#!/usr/bin/make -f # -*- makefile -*- include /usr/share/dpkg/pkg-info.mk include /usr/share/dpkg/vendor.mk include /usr/share/dpkg/architecture.mk SED_VERSION_SHORT := sed -re 's/([^.]+)\.([^.]+)\..*/\1.\2/' RUST_VERSION := $(shell echo '$(DEB_VERSION_UPSTREAM)' | $(SED_VERSION_SHORT)) RUST_LONG_VERSION := $(shell echo '$(DEB_VERSION_UPSTREAM)' | sed -re 's/([^+]+).*/\1/') LIBSTD_PKG := libstd-rust-$(RUST_VERSION) # Sed expression that matches the "rustc" we have in our Build-Depends field SED_RUSTC_BUILDDEP := sed -ne "/^Build-Depends:/,/^[^[:space:]\#]/{/^ *rustc:native .*,/p}" debian/control # Version of /usr/bin/rustc LOCAL_RUST_VERSION := $(shell rustc --version --verbose | sed -ne 's/^release: //p') include /usr/share/dpkg/buildflags.mk # needed for cross-compilation to avoid passing host CFLAGS to the BUILD # compiler export TARGET_CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) export TARGET_CXXFLAGS = $(CXXFLAGS) export TARGET_CPPFLAGS = $(CPPFLAGS) export TARGET_LDFLAGS = $(LDFLAGS) unexport CFLAGS CXXFLAGS CPPFLAGS LDFLAGS export CARGO_HOME = $(CURDIR)/debian/cargo # Defines DEB_*_RUST_TYPE triples include debian/architecture.mk # for dh_install substitution variable export DEB_HOST_RUST_TYPE # for dh_install substitution variable export RUST_LONG_VERSION DEB_DESTDIR := $(CURDIR)/debian/tmp # Use system LLVM (comment out to use vendored LLVM) LLVM_VERSION = 17 OLD_LLVM_VERSION = 16 # Cargo-specific flags export LIBSSH2_SYS_USE_PKG_CONFIG=1 # Make it easier to test against a custom LLVM ifneq (,$(LLVM_DESTDIR)) LLVM_LIBRARY_PATH := $(LLVM_DESTDIR)/usr/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH):$(LLVM_DESTDIR)/usr/lib LD_LIBRARY_PATH := $(if $(LD_LIBRARY_PATH),$(LD_LIBRARY_PATH):$(LLVM_LIBRARY_PATH),$(LLVM_LIBRARY_PATH)) export LD_LIBRARY_PATH endif # Required for profiler builtin CLANG_RT_ARCH := $(DEB_TARGET_GNU_CPU) ifeq (i386,$(DEB_TARGET_ARCH)) CLANG_RT_ARCH = i386 endif ifeq (armhf,$(DEB_TARGET_ARCH)) CLANG_RT_ARCH = armhf endif ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),sparc64 mips64el hurd-i386 hurd-amd64)) # sparc64: see https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1061125 # mips64el: has profiler, but buggy atm (32-bit overflow in some counter?) CLANG_RT_ARCH = PROFILER = "false" else export LLVM_PROFILER_RT_LIB=/usr/lib/llvm-$(LLVM_VERSION)/lib/clang/$(LLVM_VERSION)/lib/linux/libclang_rt.profile-$(CLANG_RT_ARCH).a PROFILER = "true" endif ifneq (,$(filter parallel=%,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) NJOBS := -j $(patsubst parallel=%,%,$(filter parallel=%,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) endif RUSTBUILD = RUST_BACKTRACE=1 python3 src/bootstrap/bootstrap.py $(NJOBS) RUSTBUILD_FLAGS = --stage 2 --config debian/config.toml --on-fail env # rust-tidy depends on lots of modules that we strip out of the build. # it also tries to access the network for some reason. so just disable it. RUSTBUILD_TEST = $(RUSTBUILD) test --no-fail-fast --exclude src/tools/tidy # To run a specific test, run something like: # $ debian/rules override_dh_auto_test-arch \ # RUSTBUILD_TEST_FLAGS="src/test/run-make --test-args extern-fn-struct" # See src/bootstrap/README.md for more options. RUSTBUILD_TEST_FLAGS = # https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/89744 # TODO: remove when we update cargo to 1.55 / 0.56 # upstream bug still exists and is under investigation, but is hidden by newer cargo export CARGO_PROFILE_RELEASE_BUILD_OVERRIDE_OPT_LEVEL=0 update-version: oldver=$(shell $(SED_RUSTC_BUILDDEP) | sed -ne 's/.*(<= \(.*\)).*/\1/gp' | $(SED_VERSION_SHORT)); \ newver=$(RUST_VERSION); \ debian/update-version.sh $$oldver $$newver $(RUST_LONG_VERSION) $(CARGO_NEW) # Below we detect how we're supposed to bootstrap the stage0 compiler. See # README.Debian for more details of the cases described below. # PRECONFIGURE_CHECK = : HAVE_BINARY_TARBALL := $(shell ls -1 stage0/*/*$(DEB_HOST_RUST_TYPE)* 2>/dev/null | wc -l) DOWNLOAD_BOOTSTRAP := false # allow not using the binary tarball although it exists #ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_HOST_ARCH), amd64 arm64 armhf i386 powerpc ppc64el s390x)) # HAVE_BINARY_TARBALL := 0 #endif ifeq (0,$(HAVE_BINARY_TARBALL)) # Case A (Building from source): the extracted source tree does not include # a bootstrapping tarball for the current architecture e.g. because the # distro already has a rustc for this arch, or the uploader expects that # this requirement be fulfilled in some other way. # # Case A-1: the builder did not select the "pkg.rustc.dlstage0" build profile. # In this case, we use the distro's rustc - either the previous or current version. ifeq (,$(findstring pkg.rustc.dlstage0,$(DEB_BUILD_PROFILES))) # Make it easier to test against a custom rustc ifneq (,$(RUST_DESTDIR)) RUST_LIBRARY_PATH := $(RUST_DESTDIR)/usr/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH):$(RUST_DESTDIR)/usr/lib LD_LIBRARY_PATH := $(if $(LD_LIBRARY_PATH),$(LD_LIBRARY_PATH):$(RUST_LIBRARY_PATH),$(RUST_LIBRARY_PATH)) export LD_LIBRARY_PATH endif # # Case A-2: the builder selected the "dlstage0" build profile. # In this case, the rust build scripts will download a stage0 into stage0/ and use that. # We don't need to do anything specific in this build file, so this case is empty. else DOWNLOAD_BOOTSTRAP := true endif else # Case B (Bootstrapping a new distro): the extracted source tree does # include a bootstrapping tarball for the current architecture; see the # `source_orig-stage0` target below on how to build this. # # In this case, we'll bootstrap from the stage0 given in that tarball. # To ensure the uploader of the .dsc didn't make a mistake, we first check # that rustc isn't a Build-Depends for the current architecture. ifneq (,$(shell $(SED_RUSTC_BUILDDEP))) ifeq (,$(shell $(SED_RUSTC_BUILDDEP) | grep '!$(DEB_HOST_ARCH)')) PRECONFIGURE_CHECK = $(error found matches for stage0/*/*$(DEB_HOST_RUST_TYPE)*, \ but rustc might be a Build-Depends for $(DEB_HOST_ARCH)) endif endif endif BUILD_DOCS := true ifneq (,$(findstring nodoc,$(DEB_BUILD_PROFILES))) BUILD_DOCS := false endif ifneq (,$(findstring nodoc,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) BUILD_DOCS := false endif BUILD_WASM := true ifneq (,$(findstring nowasm,$(DEB_BUILD_PROFILES))) BUILD_WASM := false endif WINDOWS_SUPPORT := amd64 i386 BUILD_WINDOWS := true ifneq (,$(findstring nowindows,$(DEB_BUILD_PROFILES))) BUILD_WINDOWS := false endif ifeq (,$(filter $(DEB_HOST_ARCH), $(WINDOWS_SUPPORT))) BUILD_WINDOWS := false else ifeq (,$(filter $(DEB_BUILD_ARCH), $(WINDOWS_SUPPORT))) ifeq (true,$(BUILD_WINDOWS)) $(error cannot cross-compile from $(DEB_BUILD_ARCH) to $(DEB_HOST_ARCH), unless "nowindows" is in DEB_BUILD_PROFILES) endif endif ifeq (i386,$(DEB_HOST_ARCH)) WINDOWS_ARCH := i686 else WINDOWS_ARCH := x86_64 endif endif # for dh_install substitution variable export WINDOWS_ARCH MAKE_OPTIMISATIONS := true ifneq (,$(findstring noopt,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) MAKE_OPTIMISATIONS := false endif VERBOSITY_SUB := $(words $(filter terse,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) VERBOSITY_ADD := $(words $(filter verbose,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) VERBOSITY := $(shell expr 2 + $(VERBOSITY_ADD) - $(VERBOSITY_SUB)) ifeq ($(shell test $(VERBOSITY) -ge 3; echo $$?),0) export DH_VERBOSE=1 endif ifeq ($(shell test $(VERBOSITY) -le 0; echo $$?),0) export DH_QUIET=1 .SILENT: endif # Build products or non-source files in src/, that shouldn't go in rust-src SRC_CLEAN = src/bootstrap/bootstrap.pyc \ src/bootstrap/__pycache__ \ src/etc/__pycache__/ # Try to work around #933045 ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_BUILD_ARCH), mips mipsel)) SYSTEM_WORKAROUNDS += export MALLOC_ARENA_MAX=1; endif %: $(SYSTEM_WORKAROUNDS) dh $@ --parallel --with bash-completion .PHONY: .dbg-windows .dbg-windows: @echo host=$(DEB_BUILD_ARCH) target=$(DEB_HOST_ARCH) BUILD_WINDOWS=$(BUILD_WINDOWS) WINDOWS_ARCH=$(WINDOWS_ARCH) .PHONY: build build: $(SYSTEM_WORKAROUNDS) dh $@ --parallel --with bash-completion override_dh_clean: # Upstream contains a lot of these dh_clean -XCargo.toml.orig debian/config.toml: debian/config.toml.in debian/rules u="$(DEB_VERSION_UPSTREAM)"; \ if [ "$$u" != "$${u%~beta.*+dfsg*}" ]; then channel="beta"; \ else channel="stable"; fi; \ m4 -DRELEASE_CHANNEL="$$channel" \ -DDEB_BUILD_RUST_TYPE="$(DEB_BUILD_RUST_TYPE)" \ -DDEB_HOST_RUST_TYPE="$(DEB_HOST_RUST_TYPE)" \ -DDEB_TARGET_RUST_TYPE="$(DEB_TARGET_RUST_TYPE)" \ -DDEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE="$(DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE)" \ -DDEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE="$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)" \ -DDEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE="$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE)" \ -DMAKE_OPTIMISATIONS="$(MAKE_OPTIMISATIONS)" \ -DVERBOSITY="$(VERBOSITY)" \ -DLLVM_DESTDIR="$(LLVM_DESTDIR)" \ -DLLVM_VERSION="$(LLVM_VERSION)" \ -DRUST_DESTDIR="$(RUST_DESTDIR)" \ -DPROFILER="$(PROFILER)" \ "$<" > "$@" if $(DOWNLOAD_BOOTSTRAP) || [ $(HAVE_BINARY_TARBALL) != 0 ]; \ then sed -i -e '/^rustc = /d' -e '/^cargo = /d' "$@"; fi # Work around low-memory (32-bit) architectures: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/45854 # otherwise they fail to mmap rustc_driver when building rustdoc in >1.60 if [ $(DEB_BUILD_ARCH_BITS) = "32" ]; then \ sed -i -e 's/^debuginfo-level = .*/debuginfo-level = 0/g' "$@"; \ fi check-no-old-llvm: # fail the build if we have any instances of OLD_LLVM_VERSION in debian, except for debian/changelog ! grep --color=always -i '\(clang\|ll\(..\|d\)\)-\?$(subst .,\.,$(OLD_LLVM_VERSION))' --exclude=changelog --exclude=copyright --exclude='*.patch' --exclude-dir='.debhelper' -R debian .PHONY: check-no-old-llvm extra-vendor: if [ -d extra ]; then \ cd extra; \ for c in *; do \ if [ -e ../vendor/"$$c" ]; then \ mv -v ../vendor/"$$c" ../vendor/"$$c".backup ; \ fi ; \ echo "adding extra vendored dependency '$$c'"; \ cp -r ./"$$c" ../vendor/; \ done; \ fi .PHONY: extra-vendor debian/dh_auto_configure.stamp: debian/config.toml check-no-old-llvm extra-vendor # fail the build if we accidentally vendored openssl, indicates we pulled in unnecessary dependencies test ! -e vendor/openssl-src # fail the build if our version contains ~exp and we are not releasing to experimental v="$(DEB_VERSION)"; test "$$v" = "$${v%~exp*}" -o "$(DEB_DISTRIBUTION)" = "experimental" -o "$(DEB_DISTRIBUTION)" = "UNRELEASED" $(PRECONFIGURE_CHECK) if [ -d stage0 ]; then mkdir -p build && ln -sfT ../stage0 build/cache; fi # work around #842634 if test $$(grep "\s*localhost" /etc/hosts | wc -l) -gt 1; then \ debian/ensure-patch -N debian/patches/d-test-host-duplicates.patch; fi # don't care about lock changes rm -f Cargo.lock src/bootstrap/Cargo.lock src/tools/rust-analyzer/Cargo.lock src/tools/cargo/Cargo.lock # We patched some crates so have to rm the checksums find vendor -name .cargo-checksum.json -execdir "$(CURDIR)/debian/prune-checksums" "{}" + # Link against system liblzma, see https://github.com/alexcrichton/xz2-rs/issues/16 echo 'fn main() { println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=lzma"); }' > vendor/lzma-sys/build.rs # We don't run ./configure because we use debian/config.toml directly ln -sf debian/config.toml config.toml touch "$@" override_dh_auto_configure-arch: debian/dh_auto_configure.stamp override_dh_auto_configure-indep: debian/dh_auto_configure.stamp ifeq (true,$(BUILD_DOCS)) # Change config.toml now and not later, since that might trigger a rebuild sed -i -e 's/^docs = false/docs = true/' debian/config.toml endif override_dh_auto_clean: $(RM) -rf build tmp debian/cargo_home config.stamp config.mk Makefile $(RM) -rf $(TEST_LOG) debian/config.toml debian/*.stamp $(RM) -rf $(SRC_CLEAN) config.toml debian/dh_auto_build.stamp: $(RUSTBUILD) build $(RUSTBUILD_FLAGS) override_dh_auto_build-arch: debian/dh_auto_build.stamp ifeq (true,$(BUILD_WINDOWS)) $(RUSTBUILD) build $(RUSTBUILD_FLAGS) \ --host $(DEB_BUILD_RUST_TYPE) \ --target $(WINDOWS_ARCH)-pc-windows-gnu \ library/std endif override_dh_auto_build-indep: debian/dh_auto_build.stamp ifeq (true,$(BUILD_WASM)) $(RUSTBUILD) build $(RUSTBUILD_FLAGS) \ --host $(DEB_BUILD_RUST_TYPE) \ --target wasm32-unknown-unknown,wasm32-wasi \ library/std endif ifeq (true,$(BUILD_DOCS)) $(RUSTBUILD) doc $(RUSTBUILD_FLAGS) $(RUSTBUILD) doc $(RUSTBUILD_FLAGS) cargo # document cargo APIs endif TEST_LOG = debian/rustc-tests.log # This is advertised as "5 tests failed" in README.Debian because our counting # method is imprecise and in practise we count some failures twice. # temporarily bumped from 8 to 10 to account for test output changes depending # on build path length, bump down again once 1.78 is imported FAILURES_ALLOWED = 10 ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_BUILD_ARCH), armhf)) # temporarily bumped from 12 to 15, see above FAILURES_ALLOWED = 15 endif ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_BUILD_ARCH), armel mips mips64el)) FAILURES_ALLOWED = 24 endif # workaround broken gdb 13.1 - revert to 24 once fixed # #1031946 / #1032785 ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_BUILD_ARCH), mipsel)) FAILURES_ALLOWED = 25 endif ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_BUILD_ARCH), ppc64 s390x riscv64)) FAILURES_ALLOWED = 40 endif ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_BUILD_ARCH), loong64 powerpc powerpcspe sparc64 x32 hurd-i386 hurd-amd64)) FAILURES_ALLOWED = 180 endif FAILED_TESTS = grep "FAILED\|^command did not execute successfully" $(TEST_LOG) | grep -v '^test result: FAILED' | grep -v 'FAILED (allowed)' # ignore debuginfo failures on armhf due to regression in GDB 11.2 # https://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=29272 ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_BUILD_ARCH), armhf)) FAILED_TESTS += | grep -v '^test \[debuginfo-gdb\] src/test/debuginfo/' endif override_dh_auto_test-arch: # ensure that rustc_llvm is actually dynamically linked to libLLVM set -e; find build/*/stage2/lib/rustlib/* -name '*rustc_llvm*.so' | \ while read x; do \ stat -c '%s %n' "$$x"; \ objdump -p "$$x" | grep -q "NEEDED.*LLVM"; \ test "$$(stat -c %s "$$x")" -lt 6000000; \ done ifeq (, $(filter nocheck,$(DEB_BUILD_PROFILES))) ifeq (, $(filter nocheck,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) { $(RUSTBUILD_TEST) $(RUSTBUILD_FLAGS) $(RUSTBUILD_TEST_FLAGS); echo $$?; } | tee -a $(TEST_LOG) # test that the log has at least 1 pass, to prevent e.g. #57709 grep -l "^test .* \.\.\. ok$$" $(TEST_LOG) echo "==== Debian rustc test report ===="; \ echo "Specific test failures:"; \ $(FAILED_TESTS); \ num_failures=$$($(FAILED_TESTS) | wc -l); \ exit_code=$$(tail -n1 $(TEST_LOG)); \ echo "Summary: exit code $$exit_code, counted $$num_failures tests failed."; \ echo -n "$(FAILURES_ALLOWED) maximum allowed. "; \ if test "$$num_failures" -eq 0 -a "$$exit_code" -ne 0; then \ echo "Aborting just in case, because we missed counting some test failures."; \ echo "This could happen if we failed to build the tests, or if the testsuite runner is buggy."; \ false; \ elif test "$$num_failures" -le $(FAILURES_ALLOWED); then \ echo "Continuing..."; \ else \ echo "Aborting the build."; \ echo "Check the logs further above for details."; \ false; \ fi # don't continue if RUSTBUILD_TEST_FLAGS is non-empty test -z "$(RUSTBUILD_TEST_FLAGS)" # don't run windows tests yet endif endif override_dh_auto_test-indep: ifeq (, $(filter nocheck,$(DEB_BUILD_PROFILES))) ifeq (, $(filter nocheck,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) ifeq (true,$(BUILD_WASM)) # Ignore failures in these tests, but run them so we see what it's like -PATH=$(CURDIR)/debian/bin:$(PATH) $(RUSTBUILD_TEST) $(RUSTBUILD_FLAGS) $(RUSTBUILD_TEST_FLAGS) \ --host $(DEB_BUILD_RUST_TYPE) \ --target wasm32-unknown-unknown,wasm32-wasi \ library/std endif ifeq (true,$(BUILD_DOCS)) # Run all rules that test the docs, i.e. that depend on default:doc $(RUSTBUILD_TEST) $(RUSTBUILD_FLAGS) src/tools/linkchecker endif test -z "$(RUSTBUILD_TEST_FLAGS)" endif endif run_rustbuild: DESTDIR=$(DEB_DESTDIR) $(RUSTBUILD) $(X_CMD) $(RUSTBUILD_FLAGS) $(X_FLAGS) override_dh_prep: dh_prep $(RM) -f debian/dh_auto_install.stamp debian/dh_auto_install.stamp: DESTDIR=$(DEB_DESTDIR) $(RUSTBUILD) install $(RUSTBUILD_FLAGS) mkdir -p $(DEB_DESTDIR)/usr/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)/ mv $(DEB_DESTDIR)/usr/lib/lib*.so $(DEB_DESTDIR)/usr/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)/ # Replace duplicated compile-time/run-time dylibs with symlinks @set -e; \ for f in $(DEB_DESTDIR)/usr/lib/rustlib/$(DEB_HOST_RUST_TYPE)/lib/lib*.so; do \ name=$${f##*/}; \ if [ -f "$(DEB_DESTDIR)/usr/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)/$$name" ]; then \ echo "ln -sf ../../../$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)/$$name $$f"; \ ln -sf ../../../$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)/$$name $$f; \ fi; \ done # Remove Cargo made package cache rm -vf $(CURDIR)/debian/cargo/.package-cache touch "$@" override_dh_auto_install-arch: debian/dh_auto_install.stamp ifeq (true,$(BUILD_WINDOWS)) DESTDIR=$(DEB_DESTDIR) $(RUSTBUILD) install $(RUSTBUILD_FLAGS) \ --host $(DEB_BUILD_RUST_TYPE) \ --target $(WINDOWS_ARCH)-pc-windows-gnu \ library/std endif # Remove Cargo made package cache rm -vf $(CURDIR)/debian/cargo/.package-cache override_dh_auto_install-indep: debian/dh_auto_install.stamp ifeq (true,$(BUILD_WASM)) DESTDIR=$(DEB_DESTDIR) $(RUSTBUILD) install $(RUSTBUILD_FLAGS) \ --host $(DEB_BUILD_RUST_TYPE) \ --target wasm32-unknown-unknown,wasm32-wasi \ library/std endif ifeq (true,$(BUILD_DOCS)) # Install Cargo docs install -d $(DEB_DESTDIR)/usr/share/doc/cargo cp -r $(CURDIR)/build/$(DEB_BUILD_RUST_TYPE)/compiler-doc $(DEB_DESTDIR)/usr/share/doc/cargo/reference # Brute force to remove privacy-breach-logo lintian warning. # We could have updated the upstream sources but it would complexify # the rebase @set -e; \ find $(DEB_DESTDIR)/usr/share/doc/*/html -iname '*.html' | \ while read file; do \ topdir=$$(echo "$$file" | sed 's,^$(DEB_DESTDIR)/usr/share/doc/rust/html/,,; s,/[^/]*$$,/,; s,^[^/]*$$,,; s,[^/]\+/,../,g'); \ sed -i \ -e "s,https://\(doc\|www\).rust-lang.org/\(favicon.ico\|logos/rust-logo-32x32-blk.png\),$${topdir}rust-logo-32x32-blk.png," \ -e 's,\([^,\1,g' \ -e 's,\([^,\1,g' "$$file"; \ done find $(DEB_DESTDIR) \( -iname '*.html' -empty -o -name .lock -o -name '*.inc' \) -delete; # mv cargo book to cargo-docs mv $(DEB_DESTDIR)/usr/share/doc/rust/html/cargo $(DEB_DESTDIR)/usr/share/doc/cargo/book endif # Remove Cargo made package cache rm -vf $(CURDIR)/debian/cargo/.package-cache override_dh_install-indep: dh_install $(RM) -rf $(SRC_CLEAN:%=debian/rust-src/usr/src/rustc-$(RUST_LONG_VERSION)/%) # Get rid of lintian warnings find debian/rust-src/usr/src/rustc-$(RUST_LONG_VERSION) \ \( -name .gitignore \ -o -name 'LICENSE*' \ -o -name 'LICENCE' \ -o -name 'license' \ -o -name 'COPYING*' \ -o -name '.eslintrc.js' \ \) -delete # Remove files that autoload remote resources, caught by lintian $(RM) -rf debian/rust-src/usr/src/rustc-*/vendor/cssparser/docs/*.html $(RM) -rf debian/rust-src/usr/src/rustc-*/vendor/kuchiki/docs/*.html $(RM) -rf debian/rust-src/usr/src/rustc-*/vendor/url/docs/*.html $(RM) -rf debian/rust-src/usr/src/rustc-*/vendor/xz2/.gitmodules override_dh_installchangelogs: dh_installchangelogs RELEASES.md override_dh_installdocs: dh_installdocs -X.tex -X.aux -X.log -X.out -X.toc override_dh_compress: dh_compress -X.woff # The below override is disabled on advice from #debian-devel, because: # - only shared libs get the "split dbgsym package" treatment by dh_strip; # static libs simply get their debuginfo discarded # - strip(1) sometimes breaks wasm libs # #override_dh_strip: # # Work around #35733, #468333 # find debian/libstd-rust-dev*/ -name '*.rlib' -execdir mv '{}' '{}.a' \; # # This is expected to print out lots of "File format unrecognized" warnings about # # rust.metadata.bin and *.deflate but the .o files inside the rlibs should be stripped # # Some files are still omitted because of #875780 however. # dh_strip -v # find debian/libstd-rust-dev*/ -name '*.rlib.a' -execdir sh -c 'mv "$$1" "$${1%.a}"' - '{}' \; override_dh_dwz: # otherwise rustc gets an empty multifile which lintian errors on, causing # FTP auto-reject. this is a work-around, the lintian bug is #955752 # double up the max entries count, else the build might fail.. dh_dwz --no-dwz-multifile -- -L 100000000 override_dh_makeshlibs: dh_makeshlibs -V -N $(LIBSTD_PKG) # dh_makeshlibs doesn't support our "libfoo-version.so" naming # structure, so we have to do this ourselves. mkdir -p debian/$(LIBSTD_PKG)/DEBIAN LC_ALL=C ls debian/$(LIBSTD_PKG)/usr/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)/lib*.so | \ sed -n 's,^.*/\(lib.*\)-\(.\+\)\.so$$,\1 \2,p' | \ while read name version; do \ echo "$$name $$version $(LIBSTD_PKG) (>= $(DEB_VERSION_UPSTREAM))"; \ done > debian/$(LIBSTD_PKG)/DEBIAN/shlibs override_dh_shlibdeps: dh_shlibdeps -- -x$(LIBSTD_PKG) QUILT_SPECIAL_SNOWFLAKE_RETURN_CODE = x=$$?; if [ $$x = 2 ]; then exit 0; else exit $$x; fi source_orig-stage0: QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches quilt push -aq; $(QUILT_SPECIAL_SNOWFLAKE_RETURN_CODE) $(MAKE) -f debian/rules clean debian/make_orig-stage0_tarball.sh $(MAKE) -f debian/rules clean QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches quilt pop -aq; $(QUILT_SPECIAL_SNOWFLAKE_RETURN_CODE) rm -rf .pc get_beta_version = \ u="$(DEB_VERSION_UPSTREAM)"; \ if [ "$$u" != "$${u%~beta.*+dfsg*}" ]; then \ newver=$(shell echo $(RUST_VERSION) | perl -lpe 's/(\d+)\.(\d+)/$$1 . "." . ($$2)/e'); \ else \ newver=$(shell echo $(RUST_VERSION) | perl -lpe 's/(\d+)\.(\d+)/$$1 . "." . ($$2+1)/e'); \ fi debian/watch-beta: debian/watch-beta.in debian/rules set -e; $(get_beta_version); \ m4 -DOLDVER="$$oldver" -DNEWVER="$$newver.0" "$<" > "$@" source_orig-beta: debian/watch-beta uscan $(USCAN_OPTS) $(if $(USCAN_DESTDIR),--destdir=$(USCAN_DESTDIR),) --verbose --watchfile "$<" set -e; $(get_beta_version); \ bd="$(if $(USCAN_DESTDIR),$(USCAN_DESTDIR),..)"; \ tar xf $$bd/rustc-$$newver.0-beta.999-src.tar.xz rustc-beta-src/version; \ bv="$$(sed -re 's/[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+-beta.([0-9]+) \(.*\)/\1/g' rustc-beta-src/version)"; \ bash -c 'shopt -s nullglob; for i in '"$$bd"'/rustc*beta.999*; do mv $$i $${i/beta.999/beta.'"$$bv"'}; done'; \ rm -f rustc-beta-src/version; \ rmdir -p rustc-beta-src; \ echo "prepared rustc $$newver.0~beta.$$bv in $$bd"