before the RHS span. fn merge_spans(&self, sp_lhs: Span, sp_rhs: Span) -> Option { // Ensure we're at the same expansion ID. if sp_lhs.ctxt() != sp_rhs.ctxt() { return None; } let lhs_end = match self.lookup_line(sp_lhs.hi()) { Ok(x) => x, Err(_) => return None, }; let rhs_begin = match self.lookup_line(sp_rhs.lo()) { Ok(x) => x, Err(_) => return None, }; // If we must cross lines to merge, don't merge. if lhs_end.line != rhs_begin.line { return None; } // Ensure these follow the expected order and that we don't overlap. if (sp_lhs.lo() <= sp_rhs.lo()) && (sp_lhs.hi() <= sp_rhs.lo()) { Some( } else { None } } /// Converts an absolute `BytePos` to a `CharPos` relative to the `SourceFile`. fn bytepos_to_file_charpos(&self, bpos: BytePos) -> CharPos { let idx = self.lookup_source_file_idx(bpos); let sf = &(*self.files.borrow().source_files)[idx]; sf.bytepos_to_file_charpos(bpos) } } /// Tests `lookup_byte_offset`. #[test] fn t3() { let sm = init_source_map(); let srcfbp1 = sm.lookup_byte_offset(BytePos(23)); assert_eq!(, PathBuf::from("").into()); assert_eq!(srcfbp1.pos, BytePos(23)); let srcfbp1 = sm.lookup_byte_offset(BytePos(24)); assert_eq!(, PathBuf::from("").into()); assert_eq!(srcfbp1.pos, BytePos(0)); let srcfbp2 = sm.lookup_byte_offset(BytePos(25)); assert_eq!(, PathBuf::from("").into()); assert_eq!(srcfbp2.pos, BytePos(0)); } /// Tests `bytepos_to_file_charpos`. #[test] fn t4() { let sm = init_source_map(); let cp1 = sm.bytepos_to_file_charpos(BytePos(22)); assert_eq!(cp1, CharPos(22)); let cp2 = sm.bytepos_to_file_charpos(BytePos(25)); assert_eq!(cp2, CharPos(0)); } /// Tests zero-length `SourceFile`s. #[test] fn t5() { let sm = init_source_map(); let loc1 = sm.lookup_char_pos(BytePos(22)); assert_eq!(, PathBuf::from("").into()); assert_eq!(loc1.line, 2); assert_eq!(loc1.col, CharPos(10)); let loc2 = sm.lookup_char_pos(BytePos(25)); assert_eq!(, PathBuf::from("").into()); assert_eq!(loc2.line, 1); assert_eq!(loc2.col, CharPos(0)); } fn init_source_map_mbc() -> SourceMap { let sm = SourceMap::new(FilePathMapping::empty()); // "€" is a three-byte UTF8 char. sm.new_source_file( PathBuf::from("").into(), "fir€st €€€€ line.\nsecond line".to_string(), ); sm.new_source_file( PathBuf::from("").into(), "first line€€.\n€ second line".to_string(), ); sm } /// Tests `bytepos_to_file_charpos` in the presence of multi-byte chars. #[test] fn t6() { let sm = init_source_map_mbc(); let cp1 = sm.bytepos_to_file_charpos(BytePos(3)); assert_eq!(cp1, CharPos(3)); let cp2 = sm.bytepos_to_file_charpos(BytePos(6)); assert_eq!(cp2, CharPos(4)); let cp3 = sm.bytepos_to_file_charpos(BytePos(56)); assert_eq!(cp3, CharPos(12)); let cp4 = sm.bytepos_to_file_charpos(BytePos(61)); assert_eq!(cp4, CharPos(15)); } /// Test `span_to_lines` for a span ending at the end of a `SourceFile`. #[test] fn t7() { let sm = init_source_map(); let span = Span::with_root_ctxt(BytePos(12), BytePos(23)); let file_lines = sm.span_to_lines(span).unwrap(); assert_eq!(, PathBuf::from("").into()); assert_eq!(file_lines.lines.len(), 1); assert_eq!(file_lines.lines[0].line_index, 1); } /// Given a string like " ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ", produces a span /// converting that range. The idea is that the string has the same /// length as the input, and we uncover the byte positions. Note /// that this can span lines and so on. fn span_from_selection(input: &str, selection: &str) -> Span { assert_eq!(input.len(), selection.len()); let left_index = selection.find('~').unwrap() as u32; let right_index = selection.rfind('~').map_or(left_index, |x| x as u32); Span::with_root_ctxt(BytePos(left_index), BytePos(right_index + 1)) } /// Tests `span_to_snippet` and `span_to_lines` for a span converting 3 /// lines in the middle of a file. #[test] fn span_to_snippet_and_lines_spanning_multiple_lines() { let sm = SourceMap::new(FilePathMapping::empty()); let inputtext = "aaaaa\nbbbbBB\nCCC\nDDDDDddddd\neee\n"; let selection = " \n ~~\n~~~\n~~~~~ \n \n"; sm.new_source_file(Path::new("").to_owned().into(), inputtext.to_string()); let span = span_from_selection(inputtext, selection); // Check that we are extracting the text we thought we were extracting. assert_eq!(&sm.span_to_snippet(span).unwrap(), "BB\nCCC\nDDDDD"); // Check that span_to_lines gives us the complete result with the lines/cols we expected. let lines = sm.span_to_lines(span).unwrap(); let expected = vec![ LineInfo { line_index: 1, start_col: CharPos(4), end_col: CharPos(6) }, LineInfo { line_index: 2, start_col: CharPos(0), end_col: CharPos(3) }, LineInfo { line_index: 3, start_col: CharPos(0), end_col: CharPos(5) }, ]; assert_eq!(lines.lines, expected); } /// Test span_to_snippet for a span ending at the end of a `SourceFile`. #[test] fn t8() { let sm = init_source_map(); let span = Span::with_root_ctxt(BytePos(12), BytePos(23)); let snippet = sm.span_to_snippet(span); assert_eq!(snippet, Ok("second line".to_string())); } /// Test `span_to_str` for a span ending at the end of a `SourceFile`. #[test] fn t9() { let sm = init_source_map(); let span = Span::with_root_ctxt(BytePos(12), BytePos(23)); let sstr = sm.span_to_diagnostic_string(span); assert_eq!(sstr, " 2:12"); } /// Tests failing to merge two spans on different lines. #[test] fn span_merging_fail() { let sm = SourceMap::new(FilePathMapping::empty()); let inputtext = "bbbb BB\ncc CCC\n"; let selection1 = " ~~\n \n"; let selection2 = " \n ~~~\n"; sm.new_source_file(Path::new("").to_owned().into(), inputtext.to_owned()); let span1 = span_from_selection(inputtext, selection1); let span2 = span_from_selection(inputtext, selection2); assert!(sm.merge_spans(span1, span2).is_none()); } /// Tests loading an external source file that requires normalization. #[test] fn t10() { let sm = SourceMap::new(FilePathMapping::empty()); let unnormalized = "first line.\r\nsecond line"; let normalized = "first line.\nsecond line"; let src_file = sm.new_source_file(PathBuf::from("").into(), unnormalized.to_string()); assert_eq!(src_file.src.as_ref().unwrap().as_ref(), normalized); assert!( src_file.src_hash.matches(unnormalized), "src_hash should use the source before normalization" ); let SourceFile { name, src_hash, start_pos, end_pos, lines, multibyte_chars, non_narrow_chars, normalized_pos, name_hash, .. } = (*src_file).clone(); let imported_src_file = sm.new_imported_source_file( name, src_hash, name_hash, (end_pos - start_pos).to_usize(), CrateNum::new(0), lines, multibyte_chars, non_narrow_chars, normalized_pos, start_pos, 0, ); assert!( imported_src_file.external_src.borrow().get_source().is_none(), "imported source file should not have source yet" ); imported_src_file.add_external_src(|| Some(unnormalized.to_string())); assert_eq!( imported_src_file.external_src.borrow().get_source().unwrap().as_ref(), normalized, "imported source file should be normalized" ); } /// Returns the span corresponding to the `n`th occurrence of `substring` in `source_text`. trait SourceMapExtension { fn span_substr( &self, file: &Lrc, source_text: &str, substring: &str, n: usize, ) -> Span; } impl SourceMapExtension for SourceMap { fn span_substr( &self, file: &Lrc, source_text: &str, substring: &str, n: usize, ) -> Span { eprintln!( "span_substr(file={:?}/{:?}, substring={:?}, n={})",, file.start_pos, substring, n ); let mut i = 0; let mut hi = 0; loop { let offset = source_text[hi..].find(substring).unwrap_or_else(|| { panic!( "source_text `{}` does not have {} occurrences of `{}`, only {}", source_text, n, substring, i ); }); let lo = hi + offset; hi = lo + substring.len(); if i == n { let span = Span::with_root_ctxt( BytePos(lo as u32 + file.start_pos.0), BytePos(hi as u32 + file.start_pos.0), ); assert_eq!(&self.span_to_snippet(span).unwrap()[..], substring); return span; } i += 1; } } } // Takes a unix-style path and returns a platform specific path. fn path(p: &str) -> PathBuf { path_str(p).into() } // Takes a unix-style path and returns a platform specific path. fn path_str(p: &str) -> String { #[cfg(not(windows))] { return p.into(); } #[cfg(windows)] { let mut path = p.replace('/', "\\"); if let Some(rest) = path.strip_prefix('\\') { path = ["X:\\", rest].concat(); } path } } fn map_path_prefix(mapping: &FilePathMapping, p: &str) -> String { // It's important that we convert to a string here because that's what // later stages do too (e.g. in the backend), and comparing `Path` values // won't catch some differences at the string level, e.g. "abc" and "abc/" // compare as equal. mapping.map_prefix(path(p)).0.to_string_lossy().to_string() } #[test] fn path_prefix_remapping() { // Relative to relative { let mapping = &FilePathMapping::new(vec![(path("abc/def"), path("foo"))]); assert_eq!(map_path_prefix(mapping, "abc/def/src/"), path_str("foo/src/")); assert_eq!(map_path_prefix(mapping, "abc/def"), path_str("foo")); } // Relative to absolute { let mapping = &FilePathMapping::new(vec![(path("abc/def"), path("/foo"))]); assert_eq!(map_path_prefix(mapping, "abc/def/src/"), path_str("/foo/src/")); assert_eq!(map_path_prefix(mapping, "abc/def"), path_str("/foo")); } // Absolute to relative { let mapping = &FilePathMapping::new(vec![(path("/abc/def"), path("foo"))]); assert_eq!(map_path_prefix(mapping, "/abc/def/src/"), path_str("foo/src/")); assert_eq!(map_path_prefix(mapping, "/abc/def"), path_str("foo")); } // Absolute to absolute { let mapping = &FilePathMapping::new(vec![(path("/abc/def"), path("/foo"))]); assert_eq!(map_path_prefix(mapping, "/abc/def/src/"), path_str("/foo/src/")); assert_eq!(map_path_prefix(mapping, "/abc/def"), path_str("/foo")); } } #[test] fn path_prefix_remapping_expand_to_absolute() { // "virtual" working directory is relative path let mapping = &FilePathMapping::new(vec![(path("/foo"), path("FOO")), (path("/bar"), path("BAR"))]); let working_directory = path("/foo"); let working_directory = RealFileName::Remapped { local_path: Some(working_directory.clone()), virtual_name: mapping.map_prefix(working_directory).0, }; assert_eq!(working_directory.remapped_path_if_available(), path("FOO")); // Unmapped absolute path assert_eq!( mapping.to_embeddable_absolute_path( RealFileName::LocalPath(path("/foo/src/")), &working_directory ), RealFileName::Remapped { local_path: None, virtual_name: path("FOO/src/") } ); // Unmapped absolute path with unrelated working directory assert_eq!( mapping.to_embeddable_absolute_path( RealFileName::LocalPath(path("/bar/src/")), &working_directory ), RealFileName::Remapped { local_path: None, virtual_name: path("BAR/src/") } ); // Unmapped absolute path that does not match any prefix assert_eq!( mapping.to_embeddable_absolute_path( RealFileName::LocalPath(path("/quux/src/")), &working_directory ), RealFileName::LocalPath(path("/quux/src/")), ); // Unmapped relative path assert_eq!( mapping.to_embeddable_absolute_path( RealFileName::LocalPath(path("src/")), &working_directory ), RealFileName::Remapped { local_path: None, virtual_name: path("FOO/src/") } ); // Unmapped relative path with `./` assert_eq!( mapping.to_embeddable_absolute_path( RealFileName::LocalPath(path("./src/")), &working_directory ), RealFileName::Remapped { local_path: None, virtual_name: path("FOO/src/") } ); // Unmapped relative path that does not match any prefix assert_eq!( mapping.to_embeddable_absolute_path( RealFileName::LocalPath(path("quux/src/")), &RealFileName::LocalPath(path("/abc")), ), RealFileName::LocalPath(path("/abc/quux/src/")), ); // Already remapped absolute path assert_eq!( mapping.to_embeddable_absolute_path( RealFileName::Remapped { local_path: Some(path("/foo/src/")), virtual_name: path("FOO/src/"), }, &working_directory ), RealFileName::Remapped { local_path: None, virtual_name: path("FOO/src/") } ); // Already remapped absolute path, with unrelated working directory assert_eq!( mapping.to_embeddable_absolute_path( RealFileName::Remapped { local_path: Some(path("/bar/src/")), virtual_name: path("BAR/src/"), }, &working_directory ), RealFileName::Remapped { local_path: None, virtual_name: path("BAR/src/") } ); // Already remapped relative path assert_eq!( mapping.to_embeddable_absolute_path( RealFileName::Remapped { local_path: None, virtual_name: path("XYZ/src/") }, &working_directory ), RealFileName::Remapped { local_path: None, virtual_name: path("XYZ/src/") } ); } #[test] fn test_next_point() { let sm = SourceMap::new(FilePathMapping::empty()); sm.new_source_file(PathBuf::from("").into(), "a…b".to_string()); // Dummy spans don't advance. let span = DUMMY_SP; let span = sm.next_point(span); assert_eq!(span.lo().0, 0); assert_eq!(span.hi().0, 0); // Span advance respect multi-byte character let span = Span::with_root_ctxt(BytePos(0), BytePos(1)); assert_eq!(sm.span_to_snippet(span), Ok("a".to_string())); let span = sm.next_point(span); assert_eq!(sm.span_to_snippet(span), Ok("…".to_string())); assert_eq!(span.lo().0, 1); assert_eq!(span.hi().0, 4); // An empty span pointing just before a multi-byte character should // advance to contain the multi-byte character. let span = Span::with_root_ctxt(BytePos(1), BytePos(1)); let span = sm.next_point(span); assert_eq!(span.lo().0, 1); assert_eq!(span.hi().0, 4); let span = Span::with_root_ctxt(BytePos(1), BytePos(4)); let span = sm.next_point(span); assert_eq!(span.lo().0, 4); assert_eq!(span.hi().0, 5); // A non-empty span at the last byte should advance to create an empty // span pointing at the end of the file. let span = Span::with_root_ctxt(BytePos(4), BytePos(5)); let span = sm.next_point(span); assert_eq!(span.lo().0, 5); assert_eq!(span.hi().0, 5); // Empty span pointing just past the last byte. let span = Span::with_root_ctxt(BytePos(5), BytePos(5)); let span = sm.next_point(span); assert_eq!(span.lo().0, 5); assert_eq!(span.hi().0, 5); }