#![doc(hidden)] macro_rules! int_module { ($T:ident) => (int_module!($T, #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]);); ($T:ident, #[$attr:meta]) => ( #[doc = concat!( "The smallest value that can be represented by this integer type. Use ", "[`", stringify!($T), "::MIN", "`] instead." )] /// /// # Examples /// /// ```rust /// // deprecated way #[doc = concat!("let min = std::", stringify!($T), "::MIN;")] /// /// // intended way #[doc = concat!("let min = ", stringify!($T), "::MIN;")] /// ``` /// #[$attr] #[deprecated(since = "TBD", note = "replaced by the `MIN` associated constant on this type")] pub const MIN: $T = $T::MIN; #[doc = concat!( "The largest value that can be represented by this integer type. Use ", "[`", stringify!($T), "::MAX", "`] instead." )] /// /// # Examples /// /// ```rust /// // deprecated way #[doc = concat!("let max = std::", stringify!($T), "::MAX;")] /// /// // intended way #[doc = concat!("let max = ", stringify!($T), "::MAX;")] /// ``` /// #[$attr] #[deprecated(since = "TBD", note = "replaced by the `MAX` associated constant on this type")] pub const MAX: $T = $T::MAX; ) }