//! Define the interface with the Rust compiler. //! //! StableMIR users should not use any of the items in this module directly. //! These APIs have no stability guarantee. use std::cell::Cell; use crate::abi::{FnAbi, Layout, LayoutShape}; use crate::mir::alloc::{AllocId, GlobalAlloc}; use crate::mir::mono::{Instance, InstanceDef, StaticDef}; use crate::mir::Body; use crate::target::MachineInfo; use crate::ty::{ AdtDef, AdtKind, Allocation, ClosureDef, ClosureKind, Const, FieldDef, FnDef, GenericArgs, GenericPredicates, Generics, ImplDef, ImplTrait, LineInfo, PolyFnSig, RigidTy, Span, TraitDecl, TraitDef, Ty, TyKind, VariantDef, }; use crate::{ mir, Crate, CrateItem, CrateItems, DefId, Error, Filename, ImplTraitDecls, ItemKind, Symbol, TraitDecls, }; /// This trait defines the interface between stable_mir and the Rust compiler. /// Do not use this directly. pub trait Context { fn entry_fn(&self) -> Option; /// Retrieve all items of the local crate that have a MIR associated with them. fn all_local_items(&self) -> CrateItems; /// Retrieve the body of a function. /// This function will panic if the body is not available. fn mir_body(&self, item: DefId) -> mir::Body; /// Check whether the body of a function is available. fn has_body(&self, item: DefId) -> bool; fn all_trait_decls(&self) -> TraitDecls; fn trait_decl(&self, trait_def: &TraitDef) -> TraitDecl; fn all_trait_impls(&self) -> ImplTraitDecls; fn trait_impl(&self, trait_impl: &ImplDef) -> ImplTrait; fn generics_of(&self, def_id: DefId) -> Generics; fn predicates_of(&self, def_id: DefId) -> GenericPredicates; fn explicit_predicates_of(&self, def_id: DefId) -> GenericPredicates; /// Get information about the local crate. fn local_crate(&self) -> Crate; /// Retrieve a list of all external crates. fn external_crates(&self) -> Vec; /// Find a crate with the given name. fn find_crates(&self, name: &str) -> Vec; /// Returns the name of given `DefId` fn def_name(&self, def_id: DefId, trimmed: bool) -> Symbol; /// Returns printable, human readable form of `Span` fn span_to_string(&self, span: Span) -> String; /// Return filename from given `Span`, for diagnostic purposes fn get_filename(&self, span: &Span) -> Filename; /// Return lines corresponding to this `Span` fn get_lines(&self, span: &Span) -> LineInfo; /// Returns the `kind` of given `DefId` fn item_kind(&self, item: CrateItem) -> ItemKind; /// Returns whether this is a foreign item. fn is_foreign_item(&self, item: DefId) -> bool; /// Returns the kind of a given algebraic data type fn adt_kind(&self, def: AdtDef) -> AdtKind; /// Returns if the ADT is a box. fn adt_is_box(&self, def: AdtDef) -> bool; /// Returns whether this ADT is simd. fn adt_is_simd(&self, def: AdtDef) -> bool; /// Returns whether this definition is a C string. fn adt_is_cstr(&self, def: AdtDef) -> bool; /// Retrieve the function signature for the given generic arguments. fn fn_sig(&self, def: FnDef, args: &GenericArgs) -> PolyFnSig; /// Retrieve the closure signature for the given generic arguments. fn closure_sig(&self, args: &GenericArgs) -> PolyFnSig; /// The number of variants in this ADT. fn adt_variants_len(&self, def: AdtDef) -> usize; /// The name of a variant. fn variant_name(&self, def: VariantDef) -> Symbol; fn variant_fields(&self, def: VariantDef) -> Vec; /// Evaluate constant as a target usize. fn eval_target_usize(&self, cnst: &Const) -> Result; /// Create a target usize constant for the given value. fn usize_to_const(&self, val: u64) -> Result; /// Create a new type from the given kind. fn new_rigid_ty(&self, kind: RigidTy) -> Ty; /// Create a new box type, `Box`, for the given inner type `T`. fn new_box_ty(&self, ty: Ty) -> Ty; /// Returns the type of given crate item. fn def_ty(&self, item: DefId) -> Ty; /// Returns the type of given definition instantiated with the given arguments. fn def_ty_with_args(&self, item: DefId, args: &GenericArgs) -> Ty; /// Returns literal value of a const as a string. fn const_literal(&self, cnst: &Const) -> String; /// `Span` of an item fn span_of_an_item(&self, def_id: DefId) -> Span; /// Obtain the representation of a type. fn ty_kind(&self, ty: Ty) -> TyKind; // Get the discriminant Ty for this Ty if there's one. fn rigid_ty_discriminant_ty(&self, ty: &RigidTy) -> Ty; /// Get the body of an Instance which is already monomorphized. fn instance_body(&self, instance: InstanceDef) -> Option; /// Get the instance type with generic substitutions applied and lifetimes erased. fn instance_ty(&self, instance: InstanceDef) -> Ty; /// Get the instantiation types. fn instance_args(&self, def: InstanceDef) -> GenericArgs; /// Get the instance. fn instance_def_id(&self, instance: InstanceDef) -> DefId; /// Get the instance mangled name. fn instance_mangled_name(&self, instance: InstanceDef) -> Symbol; /// Check if this is an empty DropGlue shim. fn is_empty_drop_shim(&self, def: InstanceDef) -> bool; /// Convert a non-generic crate item into an instance. /// This function will panic if the item is generic. fn mono_instance(&self, def_id: DefId) -> Instance; /// Item requires monomorphization. fn requires_monomorphization(&self, def_id: DefId) -> bool; /// Resolve an instance from the given function definition and generic arguments. fn resolve_instance(&self, def: FnDef, args: &GenericArgs) -> Option; /// Resolve an instance for drop_in_place for the given type. fn resolve_drop_in_place(&self, ty: Ty) -> Instance; /// Resolve instance for a function pointer. fn resolve_for_fn_ptr(&self, def: FnDef, args: &GenericArgs) -> Option; /// Resolve instance for a closure with the requested type. fn resolve_closure( &self, def: ClosureDef, args: &GenericArgs, kind: ClosureKind, ) -> Option; /// Evaluate a static's initializer. fn eval_static_initializer(&self, def: StaticDef) -> Result; /// Try to evaluate an instance into a constant. fn eval_instance(&self, def: InstanceDef, const_ty: Ty) -> Result; /// Retrieve global allocation for the given allocation ID. fn global_alloc(&self, id: AllocId) -> GlobalAlloc; /// Retrieve the id for the virtual table. fn vtable_allocation(&self, global_alloc: &GlobalAlloc) -> Option; fn krate(&self, def_id: DefId) -> Crate; fn instance_name(&self, def: InstanceDef, trimmed: bool) -> Symbol; /// Return information about the target machine. fn target_info(&self) -> MachineInfo; /// Get an instance ABI. fn instance_abi(&self, def: InstanceDef) -> Result; /// Get the layout of a type. fn ty_layout(&self, ty: Ty) -> Result; /// Get the layout shape. fn layout_shape(&self, id: Layout) -> LayoutShape; } // A thread local variable that stores a pointer to the tables mapping between TyCtxt // datastructures and stable MIR datastructures scoped_thread_local! (static TLV: Cell<*const ()>); pub fn run(context: &dyn Context, f: F) -> Result where F: FnOnce() -> T, { if TLV.is_set() { Err(Error::from("StableMIR already running")) } else { let ptr: *const () = &context as *const &_ as _; TLV.set(&Cell::new(ptr), || Ok(f())) } } /// Execute the given function with access the compiler [Context]. /// /// I.e., This function will load the current context and calls a function with it. /// Do not nest these, as that will ICE. pub(crate) fn with(f: impl FnOnce(&dyn Context) -> R) -> R { assert!(TLV.is_set()); TLV.with(|tlv| { let ptr = tlv.get(); assert!(!ptr.is_null()); f(unsafe { *(ptr as *const &dyn Context) }) }) }