use crate::spec::{cvs, Cc, LinkerFlavor, Lld, PanicStrategy, RelocModel, Target, TargetOptions}; pub fn target() -> Target { Target { llvm_target: "mipsel-sony-psx".into(), pointer_width: 32, data_layout: "e-m:m-p:32:32-i8:8:32-i16:16:32-i64:64-n32-S64".into(), arch: "mips".into(), options: TargetOptions { os: "none".into(), env: "psx".into(), vendor: "sony".into(), linker_flavor: LinkerFlavor::Gnu(Cc::No, Lld::Yes), cpu: "mips1".into(), executables: true, linker: Some("rust-lld".into()), relocation_model: RelocModel::Static, exe_suffix: ".exe".into(), // PSX doesn't natively support floats. features: "+soft-float".into(), // This should be 16 bits, but LLVM incorrectly tries emitting MIPS-II SYNC instructions // for atomic loads and stores. This crashes rustc so we have to disable the Atomic* API // until this is fixed upstream. See for more // info. max_atomic_width: Some(0), // PSX does not support trap-on-condition instructions. llvm_args: cvs!["-mno-check-zero-division"], llvm_abiname: "o32".into(), panic_strategy: PanicStrategy::Abort, ..Default::default() }, } }