use crate::infer::canonical::{ Canonicalized, CanonicalizedQueryResponse, OriginalQueryValues, QueryRegionConstraints, }; use crate::infer::{InferCtxt, InferOk}; use crate::traits::query::Fallible; use crate::traits::ObligationCause; use rustc_infer::infer::canonical::{Canonical, Certainty}; use rustc_infer::traits::query::NoSolution; use rustc_infer::traits::PredicateObligations; use rustc_middle::ty::fold::TypeFoldable; use rustc_middle::ty::{ParamEnvAnd, TyCtxt}; use std::fmt; pub mod ascribe_user_type; pub mod custom; pub mod eq; pub mod implied_outlives_bounds; pub mod normalize; pub mod outlives; pub mod prove_predicate; pub mod subtype; pub use rustc_middle::traits::query::type_op::*; /// "Type ops" are used in NLL to perform some particular action and /// extract out the resulting region constraints (or an error if it /// cannot be completed). pub trait TypeOp<'tcx>: Sized + fmt::Debug { type Output: fmt::Debug; type ErrorInfo; /// Processes the operation and all resulting obligations, /// returning the final result along with any region constraints /// (they will be given over to the NLL region solver). fn fully_perform(self, infcx: &InferCtxt<'tcx>) -> Fallible>; } /// The output from performing a type op pub struct TypeOpOutput<'tcx, Op: TypeOp<'tcx>> { /// The output from the type op. pub output: Op::Output, /// Any region constraints from performing the type op. pub constraints: Option<&'tcx QueryRegionConstraints<'tcx>>, /// Used for error reporting to be able to rerun the query pub error_info: Option, } /// "Query type ops" are type ops that are implemented using a /// [canonical query][c]. The `Self` type here contains the kernel of /// information needed to do the operation -- `TypeOp` is actually /// implemented for `ParamEnvAnd`, since we always need to bring /// along a parameter environment as well. For query type-ops, we will /// first canonicalize the key and then invoke the query on the tcx, /// which produces the resulting query region constraints. /// /// [c]: pub trait QueryTypeOp<'tcx>: fmt::Debug + Copy + TypeFoldable<'tcx> + 'tcx { type QueryResponse: TypeFoldable<'tcx>; /// Give query the option for a simple fast path that never /// actually hits the tcx cache lookup etc. Return `Some(r)` with /// a final result or `None` to do the full path. fn try_fast_path( tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, key: &ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Self>, ) -> Option; /// Performs the actual query with the canonicalized key -- the /// real work happens here. This method is not given an `infcx` /// because it shouldn't need one -- and if it had access to one, /// it might do things like invoke `sub_regions`, which would be /// bad, because it would create subregion relationships that are /// not captured in the return value. fn perform_query( tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, canonicalized: Canonicalized<'tcx, ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Self>>, ) -> Fallible>; fn fully_perform_into( query_key: ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Self>, infcx: &InferCtxt<'tcx>, output_query_region_constraints: &mut QueryRegionConstraints<'tcx>, ) -> Fallible<( Self::QueryResponse, Option>>, PredicateObligations<'tcx>, Certainty, )> { if let Some(result) = QueryTypeOp::try_fast_path(infcx.tcx, &query_key) { return Ok((result, None, vec![], Certainty::Proven)); } // FIXME(#33684) -- We need to use // `canonicalize_query_keep_static` here because of things // like the subtype query, which go awry around // `'static` otherwise. let mut canonical_var_values = OriginalQueryValues::default(); let old_param_env = query_key.param_env; let canonical_self = infcx.canonicalize_query_keep_static(query_key, &mut canonical_var_values); let canonical_result = Self::perform_query(infcx.tcx, canonical_self)?; let InferOk { value, obligations } = infcx .instantiate_nll_query_response_and_region_obligations( &ObligationCause::dummy(), old_param_env, &canonical_var_values, canonical_result, output_query_region_constraints, )?; Ok((value, Some(canonical_self), obligations, canonical_result.value.certainty)) } } impl<'tcx, Q> TypeOp<'tcx> for ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Q> where Q: QueryTypeOp<'tcx>, { type Output = Q::QueryResponse; type ErrorInfo = Canonical<'tcx, ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Q>>; fn fully_perform(self, infcx: &InferCtxt<'tcx>) -> Fallible> { let mut region_constraints = QueryRegionConstraints::default(); let (output, error_info, mut obligations, _) = Q::fully_perform_into(self, infcx, &mut region_constraints)?; // Typically, instantiating NLL query results does not // create obligations. However, in some cases there // are unresolved type variables, and unify them *can* // create obligations. In that case, we have to go // fulfill them. We do this via a (recursive) query. while !obligations.is_empty() { trace!("{:#?}", obligations); let mut progress = false; for obligation in std::mem::take(&mut obligations) { let obligation = infcx.resolve_vars_if_possible(obligation); match ProvePredicate::fully_perform_into( obligation.param_env.and(ProvePredicate::new(obligation.predicate)), infcx, &mut region_constraints, ) { Ok(((), _, new, certainty)) => { obligations.extend(new); progress = true; if let Certainty::Ambiguous = certainty { obligations.push(obligation); } } Err(_) => obligations.push(obligation), } } if !progress { return Err(NoSolution); } } Ok(TypeOpOutput { output, constraints: if region_constraints.is_empty() { None } else { Some(infcx.tcx.arena.alloc(region_constraints)) }, error_info, }) } }