//! Platform-specific types, as defined by C. //! //! Code that interacts via FFI will almost certainly be using the //! base types provided by C, which aren't nearly as nicely defined //! as Rust's primitive types. This module provides types which will //! match those defined by C, so that code that interacts with C will //! refer to the correct types. #![stable(feature = "", since = "1.30.0")] #![allow(non_camel_case_types)] use crate::fmt; use crate::marker::PhantomData; use crate::num::*; use crate::ops::{Deref, DerefMut}; #[stable(feature = "core_c_str", since = "1.64.0")] pub use self::c_str::{CStr, FromBytesUntilNulError, FromBytesWithNulError}; mod c_str; macro_rules! type_alias_no_nz { { $Docfile:tt, $Alias:ident = $Real:ty; $( $Cfg:tt )* } => { #[doc = include_str!($Docfile)] $( $Cfg )* #[stable(feature = "core_ffi_c", since = "1.64.0")] pub type $Alias = $Real; } } // To verify that the NonZero types in this file's macro invocations correspond // // perl -n < library/std/src/os/raw/mod.rs -e 'next unless m/type_alias\!/; die "$_ ?" unless m/, (c_\w+) = (\w+), NonZero_(\w+) = NonZero(\w+)/; die "$_ ?" unless $3 eq $1 and $4 eq ucfirst $2' // // NB this does not check that the main c_* types are right. macro_rules! type_alias { { $Docfile:tt, $Alias:ident = $Real:ty, $NZAlias:ident = $NZReal:ty; $( $Cfg:tt )* } => { type_alias_no_nz! { $Docfile, $Alias = $Real; $( $Cfg )* } #[doc = concat!("Type alias for `NonZero` version of [`", stringify!($Alias), "`]")] #[unstable(feature = "raw_os_nonzero", issue = "82363")] $( $Cfg )* pub type $NZAlias = $NZReal; } } type_alias! { "c_char.md", c_char = c_char_definition::c_char, NonZero_c_char = c_char_definition::NonZero_c_char; // Make this type alias appear cfg-dependent so that Clippy does not suggest // replacing `0 as c_char` with `0_i8`/`0_u8`. This #[cfg(all())] can be removed // after the false positive in https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy/issues/8093 // is fixed. #[cfg(all())] #[doc(cfg(all()))] } type_alias! { "c_schar.md", c_schar = i8, NonZero_c_schar = NonZeroI8; } type_alias! { "c_uchar.md", c_uchar = u8, NonZero_c_uchar = NonZeroU8; } type_alias! { "c_short.md", c_short = i16, NonZero_c_short = NonZeroI16; } type_alias! { "c_ushort.md", c_ushort = u16, NonZero_c_ushort = NonZeroU16; } type_alias! { "c_int.md", c_int = c_int_definition::c_int, NonZero_c_int = c_int_definition::NonZero_c_int; #[doc(cfg(all()))] } type_alias! { "c_uint.md", c_uint = c_int_definition::c_uint, NonZero_c_uint = c_int_definition::NonZero_c_uint; #[doc(cfg(all()))] } type_alias! { "c_long.md", c_long = c_long_definition::c_long, NonZero_c_long = c_long_definition::NonZero_c_long; #[doc(cfg(all()))] } type_alias! { "c_ulong.md", c_ulong = c_long_definition::c_ulong, NonZero_c_ulong = c_long_definition::NonZero_c_ulong; #[doc(cfg(all()))] } type_alias! { "c_longlong.md", c_longlong = i64, NonZero_c_longlong = NonZeroI64; } type_alias! { "c_ulonglong.md", c_ulonglong = u64, NonZero_c_ulonglong = NonZeroU64; } type_alias_no_nz! { "c_float.md", c_float = f32; } type_alias_no_nz! { "c_double.md", c_double = f64; } /// Equivalent to C's `size_t` type, from `stddef.h` (or `cstddef` for C++). /// /// This type is currently always [`usize`], however in the future there may be /// platforms where this is not the case. #[unstable(feature = "c_size_t", issue = "88345")] pub type c_size_t = usize; /// Equivalent to C's `ptrdiff_t` type, from `stddef.h` (or `cstddef` for C++). /// /// This type is currently always [`isize`], however in the future there may be /// platforms where this is not the case. #[unstable(feature = "c_size_t", issue = "88345")] pub type c_ptrdiff_t = isize; /// Equivalent to C's `ssize_t` (on POSIX) or `SSIZE_T` (on Windows) type. /// /// This type is currently always [`isize`], however in the future there may be /// platforms where this is not the case. #[unstable(feature = "c_size_t", issue = "88345")] pub type c_ssize_t = isize; mod c_char_definition { cfg_if! { // These are the targets on which c_char is unsigned. if #[cfg(any( all( target_os = "linux", any( target_arch = "aarch64", target_arch = "arm", target_arch = "hexagon", target_arch = "powerpc", target_arch = "powerpc64", target_arch = "s390x", target_arch = "riscv64", target_arch = "riscv32" ) ), all(target_os = "android", any(target_arch = "aarch64", target_arch = "arm")), all(target_os = "l4re", target_arch = "x86_64"), all( any(target_os = "freebsd", target_os = "openbsd"), any( target_arch = "aarch64", target_arch = "arm", target_arch = "powerpc", target_arch = "powerpc64", target_arch = "riscv64" ) ), all( target_os = "netbsd", any(target_arch = "aarch64", target_arch = "arm", target_arch = "powerpc") ), all( target_os = "vxworks", any( target_arch = "aarch64", target_arch = "arm", target_arch = "powerpc64", target_arch = "powerpc" ) ), all(target_os = "fuchsia", target_arch = "aarch64"), target_os = "horizon" ))] { pub type c_char = u8; pub type NonZero_c_char = crate::num::NonZeroU8; } else { // On every other target, c_char is signed. pub type c_char = i8; pub type NonZero_c_char = crate::num::NonZeroI8; } } } mod c_int_definition { cfg_if! { if #[cfg(any(target_arch = "avr", target_arch = "msp430"))] { pub type c_int = i16; pub type NonZero_c_int = crate::num::NonZeroI16; pub type c_uint = u16; pub type NonZero_c_uint = crate::num::NonZeroU16; } else { pub type c_int = i32; pub type NonZero_c_int = crate::num::NonZeroI32; pub type c_uint = u32; pub type NonZero_c_uint = crate::num::NonZeroU32; } } } mod c_long_definition { cfg_if! { if #[cfg(all(target_pointer_width = "64", not(windows)))] { pub type c_long = i64; pub type NonZero_c_long = crate::num::NonZeroI64; pub type c_ulong = u64; pub type NonZero_c_ulong = crate::num::NonZeroU64; } else { // The minimal size of `long` in the C standard is 32 bits pub type c_long = i32; pub type NonZero_c_long = crate::num::NonZeroI32; pub type c_ulong = u32; pub type NonZero_c_ulong = crate::num::NonZeroU32; } } } // N.B., for LLVM to recognize the void pointer type and by extension // functions like malloc(), we need to have it represented as i8* in // LLVM bitcode. The enum used here ensures this and prevents misuse // of the "raw" type by only having private variants. We need two // variants, because the compiler complains about the repr attribute // otherwise and we need at least one variant as otherwise the enum // would be uninhabited and at least dereferencing such pointers would // be UB. #[doc = include_str!("c_void.md")] #[repr(u8)] #[stable(feature = "core_c_void", since = "1.30.0")] pub enum c_void { #[unstable( feature = "c_void_variant", reason = "temporary implementation detail", issue = "none" )] #[doc(hidden)] __variant1, #[unstable( feature = "c_void_variant", reason = "temporary implementation detail", issue = "none" )] #[doc(hidden)] __variant2, } #[stable(feature = "std_debug", since = "1.16.0")] impl fmt::Debug for c_void { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("c_void").finish() } } /// Basic implementation of a `va_list`. // The name is WIP, using `VaListImpl` for now. #[cfg(any( all(not(target_arch = "aarch64"), not(target_arch = "powerpc"), not(target_arch = "x86_64")), all(target_arch = "aarch64", any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "ios")), target_family = "wasm", target_arch = "asmjs", target_os = "uefi", windows, ))] #[repr(transparent)] #[unstable( feature = "c_variadic", reason = "the `c_variadic` feature has not been properly tested on \ all supported platforms", issue = "44930" )] #[lang = "va_list"] pub struct VaListImpl<'f> { ptr: *mut c_void, // Invariant over `'f`, so each `VaListImpl<'f>` object is tied to // the region of the function it's defined in _marker: PhantomData<&'f mut &'f c_void>, } #[cfg(any( all(not(target_arch = "aarch64"), not(target_arch = "powerpc"), not(target_arch = "x86_64")), all(target_arch = "aarch64", any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "ios")), target_family = "wasm", target_arch = "asmjs", target_os = "uefi", windows, ))] #[unstable( feature = "c_variadic", reason = "the `c_variadic` feature has not been properly tested on \ all supported platforms", issue = "44930" )] impl<'f> fmt::Debug for VaListImpl<'f> { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "va_list* {:p}", self.ptr) } } /// AArch64 ABI implementation of a `va_list`. See the /// [AArch64 Procedure Call Standard] for more details. /// /// [AArch64 Procedure Call Standard]: /// http://infocenter.arm.com/help/topic/com.arm.doc.ihi0055b/IHI0055B_aapcs64.pdf #[cfg(all( target_arch = "aarch64", not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "ios")), not(target_os = "uefi"), not(windows), ))] #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug)] #[unstable( feature = "c_variadic", reason = "the `c_variadic` feature has not been properly tested on \ all supported platforms", issue = "44930" )] #[lang = "va_list"] pub struct VaListImpl<'f> { stack: *mut c_void, gr_top: *mut c_void, vr_top: *mut c_void, gr_offs: i32, vr_offs: i32, _marker: PhantomData<&'f mut &'f c_void>, } /// PowerPC ABI implementation of a `va_list`. #[cfg(all(target_arch = "powerpc", not(target_os = "uefi"), not(windows)))] #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug)] #[unstable( feature = "c_variadic", reason = "the `c_variadic` feature has not been properly tested on \ all supported platforms", issue = "44930" )] #[lang = "va_list"] pub struct VaListImpl<'f> { gpr: u8, fpr: u8, reserved: u16, overflow_arg_area: *mut c_void, reg_save_area: *mut c_void, _marker: PhantomData<&'f mut &'f c_void>, } /// x86_64 ABI implementation of a `va_list`. #[cfg(all(target_arch = "x86_64", not(target_os = "uefi"), not(windows)))] #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug)] #[unstable( feature = "c_variadic", reason = "the `c_variadic` feature has not been properly tested on \ all supported platforms", issue = "44930" )] #[lang = "va_list"] pub struct VaListImpl<'f> { gp_offset: i32, fp_offset: i32, overflow_arg_area: *mut c_void, reg_save_area: *mut c_void, _marker: PhantomData<&'f mut &'f c_void>, } /// A wrapper for a `va_list` #[repr(transparent)] #[derive(Debug)] #[unstable( feature = "c_variadic", reason = "the `c_variadic` feature has not been properly tested on \ all supported platforms", issue = "44930" )] pub struct VaList<'a, 'f: 'a> { #[cfg(any( all( not(target_arch = "aarch64"), not(target_arch = "powerpc"), not(target_arch = "x86_64") ), all(target_arch = "aarch64", any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "ios")), target_family = "wasm", target_arch = "asmjs", target_os = "uefi", windows, ))] inner: VaListImpl<'f>, #[cfg(all( any(target_arch = "aarch64", target_arch = "powerpc", target_arch = "x86_64"), any(not(target_arch = "aarch64"), not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "ios"))), not(target_family = "wasm"), not(target_arch = "asmjs"), not(target_os = "uefi"), not(windows), ))] inner: &'a mut VaListImpl<'f>, _marker: PhantomData<&'a mut VaListImpl<'f>>, } #[cfg(any( all(not(target_arch = "aarch64"), not(target_arch = "powerpc"), not(target_arch = "x86_64")), all(target_arch = "aarch64", any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "ios")), target_family = "wasm", target_arch = "asmjs", target_os = "uefi", windows, ))] #[unstable( feature = "c_variadic", reason = "the `c_variadic` feature has not been properly tested on \ all supported platforms", issue = "44930" )] impl<'f> VaListImpl<'f> { /// Convert a `VaListImpl` into a `VaList` that is binary-compatible with C's `va_list`. #[inline] pub fn as_va_list<'a>(&'a mut self) -> VaList<'a, 'f> { VaList { inner: VaListImpl { ..*self }, _marker: PhantomData } } } #[cfg(all( any(target_arch = "aarch64", target_arch = "powerpc", target_arch = "x86_64"), any(not(target_arch = "aarch64"), not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "ios"))), not(target_family = "wasm"), not(target_arch = "asmjs"), not(target_os = "uefi"), not(windows), ))] #[unstable( feature = "c_variadic", reason = "the `c_variadic` feature has not been properly tested on \ all supported platforms", issue = "44930" )] impl<'f> VaListImpl<'f> { /// Convert a `VaListImpl` into a `VaList` that is binary-compatible with C's `va_list`. #[inline] pub fn as_va_list<'a>(&'a mut self) -> VaList<'a, 'f> { VaList { inner: self, _marker: PhantomData } } } #[unstable( feature = "c_variadic", reason = "the `c_variadic` feature has not been properly tested on \ all supported platforms", issue = "44930" )] impl<'a, 'f: 'a> Deref for VaList<'a, 'f> { type Target = VaListImpl<'f>; #[inline] fn deref(&self) -> &VaListImpl<'f> { &self.inner } } #[unstable( feature = "c_variadic", reason = "the `c_variadic` feature has not been properly tested on \ all supported platforms", issue = "44930" )] impl<'a, 'f: 'a> DerefMut for VaList<'a, 'f> { #[inline] fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut VaListImpl<'f> { &mut self.inner } } // The VaArgSafe trait needs to be used in public interfaces, however, the trait // itself must not be allowed to be used outside this module. Allowing users to // implement the trait for a new type (thereby allowing the va_arg intrinsic to // be used on a new type) is likely to cause undefined behavior. // // FIXME(dlrobertson): In order to use the VaArgSafe trait in a public interface // but also ensure it cannot be used elsewhere, the trait needs to be public // within a private module. Once RFC 2145 has been implemented look into // improving this. mod sealed_trait { /// Trait which permits the allowed types to be used with [super::VaListImpl::arg]. #[unstable( feature = "c_variadic", reason = "the `c_variadic` feature has not been properly tested on \ all supported platforms", issue = "44930" )] pub trait VaArgSafe {} } macro_rules! impl_va_arg_safe { ($($t:ty),+) => { $( #[unstable(feature = "c_variadic", reason = "the `c_variadic` feature has not been properly tested on \ all supported platforms", issue = "44930")] impl sealed_trait::VaArgSafe for $t {} )+ } } impl_va_arg_safe! {i8, i16, i32, i64, usize} impl_va_arg_safe! {u8, u16, u32, u64, isize} impl_va_arg_safe! {f64} #[unstable( feature = "c_variadic", reason = "the `c_variadic` feature has not been properly tested on \ all supported platforms", issue = "44930" )] impl sealed_trait::VaArgSafe for *mut T {} #[unstable( feature = "c_variadic", reason = "the `c_variadic` feature has not been properly tested on \ all supported platforms", issue = "44930" )] impl sealed_trait::VaArgSafe for *const T {} #[unstable( feature = "c_variadic", reason = "the `c_variadic` feature has not been properly tested on \ all supported platforms", issue = "44930" )] impl<'f> VaListImpl<'f> { /// Advance to the next arg. #[inline] pub unsafe fn arg(&mut self) -> T { // SAFETY: the caller must uphold the safety contract for `va_arg`. unsafe { va_arg(self) } } /// Copies the `va_list` at the current location. pub unsafe fn with_copy(&self, f: F) -> R where F: for<'copy> FnOnce(VaList<'copy, 'f>) -> R, { let mut ap = self.clone(); let ret = f(ap.as_va_list()); // SAFETY: the caller must uphold the safety contract for `va_end`. unsafe { va_end(&mut ap); } ret } } #[unstable( feature = "c_variadic", reason = "the `c_variadic` feature has not been properly tested on \ all supported platforms", issue = "44930" )] impl<'f> Clone for VaListImpl<'f> { #[inline] fn clone(&self) -> Self { let mut dest = crate::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); // SAFETY: we write to the `MaybeUninit`, thus it is initialized and `assume_init` is legal unsafe { va_copy(dest.as_mut_ptr(), self); dest.assume_init() } } } #[unstable( feature = "c_variadic", reason = "the `c_variadic` feature has not been properly tested on \ all supported platforms", issue = "44930" )] impl<'f> Drop for VaListImpl<'f> { fn drop(&mut self) { // FIXME: this should call `va_end`, but there's no clean way to // guarantee that `drop` always gets inlined into its caller, // so the `va_end` would get directly called from the same function as // the corresponding `va_copy`. `man va_end` states that C requires this, // and LLVM basically follows the C semantics, so we need to make sure // that `va_end` is always called from the same function as `va_copy`. // For more details, see https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/59625 // and https://llvm.org/docs/LangRef.html#llvm-va-end-intrinsic. // // This works for now, since `va_end` is a no-op on all current LLVM targets. } } extern "rust-intrinsic" { /// Destroy the arglist `ap` after initialization with `va_start` or /// `va_copy`. fn va_end(ap: &mut VaListImpl<'_>); /// Copies the current location of arglist `src` to the arglist `dst`. fn va_copy<'f>(dest: *mut VaListImpl<'f>, src: &VaListImpl<'f>); /// Loads an argument of type `T` from the `va_list` `ap` and increment the /// argument `ap` points to. fn va_arg(ap: &mut VaListImpl<'_>) -> T; }