//! Character conversions. use crate::char::TryFromCharError; use crate::convert::TryFrom; use crate::error::Error; use crate::fmt; use crate::mem::transmute; use crate::str::FromStr; /// Converts a `u32` to a `char`. See [`char::from_u32`]. #[must_use] #[inline] pub(super) const fn from_u32(i: u32) -> Option { // FIXME: once Result::ok is const fn, use it here match char_try_from_u32(i) { Ok(c) => Some(c), Err(_) => None, } } /// Converts a `u32` to a `char`, ignoring validity. See [`char::from_u32_unchecked`]. #[inline] #[must_use] pub(super) const unsafe fn from_u32_unchecked(i: u32) -> char { // SAFETY: the caller must guarantee that `i` is a valid char value. if cfg!(debug_assertions) { char::from_u32(i).unwrap() } else { unsafe { transmute(i) } } } #[stable(feature = "char_convert", since = "1.13.0")] impl From for u32 { /// Converts a [`char`] into a [`u32`]. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::mem; /// /// let c = 'c'; /// let u = u32::from(c); /// assert!(4 == mem::size_of_val(&u)) /// ``` #[inline] fn from(c: char) -> Self { c as u32 } } #[stable(feature = "more_char_conversions", since = "1.51.0")] impl From for u64 { /// Converts a [`char`] into a [`u64`]. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::mem; /// /// let c = '👤'; /// let u = u64::from(c); /// assert!(8 == mem::size_of_val(&u)) /// ``` #[inline] fn from(c: char) -> Self { // The char is casted to the value of the code point, then zero-extended to 64 bit. // See [https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/expressions/operator-expr.html#semantics] c as u64 } } #[stable(feature = "more_char_conversions", since = "1.51.0")] impl From for u128 { /// Converts a [`char`] into a [`u128`]. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::mem; /// /// let c = '⚙'; /// let u = u128::from(c); /// assert!(16 == mem::size_of_val(&u)) /// ``` #[inline] fn from(c: char) -> Self { // The char is casted to the value of the code point, then zero-extended to 128 bit. // See [https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/expressions/operator-expr.html#semantics] c as u128 } } /// Maps a `char` with code point in U+0000..=U+00FF to a byte in 0x00..=0xFF with same value, /// failing if the code point is greater than U+00FF. /// /// See [`impl From for char`](char#impl-From-for-char) for details on the encoding. #[stable(feature = "u8_from_char", since = "1.59.0")] impl TryFrom for u8 { type Error = TryFromCharError; /// Tries to convert a [`char`] into a [`u8`]. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// let a = 'ÿ'; // U+00FF /// let b = 'Ā'; // U+0100 /// assert_eq!(u8::try_from(a), Ok(0xFF_u8)); /// assert!(u8::try_from(b).is_err()); /// ``` #[inline] fn try_from(c: char) -> Result { u8::try_from(u32::from(c)).map_err(|_| TryFromCharError(())) } } /// Maps a `char` with code point in U+0000..=U+FFFF to a `u16` in 0x0000..=0xFFFF with same value, /// failing if the code point is greater than U+FFFF. /// /// This corresponds to the UCS-2 encoding, as specified in ISO/IEC 10646:2003. #[stable(feature = "u16_from_char", since = "1.74.0")] impl TryFrom for u16 { type Error = TryFromCharError; /// Tries to convert a [`char`] into a [`u16`]. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// let trans_rights = '⚧'; // U+26A7 /// let ninjas = '🥷'; // U+1F977 /// assert_eq!(u16::try_from(trans_rights), Ok(0x26A7_u16)); /// assert!(u16::try_from(ninjas).is_err()); /// ``` #[inline] fn try_from(c: char) -> Result { u16::try_from(u32::from(c)).map_err(|_| TryFromCharError(())) } } /// Maps a byte in 0x00..=0xFF to a `char` whose code point has the same value, in U+0000..=U+00FF. /// /// Unicode is designed such that this effectively decodes bytes /// with the character encoding that IANA calls ISO-8859-1. /// This encoding is compatible with ASCII. /// /// Note that this is different from ISO/IEC 8859-1 a.k.a. ISO 8859-1 (with one less hyphen), /// which leaves some "blanks", byte values that are not assigned to any character. /// ISO-8859-1 (the IANA one) assigns them to the C0 and C1 control codes. /// /// Note that this is *also* different from Windows-1252 a.k.a. code page 1252, /// which is a superset ISO/IEC 8859-1 that assigns some (not all!) blanks /// to punctuation and various Latin characters. /// /// To confuse things further, [on the Web](https://encoding.spec.whatwg.org/) /// `ascii`, `iso-8859-1`, and `windows-1252` are all aliases /// for a superset of Windows-1252 that fills the remaining blanks with corresponding /// C0 and C1 control codes. #[stable(feature = "char_convert", since = "1.13.0")] impl From for char { /// Converts a [`u8`] into a [`char`]. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::mem; /// /// let u = 32 as u8; /// let c = char::from(u); /// assert!(4 == mem::size_of_val(&c)) /// ``` #[inline] fn from(i: u8) -> Self { i as char } } /// An error which can be returned when parsing a char. /// /// This `struct` is created when using the [`char::from_str`] method. #[stable(feature = "char_from_str", since = "1.20.0")] #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct ParseCharError { kind: CharErrorKind, } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] enum CharErrorKind { EmptyString, TooManyChars, } #[stable(feature = "char_from_str", since = "1.20.0")] impl Error for ParseCharError { #[allow(deprecated)] fn description(&self) -> &str { match self.kind { CharErrorKind::EmptyString => "cannot parse char from empty string", CharErrorKind::TooManyChars => "too many characters in string", } } } #[stable(feature = "char_from_str", since = "1.20.0")] impl fmt::Display for ParseCharError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { #[allow(deprecated)] self.description().fmt(f) } } #[stable(feature = "char_from_str", since = "1.20.0")] impl FromStr for char { type Err = ParseCharError; #[inline] fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { let mut chars = s.chars(); match (chars.next(), chars.next()) { (None, _) => Err(ParseCharError { kind: CharErrorKind::EmptyString }), (Some(c), None) => Ok(c), _ => Err(ParseCharError { kind: CharErrorKind::TooManyChars }), } } } #[inline] const fn char_try_from_u32(i: u32) -> Result { // This is an optimized version of the check // (i > MAX as u32) || (i >= 0xD800 && i <= 0xDFFF), // which can also be written as // i >= 0x110000 || (i >= 0xD800 && i < 0xE000). // // The XOR with 0xD800 permutes the ranges such that 0xD800..0xE000 is // mapped to 0x0000..0x0800, while keeping all the high bits outside 0xFFFF the same. // In particular, numbers >= 0x110000 stay in this range. // // Subtracting 0x800 causes 0x0000..0x0800 to wrap, meaning that a single // unsigned comparison against 0x110000 - 0x800 will detect both the wrapped // surrogate range as well as the numbers originally larger than 0x110000. // if (i ^ 0xD800).wrapping_sub(0x800) >= 0x110000 - 0x800 { Err(CharTryFromError(())) } else { // SAFETY: checked that it's a legal unicode value Ok(unsafe { transmute(i) }) } } #[stable(feature = "try_from", since = "1.34.0")] impl TryFrom for char { type Error = CharTryFromError; #[inline] fn try_from(i: u32) -> Result { char_try_from_u32(i) } } /// The error type returned when a conversion from [`prim@u32`] to [`prim@char`] fails. /// /// This `struct` is created by the [`char::try_from`](char#impl-TryFrom-for-char) method. /// See its documentation for more. #[stable(feature = "try_from", since = "1.34.0")] #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct CharTryFromError(()); #[stable(feature = "try_from", since = "1.34.0")] impl fmt::Display for CharTryFromError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { "converted integer out of range for `char`".fmt(f) } } /// Converts a digit in the given radix to a `char`. See [`char::from_digit`]. #[inline] #[must_use] pub(super) const fn from_digit(num: u32, radix: u32) -> Option { if radix > 36 { panic!("from_digit: radix is too high (maximum 36)"); } if num < radix { let num = num as u8; if num < 10 { Some((b'0' + num) as char) } else { Some((b'a' + num - 10) as char) } } else { None } }