//! Unwinding panics for Miri. use alloc::boxed::Box; use core::any::Any; // The type of the payload that the Miri engine propagates through unwinding for us. // Must be pointer-sized. type Payload = Box>; extern "Rust" { /// Miri-provided extern function to begin unwinding. fn miri_start_panic(payload: *mut u8) -> !; } pub unsafe fn panic(payload: Box) -> u32 { // The payload we pass to `miri_start_panic` will be exactly the argument we get // in `cleanup` below. So we just box it up once, to get something pointer-sized. let payload_box: Payload = Box::new(payload); miri_start_panic(Box::into_raw(payload_box) as *mut u8) } pub unsafe fn cleanup(payload_box: *mut u8) -> Box { // Recover the underlying `Box`. let payload_box: Payload = Box::from_raw(payload_box as *mut _); *payload_box }