use super::{Byte, Ref, Tree, Uninhabited}; use crate::{Map, Set}; use std::fmt; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicU32, Ordering}; /// A non-deterministic finite automaton (NFA) that represents the layout of a type. /// The transmutability of two given types is computed by comparing their `Nfa`s. #[derive(PartialEq, Debug)] pub(crate) struct Nfa where R: Ref, { pub(crate) transitions: Map, Set>>, pub(crate) start: State, pub(crate) accepting: State, } /// The states in a `Nfa` represent byte offsets. #[derive(Hash, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Copy, Clone)] pub(crate) struct State(u32); /// The transitions between states in a `Nfa` reflect bit validity. #[derive(Hash, Eq, PartialEq, Clone, Copy)] pub(crate) enum Transition where R: Ref, { Byte(Byte), Ref(R), } impl fmt::Debug for State { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "S_{}", self.0) } } impl fmt::Debug for Transition where R: Ref, { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { match &self { Self::Byte(b) => b.fmt(f), Self::Ref(r) => r.fmt(f), } } } impl Nfa where R: Ref, { pub(crate) fn unit() -> Self { let transitions: Map, Set>> = Map::default(); let start = State::new(); let accepting = start; Nfa { transitions, start, accepting } } pub(crate) fn from_byte(byte: Byte) -> Self { let mut transitions: Map, Set>> = Map::default(); let start = State::new(); let accepting = State::new(); let source = transitions.entry(start).or_default(); let edge = source.entry(Transition::Byte(byte)).or_default(); edge.insert(accepting); Nfa { transitions, start, accepting } } pub(crate) fn from_ref(r: R) -> Self { let mut transitions: Map, Set>> = Map::default(); let start = State::new(); let accepting = State::new(); let source = transitions.entry(start).or_default(); let edge = source.entry(Transition::Ref(r)).or_default(); edge.insert(accepting); Nfa { transitions, start, accepting } } pub(crate) fn from_tree(tree: Tree) -> Result { Ok(match tree { Tree::Byte(b) => Self::from_byte(b), Tree::Def(..) => unreachable!(), Tree::Ref(r) => Self::from_ref(r), Tree::Alt(alts) => { let mut alts = alts.into_iter().map(Self::from_tree); let mut nfa =; for alt in alts { nfa = nfa.union(alt?); } nfa } Tree::Seq(elts) => { let mut nfa = Self::unit(); for elt in elts.into_iter().map(Self::from_tree) { nfa = nfa.concat(elt?); } nfa } }) } /// Concatenate two `Nfa`s. pub(crate) fn concat(self, other: Self) -> Self { if self.start == self.accepting { return other; } else if other.start == other.accepting { return self; } let start = self.start; let accepting = other.accepting; let mut transitions: Map, Set>> = self.transitions; for (source, transition) in other.transitions { let fix_state = |state| if state == other.start { self.accepting } else { state }; let entry = transitions.entry(fix_state(source)).or_default(); for (edge, destinations) in transition { let entry = entry.entry(edge).or_default(); for destination in destinations { entry.insert(fix_state(destination)); } } } Self { transitions, start, accepting } } /// Compute the union of two `Nfa`s. pub(crate) fn union(self, other: Self) -> Self { let start = self.start; let accepting = self.accepting; let mut transitions: Map, Set>> = self.transitions.clone(); for (&(mut source), transition) in other.transitions.iter() { // if source is starting state of `other`, replace with starting state of `self` if source == other.start { source = self.start; } let entry = transitions.entry(source).or_default(); for (edge, destinations) in transition { let entry = entry.entry(*edge).or_default(); for &(mut destination) in destinations { // if dest is accepting state of `other`, replace with accepting state of `self` if destination == other.accepting { destination = self.accepting; } entry.insert(destination); } } } Self { transitions, start, accepting } } pub(crate) fn edges_from(&self, start: State) -> Option<&Map, Set>> { self.transitions.get(&start) } } impl State { pub(crate) fn new() -> Self { static COUNTER: AtomicU32 = AtomicU32::new(0); Self(COUNTER.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst)) } }