//! Atomic types //! //! Atomic types provide primitive shared-memory communication between //! threads, and are the building blocks of other concurrent //! types. //! //! Rust atomics currently follow the same rules as [C++20 atomics][cpp], specifically `atomic_ref`. //! Basically, creating a *shared reference* to one of the Rust atomic types corresponds to creating //! an `atomic_ref` in C++; the `atomic_ref` is destroyed when the lifetime of the shared reference //! ends. (A Rust atomic type that is exclusively owned or behind a mutable reference does *not* //! correspond to an "atomic object" in C++, since it can be accessed via non-atomic operations.) //! //! This module defines atomic versions of a select number of primitive //! types, including [`AtomicBool`], [`AtomicIsize`], [`AtomicUsize`], //! [`AtomicI8`], [`AtomicU16`], etc. //! Atomic types present operations that, when used correctly, synchronize //! updates between threads. //! //! Each method takes an [`Ordering`] which represents the strength of //! the memory barrier for that operation. These orderings are the //! same as the [C++20 atomic orderings][1]. For more information see the [nomicon][2]. //! //! [cpp]: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/atomic //! [1]: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/atomic/memory_order //! [2]: ../../../nomicon/atomics.html //! //! Atomic variables are safe to share between threads (they implement [`Sync`]) //! but they do not themselves provide the mechanism for sharing and follow the //! [threading model](../../../std/thread/index.html#the-threading-model) of Rust. //! The most common way to share an atomic variable is to put it into an [`Arc`][arc] (an //! atomically-reference-counted shared pointer). //! //! [arc]: ../../../std/sync/struct.Arc.html //! //! Atomic types may be stored in static variables, initialized using //! the constant initializers like [`AtomicBool::new`]. Atomic statics //! are often used for lazy global initialization. //! //! # Portability //! //! All atomic types in this module are guaranteed to be [lock-free] if they're //! available. This means they don't internally acquire a global mutex. Atomic //! types and operations are not guaranteed to be wait-free. This means that //! operations like `fetch_or` may be implemented with a compare-and-swap loop. //! //! Atomic operations may be implemented at the instruction layer with //! larger-size atomics. For example some platforms use 4-byte atomic //! instructions to implement `AtomicI8`. Note that this emulation should not //! have an impact on correctness of code, it's just something to be aware of. //! //! The atomic types in this module might not be available on all platforms. The //! atomic types here are all widely available, however, and can generally be //! relied upon existing. Some notable exceptions are: //! //! * PowerPC and MIPS platforms with 32-bit pointers do not have `AtomicU64` or //! `AtomicI64` types. //! * ARM platforms like `armv5te` that aren't for Linux only provide `load` //! and `store` operations, and do not support Compare and Swap (CAS) //! operations, such as `swap`, `fetch_add`, etc. Additionally on Linux, //! these CAS operations are implemented via [operating system support], which //! may come with a performance penalty. //! * ARM targets with `thumbv6m` only provide `load` and `store` operations, //! and do not support Compare and Swap (CAS) operations, such as `swap`, //! `fetch_add`, etc. //! //! [operating system support]: https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/arm/kernel_user_helpers.txt //! //! Note that future platforms may be added that also do not have support for //! some atomic operations. Maximally portable code will want to be careful //! about which atomic types are used. `AtomicUsize` and `AtomicIsize` are //! generally the most portable, but even then they're not available everywhere. //! For reference, the `std` library requires `AtomicBool`s and pointer-sized atomics, although //! `core` does not. //! //! The `#[cfg(target_has_atomic)]` attribute can be used to conditionally //! compile based on the target's supported bit widths. It is a key-value //! option set for each supported size, with values "8", "16", "32", "64", //! "128", and "ptr" for pointer-sized atomics. //! //! [lock-free]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-blocking_algorithm //! //! # Examples //! //! A simple spinlock: //! //! ``` //! use std::sync::Arc; //! use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering}; //! use std::{hint, thread}; //! //! fn main() { //! let spinlock = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(1)); //! //! let spinlock_clone = Arc::clone(&spinlock); //! let thread = thread::spawn(move|| { //! spinlock_clone.store(0, Ordering::SeqCst); //! }); //! //! // Wait for the other thread to release the lock //! while spinlock.load(Ordering::SeqCst) != 0 { //! hint::spin_loop(); //! } //! //! if let Err(panic) = thread.join() { //! println!("Thread had an error: {panic:?}"); //! } //! } //! ``` //! //! Keep a global count of live threads: //! //! ``` //! use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering}; //! //! static GLOBAL_THREAD_COUNT: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0); //! //! let old_thread_count = GLOBAL_THREAD_COUNT.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst); //! println!("live threads: {}", old_thread_count + 1); //! ``` #![stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] #![cfg_attr(not(target_has_atomic_load_store = "8"), allow(dead_code))] #![cfg_attr(not(target_has_atomic_load_store = "8"), allow(unused_imports))] #![rustc_diagnostic_item = "atomic_mod"] use self::Ordering::*; use crate::cell::UnsafeCell; use crate::fmt; use crate::intrinsics; use crate::hint::spin_loop; /// A boolean type which can be safely shared between threads. /// /// This type has the same in-memory representation as a [`bool`]. /// /// **Note**: This type is only available on platforms that support atomic /// loads and stores of `u8`. #[cfg(target_has_atomic_load_store = "8")] #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] #[rustc_diagnostic_item = "AtomicBool"] #[repr(C, align(1))] pub struct AtomicBool { v: UnsafeCell, } #[cfg(target_has_atomic_load_store = "8")] #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] #[rustc_const_unstable(feature = "const_default_impls", issue = "87864")] impl const Default for AtomicBool { /// Creates an `AtomicBool` initialized to `false`. #[inline] fn default() -> Self { Self::new(false) } } // Send is implicitly implemented for AtomicBool. #[cfg(target_has_atomic_load_store = "8")] #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] unsafe impl Sync for AtomicBool {} /// A raw pointer type which can be safely shared between threads. /// /// This type has the same in-memory representation as a `*mut T`. /// /// **Note**: This type is only available on platforms that support atomic /// loads and stores of pointers. Its size depends on the target pointer's size. #[cfg(target_has_atomic_load_store = "ptr")] #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] #[cfg_attr(not(test), rustc_diagnostic_item = "AtomicPtr")] #[cfg_attr(target_pointer_width = "16", repr(C, align(2)))] #[cfg_attr(target_pointer_width = "32", repr(C, align(4)))] #[cfg_attr(target_pointer_width = "64", repr(C, align(8)))] pub struct AtomicPtr { p: UnsafeCell<*mut T>, } #[cfg(target_has_atomic_load_store = "ptr")] #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] #[rustc_const_unstable(feature = "const_default_impls", issue = "87864")] impl const Default for AtomicPtr { /// Creates a null `AtomicPtr`. fn default() -> AtomicPtr { AtomicPtr::new(crate::ptr::null_mut()) } } #[cfg(target_has_atomic_load_store = "ptr")] #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] unsafe impl Send for AtomicPtr {} #[cfg(target_has_atomic_load_store = "ptr")] #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] unsafe impl Sync for AtomicPtr {} /// Atomic memory orderings /// /// Memory orderings specify the way atomic operations synchronize memory. /// In its weakest [`Ordering::Relaxed`], only the memory directly touched by the /// operation is synchronized. On the other hand, a store-load pair of [`Ordering::SeqCst`] /// operations synchronize other memory while additionally preserving a total order of such /// operations across all threads. /// /// Rust's memory orderings are [the same as those of /// C++20](https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/atomic/memory_order). /// /// For more information see the [nomicon]. /// /// [nomicon]: ../../../nomicon/atomics.html #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] #[non_exhaustive] #[rustc_diagnostic_item = "Ordering"] pub enum Ordering { /// No ordering constraints, only atomic operations. /// /// Corresponds to [`memory_order_relaxed`] in C++20. /// /// [`memory_order_relaxed`]: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/atomic/memory_order#Relaxed_ordering #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] Relaxed, /// When coupled with a store, all previous operations become ordered /// before any load of this value with [`Acquire`] (or stronger) ordering. /// In particular, all previous writes become visible to all threads /// that perform an [`Acquire`] (or stronger) load of this value. /// /// Notice that using this ordering for an operation that combines loads /// and stores leads to a [`Relaxed`] load operation! /// /// This ordering is only applicable for operations that can perform a store. /// /// Corresponds to [`memory_order_release`] in C++20. /// /// [`memory_order_release`]: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/atomic/memory_order#Release-Acquire_ordering #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] Release, /// When coupled with a load, if the loaded value was written by a store operation with /// [`Release`] (or stronger) ordering, then all subsequent operations /// become ordered after that store. In particular, all subsequent loads will see data /// written before the store. /// /// Notice that using this ordering for an operation that combines loads /// and stores leads to a [`Relaxed`] store operation! /// /// This ordering is only applicable for operations that can perform a load. /// /// Corresponds to [`memory_order_acquire`] in C++20. /// /// [`memory_order_acquire`]: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/atomic/memory_order#Release-Acquire_ordering #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] Acquire, /// Has the effects of both [`Acquire`] and [`Release`] together: /// For loads it uses [`Acquire`] ordering. For stores it uses the [`Release`] ordering. /// /// Notice that in the case of `compare_and_swap`, it is possible that the operation ends up /// not performing any store and hence it has just [`Acquire`] ordering. However, /// `AcqRel` will never perform [`Relaxed`] accesses. /// /// This ordering is only applicable for operations that combine both loads and stores. /// /// Corresponds to [`memory_order_acq_rel`] in C++20. /// /// [`memory_order_acq_rel`]: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/atomic/memory_order#Release-Acquire_ordering #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] AcqRel, /// Like [`Acquire`]/[`Release`]/[`AcqRel`] (for load, store, and load-with-store /// operations, respectively) with the additional guarantee that all threads see all /// sequentially consistent operations in the same order. /// /// Corresponds to [`memory_order_seq_cst`] in C++20. /// /// [`memory_order_seq_cst`]: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/atomic/memory_order#Sequentially-consistent_ordering #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] SeqCst, } /// An [`AtomicBool`] initialized to `false`. #[cfg(target_has_atomic_load_store = "8")] #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] #[deprecated( since = "1.34.0", note = "the `new` function is now preferred", suggestion = "AtomicBool::new(false)" )] pub const ATOMIC_BOOL_INIT: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false); #[cfg(target_has_atomic_load_store = "8")] impl AtomicBool { /// Creates a new `AtomicBool`. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::sync::atomic::AtomicBool; /// /// let atomic_true = AtomicBool::new(true); /// let atomic_false = AtomicBool::new(false); /// ``` #[inline] #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] #[rustc_const_stable(feature = "const_atomic_new", since = "1.24.0")] #[must_use] pub const fn new(v: bool) -> AtomicBool { AtomicBool { v: UnsafeCell::new(v as u8) } } /// Returns a mutable reference to the underlying [`bool`]. /// /// This is safe because the mutable reference guarantees that no other threads are /// concurrently accessing the atomic data. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}; /// /// let mut some_bool = AtomicBool::new(true); /// assert_eq!(*some_bool.get_mut(), true); /// *some_bool.get_mut() = false; /// assert_eq!(some_bool.load(Ordering::SeqCst), false); /// ``` #[inline] #[stable(feature = "atomic_access", since = "1.15.0")] pub fn get_mut(&mut self) -> &mut bool { // SAFETY: the mutable reference guarantees unique ownership. unsafe { &mut *(self.v.get() as *mut bool) } } /// Get atomic access to a `&mut bool`. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// #![feature(atomic_from_mut)] /// use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}; /// /// let mut some_bool = true; /// let a = AtomicBool::from_mut(&mut some_bool); /// a.store(false, Ordering::Relaxed); /// assert_eq!(some_bool, false); /// ``` #[inline] #[cfg(target_has_atomic_equal_alignment = "8")] #[unstable(feature = "atomic_from_mut", issue = "76314")] pub fn from_mut(v: &mut bool) -> &mut Self { // SAFETY: the mutable reference guarantees unique ownership, and // alignment of both `bool` and `Self` is 1. unsafe { &mut *(v as *mut bool as *mut Self) } } /// Get non-atomic access to a `&mut [AtomicBool]` slice. /// /// This is safe because the mutable reference guarantees that no other threads are /// concurrently accessing the atomic data. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// #![feature(atomic_from_mut, inline_const)] /// use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}; /// /// let mut some_bools = [const { AtomicBool::new(false) }; 10]; /// /// let view: &mut [bool] = AtomicBool::get_mut_slice(&mut some_bools); /// assert_eq!(view, [false; 10]); /// view[..5].copy_from_slice(&[true; 5]); /// /// std::thread::scope(|s| { /// for t in &some_bools[..5] { /// s.spawn(move || assert_eq!(t.load(Ordering::Relaxed), true)); /// } /// /// for f in &some_bools[5..] { /// s.spawn(move || assert_eq!(f.load(Ordering::Relaxed), false)); /// } /// }); /// ``` #[inline] #[unstable(feature = "atomic_from_mut", issue = "76314")] pub fn get_mut_slice(this: &mut [Self]) -> &mut [bool] { // SAFETY: the mutable reference guarantees unique ownership. unsafe { &mut *(this as *mut [Self] as *mut [bool]) } } /// Get atomic access to a `&mut [bool]` slice. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// #![feature(atomic_from_mut)] /// use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}; /// /// let mut some_bools = [false; 10]; /// let a = &*AtomicBool::from_mut_slice(&mut some_bools); /// std::thread::scope(|s| { /// for i in 0..a.len() { /// s.spawn(move || a[i].store(true, Ordering::Relaxed)); /// } /// }); /// assert_eq!(some_bools, [true; 10]); /// ``` #[inline] #[cfg(target_has_atomic_equal_alignment = "8")] #[unstable(feature = "atomic_from_mut", issue = "76314")] pub fn from_mut_slice(v: &mut [bool]) -> &mut [Self] { // SAFETY: the mutable reference guarantees unique ownership, and // alignment of both `bool` and `Self` is 1. unsafe { &mut *(v as *mut [bool] as *mut [Self]) } } /// Consumes the atomic and returns the contained value. /// /// This is safe because passing `self` by value guarantees that no other threads are /// concurrently accessing the atomic data. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::sync::atomic::AtomicBool; /// /// let some_bool = AtomicBool::new(true); /// assert_eq!(some_bool.into_inner(), true); /// ``` #[inline] #[stable(feature = "atomic_access", since = "1.15.0")] #[rustc_const_unstable(feature = "const_cell_into_inner", issue = "78729")] pub const fn into_inner(self) -> bool { self.v.into_inner() != 0 } /// Loads a value from the bool. /// /// `load` takes an [`Ordering`] argument which describes the memory ordering /// of this operation. Possible values are [`SeqCst`], [`Acquire`] and [`Relaxed`]. /// /// # Panics /// /// Panics if `order` is [`Release`] or [`AcqRel`]. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}; /// /// let some_bool = AtomicBool::new(true); /// /// assert_eq!(some_bool.load(Ordering::Relaxed), true); /// ``` #[inline] #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces pub fn load(&self, order: Ordering) -> bool { // SAFETY: any data races are prevented by atomic intrinsics and the raw // pointer passed in is valid because we got it from a reference. unsafe { atomic_load(self.v.get(), order) != 0 } } /// Stores a value into the bool. /// /// `store` takes an [`Ordering`] argument which describes the memory ordering /// of this operation. Possible values are [`SeqCst`], [`Release`] and [`Relaxed`]. /// /// # Panics /// /// Panics if `order` is [`Acquire`] or [`AcqRel`]. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}; /// /// let some_bool = AtomicBool::new(true); /// /// some_bool.store(false, Ordering::Relaxed); /// assert_eq!(some_bool.load(Ordering::Relaxed), false); /// ``` #[inline] #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces pub fn store(&self, val: bool, order: Ordering) { // SAFETY: any data races are prevented by atomic intrinsics and the raw // pointer passed in is valid because we got it from a reference. unsafe { atomic_store(self.v.get(), val as u8, order); } } /// Stores a value into the bool, returning the previous value. /// /// `swap` takes an [`Ordering`] argument which describes the memory ordering /// of this operation. All ordering modes are possible. Note that using /// [`Acquire`] makes the store part of this operation [`Relaxed`], and /// using [`Release`] makes the load part [`Relaxed`]. /// /// **Note:** This method is only available on platforms that support atomic /// operations on `u8`. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}; /// /// let some_bool = AtomicBool::new(true); /// /// assert_eq!(some_bool.swap(false, Ordering::Relaxed), true); /// assert_eq!(some_bool.load(Ordering::Relaxed), false); /// ``` #[inline] #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] #[cfg(target_has_atomic = "8")] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces pub fn swap(&self, val: bool, order: Ordering) -> bool { // SAFETY: data races are prevented by atomic intrinsics. unsafe { atomic_swap(self.v.get(), val as u8, order) != 0 } } /// Stores a value into the [`bool`] if the current value is the same as the `current` value. /// /// The return value is always the previous value. If it is equal to `current`, then the value /// was updated. /// /// `compare_and_swap` also takes an [`Ordering`] argument which describes the memory /// ordering of this operation. Notice that even when using [`AcqRel`], the operation /// might fail and hence just perform an `Acquire` load, but not have `Release` semantics. /// Using [`Acquire`] makes the store part of this operation [`Relaxed`] if it /// happens, and using [`Release`] makes the load part [`Relaxed`]. /// /// **Note:** This method is only available on platforms that support atomic /// operations on `u8`. /// /// # Migrating to `compare_exchange` and `compare_exchange_weak` /// /// `compare_and_swap` is equivalent to `compare_exchange` with the following mapping for /// memory orderings: /// /// Original | Success | Failure /// -------- | ------- | ------- /// Relaxed | Relaxed | Relaxed /// Acquire | Acquire | Acquire /// Release | Release | Relaxed /// AcqRel | AcqRel | Acquire /// SeqCst | SeqCst | SeqCst /// /// `compare_exchange_weak` is allowed to fail spuriously even when the comparison succeeds, /// which allows the compiler to generate better assembly code when the compare and swap /// is used in a loop. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}; /// /// let some_bool = AtomicBool::new(true); /// /// assert_eq!(some_bool.compare_and_swap(true, false, Ordering::Relaxed), true); /// assert_eq!(some_bool.load(Ordering::Relaxed), false); /// /// assert_eq!(some_bool.compare_and_swap(true, true, Ordering::Relaxed), false); /// assert_eq!(some_bool.load(Ordering::Relaxed), false); /// ``` #[inline] #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] #[deprecated( since = "1.50.0", note = "Use `compare_exchange` or `compare_exchange_weak` instead" )] #[cfg(target_has_atomic = "8")] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces pub fn compare_and_swap(&self, current: bool, new: bool, order: Ordering) -> bool { match self.compare_exchange(current, new, order, strongest_failure_ordering(order)) { Ok(x) => x, Err(x) => x, } } /// Stores a value into the [`bool`] if the current value is the same as the `current` value. /// /// The return value is a result indicating whether the new value was written and containing /// the previous value. On success this value is guaranteed to be equal to `current`. /// /// `compare_exchange` takes two [`Ordering`] arguments to describe the memory /// ordering of this operation. `success` describes the required ordering for the /// read-modify-write operation that takes place if the comparison with `current` succeeds. /// `failure` describes the required ordering for the load operation that takes place when /// the comparison fails. Using [`Acquire`] as success ordering makes the store part /// of this operation [`Relaxed`], and using [`Release`] makes the successful load /// [`Relaxed`]. The failure ordering can only be [`SeqCst`], [`Acquire`] or [`Relaxed`]. /// /// **Note:** This method is only available on platforms that support atomic /// operations on `u8`. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}; /// /// let some_bool = AtomicBool::new(true); /// /// assert_eq!(some_bool.compare_exchange(true, /// false, /// Ordering::Acquire, /// Ordering::Relaxed), /// Ok(true)); /// assert_eq!(some_bool.load(Ordering::Relaxed), false); /// /// assert_eq!(some_bool.compare_exchange(true, true, /// Ordering::SeqCst, /// Ordering::Acquire), /// Err(false)); /// assert_eq!(some_bool.load(Ordering::Relaxed), false); /// ``` #[inline] #[stable(feature = "extended_compare_and_swap", since = "1.10.0")] #[doc(alias = "compare_and_swap")] #[cfg(target_has_atomic = "8")] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces pub fn compare_exchange( &self, current: bool, new: bool, success: Ordering, failure: Ordering, ) -> Result { // SAFETY: data races are prevented by atomic intrinsics. match unsafe { atomic_compare_exchange(self.v.get(), current as u8, new as u8, success, failure) } { Ok(x) => Ok(x != 0), Err(x) => Err(x != 0), } } /// Stores a value into the [`bool`] if the current value is the same as the `current` value. /// /// Unlike [`AtomicBool::compare_exchange`], this function is allowed to spuriously fail even when the /// comparison succeeds, which can result in more efficient code on some platforms. The /// return value is a result indicating whether the new value was written and containing the /// previous value. /// /// `compare_exchange_weak` takes two [`Ordering`] arguments to describe the memory /// ordering of this operation. `success` describes the required ordering for the /// read-modify-write operation that takes place if the comparison with `current` succeeds. /// `failure` describes the required ordering for the load operation that takes place when /// the comparison fails. Using [`Acquire`] as success ordering makes the store part /// of this operation [`Relaxed`], and using [`Release`] makes the successful load /// [`Relaxed`]. The failure ordering can only be [`SeqCst`], [`Acquire`] or [`Relaxed`]. /// /// **Note:** This method is only available on platforms that support atomic /// operations on `u8`. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}; /// /// let val = AtomicBool::new(false); /// /// let new = true; /// let mut old = val.load(Ordering::Relaxed); /// loop { /// match val.compare_exchange_weak(old, new, Ordering::SeqCst, Ordering::Relaxed) { /// Ok(_) => break, /// Err(x) => old = x, /// } /// } /// ``` #[inline] #[stable(feature = "extended_compare_and_swap", since = "1.10.0")] #[doc(alias = "compare_and_swap")] #[cfg(target_has_atomic = "8")] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces pub fn compare_exchange_weak( &self, current: bool, new: bool, success: Ordering, failure: Ordering, ) -> Result { // SAFETY: data races are prevented by atomic intrinsics. match unsafe { atomic_compare_exchange_weak(self.v.get(), current as u8, new as u8, success, failure) } { Ok(x) => Ok(x != 0), Err(x) => Err(x != 0), } } /// Logical "and" with a boolean value. /// /// Performs a logical "and" operation on the current value and the argument `val`, and sets /// the new value to the result. /// /// Returns the previous value. /// /// `fetch_and` takes an [`Ordering`] argument which describes the memory ordering /// of this operation. All ordering modes are possible. Note that using /// [`Acquire`] makes the store part of this operation [`Relaxed`], and /// using [`Release`] makes the load part [`Relaxed`]. /// /// **Note:** This method is only available on platforms that support atomic /// operations on `u8`. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}; /// /// let foo = AtomicBool::new(true); /// assert_eq!(foo.fetch_and(false, Ordering::SeqCst), true); /// assert_eq!(foo.load(Ordering::SeqCst), false); /// /// let foo = AtomicBool::new(true); /// assert_eq!(foo.fetch_and(true, Ordering::SeqCst), true); /// assert_eq!(foo.load(Ordering::SeqCst), true); /// /// let foo = AtomicBool::new(false); /// assert_eq!(foo.fetch_and(false, Ordering::SeqCst), false); /// assert_eq!(foo.load(Ordering::SeqCst), false); /// ``` #[inline] #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] #[cfg(target_has_atomic = "8")] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces pub fn fetch_and(&self, val: bool, order: Ordering) -> bool { // SAFETY: data races are prevented by atomic intrinsics. unsafe { atomic_and(self.v.get(), val as u8, order) != 0 } } /// Logical "nand" with a boolean value. /// /// Performs a logical "nand" operation on the current value and the argument `val`, and sets /// the new value to the result. /// /// Returns the previous value. /// /// `fetch_nand` takes an [`Ordering`] argument which describes the memory ordering /// of this operation. All ordering modes are possible. Note that using /// [`Acquire`] makes the store part of this operation [`Relaxed`], and /// using [`Release`] makes the load part [`Relaxed`]. /// /// **Note:** This method is only available on platforms that support atomic /// operations on `u8`. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}; /// /// let foo = AtomicBool::new(true); /// assert_eq!(foo.fetch_nand(false, Ordering::SeqCst), true); /// assert_eq!(foo.load(Ordering::SeqCst), true); /// /// let foo = AtomicBool::new(true); /// assert_eq!(foo.fetch_nand(true, Ordering::SeqCst), true); /// assert_eq!(foo.load(Ordering::SeqCst) as usize, 0); /// assert_eq!(foo.load(Ordering::SeqCst), false); /// /// let foo = AtomicBool::new(false); /// assert_eq!(foo.fetch_nand(false, Ordering::SeqCst), false); /// assert_eq!(foo.load(Ordering::SeqCst), true); /// ``` #[inline] #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] #[cfg(target_has_atomic = "8")] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces pub fn fetch_nand(&self, val: bool, order: Ordering) -> bool { // We can't use atomic_nand here because it can result in a bool with // an invalid value. This happens because the atomic operation is done // with an 8-bit integer internally, which would set the upper 7 bits. // So we just use fetch_xor or swap instead. if val { // !(x & true) == !x // We must invert the bool. self.fetch_xor(true, order) } else { // !(x & false) == true // We must set the bool to true. self.swap(true, order) } } /// Logical "or" with a boolean value. /// /// Performs a logical "or" operation on the current value and the argument `val`, and sets the /// new value to the result. /// /// Returns the previous value. /// /// `fetch_or` takes an [`Ordering`] argument which describes the memory ordering /// of this operation. All ordering modes are possible. Note that using /// [`Acquire`] makes the store part of this operation [`Relaxed`], and /// using [`Release`] makes the load part [`Relaxed`]. /// /// **Note:** This method is only available on platforms that support atomic /// operations on `u8`. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}; /// /// let foo = AtomicBool::new(true); /// assert_eq!(foo.fetch_or(false, Ordering::SeqCst), true); /// assert_eq!(foo.load(Ordering::SeqCst), true); /// /// let foo = AtomicBool::new(true); /// assert_eq!(foo.fetch_or(true, Ordering::SeqCst), true); /// assert_eq!(foo.load(Ordering::SeqCst), true); /// /// let foo = AtomicBool::new(false); /// assert_eq!(foo.fetch_or(false, Ordering::SeqCst), false); /// assert_eq!(foo.load(Ordering::SeqCst), false); /// ``` #[inline] #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] #[cfg(target_has_atomic = "8")] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces pub fn fetch_or(&self, val: bool, order: Ordering) -> bool { // SAFETY: data races are prevented by atomic intrinsics. unsafe { atomic_or(self.v.get(), val as u8, order) != 0 } } /// Logical "xor" with a boolean value. /// /// Performs a logical "xor" operation on the current value and the argument `val`, and sets /// the new value to the result. /// /// Returns the previous value. /// /// `fetch_xor` takes an [`Ordering`] argument which describes the memory ordering /// of this operation. All ordering modes are possible. Note that using /// [`Acquire`] makes the store part of this operation [`Relaxed`], and /// using [`Release`] makes the load part [`Relaxed`]. /// /// **Note:** This method is only available on platforms that support atomic /// operations on `u8`. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}; /// /// let foo = AtomicBool::new(true); /// assert_eq!(foo.fetch_xor(false, Ordering::SeqCst), true); /// assert_eq!(foo.load(Ordering::SeqCst), true); /// /// let foo = AtomicBool::new(true); /// assert_eq!(foo.fetch_xor(true, Ordering::SeqCst), true); /// assert_eq!(foo.load(Ordering::SeqCst), false); /// /// let foo = AtomicBool::new(false); /// assert_eq!(foo.fetch_xor(false, Ordering::SeqCst), false); /// assert_eq!(foo.load(Ordering::SeqCst), false); /// ``` #[inline] #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] #[cfg(target_has_atomic = "8")] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces pub fn fetch_xor(&self, val: bool, order: Ordering) -> bool { // SAFETY: data races are prevented by atomic intrinsics. unsafe { atomic_xor(self.v.get(), val as u8, order) != 0 } } /// Logical "not" with a boolean value. /// /// Performs a logical "not" operation on the current value, and sets /// the new value to the result. /// /// Returns the previous value. /// /// `fetch_not` takes an [`Ordering`] argument which describes the memory ordering /// of this operation. All ordering modes are possible. Note that using /// [`Acquire`] makes the store part of this operation [`Relaxed`], and /// using [`Release`] makes the load part [`Relaxed`]. /// /// **Note:** This method is only available on platforms that support atomic /// operations on `u8`. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// #![feature(atomic_bool_fetch_not)] /// use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}; /// /// let foo = AtomicBool::new(true); /// assert_eq!(foo.fetch_not(Ordering::SeqCst), true); /// assert_eq!(foo.load(Ordering::SeqCst), false); /// /// let foo = AtomicBool::new(false); /// assert_eq!(foo.fetch_not(Ordering::SeqCst), false); /// assert_eq!(foo.load(Ordering::SeqCst), true); /// ``` #[inline] #[unstable(feature = "atomic_bool_fetch_not", issue = "98485")] #[cfg(target_has_atomic = "8")] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces pub fn fetch_not(&self, order: Ordering) -> bool { self.fetch_xor(true, order) } /// Returns a mutable pointer to the underlying [`bool`]. /// /// Doing non-atomic reads and writes on the resulting integer can be a data race. /// This method is mostly useful for FFI, where the function signature may use /// `*mut bool` instead of `&AtomicBool`. /// /// Returning an `*mut` pointer from a shared reference to this atomic is safe because the /// atomic types work with interior mutability. All modifications of an atomic change the value /// through a shared reference, and can do so safely as long as they use atomic operations. Any /// use of the returned raw pointer requires an `unsafe` block and still has to uphold the same /// restriction: operations on it must be atomic. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```ignore (extern-declaration) /// # fn main() { /// use std::sync::atomic::AtomicBool; /// extern "C" { /// fn my_atomic_op(arg: *mut bool); /// } /// /// let mut atomic = AtomicBool::new(true); /// unsafe { /// my_atomic_op(atomic.as_mut_ptr()); /// } /// # } /// ``` #[inline] #[unstable(feature = "atomic_mut_ptr", reason = "recently added", issue = "66893")] pub fn as_mut_ptr(&self) -> *mut bool { self.v.get() as *mut bool } /// Fetches the value, and applies a function to it that returns an optional /// new value. Returns a `Result` of `Ok(previous_value)` if the function /// returned `Some(_)`, else `Err(previous_value)`. /// /// Note: This may call the function multiple times if the value has been /// changed from other threads in the meantime, as long as the function /// returns `Some(_)`, but the function will have been applied only once to /// the stored value. /// /// `fetch_update` takes two [`Ordering`] arguments to describe the memory /// ordering of this operation. The first describes the required ordering for /// when the operation finally succeeds while the second describes the /// required ordering for loads. These correspond to the success and failure /// orderings of [`AtomicBool::compare_exchange`] respectively. /// /// Using [`Acquire`] as success ordering makes the store part of this /// operation [`Relaxed`], and using [`Release`] makes the final successful /// load [`Relaxed`]. The (failed) load ordering can only be [`SeqCst`], /// [`Acquire`] or [`Relaxed`]. /// /// **Note:** This method is only available on platforms that support atomic /// operations on `u8`. /// /// # Considerations /// /// This method is not magic; it is not provided by the hardware. /// It is implemented in terms of [`AtomicBool::compare_exchange_weak`], and suffers from the same drawbacks. /// In particular, this method will not circumvent the [ABA Problem]. /// /// [ABA Problem]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ABA_problem /// /// # Examples /// /// ```rust /// use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}; /// /// let x = AtomicBool::new(false); /// assert_eq!(x.fetch_update(Ordering::SeqCst, Ordering::SeqCst, |_| None), Err(false)); /// assert_eq!(x.fetch_update(Ordering::SeqCst, Ordering::SeqCst, |x| Some(!x)), Ok(false)); /// assert_eq!(x.fetch_update(Ordering::SeqCst, Ordering::SeqCst, |x| Some(!x)), Ok(true)); /// assert_eq!(x.load(Ordering::SeqCst), false); /// ``` #[inline] #[stable(feature = "atomic_fetch_update", since = "1.53.0")] #[cfg(target_has_atomic = "8")] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces pub fn fetch_update( &self, set_order: Ordering, fetch_order: Ordering, mut f: F, ) -> Result where F: FnMut(bool) -> Option, { let mut prev = self.load(fetch_order); while let Some(next) = f(prev) { match self.compare_exchange_weak(prev, next, set_order, fetch_order) { x @ Ok(_) => return x, Err(next_prev) => prev = next_prev, } } Err(prev) } } #[cfg(target_has_atomic_load_store = "ptr")] impl AtomicPtr { /// Creates a new `AtomicPtr`. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::sync::atomic::AtomicPtr; /// /// let ptr = &mut 5; /// let atomic_ptr = AtomicPtr::new(ptr); /// ``` #[inline] #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] #[rustc_const_stable(feature = "const_atomic_new", since = "1.24.0")] pub const fn new(p: *mut T) -> AtomicPtr { AtomicPtr { p: UnsafeCell::new(p) } } /// Returns a mutable reference to the underlying pointer. /// /// This is safe because the mutable reference guarantees that no other threads are /// concurrently accessing the atomic data. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicPtr, Ordering}; /// /// let mut data = 10; /// let mut atomic_ptr = AtomicPtr::new(&mut data); /// let mut other_data = 5; /// *atomic_ptr.get_mut() = &mut other_data; /// assert_eq!(unsafe { *atomic_ptr.load(Ordering::SeqCst) }, 5); /// ``` #[inline] #[stable(feature = "atomic_access", since = "1.15.0")] pub fn get_mut(&mut self) -> &mut *mut T { self.p.get_mut() } /// Get atomic access to a pointer. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// #![feature(atomic_from_mut)] /// use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicPtr, Ordering}; /// /// let mut data = 123; /// let mut some_ptr = &mut data as *mut i32; /// let a = AtomicPtr::from_mut(&mut some_ptr); /// let mut other_data = 456; /// a.store(&mut other_data, Ordering::Relaxed); /// assert_eq!(unsafe { *some_ptr }, 456); /// ``` #[inline] #[cfg(target_has_atomic_equal_alignment = "ptr")] #[unstable(feature = "atomic_from_mut", issue = "76314")] pub fn from_mut(v: &mut *mut T) -> &mut Self { use crate::mem::align_of; let [] = [(); align_of::>() - align_of::<*mut ()>()]; // SAFETY: // - the mutable reference guarantees unique ownership. // - the alignment of `*mut T` and `Self` is the same on all platforms // supported by rust, as verified above. unsafe { &mut *(v as *mut *mut T as *mut Self) } } /// Get non-atomic access to a `&mut [AtomicPtr]` slice. /// /// This is safe because the mutable reference guarantees that no other threads are /// concurrently accessing the atomic data. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// #![feature(atomic_from_mut, inline_const)] /// use std::ptr::null_mut; /// use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicPtr, Ordering}; /// /// let mut some_ptrs = [const { AtomicPtr::new(null_mut::()) }; 10]; /// /// let view: &mut [*mut String] = AtomicPtr::get_mut_slice(&mut some_ptrs); /// assert_eq!(view, [null_mut::(); 10]); /// view /// .iter_mut() /// .enumerate() /// .for_each(|(i, ptr)| *ptr = Box::into_raw(Box::new(format!("iteration#{i}")))); /// /// std::thread::scope(|s| { /// for ptr in &some_ptrs { /// s.spawn(move || { /// let ptr = ptr.load(Ordering::Relaxed); /// assert!(!ptr.is_null()); /// /// let name = unsafe { Box::from_raw(ptr) }; /// println!("Hello, {name}!"); /// }); /// } /// }); /// ``` #[inline] #[unstable(feature = "atomic_from_mut", issue = "76314")] pub fn get_mut_slice(this: &mut [Self]) -> &mut [*mut T] { // SAFETY: the mutable reference guarantees unique ownership. unsafe { &mut *(this as *mut [Self] as *mut [*mut T]) } } /// Get atomic access to a slice of pointers. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// #![feature(atomic_from_mut)] /// use std::ptr::null_mut; /// use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicPtr, Ordering}; /// /// let mut some_ptrs = [null_mut::(); 10]; /// let a = &*AtomicPtr::from_mut_slice(&mut some_ptrs); /// std::thread::scope(|s| { /// for i in 0..a.len() { /// s.spawn(move || { /// let name = Box::new(format!("thread{i}")); /// a[i].store(Box::into_raw(name), Ordering::Relaxed); /// }); /// } /// }); /// for p in some_ptrs { /// assert!(!p.is_null()); /// let name = unsafe { Box::from_raw(p) }; /// println!("Hello, {name}!"); /// } /// ``` #[inline] #[cfg(target_has_atomic_equal_alignment = "ptr")] #[unstable(feature = "atomic_from_mut", issue = "76314")] pub fn from_mut_slice(v: &mut [*mut T]) -> &mut [Self] { // SAFETY: // - the mutable reference guarantees unique ownership. // - the alignment of `*mut T` and `Self` is the same on all platforms // supported by rust, as verified above. unsafe { &mut *(v as *mut [*mut T] as *mut [Self]) } } /// Consumes the atomic and returns the contained value. /// /// This is safe because passing `self` by value guarantees that no other threads are /// concurrently accessing the atomic data. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::sync::atomic::AtomicPtr; /// /// let mut data = 5; /// let atomic_ptr = AtomicPtr::new(&mut data); /// assert_eq!(unsafe { *atomic_ptr.into_inner() }, 5); /// ``` #[inline] #[stable(feature = "atomic_access", since = "1.15.0")] #[rustc_const_unstable(feature = "const_cell_into_inner", issue = "78729")] pub const fn into_inner(self) -> *mut T { self.p.into_inner() } /// Loads a value from the pointer. /// /// `load` takes an [`Ordering`] argument which describes the memory ordering /// of this operation. Possible values are [`SeqCst`], [`Acquire`] and [`Relaxed`]. /// /// # Panics /// /// Panics if `order` is [`Release`] or [`AcqRel`]. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicPtr, Ordering}; /// /// let ptr = &mut 5; /// let some_ptr = AtomicPtr::new(ptr); /// /// let value = some_ptr.load(Ordering::Relaxed); /// ``` #[inline] #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces pub fn load(&self, order: Ordering) -> *mut T { // SAFETY: data races are prevented by atomic intrinsics. unsafe { atomic_load(self.p.get(), order) } } /// Stores a value into the pointer. /// /// `store` takes an [`Ordering`] argument which describes the memory ordering /// of this operation. Possible values are [`SeqCst`], [`Release`] and [`Relaxed`]. /// /// # Panics /// /// Panics if `order` is [`Acquire`] or [`AcqRel`]. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicPtr, Ordering}; /// /// let ptr = &mut 5; /// let some_ptr = AtomicPtr::new(ptr); /// /// let other_ptr = &mut 10; /// /// some_ptr.store(other_ptr, Ordering::Relaxed); /// ``` #[inline] #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces pub fn store(&self, ptr: *mut T, order: Ordering) { // SAFETY: data races are prevented by atomic intrinsics. unsafe { atomic_store(self.p.get(), ptr, order); } } /// Stores a value into the pointer, returning the previous value. /// /// `swap` takes an [`Ordering`] argument which describes the memory ordering /// of this operation. All ordering modes are possible. Note that using /// [`Acquire`] makes the store part of this operation [`Relaxed`], and /// using [`Release`] makes the load part [`Relaxed`]. /// /// **Note:** This method is only available on platforms that support atomic /// operations on pointers. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicPtr, Ordering}; /// /// let ptr = &mut 5; /// let some_ptr = AtomicPtr::new(ptr); /// /// let other_ptr = &mut 10; /// /// let value = some_ptr.swap(other_ptr, Ordering::Relaxed); /// ``` #[inline] #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] #[cfg(target_has_atomic = "ptr")] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces pub fn swap(&self, ptr: *mut T, order: Ordering) -> *mut T { // SAFETY: data races are prevented by atomic intrinsics. unsafe { atomic_swap(self.p.get(), ptr, order) } } /// Stores a value into the pointer if the current value is the same as the `current` value. /// /// The return value is always the previous value. If it is equal to `current`, then the value /// was updated. /// /// `compare_and_swap` also takes an [`Ordering`] argument which describes the memory /// ordering of this operation. Notice that even when using [`AcqRel`], the operation /// might fail and hence just perform an `Acquire` load, but not have `Release` semantics. /// Using [`Acquire`] makes the store part of this operation [`Relaxed`] if it /// happens, and using [`Release`] makes the load part [`Relaxed`]. /// /// **Note:** This method is only available on platforms that support atomic /// operations on pointers. /// /// # Migrating to `compare_exchange` and `compare_exchange_weak` /// /// `compare_and_swap` is equivalent to `compare_exchange` with the following mapping for /// memory orderings: /// /// Original | Success | Failure /// -------- | ------- | ------- /// Relaxed | Relaxed | Relaxed /// Acquire | Acquire | Acquire /// Release | Release | Relaxed /// AcqRel | AcqRel | Acquire /// SeqCst | SeqCst | SeqCst /// /// `compare_exchange_weak` is allowed to fail spuriously even when the comparison succeeds, /// which allows the compiler to generate better assembly code when the compare and swap /// is used in a loop. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicPtr, Ordering}; /// /// let ptr = &mut 5; /// let some_ptr = AtomicPtr::new(ptr); /// /// let other_ptr = &mut 10; /// /// let value = some_ptr.compare_and_swap(ptr, other_ptr, Ordering::Relaxed); /// ``` #[inline] #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] #[deprecated( since = "1.50.0", note = "Use `compare_exchange` or `compare_exchange_weak` instead" )] #[cfg(target_has_atomic = "ptr")] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces pub fn compare_and_swap(&self, current: *mut T, new: *mut T, order: Ordering) -> *mut T { match self.compare_exchange(current, new, order, strongest_failure_ordering(order)) { Ok(x) => x, Err(x) => x, } } /// Stores a value into the pointer if the current value is the same as the `current` value. /// /// The return value is a result indicating whether the new value was written and containing /// the previous value. On success this value is guaranteed to be equal to `current`. /// /// `compare_exchange` takes two [`Ordering`] arguments to describe the memory /// ordering of this operation. `success` describes the required ordering for the /// read-modify-write operation that takes place if the comparison with `current` succeeds. /// `failure` describes the required ordering for the load operation that takes place when /// the comparison fails. Using [`Acquire`] as success ordering makes the store part /// of this operation [`Relaxed`], and using [`Release`] makes the successful load /// [`Relaxed`]. The failure ordering can only be [`SeqCst`], [`Acquire`] or [`Relaxed`]. /// /// **Note:** This method is only available on platforms that support atomic /// operations on pointers. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicPtr, Ordering}; /// /// let ptr = &mut 5; /// let some_ptr = AtomicPtr::new(ptr); /// /// let other_ptr = &mut 10; /// /// let value = some_ptr.compare_exchange(ptr, other_ptr, /// Ordering::SeqCst, Ordering::Relaxed); /// ``` #[inline] #[stable(feature = "extended_compare_and_swap", since = "1.10.0")] #[cfg(target_has_atomic = "ptr")] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces pub fn compare_exchange( &self, current: *mut T, new: *mut T, success: Ordering, failure: Ordering, ) -> Result<*mut T, *mut T> { // SAFETY: data races are prevented by atomic intrinsics. unsafe { atomic_compare_exchange(self.p.get(), current, new, success, failure) } } /// Stores a value into the pointer if the current value is the same as the `current` value. /// /// Unlike [`AtomicPtr::compare_exchange`], this function is allowed to spuriously fail even when the /// comparison succeeds, which can result in more efficient code on some platforms. The /// return value is a result indicating whether the new value was written and containing the /// previous value. /// /// `compare_exchange_weak` takes two [`Ordering`] arguments to describe the memory /// ordering of this operation. `success` describes the required ordering for the /// read-modify-write operation that takes place if the comparison with `current` succeeds. /// `failure` describes the required ordering for the load operation that takes place when /// the comparison fails. Using [`Acquire`] as success ordering makes the store part /// of this operation [`Relaxed`], and using [`Release`] makes the successful load /// [`Relaxed`]. The failure ordering can only be [`SeqCst`], [`Acquire`] or [`Relaxed`]. /// /// **Note:** This method is only available on platforms that support atomic /// operations on pointers. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicPtr, Ordering}; /// /// let some_ptr = AtomicPtr::new(&mut 5); /// /// let new = &mut 10; /// let mut old = some_ptr.load(Ordering::Relaxed); /// loop { /// match some_ptr.compare_exchange_weak(old, new, Ordering::SeqCst, Ordering::Relaxed) { /// Ok(_) => break, /// Err(x) => old = x, /// } /// } /// ``` #[inline] #[stable(feature = "extended_compare_and_swap", since = "1.10.0")] #[cfg(target_has_atomic = "ptr")] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces pub fn compare_exchange_weak( &self, current: *mut T, new: *mut T, success: Ordering, failure: Ordering, ) -> Result<*mut T, *mut T> { // SAFETY: This intrinsic is unsafe because it operates on a raw pointer // but we know for sure that the pointer is valid (we just got it from // an `UnsafeCell` that we have by reference) and the atomic operation // itself allows us to safely mutate the `UnsafeCell` contents. unsafe { atomic_compare_exchange_weak(self.p.get(), current, new, success, failure) } } /// Fetches the value, and applies a function to it that returns an optional /// new value. Returns a `Result` of `Ok(previous_value)` if the function /// returned `Some(_)`, else `Err(previous_value)`. /// /// Note: This may call the function multiple times if the value has been /// changed from other threads in the meantime, as long as the function /// returns `Some(_)`, but the function will have been applied only once to /// the stored value. /// /// `fetch_update` takes two [`Ordering`] arguments to describe the memory /// ordering of this operation. The first describes the required ordering for /// when the operation finally succeeds while the second describes the /// required ordering for loads. These correspond to the success and failure /// orderings of [`AtomicPtr::compare_exchange`] respectively. /// /// Using [`Acquire`] as success ordering makes the store part of this /// operation [`Relaxed`], and using [`Release`] makes the final successful /// load [`Relaxed`]. The (failed) load ordering can only be [`SeqCst`], /// [`Acquire`] or [`Relaxed`]. /// /// **Note:** This method is only available on platforms that support atomic /// operations on pointers. /// /// # Considerations /// /// This method is not magic; it is not provided by the hardware. /// It is implemented in terms of [`AtomicPtr::compare_exchange_weak`], and suffers from the same drawbacks. /// In particular, this method will not circumvent the [ABA Problem]. /// /// [ABA Problem]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ABA_problem /// /// # Examples /// /// ```rust /// use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicPtr, Ordering}; /// /// let ptr: *mut _ = &mut 5; /// let some_ptr = AtomicPtr::new(ptr); /// /// let new: *mut _ = &mut 10; /// assert_eq!(some_ptr.fetch_update(Ordering::SeqCst, Ordering::SeqCst, |_| None), Err(ptr)); /// let result = some_ptr.fetch_update(Ordering::SeqCst, Ordering::SeqCst, |x| { /// if x == ptr { /// Some(new) /// } else { /// None /// } /// }); /// assert_eq!(result, Ok(ptr)); /// assert_eq!(some_ptr.load(Ordering::SeqCst), new); /// ``` #[inline] #[stable(feature = "atomic_fetch_update", since = "1.53.0")] #[cfg(target_has_atomic = "ptr")] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces pub fn fetch_update( &self, set_order: Ordering, fetch_order: Ordering, mut f: F, ) -> Result<*mut T, *mut T> where F: FnMut(*mut T) -> Option<*mut T>, { let mut prev = self.load(fetch_order); while let Some(next) = f(prev) { match self.compare_exchange_weak(prev, next, set_order, fetch_order) { x @ Ok(_) => return x, Err(next_prev) => prev = next_prev, } } Err(prev) } /// Offsets the pointer's address by adding `val` (in units of `T`), /// returning the previous pointer. /// /// This is equivalent to using [`wrapping_add`] to atomically perform the /// equivalent of `ptr = ptr.wrapping_add(val);`. /// /// This method operates in units of `T`, which means that it cannot be used /// to offset the pointer by an amount which is not a multiple of /// `size_of::()`. This can sometimes be inconvenient, as you may want to /// work with a deliberately misaligned pointer. In such cases, you may use /// the [`fetch_byte_add`](Self::fetch_byte_add) method instead. /// /// `fetch_ptr_add` takes an [`Ordering`] argument which describes the /// memory ordering of this operation. All ordering modes are possible. Note /// that using [`Acquire`] makes the store part of this operation /// [`Relaxed`], and using [`Release`] makes the load part [`Relaxed`]. /// /// **Note**: This method is only available on platforms that support atomic /// operations on [`AtomicPtr`]. /// /// [`wrapping_add`]: pointer::wrapping_add /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// #![feature(strict_provenance_atomic_ptr, strict_provenance)] /// use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicPtr, Ordering}; /// /// let atom = AtomicPtr::::new(core::ptr::null_mut()); /// assert_eq!(atom.fetch_ptr_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed).addr(), 0); /// // Note: units of `size_of::()`. /// assert_eq!(atom.load(Ordering::Relaxed).addr(), 8); /// ``` #[inline] #[cfg(target_has_atomic = "ptr")] #[unstable(feature = "strict_provenance_atomic_ptr", issue = "99108")] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces pub fn fetch_ptr_add(&self, val: usize, order: Ordering) -> *mut T { self.fetch_byte_add(val.wrapping_mul(core::mem::size_of::()), order) } /// Offsets the pointer's address by subtracting `val` (in units of `T`), /// returning the previous pointer. /// /// This is equivalent to using [`wrapping_sub`] to atomically perform the /// equivalent of `ptr = ptr.wrapping_sub(val);`. /// /// This method operates in units of `T`, which means that it cannot be used /// to offset the pointer by an amount which is not a multiple of /// `size_of::()`. This can sometimes be inconvenient, as you may want to /// work with a deliberately misaligned pointer. In such cases, you may use /// the [`fetch_byte_sub`](Self::fetch_byte_sub) method instead. /// /// `fetch_ptr_sub` takes an [`Ordering`] argument which describes the memory /// ordering of this operation. All ordering modes are possible. Note that /// using [`Acquire`] makes the store part of this operation [`Relaxed`], /// and using [`Release`] makes the load part [`Relaxed`]. /// /// **Note**: This method is only available on platforms that support atomic /// operations on [`AtomicPtr`]. /// /// [`wrapping_sub`]: pointer::wrapping_sub /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// #![feature(strict_provenance_atomic_ptr)] /// use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicPtr, Ordering}; /// /// let array = [1i32, 2i32]; /// let atom = AtomicPtr::new(array.as_ptr().wrapping_add(1) as *mut _); /// /// assert!(core::ptr::eq( /// atom.fetch_ptr_sub(1, Ordering::Relaxed), /// &array[1], /// )); /// assert!(core::ptr::eq(atom.load(Ordering::Relaxed), &array[0])); /// ``` #[inline] #[cfg(target_has_atomic = "ptr")] #[unstable(feature = "strict_provenance_atomic_ptr", issue = "99108")] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces pub fn fetch_ptr_sub(&self, val: usize, order: Ordering) -> *mut T { self.fetch_byte_sub(val.wrapping_mul(core::mem::size_of::()), order) } /// Offsets the pointer's address by adding `val` *bytes*, returning the /// previous pointer. /// /// This is equivalent to using [`wrapping_byte_add`] to atomically /// perform `ptr = ptr.wrapping_byte_add(val)`. /// /// `fetch_byte_add` takes an [`Ordering`] argument which describes the /// memory ordering of this operation. All ordering modes are possible. Note /// that using [`Acquire`] makes the store part of this operation /// [`Relaxed`], and using [`Release`] makes the load part [`Relaxed`]. /// /// **Note**: This method is only available on platforms that support atomic /// operations on [`AtomicPtr`]. /// /// [`wrapping_byte_add`]: pointer::wrapping_byte_add /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// #![feature(strict_provenance_atomic_ptr, strict_provenance)] /// use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicPtr, Ordering}; /// /// let atom = AtomicPtr::::new(core::ptr::null_mut()); /// assert_eq!(atom.fetch_byte_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed).addr(), 0); /// // Note: in units of bytes, not `size_of::()`. /// assert_eq!(atom.load(Ordering::Relaxed).addr(), 1); /// ``` #[inline] #[cfg(target_has_atomic = "ptr")] #[unstable(feature = "strict_provenance_atomic_ptr", issue = "99108")] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces pub fn fetch_byte_add(&self, val: usize, order: Ordering) -> *mut T { // SAFETY: data races are prevented by atomic intrinsics. unsafe { atomic_add(self.p.get(), core::ptr::invalid_mut(val), order).cast() } } /// Offsets the pointer's address by subtracting `val` *bytes*, returning the /// previous pointer. /// /// This is equivalent to using [`wrapping_byte_sub`] to atomically /// perform `ptr = ptr.wrapping_byte_sub(val)`. /// /// `fetch_byte_sub` takes an [`Ordering`] argument which describes the /// memory ordering of this operation. All ordering modes are possible. Note /// that using [`Acquire`] makes the store part of this operation /// [`Relaxed`], and using [`Release`] makes the load part [`Relaxed`]. /// /// **Note**: This method is only available on platforms that support atomic /// operations on [`AtomicPtr`]. /// /// [`wrapping_byte_sub`]: pointer::wrapping_byte_sub /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// #![feature(strict_provenance_atomic_ptr, strict_provenance)] /// use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicPtr, Ordering}; /// /// let atom = AtomicPtr::::new(core::ptr::invalid_mut(1)); /// assert_eq!(atom.fetch_byte_sub(1, Ordering::Relaxed).addr(), 1); /// assert_eq!(atom.load(Ordering::Relaxed).addr(), 0); /// ``` #[inline] #[cfg(target_has_atomic = "ptr")] #[unstable(feature = "strict_provenance_atomic_ptr", issue = "99108")] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces pub fn fetch_byte_sub(&self, val: usize, order: Ordering) -> *mut T { // SAFETY: data races are prevented by atomic intrinsics. unsafe { atomic_sub(self.p.get(), core::ptr::invalid_mut(val), order).cast() } } /// Performs a bitwise "or" operation on the address of the current pointer, /// and the argument `val`, and stores a pointer with provenance of the /// current pointer and the resulting address. /// /// This is equivalent to using [`map_addr`] to atomically perform /// `ptr = ptr.map_addr(|a| a | val)`. This can be used in tagged /// pointer schemes to atomically set tag bits. /// /// **Caveat**: This operation returns the previous value. To compute the /// stored value without losing provenance, you may use [`map_addr`]. For /// example: `a.fetch_or(val).map_addr(|a| a | val)`. /// /// `fetch_or` takes an [`Ordering`] argument which describes the memory /// ordering of this operation. All ordering modes are possible. Note that /// using [`Acquire`] makes the store part of this operation [`Relaxed`], /// and using [`Release`] makes the load part [`Relaxed`]. /// /// **Note**: This method is only available on platforms that support atomic /// operations on [`AtomicPtr`]. /// /// This API and its claimed semantics are part of the Strict Provenance /// experiment, see the [module documentation for `ptr`][crate::ptr] for /// details. /// /// [`map_addr`]: pointer::map_addr /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// #![feature(strict_provenance_atomic_ptr, strict_provenance)] /// use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicPtr, Ordering}; /// /// let pointer = &mut 3i64 as *mut i64; /// /// let atom = AtomicPtr::::new(pointer); /// // Tag the bottom bit of the pointer. /// assert_eq!(atom.fetch_or(1, Ordering::Relaxed).addr() & 1, 0); /// // Extract and untag. /// let tagged = atom.load(Ordering::Relaxed); /// assert_eq!(tagged.addr() & 1, 1); /// assert_eq!(tagged.map_addr(|p| p & !1), pointer); /// ``` #[inline] #[cfg(target_has_atomic = "ptr")] #[unstable(feature = "strict_provenance_atomic_ptr", issue = "99108")] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces pub fn fetch_or(&self, val: usize, order: Ordering) -> *mut T { // SAFETY: data races are prevented by atomic intrinsics. unsafe { atomic_or(self.p.get(), core::ptr::invalid_mut(val), order).cast() } } /// Performs a bitwise "and" operation on the address of the current /// pointer, and the argument `val`, and stores a pointer with provenance of /// the current pointer and the resulting address. /// /// This is equivalent to using [`map_addr`] to atomically perform /// `ptr = ptr.map_addr(|a| a & val)`. This can be used in tagged /// pointer schemes to atomically unset tag bits. /// /// **Caveat**: This operation returns the previous value. To compute the /// stored value without losing provenance, you may use [`map_addr`]. For /// example: `a.fetch_and(val).map_addr(|a| a & val)`. /// /// `fetch_and` takes an [`Ordering`] argument which describes the memory /// ordering of this operation. All ordering modes are possible. Note that /// using [`Acquire`] makes the store part of this operation [`Relaxed`], /// and using [`Release`] makes the load part [`Relaxed`]. /// /// **Note**: This method is only available on platforms that support atomic /// operations on [`AtomicPtr`]. /// /// This API and its claimed semantics are part of the Strict Provenance /// experiment, see the [module documentation for `ptr`][crate::ptr] for /// details. /// /// [`map_addr`]: pointer::map_addr /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// #![feature(strict_provenance_atomic_ptr, strict_provenance)] /// use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicPtr, Ordering}; /// /// let pointer = &mut 3i64 as *mut i64; /// // A tagged pointer /// let atom = AtomicPtr::::new(pointer.map_addr(|a| a | 1)); /// assert_eq!(atom.fetch_or(1, Ordering::Relaxed).addr() & 1, 1); /// // Untag, and extract the previously tagged pointer. /// let untagged = atom.fetch_and(!1, Ordering::Relaxed) /// .map_addr(|a| a & !1); /// assert_eq!(untagged, pointer); /// ``` #[inline] #[cfg(target_has_atomic = "ptr")] #[unstable(feature = "strict_provenance_atomic_ptr", issue = "99108")] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces pub fn fetch_and(&self, val: usize, order: Ordering) -> *mut T { // SAFETY: data races are prevented by atomic intrinsics. unsafe { atomic_and(self.p.get(), core::ptr::invalid_mut(val), order).cast() } } /// Performs a bitwise "xor" operation on the address of the current /// pointer, and the argument `val`, and stores a pointer with provenance of /// the current pointer and the resulting address. /// /// This is equivalent to using [`map_addr`] to atomically perform /// `ptr = ptr.map_addr(|a| a ^ val)`. This can be used in tagged /// pointer schemes to atomically toggle tag bits. /// /// **Caveat**: This operation returns the previous value. To compute the /// stored value without losing provenance, you may use [`map_addr`]. For /// example: `a.fetch_xor(val).map_addr(|a| a ^ val)`. /// /// `fetch_xor` takes an [`Ordering`] argument which describes the memory /// ordering of this operation. All ordering modes are possible. Note that /// using [`Acquire`] makes the store part of this operation [`Relaxed`], /// and using [`Release`] makes the load part [`Relaxed`]. /// /// **Note**: This method is only available on platforms that support atomic /// operations on [`AtomicPtr`]. /// /// This API and its claimed semantics are part of the Strict Provenance /// experiment, see the [module documentation for `ptr`][crate::ptr] for /// details. /// /// [`map_addr`]: pointer::map_addr /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// #![feature(strict_provenance_atomic_ptr, strict_provenance)] /// use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicPtr, Ordering}; /// /// let pointer = &mut 3i64 as *mut i64; /// let atom = AtomicPtr::::new(pointer); /// /// // Toggle a tag bit on the pointer. /// atom.fetch_xor(1, Ordering::Relaxed); /// assert_eq!(atom.load(Ordering::Relaxed).addr() & 1, 1); /// ``` #[inline] #[cfg(target_has_atomic = "ptr")] #[unstable(feature = "strict_provenance_atomic_ptr", issue = "99108")] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces pub fn fetch_xor(&self, val: usize, order: Ordering) -> *mut T { // SAFETY: data races are prevented by atomic intrinsics. unsafe { atomic_xor(self.p.get(), core::ptr::invalid_mut(val), order).cast() } } } #[cfg(target_has_atomic_load_store = "8")] #[stable(feature = "atomic_bool_from", since = "1.24.0")] #[rustc_const_unstable(feature = "const_convert", issue = "88674")] impl const From for AtomicBool { /// Converts a `bool` into an `AtomicBool`. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::sync::atomic::AtomicBool; /// let atomic_bool = AtomicBool::from(true); /// assert_eq!(format!("{atomic_bool:?}"), "true") /// ``` #[inline] fn from(b: bool) -> Self { Self::new(b) } } #[cfg(target_has_atomic_load_store = "ptr")] #[stable(feature = "atomic_from", since = "1.23.0")] #[rustc_const_unstable(feature = "const_convert", issue = "88674")] impl const From<*mut T> for AtomicPtr { /// Converts a `*mut T` into an `AtomicPtr`. #[inline] fn from(p: *mut T) -> Self { Self::new(p) } } #[allow(unused_macros)] // This macro ends up being unused on some architectures. macro_rules! if_not_8_bit { (u8, $($tt:tt)*) => { "" }; (i8, $($tt:tt)*) => { "" }; ($_:ident, $($tt:tt)*) => { $($tt)* }; } #[cfg(target_has_atomic_load_store = "8")] macro_rules! atomic_int { ($cfg_cas:meta, $cfg_align:meta, $stable:meta, $stable_cxchg:meta, $stable_debug:meta, $stable_access:meta, $stable_from:meta, $stable_nand:meta, $const_stable:meta, $stable_init_const:meta, $diagnostic_item:meta, $s_int_type:literal, $extra_feature:expr, $min_fn:ident, $max_fn:ident, $align:expr, $atomic_new:expr, $int_type:ident $atomic_type:ident $atomic_init:ident) => { /// An integer type which can be safely shared between threads. /// /// This type has the same in-memory representation as the underlying /// integer type, [` #[doc = $s_int_type] /// `]. For more about the differences between atomic types and /// non-atomic types as well as information about the portability of /// this type, please see the [module-level documentation]. /// /// **Note:** This type is only available on platforms that support /// atomic loads and stores of [` #[doc = $s_int_type] /// `]. /// /// [module-level documentation]: crate::sync::atomic #[$stable] #[$diagnostic_item] #[repr(C, align($align))] pub struct $atomic_type { v: UnsafeCell<$int_type>, } /// An atomic integer initialized to `0`. #[$stable_init_const] #[deprecated( since = "1.34.0", note = "the `new` function is now preferred", suggestion = $atomic_new, )] pub const $atomic_init: $atomic_type = $atomic_type::new(0); #[$stable] #[rustc_const_unstable(feature = "const_default_impls", issue = "87864")] impl const Default for $atomic_type { #[inline] fn default() -> Self { Self::new(Default::default()) } } #[$stable_from] #[rustc_const_unstable(feature = "const_num_from_num", issue = "87852")] impl const From<$int_type> for $atomic_type { #[doc = concat!("Converts an `", stringify!($int_type), "` into an `", stringify!($atomic_type), "`.")] #[inline] fn from(v: $int_type) -> Self { Self::new(v) } } #[$stable_debug] impl fmt::Debug for $atomic_type { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { fmt::Debug::fmt(&self.load(Ordering::Relaxed), f) } } // Send is implicitly implemented. #[$stable] unsafe impl Sync for $atomic_type {} impl $atomic_type { /// Creates a new atomic integer. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` #[doc = concat!($extra_feature, "use std::sync::atomic::", stringify!($atomic_type), ";")] /// #[doc = concat!("let atomic_forty_two = ", stringify!($atomic_type), "::new(42);")] /// ``` #[inline] #[$stable] #[$const_stable] #[must_use] pub const fn new(v: $int_type) -> Self { Self {v: UnsafeCell::new(v)} } /// Returns a mutable reference to the underlying integer. /// /// This is safe because the mutable reference guarantees that no other threads are /// concurrently accessing the atomic data. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` #[doc = concat!($extra_feature, "use std::sync::atomic::{", stringify!($atomic_type), ", Ordering};")] /// #[doc = concat!("let mut some_var = ", stringify!($atomic_type), "::new(10);")] /// assert_eq!(*some_var.get_mut(), 10); /// *some_var.get_mut() = 5; /// assert_eq!(some_var.load(Ordering::SeqCst), 5); /// ``` #[inline] #[$stable_access] pub fn get_mut(&mut self) -> &mut $int_type { self.v.get_mut() } #[doc = concat!("Get atomic access to a `&mut ", stringify!($int_type), "`.")] /// #[doc = if_not_8_bit! { $int_type, concat!( "**Note:** This function is only available on targets where `", stringify!($int_type), "` has an alignment of ", $align, " bytes." ) }] /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// #![feature(atomic_from_mut)] #[doc = concat!($extra_feature, "use std::sync::atomic::{", stringify!($atomic_type), ", Ordering};")] /// /// let mut some_int = 123; #[doc = concat!("let a = ", stringify!($atomic_type), "::from_mut(&mut some_int);")] /// a.store(100, Ordering::Relaxed); /// assert_eq!(some_int, 100); /// ``` /// #[inline] #[$cfg_align] #[unstable(feature = "atomic_from_mut", issue = "76314")] pub fn from_mut(v: &mut $int_type) -> &mut Self { use crate::mem::align_of; let [] = [(); align_of::() - align_of::<$int_type>()]; // SAFETY: // - the mutable reference guarantees unique ownership. // - the alignment of `$int_type` and `Self` is the // same, as promised by $cfg_align and verified above. unsafe { &mut *(v as *mut $int_type as *mut Self) } } #[doc = concat!("Get non-atomic access to a `&mut [", stringify!($atomic_type), "]` slice")] /// /// This is safe because the mutable reference guarantees that no other threads are /// concurrently accessing the atomic data. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// #![feature(atomic_from_mut, inline_const)] #[doc = concat!($extra_feature, "use std::sync::atomic::{", stringify!($atomic_type), ", Ordering};")] /// #[doc = concat!("let mut some_ints = [const { ", stringify!($atomic_type), "::new(0) }; 10];")] /// #[doc = concat!("let view: &mut [", stringify!($int_type), "] = ", stringify!($atomic_type), "::get_mut_slice(&mut some_ints);")] /// assert_eq!(view, [0; 10]); /// view /// .iter_mut() /// .enumerate() /// .for_each(|(idx, int)| *int = idx as _); /// /// std::thread::scope(|s| { /// some_ints /// .iter() /// .enumerate() /// .for_each(|(idx, int)| { /// s.spawn(move || assert_eq!(int.load(Ordering::Relaxed), idx as _)); /// }) /// }); /// ``` #[inline] #[unstable(feature = "atomic_from_mut", issue = "76314")] pub fn get_mut_slice(this: &mut [Self]) -> &mut [$int_type] { // SAFETY: the mutable reference guarantees unique ownership. unsafe { &mut *(this as *mut [Self] as *mut [$int_type]) } } #[doc = concat!("Get atomic access to a `&mut [", stringify!($int_type), "]` slice.")] /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// #![feature(atomic_from_mut)] #[doc = concat!($extra_feature, "use std::sync::atomic::{", stringify!($atomic_type), ", Ordering};")] /// /// let mut some_ints = [0; 10]; #[doc = concat!("let a = &*", stringify!($atomic_type), "::from_mut_slice(&mut some_ints);")] /// std::thread::scope(|s| { /// for i in 0..a.len() { /// s.spawn(move || a[i].store(i as _, Ordering::Relaxed)); /// } /// }); /// for (i, n) in some_ints.into_iter().enumerate() { /// assert_eq!(i, n as usize); /// } /// ``` #[inline] #[$cfg_align] #[unstable(feature = "atomic_from_mut", issue = "76314")] pub fn from_mut_slice(v: &mut [$int_type]) -> &mut [Self] { use crate::mem::align_of; let [] = [(); align_of::() - align_of::<$int_type>()]; // SAFETY: // - the mutable reference guarantees unique ownership. // - the alignment of `$int_type` and `Self` is the // same, as promised by $cfg_align and verified above. unsafe { &mut *(v as *mut [$int_type] as *mut [Self]) } } /// Consumes the atomic and returns the contained value. /// /// This is safe because passing `self` by value guarantees that no other threads are /// concurrently accessing the atomic data. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` #[doc = concat!($extra_feature, "use std::sync::atomic::", stringify!($atomic_type), ";")] /// #[doc = concat!("let some_var = ", stringify!($atomic_type), "::new(5);")] /// assert_eq!(some_var.into_inner(), 5); /// ``` #[inline] #[$stable_access] #[rustc_const_unstable(feature = "const_cell_into_inner", issue = "78729")] pub const fn into_inner(self) -> $int_type { self.v.into_inner() } /// Loads a value from the atomic integer. /// /// `load` takes an [`Ordering`] argument which describes the memory ordering of this operation. /// Possible values are [`SeqCst`], [`Acquire`] and [`Relaxed`]. /// /// # Panics /// /// Panics if `order` is [`Release`] or [`AcqRel`]. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` #[doc = concat!($extra_feature, "use std::sync::atomic::{", stringify!($atomic_type), ", Ordering};")] /// #[doc = concat!("let some_var = ", stringify!($atomic_type), "::new(5);")] /// /// assert_eq!(some_var.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 5); /// ``` #[inline] #[$stable] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces pub fn load(&self, order: Ordering) -> $int_type { // SAFETY: data races are prevented by atomic intrinsics. unsafe { atomic_load(self.v.get(), order) } } /// Stores a value into the atomic integer. /// /// `store` takes an [`Ordering`] argument which describes the memory ordering of this operation. /// Possible values are [`SeqCst`], [`Release`] and [`Relaxed`]. /// /// # Panics /// /// Panics if `order` is [`Acquire`] or [`AcqRel`]. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` #[doc = concat!($extra_feature, "use std::sync::atomic::{", stringify!($atomic_type), ", Ordering};")] /// #[doc = concat!("let some_var = ", stringify!($atomic_type), "::new(5);")] /// /// some_var.store(10, Ordering::Relaxed); /// assert_eq!(some_var.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 10); /// ``` #[inline] #[$stable] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces pub fn store(&self, val: $int_type, order: Ordering) { // SAFETY: data races are prevented by atomic intrinsics. unsafe { atomic_store(self.v.get(), val, order); } } /// Stores a value into the atomic integer, returning the previous value. /// /// `swap` takes an [`Ordering`] argument which describes the memory ordering /// of this operation. All ordering modes are possible. Note that using /// [`Acquire`] makes the store part of this operation [`Relaxed`], and /// using [`Release`] makes the load part [`Relaxed`]. /// /// **Note**: This method is only available on platforms that support atomic operations on #[doc = concat!("[`", $s_int_type, "`].")] /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` #[doc = concat!($extra_feature, "use std::sync::atomic::{", stringify!($atomic_type), ", Ordering};")] /// #[doc = concat!("let some_var = ", stringify!($atomic_type), "::new(5);")] /// /// assert_eq!(some_var.swap(10, Ordering::Relaxed), 5); /// ``` #[inline] #[$stable] #[$cfg_cas] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces pub fn swap(&self, val: $int_type, order: Ordering) -> $int_type { // SAFETY: data races are prevented by atomic intrinsics. unsafe { atomic_swap(self.v.get(), val, order) } } /// Stores a value into the atomic integer if the current value is the same as /// the `current` value. /// /// The return value is always the previous value. If it is equal to `current`, then the /// value was updated. /// /// `compare_and_swap` also takes an [`Ordering`] argument which describes the memory /// ordering of this operation. Notice that even when using [`AcqRel`], the operation /// might fail and hence just perform an `Acquire` load, but not have `Release` semantics. /// Using [`Acquire`] makes the store part of this operation [`Relaxed`] if it /// happens, and using [`Release`] makes the load part [`Relaxed`]. /// /// **Note**: This method is only available on platforms that support atomic operations on #[doc = concat!("[`", $s_int_type, "`].")] /// /// # Migrating to `compare_exchange` and `compare_exchange_weak` /// /// `compare_and_swap` is equivalent to `compare_exchange` with the following mapping for /// memory orderings: /// /// Original | Success | Failure /// -------- | ------- | ------- /// Relaxed | Relaxed | Relaxed /// Acquire | Acquire | Acquire /// Release | Release | Relaxed /// AcqRel | AcqRel | Acquire /// SeqCst | SeqCst | SeqCst /// /// `compare_exchange_weak` is allowed to fail spuriously even when the comparison succeeds, /// which allows the compiler to generate better assembly code when the compare and swap /// is used in a loop. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` #[doc = concat!($extra_feature, "use std::sync::atomic::{", stringify!($atomic_type), ", Ordering};")] /// #[doc = concat!("let some_var = ", stringify!($atomic_type), "::new(5);")] /// /// assert_eq!(some_var.compare_and_swap(5, 10, Ordering::Relaxed), 5); /// assert_eq!(some_var.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 10); /// /// assert_eq!(some_var.compare_and_swap(6, 12, Ordering::Relaxed), 10); /// assert_eq!(some_var.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 10); /// ``` #[inline] #[$stable] #[deprecated( since = "1.50.0", note = "Use `compare_exchange` or `compare_exchange_weak` instead") ] #[$cfg_cas] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces pub fn compare_and_swap(&self, current: $int_type, new: $int_type, order: Ordering) -> $int_type { match self.compare_exchange(current, new, order, strongest_failure_ordering(order)) { Ok(x) => x, Err(x) => x, } } /// Stores a value into the atomic integer if the current value is the same as /// the `current` value. /// /// The return value is a result indicating whether the new value was written and /// containing the previous value. On success this value is guaranteed to be equal to /// `current`. /// /// `compare_exchange` takes two [`Ordering`] arguments to describe the memory /// ordering of this operation. `success` describes the required ordering for the /// read-modify-write operation that takes place if the comparison with `current` succeeds. /// `failure` describes the required ordering for the load operation that takes place when /// the comparison fails. Using [`Acquire`] as success ordering makes the store part /// of this operation [`Relaxed`], and using [`Release`] makes the successful load /// [`Relaxed`]. The failure ordering can only be [`SeqCst`], [`Acquire`] or [`Relaxed`]. /// /// **Note**: This method is only available on platforms that support atomic operations on #[doc = concat!("[`", $s_int_type, "`].")] /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` #[doc = concat!($extra_feature, "use std::sync::atomic::{", stringify!($atomic_type), ", Ordering};")] /// #[doc = concat!("let some_var = ", stringify!($atomic_type), "::new(5);")] /// /// assert_eq!(some_var.compare_exchange(5, 10, /// Ordering::Acquire, /// Ordering::Relaxed), /// Ok(5)); /// assert_eq!(some_var.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 10); /// /// assert_eq!(some_var.compare_exchange(6, 12, /// Ordering::SeqCst, /// Ordering::Acquire), /// Err(10)); /// assert_eq!(some_var.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 10); /// ``` #[inline] #[$stable_cxchg] #[$cfg_cas] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces pub fn compare_exchange(&self, current: $int_type, new: $int_type, success: Ordering, failure: Ordering) -> Result<$int_type, $int_type> { // SAFETY: data races are prevented by atomic intrinsics. unsafe { atomic_compare_exchange(self.v.get(), current, new, success, failure) } } /// Stores a value into the atomic integer if the current value is the same as /// the `current` value. /// #[doc = concat!("Unlike [`", stringify!($atomic_type), "::compare_exchange`],")] /// this function is allowed to spuriously fail even /// when the comparison succeeds, which can result in more efficient code on some /// platforms. The return value is a result indicating whether the new value was /// written and containing the previous value. /// /// `compare_exchange_weak` takes two [`Ordering`] arguments to describe the memory /// ordering of this operation. `success` describes the required ordering for the /// read-modify-write operation that takes place if the comparison with `current` succeeds. /// `failure` describes the required ordering for the load operation that takes place when /// the comparison fails. Using [`Acquire`] as success ordering makes the store part /// of this operation [`Relaxed`], and using [`Release`] makes the successful load /// [`Relaxed`]. The failure ordering can only be [`SeqCst`], [`Acquire`] or [`Relaxed`]. /// /// **Note**: This method is only available on platforms that support atomic operations on #[doc = concat!("[`", $s_int_type, "`].")] /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` #[doc = concat!($extra_feature, "use std::sync::atomic::{", stringify!($atomic_type), ", Ordering};")] /// #[doc = concat!("let val = ", stringify!($atomic_type), "::new(4);")] /// /// let mut old = val.load(Ordering::Relaxed); /// loop { /// let new = old * 2; /// match val.compare_exchange_weak(old, new, Ordering::SeqCst, Ordering::Relaxed) { /// Ok(_) => break, /// Err(x) => old = x, /// } /// } /// ``` #[inline] #[$stable_cxchg] #[$cfg_cas] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces pub fn compare_exchange_weak(&self, current: $int_type, new: $int_type, success: Ordering, failure: Ordering) -> Result<$int_type, $int_type> { // SAFETY: data races are prevented by atomic intrinsics. unsafe { atomic_compare_exchange_weak(self.v.get(), current, new, success, failure) } } /// Adds to the current value, returning the previous value. /// /// This operation wraps around on overflow. /// /// `fetch_add` takes an [`Ordering`] argument which describes the memory ordering /// of this operation. All ordering modes are possible. Note that using /// [`Acquire`] makes the store part of this operation [`Relaxed`], and /// using [`Release`] makes the load part [`Relaxed`]. /// /// **Note**: This method is only available on platforms that support atomic operations on #[doc = concat!("[`", $s_int_type, "`].")] /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` #[doc = concat!($extra_feature, "use std::sync::atomic::{", stringify!($atomic_type), ", Ordering};")] /// #[doc = concat!("let foo = ", stringify!($atomic_type), "::new(0);")] /// assert_eq!(foo.fetch_add(10, Ordering::SeqCst), 0); /// assert_eq!(foo.load(Ordering::SeqCst), 10); /// ``` #[inline] #[$stable] #[$cfg_cas] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces pub fn fetch_add(&self, val: $int_type, order: Ordering) -> $int_type { // SAFETY: data races are prevented by atomic intrinsics. unsafe { atomic_add(self.v.get(), val, order) } } /// Subtracts from the current value, returning the previous value. /// /// This operation wraps around on overflow. /// /// `fetch_sub` takes an [`Ordering`] argument which describes the memory ordering /// of this operation. All ordering modes are possible. Note that using /// [`Acquire`] makes the store part of this operation [`Relaxed`], and /// using [`Release`] makes the load part [`Relaxed`]. /// /// **Note**: This method is only available on platforms that support atomic operations on #[doc = concat!("[`", $s_int_type, "`].")] /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` #[doc = concat!($extra_feature, "use std::sync::atomic::{", stringify!($atomic_type), ", Ordering};")] /// #[doc = concat!("let foo = ", stringify!($atomic_type), "::new(20);")] /// assert_eq!(foo.fetch_sub(10, Ordering::SeqCst), 20); /// assert_eq!(foo.load(Ordering::SeqCst), 10); /// ``` #[inline] #[$stable] #[$cfg_cas] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces pub fn fetch_sub(&self, val: $int_type, order: Ordering) -> $int_type { // SAFETY: data races are prevented by atomic intrinsics. unsafe { atomic_sub(self.v.get(), val, order) } } /// Bitwise "and" with the current value. /// /// Performs a bitwise "and" operation on the current value and the argument `val`, and /// sets the new value to the result. /// /// Returns the previous value. /// /// `fetch_and` takes an [`Ordering`] argument which describes the memory ordering /// of this operation. All ordering modes are possible. Note that using /// [`Acquire`] makes the store part of this operation [`Relaxed`], and /// using [`Release`] makes the load part [`Relaxed`]. /// /// **Note**: This method is only available on platforms that support atomic operations on #[doc = concat!("[`", $s_int_type, "`].")] /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` #[doc = concat!($extra_feature, "use std::sync::atomic::{", stringify!($atomic_type), ", Ordering};")] /// #[doc = concat!("let foo = ", stringify!($atomic_type), "::new(0b101101);")] /// assert_eq!(foo.fetch_and(0b110011, Ordering::SeqCst), 0b101101); /// assert_eq!(foo.load(Ordering::SeqCst), 0b100001); /// ``` #[inline] #[$stable] #[$cfg_cas] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces pub fn fetch_and(&self, val: $int_type, order: Ordering) -> $int_type { // SAFETY: data races are prevented by atomic intrinsics. unsafe { atomic_and(self.v.get(), val, order) } } /// Bitwise "nand" with the current value. /// /// Performs a bitwise "nand" operation on the current value and the argument `val`, and /// sets the new value to the result. /// /// Returns the previous value. /// /// `fetch_nand` takes an [`Ordering`] argument which describes the memory ordering /// of this operation. All ordering modes are possible. Note that using /// [`Acquire`] makes the store part of this operation [`Relaxed`], and /// using [`Release`] makes the load part [`Relaxed`]. /// /// **Note**: This method is only available on platforms that support atomic operations on #[doc = concat!("[`", $s_int_type, "`].")] /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` #[doc = concat!($extra_feature, "use std::sync::atomic::{", stringify!($atomic_type), ", Ordering};")] /// #[doc = concat!("let foo = ", stringify!($atomic_type), "::new(0x13);")] /// assert_eq!(foo.fetch_nand(0x31, Ordering::SeqCst), 0x13); /// assert_eq!(foo.load(Ordering::SeqCst), !(0x13 & 0x31)); /// ``` #[inline] #[$stable_nand] #[$cfg_cas] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces pub fn fetch_nand(&self, val: $int_type, order: Ordering) -> $int_type { // SAFETY: data races are prevented by atomic intrinsics. unsafe { atomic_nand(self.v.get(), val, order) } } /// Bitwise "or" with the current value. /// /// Performs a bitwise "or" operation on the current value and the argument `val`, and /// sets the new value to the result. /// /// Returns the previous value. /// /// `fetch_or` takes an [`Ordering`] argument which describes the memory ordering /// of this operation. All ordering modes are possible. Note that using /// [`Acquire`] makes the store part of this operation [`Relaxed`], and /// using [`Release`] makes the load part [`Relaxed`]. /// /// **Note**: This method is only available on platforms that support atomic operations on #[doc = concat!("[`", $s_int_type, "`].")] /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` #[doc = concat!($extra_feature, "use std::sync::atomic::{", stringify!($atomic_type), ", Ordering};")] /// #[doc = concat!("let foo = ", stringify!($atomic_type), "::new(0b101101);")] /// assert_eq!(foo.fetch_or(0b110011, Ordering::SeqCst), 0b101101); /// assert_eq!(foo.load(Ordering::SeqCst), 0b111111); /// ``` #[inline] #[$stable] #[$cfg_cas] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces pub fn fetch_or(&self, val: $int_type, order: Ordering) -> $int_type { // SAFETY: data races are prevented by atomic intrinsics. unsafe { atomic_or(self.v.get(), val, order) } } /// Bitwise "xor" with the current value. /// /// Performs a bitwise "xor" operation on the current value and the argument `val`, and /// sets the new value to the result. /// /// Returns the previous value. /// /// `fetch_xor` takes an [`Ordering`] argument which describes the memory ordering /// of this operation. All ordering modes are possible. Note that using /// [`Acquire`] makes the store part of this operation [`Relaxed`], and /// using [`Release`] makes the load part [`Relaxed`]. /// /// **Note**: This method is only available on platforms that support atomic operations on #[doc = concat!("[`", $s_int_type, "`].")] /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` #[doc = concat!($extra_feature, "use std::sync::atomic::{", stringify!($atomic_type), ", Ordering};")] /// #[doc = concat!("let foo = ", stringify!($atomic_type), "::new(0b101101);")] /// assert_eq!(foo.fetch_xor(0b110011, Ordering::SeqCst), 0b101101); /// assert_eq!(foo.load(Ordering::SeqCst), 0b011110); /// ``` #[inline] #[$stable] #[$cfg_cas] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces pub fn fetch_xor(&self, val: $int_type, order: Ordering) -> $int_type { // SAFETY: data races are prevented by atomic intrinsics. unsafe { atomic_xor(self.v.get(), val, order) } } /// Fetches the value, and applies a function to it that returns an optional /// new value. Returns a `Result` of `Ok(previous_value)` if the function returned `Some(_)`, else /// `Err(previous_value)`. /// /// Note: This may call the function multiple times if the value has been changed from other threads in /// the meantime, as long as the function returns `Some(_)`, but the function will have been applied /// only once to the stored value. /// /// `fetch_update` takes two [`Ordering`] arguments to describe the memory ordering of this operation. /// The first describes the required ordering for when the operation finally succeeds while the second /// describes the required ordering for loads. These correspond to the success and failure orderings of #[doc = concat!("[`", stringify!($atomic_type), "::compare_exchange`]")] /// respectively. /// /// Using [`Acquire`] as success ordering makes the store part /// of this operation [`Relaxed`], and using [`Release`] makes the final successful load /// [`Relaxed`]. The (failed) load ordering can only be [`SeqCst`], [`Acquire`] or [`Relaxed`]. /// /// **Note**: This method is only available on platforms that support atomic operations on #[doc = concat!("[`", $s_int_type, "`].")] /// /// # Considerations /// /// This method is not magic; it is not provided by the hardware. /// It is implemented in terms of #[doc = concat!("[`", stringify!($atomic_type), "::compare_exchange_weak`],")] /// and suffers from the same drawbacks. /// In particular, this method will not circumvent the [ABA Problem]. /// /// [ABA Problem]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ABA_problem /// /// # Examples /// /// ```rust #[doc = concat!($extra_feature, "use std::sync::atomic::{", stringify!($atomic_type), ", Ordering};")] /// #[doc = concat!("let x = ", stringify!($atomic_type), "::new(7);")] /// assert_eq!(x.fetch_update(Ordering::SeqCst, Ordering::SeqCst, |_| None), Err(7)); /// assert_eq!(x.fetch_update(Ordering::SeqCst, Ordering::SeqCst, |x| Some(x + 1)), Ok(7)); /// assert_eq!(x.fetch_update(Ordering::SeqCst, Ordering::SeqCst, |x| Some(x + 1)), Ok(8)); /// assert_eq!(x.load(Ordering::SeqCst), 9); /// ``` #[inline] #[stable(feature = "no_more_cas", since = "1.45.0")] #[$cfg_cas] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces pub fn fetch_update(&self, set_order: Ordering, fetch_order: Ordering, mut f: F) -> Result<$int_type, $int_type> where F: FnMut($int_type) -> Option<$int_type> { let mut prev = self.load(fetch_order); while let Some(next) = f(prev) { match self.compare_exchange_weak(prev, next, set_order, fetch_order) { x @ Ok(_) => return x, Err(next_prev) => prev = next_prev } } Err(prev) } /// Maximum with the current value. /// /// Finds the maximum of the current value and the argument `val`, and /// sets the new value to the result. /// /// Returns the previous value. /// /// `fetch_max` takes an [`Ordering`] argument which describes the memory ordering /// of this operation. All ordering modes are possible. Note that using /// [`Acquire`] makes the store part of this operation [`Relaxed`], and /// using [`Release`] makes the load part [`Relaxed`]. /// /// **Note**: This method is only available on platforms that support atomic operations on #[doc = concat!("[`", $s_int_type, "`].")] /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` #[doc = concat!($extra_feature, "use std::sync::atomic::{", stringify!($atomic_type), ", Ordering};")] /// #[doc = concat!("let foo = ", stringify!($atomic_type), "::new(23);")] /// assert_eq!(foo.fetch_max(42, Ordering::SeqCst), 23); /// assert_eq!(foo.load(Ordering::SeqCst), 42); /// ``` /// /// If you want to obtain the maximum value in one step, you can use the following: /// /// ``` #[doc = concat!($extra_feature, "use std::sync::atomic::{", stringify!($atomic_type), ", Ordering};")] /// #[doc = concat!("let foo = ", stringify!($atomic_type), "::new(23);")] /// let bar = 42; /// let max_foo = foo.fetch_max(bar, Ordering::SeqCst).max(bar); /// assert!(max_foo == 42); /// ``` #[inline] #[stable(feature = "atomic_min_max", since = "1.45.0")] #[$cfg_cas] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces pub fn fetch_max(&self, val: $int_type, order: Ordering) -> $int_type { // SAFETY: data races are prevented by atomic intrinsics. unsafe { $max_fn(self.v.get(), val, order) } } /// Minimum with the current value. /// /// Finds the minimum of the current value and the argument `val`, and /// sets the new value to the result. /// /// Returns the previous value. /// /// `fetch_min` takes an [`Ordering`] argument which describes the memory ordering /// of this operation. All ordering modes are possible. Note that using /// [`Acquire`] makes the store part of this operation [`Relaxed`], and /// using [`Release`] makes the load part [`Relaxed`]. /// /// **Note**: This method is only available on platforms that support atomic operations on #[doc = concat!("[`", $s_int_type, "`].")] /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` #[doc = concat!($extra_feature, "use std::sync::atomic::{", stringify!($atomic_type), ", Ordering};")] /// #[doc = concat!("let foo = ", stringify!($atomic_type), "::new(23);")] /// assert_eq!(foo.fetch_min(42, Ordering::Relaxed), 23); /// assert_eq!(foo.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 23); /// assert_eq!(foo.fetch_min(22, Ordering::Relaxed), 23); /// assert_eq!(foo.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 22); /// ``` /// /// If you want to obtain the minimum value in one step, you can use the following: /// /// ``` #[doc = concat!($extra_feature, "use std::sync::atomic::{", stringify!($atomic_type), ", Ordering};")] /// #[doc = concat!("let foo = ", stringify!($atomic_type), "::new(23);")] /// let bar = 12; /// let min_foo = foo.fetch_min(bar, Ordering::SeqCst).min(bar); /// assert_eq!(min_foo, 12); /// ``` #[inline] #[stable(feature = "atomic_min_max", since = "1.45.0")] #[$cfg_cas] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces pub fn fetch_min(&self, val: $int_type, order: Ordering) -> $int_type { // SAFETY: data races are prevented by atomic intrinsics. unsafe { $min_fn(self.v.get(), val, order) } } /// Returns a mutable pointer to the underlying integer. /// /// Doing non-atomic reads and writes on the resulting integer can be a data race. /// This method is mostly useful for FFI, where the function signature may use #[doc = concat!("`*mut ", stringify!($int_type), "` instead of `&", stringify!($atomic_type), "`.")] /// /// Returning an `*mut` pointer from a shared reference to this atomic is safe because the /// atomic types work with interior mutability. All modifications of an atomic change the value /// through a shared reference, and can do so safely as long as they use atomic operations. Any /// use of the returned raw pointer requires an `unsafe` block and still has to uphold the same /// restriction: operations on it must be atomic. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```ignore (extern-declaration) /// # fn main() { #[doc = concat!($extra_feature, "use std::sync::atomic::", stringify!($atomic_type), ";")] /// /// extern "C" { #[doc = concat!(" fn my_atomic_op(arg: *mut ", stringify!($int_type), ");")] /// } /// #[doc = concat!("let mut atomic = ", stringify!($atomic_type), "::new(1);")] /// // SAFETY: Safe as long as `my_atomic_op` is atomic. /// unsafe { /// my_atomic_op(atomic.as_mut_ptr()); /// } /// # } /// ``` #[inline] #[unstable(feature = "atomic_mut_ptr", reason = "recently added", issue = "66893")] pub fn as_mut_ptr(&self) -> *mut $int_type { self.v.get() } } } } #[cfg(target_has_atomic_load_store = "8")] atomic_int! { cfg(target_has_atomic = "8"), cfg(target_has_atomic_equal_alignment = "8"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), rustc_const_stable(feature = "const_integer_atomics", since = "1.34.0"), unstable(feature = "integer_atomics", issue = "99069"), cfg_attr(not(test), rustc_diagnostic_item = "AtomicI8"), "i8", "", atomic_min, atomic_max, 1, "AtomicI8::new(0)", i8 AtomicI8 ATOMIC_I8_INIT } #[cfg(target_has_atomic_load_store = "8")] atomic_int! { cfg(target_has_atomic = "8"), cfg(target_has_atomic_equal_alignment = "8"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), rustc_const_stable(feature = "const_integer_atomics", since = "1.34.0"), unstable(feature = "integer_atomics", issue = "99069"), cfg_attr(not(test), rustc_diagnostic_item = "AtomicU8"), "u8", "", atomic_umin, atomic_umax, 1, "AtomicU8::new(0)", u8 AtomicU8 ATOMIC_U8_INIT } #[cfg(target_has_atomic_load_store = "16")] atomic_int! { cfg(target_has_atomic = "16"), cfg(target_has_atomic_equal_alignment = "16"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), rustc_const_stable(feature = "const_integer_atomics", since = "1.34.0"), unstable(feature = "integer_atomics", issue = "99069"), cfg_attr(not(test), rustc_diagnostic_item = "AtomicI16"), "i16", "", atomic_min, atomic_max, 2, "AtomicI16::new(0)", i16 AtomicI16 ATOMIC_I16_INIT } #[cfg(target_has_atomic_load_store = "16")] atomic_int! { cfg(target_has_atomic = "16"), cfg(target_has_atomic_equal_alignment = "16"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), rustc_const_stable(feature = "const_integer_atomics", since = "1.34.0"), unstable(feature = "integer_atomics", issue = "99069"), cfg_attr(not(test), rustc_diagnostic_item = "AtomicU16"), "u16", "", atomic_umin, atomic_umax, 2, "AtomicU16::new(0)", u16 AtomicU16 ATOMIC_U16_INIT } #[cfg(target_has_atomic_load_store = "32")] atomic_int! { cfg(target_has_atomic = "32"), cfg(target_has_atomic_equal_alignment = "32"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), rustc_const_stable(feature = "const_integer_atomics", since = "1.34.0"), unstable(feature = "integer_atomics", issue = "99069"), cfg_attr(not(test), rustc_diagnostic_item = "AtomicI32"), "i32", "", atomic_min, atomic_max, 4, "AtomicI32::new(0)", i32 AtomicI32 ATOMIC_I32_INIT } #[cfg(target_has_atomic_load_store = "32")] atomic_int! { cfg(target_has_atomic = "32"), cfg(target_has_atomic_equal_alignment = "32"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), rustc_const_stable(feature = "const_integer_atomics", since = "1.34.0"), unstable(feature = "integer_atomics", issue = "99069"), cfg_attr(not(test), rustc_diagnostic_item = "AtomicU32"), "u32", "", atomic_umin, atomic_umax, 4, "AtomicU32::new(0)", u32 AtomicU32 ATOMIC_U32_INIT } #[cfg(target_has_atomic_load_store = "64")] atomic_int! { cfg(target_has_atomic = "64"), cfg(target_has_atomic_equal_alignment = "64"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), rustc_const_stable(feature = "const_integer_atomics", since = "1.34.0"), unstable(feature = "integer_atomics", issue = "99069"), cfg_attr(not(test), rustc_diagnostic_item = "AtomicI64"), "i64", "", atomic_min, atomic_max, 8, "AtomicI64::new(0)", i64 AtomicI64 ATOMIC_I64_INIT } #[cfg(target_has_atomic_load_store = "64")] atomic_int! { cfg(target_has_atomic = "64"), cfg(target_has_atomic_equal_alignment = "64"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), stable(feature = "integer_atomics_stable", since = "1.34.0"), rustc_const_stable(feature = "const_integer_atomics", since = "1.34.0"), unstable(feature = "integer_atomics", issue = "99069"), cfg_attr(not(test), rustc_diagnostic_item = "AtomicU64"), "u64", "", atomic_umin, atomic_umax, 8, "AtomicU64::new(0)", u64 AtomicU64 ATOMIC_U64_INIT } #[cfg(target_has_atomic_load_store = "128")] atomic_int! { cfg(target_has_atomic = "128"), cfg(target_has_atomic_equal_alignment = "128"), unstable(feature = "integer_atomics", issue = "99069"), unstable(feature = "integer_atomics", issue = "99069"), unstable(feature = "integer_atomics", issue = "99069"), unstable(feature = "integer_atomics", issue = "99069"), unstable(feature = "integer_atomics", issue = "99069"), unstable(feature = "integer_atomics", issue = "99069"), rustc_const_stable(feature = "const_integer_atomics", since = "1.34.0"), unstable(feature = "integer_atomics", issue = "99069"), cfg_attr(not(test), rustc_diagnostic_item = "AtomicI128"), "i128", "#![feature(integer_atomics)]\n\n", atomic_min, atomic_max, 16, "AtomicI128::new(0)", i128 AtomicI128 ATOMIC_I128_INIT } #[cfg(target_has_atomic_load_store = "128")] atomic_int! { cfg(target_has_atomic = "128"), cfg(target_has_atomic_equal_alignment = "128"), unstable(feature = "integer_atomics", issue = "99069"), unstable(feature = "integer_atomics", issue = "99069"), unstable(feature = "integer_atomics", issue = "99069"), unstable(feature = "integer_atomics", issue = "99069"), unstable(feature = "integer_atomics", issue = "99069"), unstable(feature = "integer_atomics", issue = "99069"), rustc_const_stable(feature = "const_integer_atomics", since = "1.34.0"), unstable(feature = "integer_atomics", issue = "99069"), cfg_attr(not(test), rustc_diagnostic_item = "AtomicU128"), "u128", "#![feature(integer_atomics)]\n\n", atomic_umin, atomic_umax, 16, "AtomicU128::new(0)", u128 AtomicU128 ATOMIC_U128_INIT } macro_rules! atomic_int_ptr_sized { ( $($target_pointer_width:literal $align:literal)* ) => { $( #[cfg(target_has_atomic_load_store = "ptr")] #[cfg(target_pointer_width = $target_pointer_width)] atomic_int! { cfg(target_has_atomic = "ptr"), cfg(target_has_atomic_equal_alignment = "ptr"), stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0"), stable(feature = "extended_compare_and_swap", since = "1.10.0"), stable(feature = "atomic_debug", since = "1.3.0"), stable(feature = "atomic_access", since = "1.15.0"), stable(feature = "atomic_from", since = "1.23.0"), stable(feature = "atomic_nand", since = "1.27.0"), rustc_const_stable(feature = "const_ptr_sized_atomics", since = "1.24.0"), stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0"), cfg_attr(not(test), rustc_diagnostic_item = "AtomicIsize"), "isize", "", atomic_min, atomic_max, $align, "AtomicIsize::new(0)", isize AtomicIsize ATOMIC_ISIZE_INIT } #[cfg(target_has_atomic_load_store = "ptr")] #[cfg(target_pointer_width = $target_pointer_width)] atomic_int! { cfg(target_has_atomic = "ptr"), cfg(target_has_atomic_equal_alignment = "ptr"), stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0"), stable(feature = "extended_compare_and_swap", since = "1.10.0"), stable(feature = "atomic_debug", since = "1.3.0"), stable(feature = "atomic_access", since = "1.15.0"), stable(feature = "atomic_from", since = "1.23.0"), stable(feature = "atomic_nand", since = "1.27.0"), rustc_const_stable(feature = "const_ptr_sized_atomics", since = "1.24.0"), stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0"), cfg_attr(not(test), rustc_diagnostic_item = "AtomicUsize"), "usize", "", atomic_umin, atomic_umax, $align, "AtomicUsize::new(0)", usize AtomicUsize ATOMIC_USIZE_INIT } )* }; } atomic_int_ptr_sized! { "16" 2 "32" 4 "64" 8 } #[inline] #[cfg(target_has_atomic = "8")] fn strongest_failure_ordering(order: Ordering) -> Ordering { match order { Release => Relaxed, Relaxed => Relaxed, SeqCst => SeqCst, Acquire => Acquire, AcqRel => Acquire, } } #[inline] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces unsafe fn atomic_store(dst: *mut T, val: T, order: Ordering) { // SAFETY: the caller must uphold the safety contract for `atomic_store`. unsafe { match order { Relaxed => intrinsics::atomic_store_relaxed(dst, val), Release => intrinsics::atomic_store_release(dst, val), SeqCst => intrinsics::atomic_store_seqcst(dst, val), Acquire => panic!("there is no such thing as an acquire store"), AcqRel => panic!("there is no such thing as an acquire-release store"), } } } #[inline] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces unsafe fn atomic_load(dst: *const T, order: Ordering) -> T { // SAFETY: the caller must uphold the safety contract for `atomic_load`. unsafe { match order { Relaxed => intrinsics::atomic_load_relaxed(dst), Acquire => intrinsics::atomic_load_acquire(dst), SeqCst => intrinsics::atomic_load_seqcst(dst), Release => panic!("there is no such thing as a release load"), AcqRel => panic!("there is no such thing as an acquire-release load"), } } } #[inline] #[cfg(target_has_atomic = "8")] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces unsafe fn atomic_swap(dst: *mut T, val: T, order: Ordering) -> T { // SAFETY: the caller must uphold the safety contract for `atomic_swap`. unsafe { match order { Relaxed => intrinsics::atomic_xchg_relaxed(dst, val), Acquire => intrinsics::atomic_xchg_acquire(dst, val), Release => intrinsics::atomic_xchg_release(dst, val), AcqRel => intrinsics::atomic_xchg_acqrel(dst, val), SeqCst => intrinsics::atomic_xchg_seqcst(dst, val), } } } /// Returns the previous value (like __sync_fetch_and_add). #[inline] #[cfg(target_has_atomic = "8")] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces unsafe fn atomic_add(dst: *mut T, val: T, order: Ordering) -> T { // SAFETY: the caller must uphold the safety contract for `atomic_add`. unsafe { match order { Relaxed => intrinsics::atomic_xadd_relaxed(dst, val), Acquire => intrinsics::atomic_xadd_acquire(dst, val), Release => intrinsics::atomic_xadd_release(dst, val), AcqRel => intrinsics::atomic_xadd_acqrel(dst, val), SeqCst => intrinsics::atomic_xadd_seqcst(dst, val), } } } /// Returns the previous value (like __sync_fetch_and_sub). #[inline] #[cfg(target_has_atomic = "8")] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces unsafe fn atomic_sub(dst: *mut T, val: T, order: Ordering) -> T { // SAFETY: the caller must uphold the safety contract for `atomic_sub`. unsafe { match order { Relaxed => intrinsics::atomic_xsub_relaxed(dst, val), Acquire => intrinsics::atomic_xsub_acquire(dst, val), Release => intrinsics::atomic_xsub_release(dst, val), AcqRel => intrinsics::atomic_xsub_acqrel(dst, val), SeqCst => intrinsics::atomic_xsub_seqcst(dst, val), } } } #[inline] #[cfg(target_has_atomic = "8")] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces unsafe fn atomic_compare_exchange( dst: *mut T, old: T, new: T, success: Ordering, failure: Ordering, ) -> Result { // SAFETY: the caller must uphold the safety contract for `atomic_compare_exchange`. let (val, ok) = unsafe { match (success, failure) { (Relaxed, Relaxed) => intrinsics::atomic_cxchg_relaxed_relaxed(dst, old, new), (Relaxed, Acquire) => intrinsics::atomic_cxchg_relaxed_acquire(dst, old, new), (Relaxed, SeqCst) => intrinsics::atomic_cxchg_relaxed_seqcst(dst, old, new), (Acquire, Relaxed) => intrinsics::atomic_cxchg_acquire_relaxed(dst, old, new), (Acquire, Acquire) => intrinsics::atomic_cxchg_acquire_acquire(dst, old, new), (Acquire, SeqCst) => intrinsics::atomic_cxchg_acquire_seqcst(dst, old, new), (Release, Relaxed) => intrinsics::atomic_cxchg_release_relaxed(dst, old, new), (Release, Acquire) => intrinsics::atomic_cxchg_release_acquire(dst, old, new), (Release, SeqCst) => intrinsics::atomic_cxchg_release_seqcst(dst, old, new), (AcqRel, Relaxed) => intrinsics::atomic_cxchg_acqrel_relaxed(dst, old, new), (AcqRel, Acquire) => intrinsics::atomic_cxchg_acqrel_acquire(dst, old, new), (AcqRel, SeqCst) => intrinsics::atomic_cxchg_acqrel_seqcst(dst, old, new), (SeqCst, Relaxed) => intrinsics::atomic_cxchg_seqcst_relaxed(dst, old, new), (SeqCst, Acquire) => intrinsics::atomic_cxchg_seqcst_acquire(dst, old, new), (SeqCst, SeqCst) => intrinsics::atomic_cxchg_seqcst_seqcst(dst, old, new), (_, AcqRel) => panic!("there is no such thing as an acquire-release failure ordering"), (_, Release) => panic!("there is no such thing as a release failure ordering"), } }; if ok { Ok(val) } else { Err(val) } } #[inline] #[cfg(target_has_atomic = "8")] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces unsafe fn atomic_compare_exchange_weak( dst: *mut T, old: T, new: T, success: Ordering, failure: Ordering, ) -> Result { // SAFETY: the caller must uphold the safety contract for `atomic_compare_exchange_weak`. let (val, ok) = unsafe { match (success, failure) { (Relaxed, Relaxed) => intrinsics::atomic_cxchgweak_relaxed_relaxed(dst, old, new), (Relaxed, Acquire) => intrinsics::atomic_cxchgweak_relaxed_acquire(dst, old, new), (Relaxed, SeqCst) => intrinsics::atomic_cxchgweak_relaxed_seqcst(dst, old, new), (Acquire, Relaxed) => intrinsics::atomic_cxchgweak_acquire_relaxed(dst, old, new), (Acquire, Acquire) => intrinsics::atomic_cxchgweak_acquire_acquire(dst, old, new), (Acquire, SeqCst) => intrinsics::atomic_cxchgweak_acquire_seqcst(dst, old, new), (Release, Relaxed) => intrinsics::atomic_cxchgweak_release_relaxed(dst, old, new), (Release, Acquire) => intrinsics::atomic_cxchgweak_release_acquire(dst, old, new), (Release, SeqCst) => intrinsics::atomic_cxchgweak_release_seqcst(dst, old, new), (AcqRel, Relaxed) => intrinsics::atomic_cxchgweak_acqrel_relaxed(dst, old, new), (AcqRel, Acquire) => intrinsics::atomic_cxchgweak_acqrel_acquire(dst, old, new), (AcqRel, SeqCst) => intrinsics::atomic_cxchgweak_acqrel_seqcst(dst, old, new), (SeqCst, Relaxed) => intrinsics::atomic_cxchgweak_seqcst_relaxed(dst, old, new), (SeqCst, Acquire) => intrinsics::atomic_cxchgweak_seqcst_acquire(dst, old, new), (SeqCst, SeqCst) => intrinsics::atomic_cxchgweak_seqcst_seqcst(dst, old, new), (_, AcqRel) => panic!("there is no such thing as an acquire-release failure ordering"), (_, Release) => panic!("there is no such thing as a release failure ordering"), } }; if ok { Ok(val) } else { Err(val) } } #[inline] #[cfg(target_has_atomic = "8")] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces unsafe fn atomic_and(dst: *mut T, val: T, order: Ordering) -> T { // SAFETY: the caller must uphold the safety contract for `atomic_and` unsafe { match order { Relaxed => intrinsics::atomic_and_relaxed(dst, val), Acquire => intrinsics::atomic_and_acquire(dst, val), Release => intrinsics::atomic_and_release(dst, val), AcqRel => intrinsics::atomic_and_acqrel(dst, val), SeqCst => intrinsics::atomic_and_seqcst(dst, val), } } } #[inline] #[cfg(target_has_atomic = "8")] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces unsafe fn atomic_nand(dst: *mut T, val: T, order: Ordering) -> T { // SAFETY: the caller must uphold the safety contract for `atomic_nand` unsafe { match order { Relaxed => intrinsics::atomic_nand_relaxed(dst, val), Acquire => intrinsics::atomic_nand_acquire(dst, val), Release => intrinsics::atomic_nand_release(dst, val), AcqRel => intrinsics::atomic_nand_acqrel(dst, val), SeqCst => intrinsics::atomic_nand_seqcst(dst, val), } } } #[inline] #[cfg(target_has_atomic = "8")] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces unsafe fn atomic_or(dst: *mut T, val: T, order: Ordering) -> T { // SAFETY: the caller must uphold the safety contract for `atomic_or` unsafe { match order { SeqCst => intrinsics::atomic_or_seqcst(dst, val), Acquire => intrinsics::atomic_or_acquire(dst, val), Release => intrinsics::atomic_or_release(dst, val), AcqRel => intrinsics::atomic_or_acqrel(dst, val), Relaxed => intrinsics::atomic_or_relaxed(dst, val), } } } #[inline] #[cfg(target_has_atomic = "8")] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces unsafe fn atomic_xor(dst: *mut T, val: T, order: Ordering) -> T { // SAFETY: the caller must uphold the safety contract for `atomic_xor` unsafe { match order { SeqCst => intrinsics::atomic_xor_seqcst(dst, val), Acquire => intrinsics::atomic_xor_acquire(dst, val), Release => intrinsics::atomic_xor_release(dst, val), AcqRel => intrinsics::atomic_xor_acqrel(dst, val), Relaxed => intrinsics::atomic_xor_relaxed(dst, val), } } } /// returns the max value (signed comparison) #[inline] #[cfg(target_has_atomic = "8")] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces unsafe fn atomic_max(dst: *mut T, val: T, order: Ordering) -> T { // SAFETY: the caller must uphold the safety contract for `atomic_max` unsafe { match order { Relaxed => intrinsics::atomic_max_relaxed(dst, val), Acquire => intrinsics::atomic_max_acquire(dst, val), Release => intrinsics::atomic_max_release(dst, val), AcqRel => intrinsics::atomic_max_acqrel(dst, val), SeqCst => intrinsics::atomic_max_seqcst(dst, val), } } } /// returns the min value (signed comparison) #[inline] #[cfg(target_has_atomic = "8")] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces unsafe fn atomic_min(dst: *mut T, val: T, order: Ordering) -> T { // SAFETY: the caller must uphold the safety contract for `atomic_min` unsafe { match order { Relaxed => intrinsics::atomic_min_relaxed(dst, val), Acquire => intrinsics::atomic_min_acquire(dst, val), Release => intrinsics::atomic_min_release(dst, val), AcqRel => intrinsics::atomic_min_acqrel(dst, val), SeqCst => intrinsics::atomic_min_seqcst(dst, val), } } } /// returns the max value (unsigned comparison) #[inline] #[cfg(target_has_atomic = "8")] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces unsafe fn atomic_umax(dst: *mut T, val: T, order: Ordering) -> T { // SAFETY: the caller must uphold the safety contract for `atomic_umax` unsafe { match order { Relaxed => intrinsics::atomic_umax_relaxed(dst, val), Acquire => intrinsics::atomic_umax_acquire(dst, val), Release => intrinsics::atomic_umax_release(dst, val), AcqRel => intrinsics::atomic_umax_acqrel(dst, val), SeqCst => intrinsics::atomic_umax_seqcst(dst, val), } } } /// returns the min value (unsigned comparison) #[inline] #[cfg(target_has_atomic = "8")] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces unsafe fn atomic_umin(dst: *mut T, val: T, order: Ordering) -> T { // SAFETY: the caller must uphold the safety contract for `atomic_umin` unsafe { match order { Relaxed => intrinsics::atomic_umin_relaxed(dst, val), Acquire => intrinsics::atomic_umin_acquire(dst, val), Release => intrinsics::atomic_umin_release(dst, val), AcqRel => intrinsics::atomic_umin_acqrel(dst, val), SeqCst => intrinsics::atomic_umin_seqcst(dst, val), } } } /// An atomic fence. /// /// Depending on the specified order, a fence prevents the compiler and CPU from /// reordering certain types of memory operations around it. /// That creates synchronizes-with relationships between it and atomic operations /// or fences in other threads. /// /// A fence 'A' which has (at least) [`Release`] ordering semantics, synchronizes /// with a fence 'B' with (at least) [`Acquire`] semantics, if and only if there /// exist operations X and Y, both operating on some atomic object 'M' such /// that A is sequenced before X, Y is sequenced before B and Y observes /// the change to M. This provides a happens-before dependence between A and B. /// /// ```text /// Thread 1 Thread 2 /// /// fence(Release); A -------------- /// x.store(3, Relaxed); X --------- | /// | | /// | | /// -------------> Y if x.load(Relaxed) == 3 { /// |-------> B fence(Acquire); /// ... /// } /// ``` /// /// Atomic operations with [`Release`] or [`Acquire`] semantics can also synchronize /// with a fence. /// /// A fence which has [`SeqCst`] ordering, in addition to having both [`Acquire`] /// and [`Release`] semantics, participates in the global program order of the /// other [`SeqCst`] operations and/or fences. /// /// Accepts [`Acquire`], [`Release`], [`AcqRel`] and [`SeqCst`] orderings. /// /// # Panics /// /// Panics if `order` is [`Relaxed`]. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::sync::atomic::AtomicBool; /// use std::sync::atomic::fence; /// use std::sync::atomic::Ordering; /// /// // A mutual exclusion primitive based on spinlock. /// pub struct Mutex { /// flag: AtomicBool, /// } /// /// impl Mutex { /// pub fn new() -> Mutex { /// Mutex { /// flag: AtomicBool::new(false), /// } /// } /// /// pub fn lock(&self) { /// // Wait until the old value is `false`. /// while self /// .flag /// .compare_exchange_weak(false, true, Ordering::Relaxed, Ordering::Relaxed) /// .is_err() /// {} /// // This fence synchronizes-with store in `unlock`. /// fence(Ordering::Acquire); /// } /// /// pub fn unlock(&self) { /// self.flag.store(false, Ordering::Release); /// } /// } /// ``` #[inline] #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] #[rustc_diagnostic_item = "fence"] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces pub fn fence(order: Ordering) { // SAFETY: using an atomic fence is safe. unsafe { match order { Acquire => intrinsics::atomic_fence_acquire(), Release => intrinsics::atomic_fence_release(), AcqRel => intrinsics::atomic_fence_acqrel(), SeqCst => intrinsics::atomic_fence_seqcst(), Relaxed => panic!("there is no such thing as a relaxed fence"), } } } /// A compiler memory fence. /// /// `compiler_fence` does not emit any machine code, but restricts the kinds /// of memory re-ordering the compiler is allowed to do. Specifically, depending on /// the given [`Ordering`] semantics, the compiler may be disallowed from moving reads /// or writes from before or after the call to the other side of the call to /// `compiler_fence`. Note that it does **not** prevent the *hardware* /// from doing such re-ordering. This is not a problem in a single-threaded, /// execution context, but when other threads may modify memory at the same /// time, stronger synchronization primitives such as [`fence`] are required. /// /// The re-ordering prevented by the different ordering semantics are: /// /// - with [`SeqCst`], no re-ordering of reads and writes across this point is allowed. /// - with [`Release`], preceding reads and writes cannot be moved past subsequent writes. /// - with [`Acquire`], subsequent reads and writes cannot be moved ahead of preceding reads. /// - with [`AcqRel`], both of the above rules are enforced. /// /// `compiler_fence` is generally only useful for preventing a thread from /// racing *with itself*. That is, if a given thread is executing one piece /// of code, and is then interrupted, and starts executing code elsewhere /// (while still in the same thread, and conceptually still on the same /// core). In traditional programs, this can only occur when a signal /// handler is registered. In more low-level code, such situations can also /// arise when handling interrupts, when implementing green threads with /// pre-emption, etc. Curious readers are encouraged to read the Linux kernel's /// discussion of [memory barriers]. /// /// # Panics /// /// Panics if `order` is [`Relaxed`]. /// /// # Examples /// /// Without `compiler_fence`, the `assert_eq!` in following code /// is *not* guaranteed to succeed, despite everything happening in a single thread. /// To see why, remember that the compiler is free to swap the stores to /// `IMPORTANT_VARIABLE` and `IS_READY` since they are both /// `Ordering::Relaxed`. If it does, and the signal handler is invoked right /// after `IS_READY` is updated, then the signal handler will see /// `IS_READY=1`, but `IMPORTANT_VARIABLE=0`. /// Using a `compiler_fence` remedies this situation. /// /// ``` /// use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicUsize}; /// use std::sync::atomic::Ordering; /// use std::sync::atomic::compiler_fence; /// /// static IMPORTANT_VARIABLE: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0); /// static IS_READY: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false); /// /// fn main() { /// IMPORTANT_VARIABLE.store(42, Ordering::Relaxed); /// // prevent earlier writes from being moved beyond this point /// compiler_fence(Ordering::Release); /// IS_READY.store(true, Ordering::Relaxed); /// } /// /// fn signal_handler() { /// if IS_READY.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { /// assert_eq!(IMPORTANT_VARIABLE.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 42); /// } /// } /// ``` /// /// [memory barriers]: https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/memory-barriers.txt #[inline] #[stable(feature = "compiler_fences", since = "1.21.0")] #[rustc_diagnostic_item = "compiler_fence"] #[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces pub fn compiler_fence(order: Ordering) { // SAFETY: using an atomic fence is safe. unsafe { match order { Acquire => intrinsics::atomic_singlethreadfence_acquire(), Release => intrinsics::atomic_singlethreadfence_release(), AcqRel => intrinsics::atomic_singlethreadfence_acqrel(), SeqCst => intrinsics::atomic_singlethreadfence_seqcst(), Relaxed => panic!("there is no such thing as a relaxed compiler fence"), } } } #[cfg(target_has_atomic_load_store = "8")] #[stable(feature = "atomic_debug", since = "1.3.0")] impl fmt::Debug for AtomicBool { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { fmt::Debug::fmt(&self.load(Ordering::Relaxed), f) } } #[cfg(target_has_atomic_load_store = "ptr")] #[stable(feature = "atomic_debug", since = "1.3.0")] impl fmt::Debug for AtomicPtr { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { fmt::Debug::fmt(&self.load(Ordering::Relaxed), f) } } #[cfg(target_has_atomic_load_store = "ptr")] #[stable(feature = "atomic_pointer", since = "1.24.0")] impl fmt::Pointer for AtomicPtr { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { fmt::Pointer::fmt(&self.load(Ordering::SeqCst), f) } } /// Signals the processor that it is inside a busy-wait spin-loop ("spin lock"). /// /// This function is deprecated in favor of [`hint::spin_loop`]. /// /// [`hint::spin_loop`]: crate::hint::spin_loop #[inline] #[stable(feature = "spin_loop_hint", since = "1.24.0")] #[deprecated(since = "1.51.0", note = "use hint::spin_loop instead")] pub fn spin_loop_hint() { spin_loop() }