use crate::spec::{Cc, LinkerFlavor, Lld, RelocModel, Target, TargetOptions}; /// A base target for AVR devices using the GNU toolchain. /// /// Requires GNU avr-gcc and avr-binutils on the host system. /// FIXME: Remove the second parameter when const string concatenation is possible. pub fn target(target_cpu: &'static str, mmcu: &'static str) -> Target { Target { arch: "avr".into(), data_layout: "e-P1-p:16:8-i8:8-i16:8-i32:8-i64:8-f32:8-f64:8-n8-a:8".into(), llvm_target: "avr-unknown-unknown".into(), pointer_width: 16, options: TargetOptions { c_int_width: "16".into(), cpu: target_cpu.into(), exe_suffix: ".elf".into(), linker: Some("avr-gcc".into()), eh_frame_header: false, pre_link_args: TargetOptions::link_args(LinkerFlavor::Gnu(Cc::Yes, Lld::No), &[mmcu]), late_link_args: TargetOptions::link_args( LinkerFlavor::Gnu(Cc::Yes, Lld::No), &["-lgcc"], ), max_atomic_width: Some(0), atomic_cas: false, relocation_model: RelocModel::Static, ..TargetOptions::default() }, } }