//! Server-side traits. use super::*; use std::marker::PhantomData; // FIXME(eddyb) generate the definition of `HandleStore` in `server.rs`. use super::client::HandleStore; pub trait Types { type FreeFunctions: 'static; type TokenStream: 'static + Clone; type SourceFile: 'static + Clone; type MultiSpan: 'static; type Diagnostic: 'static; type Span: 'static + Copy + Eq + Hash; type Symbol: 'static; } /// Declare an associated fn of one of the traits below, adding necessary /// default bodies. macro_rules! associated_fn { (fn drop(&mut self, $arg:ident: $arg_ty:ty)) => (fn drop(&mut self, $arg: $arg_ty) { mem::drop($arg) }); (fn clone(&mut self, $arg:ident: $arg_ty:ty) -> $ret_ty:ty) => (fn clone(&mut self, $arg: $arg_ty) -> $ret_ty { $arg.clone() }); ($($item:tt)*) => ($($item)*;) } macro_rules! declare_server_traits { ($($name:ident { $(fn $method:ident($($arg:ident: $arg_ty:ty),* $(,)?) $(-> $ret_ty:ty)?;)* }),* $(,)?) => { $(pub trait $name: Types { $(associated_fn!(fn $method(&mut self, $($arg: $arg_ty),*) $(-> $ret_ty)?);)* })* pub trait Server: Types $(+ $name)* { fn globals(&mut self) -> ExpnGlobals; /// Intern a symbol received from RPC fn intern_symbol(ident: &str) -> Self::Symbol; /// Recover the string value of a symbol, and invoke a callback with it. fn with_symbol_string(symbol: &Self::Symbol, f: impl FnOnce(&str)); } } } with_api!(Self, self_, declare_server_traits); pub(super) struct MarkedTypes(S); impl Server for MarkedTypes { fn globals(&mut self) -> ExpnGlobals { <_>::mark(Server::globals(&mut self.0)) } fn intern_symbol(ident: &str) -> Self::Symbol { <_>::mark(S::intern_symbol(ident)) } fn with_symbol_string(symbol: &Self::Symbol, f: impl FnOnce(&str)) { S::with_symbol_string(symbol.unmark(), f) } } macro_rules! define_mark_types_impls { ($($name:ident { $(fn $method:ident($($arg:ident: $arg_ty:ty),* $(,)?) $(-> $ret_ty:ty)?;)* }),* $(,)?) => { impl Types for MarkedTypes { $(type $name = Marked;)* } $(impl $name for MarkedTypes { $(fn $method(&mut self, $($arg: $arg_ty),*) $(-> $ret_ty)? { <_>::mark($name::$method(&mut self.0, $($arg.unmark()),*)) })* })* } } with_api!(Self, self_, define_mark_types_impls); struct Dispatcher { handle_store: HandleStore, server: S, } macro_rules! define_dispatcher_impl { ($($name:ident { $(fn $method:ident($($arg:ident: $arg_ty:ty),* $(,)?) $(-> $ret_ty:ty)?;)* }),* $(,)?) => { // FIXME(eddyb) `pub` only for `ExecutionStrategy` below. pub trait DispatcherTrait { // HACK(eddyb) these are here to allow `Self::$name` to work below. $(type $name;)* fn dispatch(&mut self, buf: Buffer) -> Buffer; } impl DispatcherTrait for Dispatcher> { $(type $name = as Types>::$name;)* fn dispatch(&mut self, mut buf: Buffer) -> Buffer { let Dispatcher { handle_store, server } = self; let mut reader = &buf[..]; match api_tags::Method::decode(&mut reader, &mut ()) { $(api_tags::Method::$name(m) => match m { $(api_tags::$name::$method => { let mut call_method = || { reverse_decode!(reader, handle_store; $($arg: $arg_ty),*); $name::$method(server, $($arg),*) }; // HACK(eddyb) don't use `panic::catch_unwind` in a panic. // If client and server happen to use the same `libstd`, // `catch_unwind` asserts that the panic counter was 0, // even when the closure passed to it didn't panic. let r = if thread::panicking() { Ok(call_method()) } else { panic::catch_unwind(panic::AssertUnwindSafe(call_method)) .map_err(PanicMessage::from) }; buf.clear(); r.encode(&mut buf, handle_store); })* }),* } buf } } } } with_api!(Self, self_, define_dispatcher_impl); pub trait ExecutionStrategy { fn run_bridge_and_client( &self, dispatcher: &mut impl DispatcherTrait, input: Buffer, run_client: extern "C" fn(BridgeConfig<'_>) -> Buffer, force_show_panics: bool, ) -> Buffer; } pub struct MaybeCrossThread

{ cross_thread: bool, marker: PhantomData

, } impl


{ pub const fn new(cross_thread: bool) -> Self { MaybeCrossThread { cross_thread, marker: PhantomData } } } impl

ExecutionStrategy for MaybeCrossThread

where P: MessagePipe + Send + 'static, { fn run_bridge_and_client( &self, dispatcher: &mut impl DispatcherTrait, input: Buffer, run_client: extern "C" fn(BridgeConfig<'_>) -> Buffer, force_show_panics: bool, ) -> Buffer { if self.cross_thread { >::new().run_bridge_and_client( dispatcher, input, run_client, force_show_panics, ) } else { SameThread.run_bridge_and_client(dispatcher, input, run_client, force_show_panics) } } } pub struct SameThread; impl ExecutionStrategy for SameThread { fn run_bridge_and_client( &self, dispatcher: &mut impl DispatcherTrait, input: Buffer, run_client: extern "C" fn(BridgeConfig<'_>) -> Buffer, force_show_panics: bool, ) -> Buffer { let mut dispatch = |buf| dispatcher.dispatch(buf); run_client(BridgeConfig { input, dispatch: (&mut dispatch).into(), force_show_panics, _marker: marker::PhantomData, }) } } pub struct CrossThread


); impl


{ pub const fn new() -> Self { CrossThread(PhantomData) } } impl

ExecutionStrategy for CrossThread

where P: MessagePipe + Send + 'static, { fn run_bridge_and_client( &self, dispatcher: &mut impl DispatcherTrait, input: Buffer, run_client: extern "C" fn(BridgeConfig<'_>) -> Buffer, force_show_panics: bool, ) -> Buffer { let (mut server, mut client) = P::new(); let join_handle = thread::spawn(move || { let mut dispatch = |b: Buffer| -> Buffer { client.send(b); client.recv().expect("server died while client waiting for reply") }; run_client(BridgeConfig { input, dispatch: (&mut dispatch).into(), force_show_panics, _marker: marker::PhantomData, }) }); while let Some(b) = server.recv() { server.send(dispatcher.dispatch(b)); } join_handle.join().unwrap() } } /// A message pipe used for communicating between server and client threads. pub trait MessagePipe: Sized { /// Create a new pair of endpoints for the message pipe. fn new() -> (Self, Self); /// Send a message to the other endpoint of this pipe. fn send(&mut self, value: T); /// Receive a message from the other endpoint of this pipe. /// /// Returns `None` if the other end of the pipe has been destroyed, and no /// message was received. fn recv(&mut self) -> Option; } fn run_server< S: Server, I: Encode>>, O: for<'a, 's> DecodeMut<'a, 's, HandleStore>>, >( strategy: &impl ExecutionStrategy, handle_counters: &'static client::HandleCounters, server: S, input: I, run_client: extern "C" fn(BridgeConfig<'_>) -> Buffer, force_show_panics: bool, ) -> Result { let mut dispatcher = Dispatcher { handle_store: HandleStore::new(handle_counters), server: MarkedTypes(server) }; let globals = dispatcher.server.globals(); let mut buf = Buffer::new(); (globals, input).encode(&mut buf, &mut dispatcher.handle_store); buf = strategy.run_bridge_and_client(&mut dispatcher, buf, run_client, force_show_panics); Result::decode(&mut &buf[..], &mut dispatcher.handle_store) } impl client::Client { pub fn run( &self, strategy: &impl ExecutionStrategy, server: S, input: S::TokenStream, force_show_panics: bool, ) -> Result where S: Server, S::TokenStream: Default, { let client::Client { get_handle_counters, run, _marker } = *self; run_server( strategy, get_handle_counters(), server, as Types>::TokenStream::mark(input), run, force_show_panics, ) .map(|s| as Types>::TokenStream>>::unmark(s).unwrap_or_default()) } } impl client::Client<(crate::TokenStream, crate::TokenStream), crate::TokenStream> { pub fn run( &self, strategy: &impl ExecutionStrategy, server: S, input: S::TokenStream, input2: S::TokenStream, force_show_panics: bool, ) -> Result where S: Server, S::TokenStream: Default, { let client::Client { get_handle_counters, run, _marker } = *self; run_server( strategy, get_handle_counters(), server, ( as Types>::TokenStream::mark(input), as Types>::TokenStream::mark(input2), ), run, force_show_panics, ) .map(|s| as Types>::TokenStream>>::unmark(s).unwrap_or_default()) } }