//! Slice sorting //! //! This module contains a sorting algorithm based on Orson Peters' pattern-defeating quicksort, //! published at: //! //! Unstable sorting is compatible with core because it doesn't allocate memory, unlike our //! stable sorting implementation. //! //! In addition it also contains the core logic of the stable sort used by `slice::sort` based on //! TimSort. use crate::cmp; use crate::mem::{self, MaybeUninit, SizedTypeProperties}; use crate::ptr; // When dropped, copies from `src` into `dest`. struct InsertionHole { src: *const T, dest: *mut T, } impl Drop for InsertionHole { fn drop(&mut self) { // SAFETY: This is a helper class. Please refer to its usage for correctness. Namely, one // must be sure that `src` and `dst` does not overlap as required by // `ptr::copy_nonoverlapping` and are both valid for writes. unsafe { ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(self.src, self.dest, 1); } } } /// Inserts `v[v.len() - 1]` into pre-sorted sequence `v[..v.len() - 1]` so that whole `v[..]` /// becomes sorted. unsafe fn insert_tail(v: &mut [T], is_less: &mut F) where F: FnMut(&T, &T) -> bool, { debug_assert!(v.len() >= 2); let arr_ptr = v.as_mut_ptr(); let i = v.len() - 1; // SAFETY: caller must ensure v is at least len 2. unsafe { // See insert_head which talks about why this approach is beneficial. let i_ptr = arr_ptr.add(i); // It's important that we use i_ptr here. If this check is positive and we continue, // We want to make sure that no other copy of the value was seen by is_less. // Otherwise we would have to copy it back. if is_less(&*i_ptr, &*i_ptr.sub(1)) { // It's important, that we use tmp for comparison from now on. As it is the value that // will be copied back. And notionally we could have created a divergence if we copy // back the wrong value. let tmp = mem::ManuallyDrop::new(ptr::read(i_ptr)); // Intermediate state of the insertion process is always tracked by `hole`, which // serves two purposes: // 1. Protects integrity of `v` from panics in `is_less`. // 2. Fills the remaining hole in `v` in the end. // // Panic safety: // // If `is_less` panics at any point during the process, `hole` will get dropped and // fill the hole in `v` with `tmp`, thus ensuring that `v` still holds every object it // initially held exactly once. let mut hole = InsertionHole { src: &*tmp, dest: i_ptr.sub(1) }; ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(hole.dest, i_ptr, 1); // SAFETY: We know i is at least 1. for j in (0..(i - 1)).rev() { let j_ptr = arr_ptr.add(j); if !is_less(&*tmp, &*j_ptr) { break; } ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(j_ptr, hole.dest, 1); hole.dest = j_ptr; } // `hole` gets dropped and thus copies `tmp` into the remaining hole in `v`. } } } /// Inserts `v[0]` into pre-sorted sequence `v[1..]` so that whole `v[..]` becomes sorted. /// /// This is the integral subroutine of insertion sort. unsafe fn insert_head(v: &mut [T], is_less: &mut F) where F: FnMut(&T, &T) -> bool, { debug_assert!(v.len() >= 2); // SAFETY: caller must ensure v is at least len 2. unsafe { if is_less(v.get_unchecked(1), v.get_unchecked(0)) { let arr_ptr = v.as_mut_ptr(); // There are three ways to implement insertion here: // // 1. Swap adjacent elements until the first one gets to its final destination. // However, this way we copy data around more than is necessary. If elements are big // structures (costly to copy), this method will be slow. // // 2. Iterate until the right place for the first element is found. Then shift the // elements succeeding it to make room for it and finally place it into the // remaining hole. This is a good method. // // 3. Copy the first element into a temporary variable. Iterate until the right place // for it is found. As we go along, copy every traversed element into the slot // preceding it. Finally, copy data from the temporary variable into the remaining // hole. This method is very good. Benchmarks demonstrated slightly better // performance than with the 2nd method. // // All methods were benchmarked, and the 3rd showed best results. So we chose that one. let tmp = mem::ManuallyDrop::new(ptr::read(arr_ptr)); // Intermediate state of the insertion process is always tracked by `hole`, which // serves two purposes: // 1. Protects integrity of `v` from panics in `is_less`. // 2. Fills the remaining hole in `v` in the end. // // Panic safety: // // If `is_less` panics at any point during the process, `hole` will get dropped and // fill the hole in `v` with `tmp`, thus ensuring that `v` still holds every object it // initially held exactly once. let mut hole = InsertionHole { src: &*tmp, dest: arr_ptr.add(1) }; ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(arr_ptr.add(1), arr_ptr.add(0), 1); for i in 2..v.len() { if !is_less(&v.get_unchecked(i), &*tmp) { break; } ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(arr_ptr.add(i), arr_ptr.add(i - 1), 1); hole.dest = arr_ptr.add(i); } // `hole` gets dropped and thus copies `tmp` into the remaining hole in `v`. } } } /// Sort `v` assuming `v[..offset]` is already sorted. /// /// Never inline this function to avoid code bloat. It still optimizes nicely and has practically no /// performance impact. Even improving performance in some cases. #[inline(never)] pub(super) fn insertion_sort_shift_left(v: &mut [T], offset: usize, is_less: &mut F) where F: FnMut(&T, &T) -> bool, { let len = v.len(); // Using assert here improves performance. assert!(offset != 0 && offset <= len); // Shift each element of the unsorted region v[i..] as far left as is needed to make v sorted. for i in offset..len { // SAFETY: we tested that `offset` must be at least 1, so this loop is only entered if len // >= 2. The range is exclusive and we know `i` must be at least 1 so this slice has at // >least len 2. unsafe { insert_tail(&mut v[..=i], is_less); } } } /// Sort `v` assuming `v[offset..]` is already sorted. /// /// Never inline this function to avoid code bloat. It still optimizes nicely and has practically no /// performance impact. Even improving performance in some cases. #[inline(never)] fn insertion_sort_shift_right(v: &mut [T], offset: usize, is_less: &mut F) where F: FnMut(&T, &T) -> bool, { let len = v.len(); // Using assert here improves performance. assert!(offset != 0 && offset <= len && len >= 2); // Shift each element of the unsorted region v[..i] as far left as is needed to make v sorted. for i in (0..offset).rev() { // SAFETY: we tested that `offset` must be at least 1, so this loop is only entered if len // >= 2.We ensured that the slice length is always at least 2 long. We know that start_found // will be at least one less than end, and the range is exclusive. Which gives us i always // <= (end - 2). unsafe { insert_head(&mut v[i..len], is_less); } } } /// Partially sorts a slice by shifting several out-of-order elements around. /// /// Returns `true` if the slice is sorted at the end. This function is *O*(*n*) worst-case. #[cold] fn partial_insertion_sort(v: &mut [T], is_less: &mut F) -> bool where F: FnMut(&T, &T) -> bool, { // Maximum number of adjacent out-of-order pairs that will get shifted. const MAX_STEPS: usize = 5; // If the slice is shorter than this, don't shift any elements. const SHORTEST_SHIFTING: usize = 50; let len = v.len(); let mut i = 1; for _ in 0..MAX_STEPS { // SAFETY: We already explicitly did the bound checking with `i < len`. // All our subsequent indexing is only in the range `0 <= index < len` unsafe { // Find the next pair of adjacent out-of-order elements. while i < len && !is_less(v.get_unchecked(i), v.get_unchecked(i - 1)) { i += 1; } } // Are we done? if i == len { return true; } // Don't shift elements on short arrays, that has a performance cost. if len < SHORTEST_SHIFTING { return false; } // Swap the found pair of elements. This puts them in correct order. v.swap(i - 1, i); if i >= 2 { // Shift the smaller element to the left. insertion_sort_shift_left(&mut v[..i], i - 1, is_less); // Shift the greater element to the right. insertion_sort_shift_right(&mut v[..i], 1, is_less); } } // Didn't manage to sort the slice in the limited number of steps. false } /// Sorts `v` using heapsort, which guarantees *O*(*n* \* log(*n*)) worst-case. #[cold] #[unstable(feature = "sort_internals", reason = "internal to sort module", issue = "none")] pub fn heapsort(v: &mut [T], mut is_less: F) where F: FnMut(&T, &T) -> bool, { // This binary heap respects the invariant `parent >= child`. let mut sift_down = |v: &mut [T], mut node| { loop { // Children of `node`. let mut child = 2 * node + 1; if child >= v.len() { break; } // Choose the greater child. if child + 1 < v.len() { // We need a branch to be sure not to out-of-bounds index, // but it's highly predictable. The comparison, however, // is better done branchless, especially for primitives. child += is_less(&v[child], &v[child + 1]) as usize; } // Stop if the invariant holds at `node`. if !is_less(&v[node], &v[child]) { break; } // Swap `node` with the greater child, move one step down, and continue sifting. v.swap(node, child); node = child; } }; // Build the heap in linear time. for i in (0..v.len() / 2).rev() { sift_down(v, i); } // Pop maximal elements from the heap. for i in (1..v.len()).rev() { v.swap(0, i); sift_down(&mut v[..i], 0); } } /// Partitions `v` into elements smaller than `pivot`, followed by elements greater than or equal /// to `pivot`. /// /// Returns the number of elements smaller than `pivot`. /// /// Partitioning is performed block-by-block in order to minimize the cost of branching operations. /// This idea is presented in the [BlockQuicksort][pdf] paper. /// /// [pdf]: https://drops.dagstuhl.de/opus/volltexte/2016/6389/pdf/LIPIcs-ESA-2016-38.pdf fn partition_in_blocks(v: &mut [T], pivot: &T, is_less: &mut F) -> usize where F: FnMut(&T, &T) -> bool, { // Number of elements in a typical block. const BLOCK: usize = 128; // The partitioning algorithm repeats the following steps until completion: // // 1. Trace a block from the left side to identify elements greater than or equal to the pivot. // 2. Trace a block from the right side to identify elements smaller than the pivot. // 3. Exchange the identified elements between the left and right side. // // We keep the following variables for a block of elements: // // 1. `block` - Number of elements in the block. // 2. `start` - Start pointer into the `offsets` array. // 3. `end` - End pointer into the `offsets` array. // 4. `offsets` - Indices of out-of-order elements within the block. // The current block on the left side (from `l` to `l.add(block_l)`). let mut l = v.as_mut_ptr(); let mut block_l = BLOCK; let mut start_l = ptr::null_mut(); let mut end_l = ptr::null_mut(); let mut offsets_l = [MaybeUninit::::uninit(); BLOCK]; // The current block on the right side (from `r.sub(block_r)` to `r`). // SAFETY: The documentation for .add() specifically mention that `vec.as_ptr().add(vec.len())` is always safe let mut r = unsafe { l.add(v.len()) }; let mut block_r = BLOCK; let mut start_r = ptr::null_mut(); let mut end_r = ptr::null_mut(); let mut offsets_r = [MaybeUninit::::uninit(); BLOCK]; // FIXME: When we get VLAs, try creating one array of length `min(v.len(), 2 * BLOCK)` rather // than two fixed-size arrays of length `BLOCK`. VLAs might be more cache-efficient. // Returns the number of elements between pointers `l` (inclusive) and `r` (exclusive). fn width(l: *mut T, r: *mut T) -> usize { assert!(mem::size_of::() > 0); // FIXME: this should *likely* use `offset_from`, but more // investigation is needed (including running tests in miri). (r.addr() - l.addr()) / mem::size_of::() } loop { // We are done with partitioning block-by-block when `l` and `r` get very close. Then we do // some patch-up work in order to partition the remaining elements in between. let is_done = width(l, r) <= 2 * BLOCK; if is_done { // Number of remaining elements (still not compared to the pivot). let mut rem = width(l, r); if start_l < end_l || start_r < end_r { rem -= BLOCK; } // Adjust block sizes so that the left and right block don't overlap, but get perfectly // aligned to cover the whole remaining gap. if start_l < end_l { block_r = rem; } else if start_r < end_r { block_l = rem; } else { // There were the same number of elements to switch on both blocks during the last // iteration, so there are no remaining elements on either block. Cover the remaining // items with roughly equally-sized blocks. block_l = rem / 2; block_r = rem - block_l; } debug_assert!(block_l <= BLOCK && block_r <= BLOCK); debug_assert!(width(l, r) == block_l + block_r); } if start_l == end_l { // Trace `block_l` elements from the left side. start_l = MaybeUninit::slice_as_mut_ptr(&mut offsets_l); end_l = start_l; let mut elem = l; for i in 0..block_l { // SAFETY: The unsafety operations below involve the usage of the `offset`. // According to the conditions required by the function, we satisfy them because: // 1. `offsets_l` is stack-allocated, and thus considered separate allocated object. // 2. The function `is_less` returns a `bool`. // Casting a `bool` will never overflow `isize`. // 3. We have guaranteed that `block_l` will be `<= BLOCK`. // Plus, `end_l` was initially set to the begin pointer of `offsets_` which was declared on the stack. // Thus, we know that even in the worst case (all invocations of `is_less` returns false) we will only be at most 1 byte pass the end. // Another unsafety operation here is dereferencing `elem`. // However, `elem` was initially the begin pointer to the slice which is always valid. unsafe { // Branchless comparison. *end_l = i as u8; end_l = end_l.add(!is_less(&*elem, pivot) as usize); elem = elem.add(1); } } } if start_r == end_r { // Trace `block_r` elements from the right side. start_r = MaybeUninit::slice_as_mut_ptr(&mut offsets_r); end_r = start_r; let mut elem = r; for i in 0..block_r { // SAFETY: The unsafety operations below involve the usage of the `offset`. // According to the conditions required by the function, we satisfy them because: // 1. `offsets_r` is stack-allocated, and thus considered separate allocated object. // 2. The function `is_less` returns a `bool`. // Casting a `bool` will never overflow `isize`. // 3. We have guaranteed that `block_r` will be `<= BLOCK`. // Plus, `end_r` was initially set to the begin pointer of `offsets_` which was declared on the stack. // Thus, we know that even in the worst case (all invocations of `is_less` returns true) we will only be at most 1 byte pass the end. // Another unsafety operation here is dereferencing `elem`. // However, `elem` was initially `1 * sizeof(T)` past the end and we decrement it by `1 * sizeof(T)` before accessing it. // Plus, `block_r` was asserted to be less than `BLOCK` and `elem` will therefore at most be pointing to the beginning of the slice. unsafe { // Branchless comparison. elem = elem.sub(1); *end_r = i as u8; end_r = end_r.add(is_less(&*elem, pivot) as usize); } } } // Number of out-of-order elements to swap between the left and right side. let count = cmp::min(width(start_l, end_l), width(start_r, end_r)); if count > 0 { macro_rules! left { () => { l.add(usize::from(*start_l)) }; } macro_rules! right { () => { r.sub(usize::from(*start_r) + 1) }; } // Instead of swapping one pair at the time, it is more efficient to perform a cyclic // permutation. This is not strictly equivalent to swapping, but produces a similar // result using fewer memory operations. // SAFETY: The use of `ptr::read` is valid because there is at least one element in // both `offsets_l` and `offsets_r`, so `left!` is a valid pointer to read from. // // The uses of `left!` involve calls to `offset` on `l`, which points to the // beginning of `v`. All the offsets pointed-to by `start_l` are at most `block_l`, so // these `offset` calls are safe as all reads are within the block. The same argument // applies for the uses of `right!`. // // The calls to `start_l.offset` are valid because there are at most `count-1` of them, // plus the final one at the end of the unsafe block, where `count` is the minimum number // of collected offsets in `offsets_l` and `offsets_r`, so there is no risk of there not // being enough elements. The same reasoning applies to the calls to `start_r.offset`. // // The calls to `copy_nonoverlapping` are safe because `left!` and `right!` are guaranteed // not to overlap, and are valid because of the reasoning above. unsafe { let tmp = ptr::read(left!()); ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(right!(), left!(), 1); for _ in 1..count { start_l = start_l.add(1); ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(left!(), right!(), 1); start_r = start_r.add(1); ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(right!(), left!(), 1); } ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(&tmp, right!(), 1); mem::forget(tmp); start_l = start_l.add(1); start_r = start_r.add(1); } } if start_l == end_l { // All out-of-order elements in the left block were moved. Move to the next block. // block-width-guarantee // SAFETY: if `!is_done` then the slice width is guaranteed to be at least `2*BLOCK` wide. There // are at most `BLOCK` elements in `offsets_l` because of its size, so the `offset` operation is // safe. Otherwise, the debug assertions in the `is_done` case guarantee that // `width(l, r) == block_l + block_r`, namely, that the block sizes have been adjusted to account // for the smaller number of remaining elements. l = unsafe { l.add(block_l) }; } if start_r == end_r { // All out-of-order elements in the right block were moved. Move to the previous block. // SAFETY: Same argument as [block-width-guarantee]. Either this is a full block `2*BLOCK`-wide, // or `block_r` has been adjusted for the last handful of elements. r = unsafe { r.sub(block_r) }; } if is_done { break; } } // All that remains now is at most one block (either the left or the right) with out-of-order // elements that need to be moved. Such remaining elements can be simply shifted to the end // within their block. if start_l < end_l { // The left block remains. // Move its remaining out-of-order elements to the far right. debug_assert_eq!(width(l, r), block_l); while start_l < end_l { // remaining-elements-safety // SAFETY: while the loop condition holds there are still elements in `offsets_l`, so it // is safe to point `end_l` to the previous element. // // The `ptr::swap` is safe if both its arguments are valid for reads and writes: // - Per the debug assert above, the distance between `l` and `r` is `block_l` // elements, so there can be at most `block_l` remaining offsets between `start_l` // and `end_l`. This means `r` will be moved at most `block_l` steps back, which // makes the `r.offset` calls valid (at that point `l == r`). // - `offsets_l` contains valid offsets into `v` collected during the partitioning of // the last block, so the `l.offset` calls are valid. unsafe { end_l = end_l.sub(1); ptr::swap(l.add(usize::from(*end_l)), r.sub(1)); r = r.sub(1); } } width(v.as_mut_ptr(), r) } else if start_r < end_r { // The right block remains. // Move its remaining out-of-order elements to the far left. debug_assert_eq!(width(l, r), block_r); while start_r < end_r { // SAFETY: See the reasoning in [remaining-elements-safety]. unsafe { end_r = end_r.sub(1); ptr::swap(l, r.sub(usize::from(*end_r) + 1)); l = l.add(1); } } width(v.as_mut_ptr(), l) } else { // Nothing else to do, we're done. width(v.as_mut_ptr(), l) } } /// Partitions `v` into elements smaller than `v[pivot]`, followed by elements greater than or /// equal to `v[pivot]`. /// /// Returns a tuple of: /// /// 1. Number of elements smaller than `v[pivot]`. /// 2. True if `v` was already partitioned. pub(super) fn partition(v: &mut [T], pivot: usize, is_less: &mut F) -> (usize, bool) where F: FnMut(&T, &T) -> bool, { let (mid, was_partitioned) = { // Place the pivot at the beginning of slice. v.swap(0, pivot); let (pivot, v) = v.split_at_mut(1); let pivot = &mut pivot[0]; // Read the pivot into a stack-allocated variable for efficiency. If a following comparison // operation panics, the pivot will be automatically written back into the slice. // SAFETY: `pivot` is a reference to the first element of `v`, so `ptr::read` is safe. let tmp = mem::ManuallyDrop::new(unsafe { ptr::read(pivot) }); let _pivot_guard = InsertionHole { src: &*tmp, dest: pivot }; let pivot = &*tmp; // Find the first pair of out-of-order elements. let mut l = 0; let mut r = v.len(); // SAFETY: The unsafety below involves indexing an array. // For the first one: We already do the bounds checking here with `l < r`. // For the second one: We initially have `l == 0` and `r == v.len()` and we checked that `l < r` at every indexing operation. // From here we know that `r` must be at least `r == l` which was shown to be valid from the first one. unsafe { // Find the first element greater than or equal to the pivot. while l < r && is_less(v.get_unchecked(l), pivot) { l += 1; } // Find the last element smaller that the pivot. while l < r && !is_less(v.get_unchecked(r - 1), pivot) { r -= 1; } } (l + partition_in_blocks(&mut v[l..r], pivot, is_less), l >= r) // `_pivot_guard` goes out of scope and writes the pivot (which is a stack-allocated // variable) back into the slice where it originally was. This step is critical in ensuring // safety! }; // Place the pivot between the two partitions. v.swap(0, mid); (mid, was_partitioned) } /// Partitions `v` into elements equal to `v[pivot]` followed by elements greater than `v[pivot]`. /// /// Returns the number of elements equal to the pivot. It is assumed that `v` does not contain /// elements smaller than the pivot. pub(super) fn partition_equal(v: &mut [T], pivot: usize, is_less: &mut F) -> usize where F: FnMut(&T, &T) -> bool, { // Place the pivot at the beginning of slice. v.swap(0, pivot); let (pivot, v) = v.split_at_mut(1); let pivot = &mut pivot[0]; // Read the pivot into a stack-allocated variable for efficiency. If a following comparison // operation panics, the pivot will be automatically written back into the slice. // SAFETY: The pointer here is valid because it is obtained from a reference to a slice. let tmp = mem::ManuallyDrop::new(unsafe { ptr::read(pivot) }); let _pivot_guard = InsertionHole { src: &*tmp, dest: pivot }; let pivot = &*tmp; let len = v.len(); if len == 0 { return 0; } // Now partition the slice. let mut l = 0; let mut r = len; loop { // SAFETY: The unsafety below involves indexing an array. // For the first one: We already do the bounds checking here with `l < r`. // For the second one: We initially have `l == 0` and `r == v.len()` and we checked that `l < r` at every indexing operation. // From here we know that `r` must be at least `r == l` which was shown to be valid from the first one. unsafe { // Find the first element greater than the pivot. while l < r && !is_less(pivot, v.get_unchecked(l)) { l += 1; } // Find the last element equal to the pivot. loop { r -= 1; if l >= r || !is_less(pivot, v.get_unchecked(r)) { break; } } // Are we done? if l >= r { break; } // Swap the found pair of out-of-order elements. let ptr = v.as_mut_ptr(); ptr::swap(ptr.add(l), ptr.add(r)); l += 1; } } // We found `l` elements equal to the pivot. Add 1 to account for the pivot itself. l + 1 // `_pivot_guard` goes out of scope and writes the pivot (which is a stack-allocated variable) // back into the slice where it originally was. This step is critical in ensuring safety! } /// Scatters some elements around in an attempt to break patterns that might cause imbalanced /// partitions in quicksort. #[cold] pub(super) fn break_patterns(v: &mut [T]) { let len = v.len(); if len >= 8 { let mut seed = len; let mut gen_usize = || { // Pseudorandom number generator from the "Xorshift RNGs" paper by George Marsaglia. if usize::BITS <= 32 { let mut r = seed as u32; r ^= r << 13; r ^= r >> 17; r ^= r << 5; seed = r as usize; seed } else { let mut r = seed as u64; r ^= r << 13; r ^= r >> 7; r ^= r << 17; seed = r as usize; seed } }; // Take random numbers modulo this number. // The number fits into `usize` because `len` is not greater than `isize::MAX`. let modulus = len.next_power_of_two(); // Some pivot candidates will be in the nearby of this index. Let's randomize them. let pos = len / 4 * 2; for i in 0..3 { // Generate a random number modulo `len`. However, in order to avoid costly operations // we first take it modulo a power of two, and then decrease by `len` until it fits // into the range `[0, len - 1]`. let mut other = gen_usize() & (modulus - 1); // `other` is guaranteed to be less than `2 * len`. if other >= len { other -= len; } v.swap(pos - 1 + i, other); } } } /// Chooses a pivot in `v` and returns the index and `true` if the slice is likely already sorted. /// /// Elements in `v` might be reordered in the process. pub(super) fn choose_pivot(v: &mut [T], is_less: &mut F) -> (usize, bool) where F: FnMut(&T, &T) -> bool, { // Minimum length to choose the median-of-medians method. // Shorter slices use the simple median-of-three method. const SHORTEST_MEDIAN_OF_MEDIANS: usize = 50; // Maximum number of swaps that can be performed in this function. const MAX_SWAPS: usize = 4 * 3; let len = v.len(); // Three indices near which we are going to choose a pivot. let mut a = len / 4 * 1; let mut b = len / 4 * 2; let mut c = len / 4 * 3; // Counts the total number of swaps we are about to perform while sorting indices. let mut swaps = 0; if len >= 8 { // Swaps indices so that `v[a] <= v[b]`. // SAFETY: `len >= 8` so there are at least two elements in the neighborhoods of // `a`, `b` and `c`. This means the three calls to `sort_adjacent` result in // corresponding calls to `sort3` with valid 3-item neighborhoods around each // pointer, which in turn means the calls to `sort2` are done with valid // references. Thus the `v.get_unchecked` calls are safe, as is the `ptr::swap` // call. let mut sort2 = |a: &mut usize, b: &mut usize| unsafe { if is_less(v.get_unchecked(*b), v.get_unchecked(*a)) { ptr::swap(a, b); swaps += 1; } }; // Swaps indices so that `v[a] <= v[b] <= v[c]`. let mut sort3 = |a: &mut usize, b: &mut usize, c: &mut usize| { sort2(a, b); sort2(b, c); sort2(a, b); }; if len >= SHORTEST_MEDIAN_OF_MEDIANS { // Finds the median of `v[a - 1], v[a], v[a + 1]` and stores the index into `a`. let mut sort_adjacent = |a: &mut usize| { let tmp = *a; sort3(&mut (tmp - 1), a, &mut (tmp + 1)); }; // Find medians in the neighborhoods of `a`, `b`, and `c`. sort_adjacent(&mut a); sort_adjacent(&mut b); sort_adjacent(&mut c); } // Find the median among `a`, `b`, and `c`. sort3(&mut a, &mut b, &mut c); } if swaps < MAX_SWAPS { (b, swaps == 0) } else { // The maximum number of swaps was performed. Chances are the slice is descending or mostly // descending, so reversing will probably help sort it faster. v.reverse(); (len - 1 - b, true) } } /// Sorts `v` recursively. /// /// If the slice had a predecessor in the original array, it is specified as `pred`. /// /// `limit` is the number of allowed imbalanced partitions before switching to `heapsort`. If zero, /// this function will immediately switch to heapsort. fn recurse<'a, T, F>(mut v: &'a mut [T], is_less: &mut F, mut pred: Option<&'a T>, mut limit: u32) where F: FnMut(&T, &T) -> bool, { // Slices of up to this length get sorted using insertion sort. const MAX_INSERTION: usize = 20; // True if the last partitioning was reasonably balanced. let mut was_balanced = true; // True if the last partitioning didn't shuffle elements (the slice was already partitioned). let mut was_partitioned = true; loop { let len = v.len(); // Very short slices get sorted using insertion sort. if len <= MAX_INSERTION { if len >= 2 { insertion_sort_shift_left(v, 1, is_less); } return; } // If too many bad pivot choices were made, simply fall back to heapsort in order to // guarantee `O(n * log(n))` worst-case. if limit == 0 { heapsort(v, is_less); return; } // If the last partitioning was imbalanced, try breaking patterns in the slice by shuffling // some elements around. Hopefully we'll choose a better pivot this time. if !was_balanced { break_patterns(v); limit -= 1; } // Choose a pivot and try guessing whether the slice is already sorted. let (pivot, likely_sorted) = choose_pivot(v, is_less); // If the last partitioning was decently balanced and didn't shuffle elements, and if pivot // selection predicts the slice is likely already sorted... if was_balanced && was_partitioned && likely_sorted { // Try identifying several out-of-order elements and shifting them to correct // positions. If the slice ends up being completely sorted, we're done. if partial_insertion_sort(v, is_less) { return; } } // If the chosen pivot is equal to the predecessor, then it's the smallest element in the // slice. Partition the slice into elements equal to and elements greater than the pivot. // This case is usually hit when the slice contains many duplicate elements. if let Some(p) = pred { if !is_less(p, &v[pivot]) { let mid = partition_equal(v, pivot, is_less); // Continue sorting elements greater than the pivot. v = &mut v[mid..]; continue; } } // Partition the slice. let (mid, was_p) = partition(v, pivot, is_less); was_balanced = cmp::min(mid, len - mid) >= len / 8; was_partitioned = was_p; // Split the slice into `left`, `pivot`, and `right`. let (left, right) = v.split_at_mut(mid); let (pivot, right) = right.split_at_mut(1); let pivot = &pivot[0]; // Recurse into the shorter side only in order to minimize the total number of recursive // calls and consume less stack space. Then just continue with the longer side (this is // akin to tail recursion). if left.len() < right.len() { recurse(left, is_less, pred, limit); v = right; pred = Some(pivot); } else { recurse(right, is_less, Some(pivot), limit); v = left; } } } /// Sorts `v` using pattern-defeating quicksort, which is *O*(*n* \* log(*n*)) worst-case. pub fn quicksort(v: &mut [T], mut is_less: F) where F: FnMut(&T, &T) -> bool, { // Sorting has no meaningful behavior on zero-sized types. if T::IS_ZST { return; } // Limit the number of imbalanced partitions to `floor(log2(len)) + 1`. let limit = usize::BITS - v.len().leading_zeros(); recurse(v, &mut is_less, None, limit); } /// Merges non-decreasing runs `v[..mid]` and `v[mid..]` using `buf` as temporary storage, and /// stores the result into `v[..]`. /// /// # Safety /// /// The two slices must be non-empty and `mid` must be in bounds. Buffer `buf` must be long enough /// to hold a copy of the shorter slice. Also, `T` must not be a zero-sized type. unsafe fn merge(v: &mut [T], mid: usize, buf: *mut T, is_less: &mut F) where F: FnMut(&T, &T) -> bool, { let len = v.len(); let v = v.as_mut_ptr(); // SAFETY: mid and len must be in-bounds of v. let (v_mid, v_end) = unsafe { (v.add(mid), v.add(len)) }; // The merge process first copies the shorter run into `buf`. Then it traces the newly copied // run and the longer run forwards (or backwards), comparing their next unconsumed elements and // copying the lesser (or greater) one into `v`. // // As soon as the shorter run is fully consumed, the process is done. If the longer run gets // consumed first, then we must copy whatever is left of the shorter run into the remaining // hole in `v`. // // Intermediate state of the process is always tracked by `hole`, which serves two purposes: // 1. Protects integrity of `v` from panics in `is_less`. // 2. Fills the remaining hole in `v` if the longer run gets consumed first. // // Panic safety: // // If `is_less` panics at any point during the process, `hole` will get dropped and fill the // hole in `v` with the unconsumed range in `buf`, thus ensuring that `v` still holds every // object it initially held exactly once. let mut hole; if mid <= len - mid { // The left run is shorter. // SAFETY: buf must have enough capacity for `v[..mid]`. unsafe { ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(v, buf, mid); hole = MergeHole { start: buf, end: buf.add(mid), dest: v }; } // Initially, these pointers point to the beginnings of their arrays. let left = &mut hole.start; let mut right = v_mid; let out = &mut hole.dest; while *left < hole.end && right < v_end { // Consume the lesser side. // If equal, prefer the left run to maintain stability. // SAFETY: left and right must be valid and part of v same for out. unsafe { let is_l = is_less(&*right, &**left); let to_copy = if is_l { right } else { *left }; ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(to_copy, *out, 1); *out = out.add(1); right = right.add(is_l as usize); *left = left.add(!is_l as usize); } } } else { // The right run is shorter. // SAFETY: buf must have enough capacity for `v[mid..]`. unsafe { ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(v_mid, buf, len - mid); hole = MergeHole { start: buf, end: buf.add(len - mid), dest: v_mid }; } // Initially, these pointers point past the ends of their arrays. let left = &mut hole.dest; let right = &mut hole.end; let mut out = v_end; while v < *left && buf < *right { // Consume the greater side. // If equal, prefer the right run to maintain stability. // SAFETY: left and right must be valid and part of v same for out. unsafe { let is_l = is_less(&*right.sub(1), &*left.sub(1)); *left = left.sub(is_l as usize); *right = right.sub(!is_l as usize); let to_copy = if is_l { *left } else { *right }; out = out.sub(1); ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(to_copy, out, 1); } } } // Finally, `hole` gets dropped. If the shorter run was not fully consumed, whatever remains of // it will now be copied into the hole in `v`. // When dropped, copies the range `start..end` into `dest..`. struct MergeHole { start: *mut T, end: *mut T, dest: *mut T, } impl Drop for MergeHole { fn drop(&mut self) { // SAFETY: `T` is not a zero-sized type, and these are pointers into a slice's elements. unsafe { let len = self.end.sub_ptr(self.start); ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(self.start, self.dest, len); } } } } /// This merge sort borrows some (but not all) ideas from TimSort, which used to be described in /// detail [here](https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/main/Objects/listsort.txt). However Python /// has switched to a Powersort based implementation. /// /// The algorithm identifies strictly descending and non-descending subsequences, which are called /// natural runs. There is a stack of pending runs yet to be merged. Each newly found run is pushed /// onto the stack, and then some pairs of adjacent runs are merged until these two invariants are /// satisfied: /// /// 1. for every `i` in `1..runs.len()`: `runs[i - 1].len > runs[i].len` /// 2. for every `i` in `2..runs.len()`: `runs[i - 2].len > runs[i - 1].len + runs[i].len` /// /// The invariants ensure that the total running time is *O*(*n* \* log(*n*)) worst-case. pub fn merge_sort( v: &mut [T], is_less: &mut CmpF, elem_alloc_fn: ElemAllocF, elem_dealloc_fn: ElemDeallocF, run_alloc_fn: RunAllocF, run_dealloc_fn: RunDeallocF, ) where CmpF: FnMut(&T, &T) -> bool, ElemAllocF: Fn(usize) -> *mut T, ElemDeallocF: Fn(*mut T, usize), RunAllocF: Fn(usize) -> *mut TimSortRun, RunDeallocF: Fn(*mut TimSortRun, usize), { // Slices of up to this length get sorted using insertion sort. const MAX_INSERTION: usize = 20; // The caller should have already checked that. debug_assert!(!T::IS_ZST); let len = v.len(); // Short arrays get sorted in-place via insertion sort to avoid allocations. if len <= MAX_INSERTION { if len >= 2 { insertion_sort_shift_left(v, 1, is_less); } return; } // Allocate a buffer to use as scratch memory. We keep the length 0 so we can keep in it // shallow copies of the contents of `v` without risking the dtors running on copies if // `is_less` panics. When merging two sorted runs, this buffer holds a copy of the shorter run, // which will always have length at most `len / 2`. let buf = BufGuard::new(len / 2, elem_alloc_fn, elem_dealloc_fn); let buf_ptr = buf.buf_ptr.as_ptr(); let mut runs = RunVec::new(run_alloc_fn, run_dealloc_fn); let mut end = 0; let mut start = 0; // Scan forward. Memory pre-fetching prefers forward scanning vs backwards scanning, and the // code-gen is usually better. For the most sensitive types such as integers, these are merged // bidirectionally at once. So there is no benefit in scanning backwards. while end < len { let (streak_end, was_reversed) = find_streak(&v[start..], is_less); end += streak_end; if was_reversed { v[start..end].reverse(); } // Insert some more elements into the run if it's too short. Insertion sort is faster than // merge sort on short sequences, so this significantly improves performance. end = provide_sorted_batch(v, start, end, is_less); // Push this run onto the stack. runs.push(TimSortRun { start, len: end - start }); start = end; // Merge some pairs of adjacent runs to satisfy the invariants. while let Some(r) = collapse(runs.as_slice(), len) { let left = runs[r]; let right = runs[r + 1]; let merge_slice = &mut v[left.start..right.start + right.len]; // SAFETY: `buf_ptr` must hold enough capacity for the shorter of the two sides, and // neither side may be on length 0. unsafe { merge(merge_slice, left.len, buf_ptr, is_less); } runs[r + 1] = TimSortRun { start: left.start, len: left.len + right.len }; runs.remove(r); } } // Finally, exactly one run must remain in the stack. debug_assert!(runs.len() == 1 && runs[0].start == 0 && runs[0].len == len); // Examines the stack of runs and identifies the next pair of runs to merge. More specifically, // if `Some(r)` is returned, that means `runs[r]` and `runs[r + 1]` must be merged next. If the // algorithm should continue building a new run instead, `None` is returned. // // TimSort is infamous for its buggy implementations, as described here: // http://envisage-project.eu/timsort-specification-and-verification/ // // The gist of the story is: we must enforce the invariants on the top four runs on the stack. // Enforcing them on just top three is not sufficient to ensure that the invariants will still // hold for *all* runs in the stack. // // This function correctly checks invariants for the top four runs. Additionally, if the top // run starts at index 0, it will always demand a merge operation until the stack is fully // collapsed, in order to complete the sort. #[inline] fn collapse(runs: &[TimSortRun], stop: usize) -> Option { let n = runs.len(); if n >= 2 && (runs[n - 1].start + runs[n - 1].len == stop || runs[n - 2].len <= runs[n - 1].len || (n >= 3 && runs[n - 3].len <= runs[n - 2].len + runs[n - 1].len) || (n >= 4 && runs[n - 4].len <= runs[n - 3].len + runs[n - 2].len)) { if n >= 3 && runs[n - 3].len < runs[n - 1].len { Some(n - 3) } else { Some(n - 2) } } else { None } } // Extremely basic versions of Vec. // Their use is super limited and by having the code here, it allows reuse between the sort // implementations. struct BufGuard where ElemDeallocF: Fn(*mut T, usize), { buf_ptr: ptr::NonNull, capacity: usize, elem_dealloc_fn: ElemDeallocF, } impl BufGuard where ElemDeallocF: Fn(*mut T, usize), { fn new( len: usize, elem_alloc_fn: ElemAllocF, elem_dealloc_fn: ElemDeallocF, ) -> Self where ElemAllocF: Fn(usize) -> *mut T, { Self { buf_ptr: ptr::NonNull::new(elem_alloc_fn(len)).unwrap(), capacity: len, elem_dealloc_fn, } } } impl Drop for BufGuard where ElemDeallocF: Fn(*mut T, usize), { fn drop(&mut self) { (self.elem_dealloc_fn)(self.buf_ptr.as_ptr(), self.capacity); } } struct RunVec where RunAllocF: Fn(usize) -> *mut TimSortRun, RunDeallocF: Fn(*mut TimSortRun, usize), { buf_ptr: ptr::NonNull, capacity: usize, len: usize, run_alloc_fn: RunAllocF, run_dealloc_fn: RunDeallocF, } impl RunVec where RunAllocF: Fn(usize) -> *mut TimSortRun, RunDeallocF: Fn(*mut TimSortRun, usize), { fn new(run_alloc_fn: RunAllocF, run_dealloc_fn: RunDeallocF) -> Self { // Most slices can be sorted with at most 16 runs in-flight. const START_RUN_CAPACITY: usize = 16; Self { buf_ptr: ptr::NonNull::new(run_alloc_fn(START_RUN_CAPACITY)).unwrap(), capacity: START_RUN_CAPACITY, len: 0, run_alloc_fn, run_dealloc_fn, } } fn push(&mut self, val: TimSortRun) { if self.len == self.capacity { let old_capacity = self.capacity; let old_buf_ptr = self.buf_ptr.as_ptr(); self.capacity = self.capacity * 2; self.buf_ptr = ptr::NonNull::new((self.run_alloc_fn)(self.capacity)).unwrap(); // SAFETY: buf_ptr new and old were correctly allocated and old_buf_ptr has // old_capacity valid elements. unsafe { ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(old_buf_ptr, self.buf_ptr.as_ptr(), old_capacity); } (self.run_dealloc_fn)(old_buf_ptr, old_capacity); } // SAFETY: The invariant was just checked. unsafe { self.buf_ptr.as_ptr().add(self.len).write(val); } self.len += 1; } fn remove(&mut self, index: usize) { if index >= self.len { panic!("Index out of bounds"); } // SAFETY: buf_ptr needs to be valid and len invariant upheld. unsafe { // the place we are taking from. let ptr = self.buf_ptr.as_ptr().add(index); // Shift everything down to fill in that spot. ptr::copy(ptr.add(1), ptr, self.len - index - 1); } self.len -= 1; } fn as_slice(&self) -> &[TimSortRun] { // SAFETY: Safe as long as buf_ptr is valid and len invariant was upheld. unsafe { &*ptr::slice_from_raw_parts(self.buf_ptr.as_ptr(), self.len) } } fn len(&self) -> usize { self.len } } impl core::ops::Index for RunVec where RunAllocF: Fn(usize) -> *mut TimSortRun, RunDeallocF: Fn(*mut TimSortRun, usize), { type Output = TimSortRun; fn index(&self, index: usize) -> &Self::Output { if index < self.len { // SAFETY: buf_ptr and len invariant must be upheld. unsafe { return &*(self.buf_ptr.as_ptr().add(index)); } } panic!("Index out of bounds"); } } impl core::ops::IndexMut for RunVec where RunAllocF: Fn(usize) -> *mut TimSortRun, RunDeallocF: Fn(*mut TimSortRun, usize), { fn index_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> &mut Self::Output { if index < self.len { // SAFETY: buf_ptr and len invariant must be upheld. unsafe { return &mut *(self.buf_ptr.as_ptr().add(index)); } } panic!("Index out of bounds"); } } impl Drop for RunVec where RunAllocF: Fn(usize) -> *mut TimSortRun, RunDeallocF: Fn(*mut TimSortRun, usize), { fn drop(&mut self) { // As long as TimSortRun is Copy we don't need to drop them individually but just the // whole allocation. (self.run_dealloc_fn)(self.buf_ptr.as_ptr(), self.capacity); } } } /// Internal type used by merge_sort. #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)] pub struct TimSortRun { len: usize, start: usize, } /// Takes a range as denoted by start and end, that is already sorted and extends it to the right if /// necessary with sorts optimized for smaller ranges such as insertion sort. fn provide_sorted_batch(v: &mut [T], start: usize, mut end: usize, is_less: &mut F) -> usize where F: FnMut(&T, &T) -> bool, { let len = v.len(); assert!(end >= start && end <= len); // This value is a balance between least comparisons and best performance, as // influenced by for example cache locality. const MIN_INSERTION_RUN: usize = 10; // Insert some more elements into the run if it's too short. Insertion sort is faster than // merge sort on short sequences, so this significantly improves performance. let start_end_diff = end - start; if start_end_diff < MIN_INSERTION_RUN && end < len { // v[start_found..end] are elements that are already sorted in the input. We want to extend // the sorted region to the left, so we push up MIN_INSERTION_RUN - 1 to the right. Which is // more efficient that trying to push those already sorted elements to the left. end = cmp::min(start + MIN_INSERTION_RUN, len); let presorted_start = cmp::max(start_end_diff, 1); insertion_sort_shift_left(&mut v[start..end], presorted_start, is_less); } end } /// Finds a streak of presorted elements starting at the beginning of the slice. Returns the first /// value that is not part of said streak, and a bool denoting whether the streak was reversed. /// Streaks can be increasing or decreasing. fn find_streak(v: &[T], is_less: &mut F) -> (usize, bool) where F: FnMut(&T, &T) -> bool, { let len = v.len(); if len < 2 { return (len, false); } let mut end = 2; // SAFETY: See below specific. unsafe { // SAFETY: We checked that len >= 2, so 0 and 1 are valid indices. let assume_reverse = is_less(v.get_unchecked(1), v.get_unchecked(0)); // SAFETY: We know end >= 2 and check end < len. // From that follows that accessing v at end and end - 1 is safe. if assume_reverse { while end < len && is_less(v.get_unchecked(end), v.get_unchecked(end - 1)) { end += 1; } (end, true) } else { while end < len && !is_less(v.get_unchecked(end), v.get_unchecked(end - 1)) { end += 1; } (end, false) } } }