//! Interfaces for working with Errors. //! //! # Error Handling In Rust //! //! The Rust language provides two complementary systems for constructing / //! representing, reporting, propagating, reacting to, and discarding errors. //! These responsibilities are collectively known as "error handling." The //! components of the first system, the panic runtime and interfaces, are most //! commonly used to represent bugs that have been detected in your program. The //! components of the second system, `Result`, the error traits, and user //! defined types, are used to represent anticipated runtime failure modes of //! your program. //! //! ## The Panic Interfaces //! //! The following are the primary interfaces of the panic system and the //! responsibilities they cover: //! //! * [`panic!`] and [`panic_any`] (Constructing, Propagated automatically) //! * [`PanicInfo`] (Reporting) //! * [`set_hook`], [`take_hook`], and [`#[panic_handler]`][panic-handler] (Reporting) //! * [`catch_unwind`] and [`resume_unwind`] (Discarding, Propagating) //! //! The following are the primary interfaces of the error system and the //! responsibilities they cover: //! //! * [`Result`] (Propagating, Reacting) //! * The [`Error`] trait (Reporting) //! * User defined types (Constructing / Representing) //! * [`match`] and [`downcast`] (Reacting) //! * The question mark operator ([`?`]) (Propagating) //! * The partially stable [`Try`] traits (Propagating, Constructing) //! * [`Termination`] (Reporting) //! //! ## Converting Errors into Panics //! //! The panic and error systems are not entirely distinct. Often times errors //! that are anticipated runtime failures in an API might instead represent bugs //! to a caller. For these situations the standard library provides APIs for //! constructing panics with an `Error` as it's source. //! //! * [`Result::unwrap`] //! * [`Result::expect`] //! //! These functions are equivalent, they either return the inner value if the //! `Result` is `Ok` or panic if the `Result` is `Err` printing the inner error //! as the source. The only difference between them is that with `expect` you //! provide a panic error message to be printed alongside the source, whereas //! `unwrap` has a default message indicating only that you unwraped an `Err`. //! //! Of the two, `expect` is generally preferred since its `msg` field allows you //! to convey your intent and assumptions which makes tracking down the source //! of a panic easier. `unwrap` on the other hand can still be a good fit in //! situations where you can trivially show that a piece of code will never //! panic, such as `"".parse::().unwrap()` or early //! prototyping. //! //! # Common Message Styles //! //! There are two common styles for how people word `expect` messages. Using //! the message to present information to users encountering a panic //! ("expect as error message") or using the message to present information //! to developers debugging the panic ("expect as precondition"). //! //! In the former case the expect message is used to describe the error that //! has occurred which is considered a bug. Consider the following example: //! //! ```should_panic //! // Read environment variable, panic if it is not present //! let path = std::env::var("IMPORTANT_PATH").unwrap(); //! ``` //! //! In the "expect as error message" style we would use expect to describe //! that the environment variable was not set when it should have been: //! //! ```should_panic //! let path = std::env::var("IMPORTANT_PATH") //! .expect("env variable `IMPORTANT_PATH` is not set"); //! ``` //! //! In the "expect as precondition" style, we would instead describe the //! reason we _expect_ the `Result` should be `Ok`. With this style we would //! prefer to write: //! //! ```should_panic //! let path = std::env::var("IMPORTANT_PATH") //! .expect("env variable `IMPORTANT_PATH` should be set by `wrapper_script.sh`"); //! ``` //! //! The "expect as error message" style does not work as well with the //! default output of the std panic hooks, and often ends up repeating //! information that is already communicated by the source error being //! unwrapped: //! //! ```text //! thread 'main' panicked at 'env variable `IMPORTANT_PATH` is not set: NotPresent', src/main.rs:4:6 //! ``` //! //! In this example we end up mentioning that an env variable is not set, //! followed by our source message that says the env is not present, the //! only additional information we're communicating is the name of the //! environment variable being checked. //! //! The "expect as precondition" style instead focuses on source code //! readability, making it easier to understand what must have gone wrong in //! situations where panics are being used to represent bugs exclusively. //! Also, by framing our expect in terms of what "SHOULD" have happened to //! prevent the source error, we end up introducing new information that is //! independent from our source error. //! //! ```text //! thread 'main' panicked at 'env variable `IMPORTANT_PATH` should be set by `wrapper_script.sh`: NotPresent', src/main.rs:4:6 //! ``` //! //! In this example we are communicating not only the name of the //! environment variable that should have been set, but also an explanation //! for why it should have been set, and we let the source error display as //! a clear contradiction to our expectation. //! //! **Hint**: If you're having trouble remembering how to phrase //! expect-as-precondition style error messages remember to focus on the word //! "should" as in "env variable should be set by blah" or "the given binary //! should be available and executable by the current user". //! //! [`panic_any`]: crate::panic::panic_any //! [`PanicInfo`]: crate::panic::PanicInfo //! [`catch_unwind`]: crate::panic::catch_unwind //! [`resume_unwind`]: crate::panic::resume_unwind //! [`downcast`]: crate::error::Error //! [`Termination`]: crate::process::Termination //! [`Try`]: crate::ops::Try //! [panic hook]: crate::panic::set_hook //! [`set_hook`]: crate::panic::set_hook //! [`take_hook`]: crate::panic::take_hook //! [panic-handler]: //! [`match`]: ../../std/keyword.match.html //! [`?`]: ../../std/result/index.html#the-question-mark-operator- #![stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] // A note about crates and the facade: // // Originally, the `Error` trait was defined in libcore, and the impls // were scattered about. However, coherence objected to this // arrangement, because to create the blanket impls for `Box` required // knowing that `&str: !Error`, and we have no means to deal with that // sort of conflict just now. Therefore, for the time being, we have // moved the `Error` trait into libstd. As we evolve a sol'n to the // coherence challenge (e.g., specialization, neg impls, etc) we can // reconsider what crate these items belong in. #[cfg(test)] mod tests; use core::array; use core::convert::Infallible; use crate::alloc::{AllocError, LayoutError}; use crate::any::{Demand, Provider, TypeId}; use crate::backtrace::Backtrace; use crate::borrow::Cow; use crate::cell; use crate::char; use crate::fmt::{self, Debug, Display, Write}; use crate::io; use crate::mem::transmute; use crate::num; use crate::str; use crate::string; use crate::sync::Arc; use crate::time; /// `Error` is a trait representing the basic expectations for error values, /// i.e., values of type `E` in [`Result`]. /// /// Errors must describe themselves through the [`Display`] and [`Debug`] /// traits. Error messages are typically concise lowercase sentences without /// trailing punctuation: /// /// ``` /// let err = "NaN".parse::().unwrap_err(); /// assert_eq!(err.to_string(), "invalid digit found in string"); /// ``` /// /// Errors may provide cause chain information. [`Error::source()`] is generally /// used when errors cross "abstraction boundaries". If one module must report /// an error that is caused by an error from a lower-level module, it can allow /// accessing that error via [`Error::source()`]. This makes it possible for the /// high-level module to provide its own errors while also revealing some of the /// implementation for debugging via `source` chains. #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] #[cfg_attr(not(test), rustc_diagnostic_item = "Error")] pub trait Error: Debug + Display { /// The lower-level source of this error, if any. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::error::Error; /// use std::fmt; /// /// #[derive(Debug)] /// struct SuperError { /// source: SuperErrorSideKick, /// } /// /// impl fmt::Display for SuperError { /// fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { /// write!(f, "SuperError is here!") /// } /// } /// /// impl Error for SuperError { /// fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> { /// Some(&self.source) /// } /// } /// /// #[derive(Debug)] /// struct SuperErrorSideKick; /// /// impl fmt::Display for SuperErrorSideKick { /// fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { /// write!(f, "SuperErrorSideKick is here!") /// } /// } /// /// impl Error for SuperErrorSideKick {} /// /// fn get_super_error() -> Result<(), SuperError> { /// Err(SuperError { source: SuperErrorSideKick }) /// } /// /// fn main() { /// match get_super_error() { /// Err(e) => { /// println!("Error: {e}"); /// println!("Caused by: {}", e.source().unwrap()); /// } /// _ => println!("No error"), /// } /// } /// ``` #[stable(feature = "error_source", since = "1.30.0")] fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> { None } /// Gets the `TypeId` of `self`. #[doc(hidden)] #[unstable( feature = "error_type_id", reason = "this is memory-unsafe to override in user code", issue = "60784" )] fn type_id(&self, _: private::Internal) -> TypeId where Self: 'static, { TypeId::of::() } /// ``` /// if let Err(e) = "xc".parse::() { /// // Print `e` itself, no need for description(). /// eprintln!("Error: {e}"); /// } /// ``` #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] #[deprecated(since = "1.42.0", note = "use the Display impl or to_string()")] fn description(&self) -> &str { "description() is deprecated; use Display" } #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] #[deprecated( since = "1.33.0", note = "replaced by Error::source, which can support downcasting" )] #[allow(missing_docs)] fn cause(&self) -> Option<&dyn Error> { self.source() } /// Provides type based access to context intended for error reports. /// /// Used in conjunction with [`Demand::provide_value`] and [`Demand::provide_ref`] to extract /// references to member variables from `dyn Error` trait objects. /// /// # Example /// /// ```rust /// #![feature(provide_any)] /// #![feature(error_generic_member_access)] /// use core::fmt; /// use core::any::Demand; /// /// #[derive(Debug)] /// struct MyBacktrace { /// // ... /// } /// /// impl MyBacktrace { /// fn new() -> MyBacktrace { /// // ... /// # MyBacktrace {} /// } /// } /// /// #[derive(Debug)] /// struct SourceError { /// // ... /// } /// /// impl fmt::Display for SourceError { /// fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { /// write!(f, "Example Source Error") /// } /// } /// /// impl std::error::Error for SourceError {} /// /// #[derive(Debug)] /// struct Error { /// source: SourceError, /// backtrace: MyBacktrace, /// } /// /// impl fmt::Display for Error { /// fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { /// write!(f, "Example Error") /// } /// } /// /// impl std::error::Error for Error { /// fn provide<'a>(&'a self, req: &mut Demand<'a>) { /// req /// .provide_ref::(&self.backtrace) /// .provide_ref::(&self.source); /// } /// } /// /// fn main() { /// let backtrace = MyBacktrace::new(); /// let source = SourceError {}; /// let error = Error { source, backtrace }; /// let dyn_error = &error as &dyn std::error::Error; /// let backtrace_ref = dyn_error.request_ref::().unwrap(); /// /// assert!(core::ptr::eq(&error.backtrace, backtrace_ref)); /// } /// ``` #[unstable(feature = "error_generic_member_access", issue = "99301")] #[allow(unused_variables)] fn provide<'a>(&'a self, req: &mut Demand<'a>) {} } #[unstable(feature = "error_generic_member_access", issue = "99301")] impl<'b> Provider for dyn Error + 'b { fn provide<'a>(&'a self, req: &mut Demand<'a>) { self.provide(req) } } mod private { // This is a hack to prevent `type_id` from being overridden by `Error` // implementations, since that can enable unsound downcasting. #[unstable(feature = "error_type_id", issue = "60784")] #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Internal; } #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] impl<'a, E: Error + 'a> From for Box { /// Converts a type of [`Error`] into a box of dyn [`Error`]. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::error::Error; /// use std::fmt; /// use std::mem; /// /// #[derive(Debug)] /// struct AnError; /// /// impl fmt::Display for AnError { /// fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { /// write!(f, "An error") /// } /// } /// /// impl Error for AnError {} /// /// let an_error = AnError; /// assert!(0 == mem::size_of_val(&an_error)); /// let a_boxed_error = Box::::from(an_error); /// assert!(mem::size_of::>() == mem::size_of_val(&a_boxed_error)) /// ``` fn from(err: E) -> Box { Box::new(err) } } #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] impl<'a, E: Error + Send + Sync + 'a> From for Box { /// Converts a type of [`Error`] + [`Send`] + [`Sync`] into a box of /// dyn [`Error`] + [`Send`] + [`Sync`]. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::error::Error; /// use std::fmt; /// use std::mem; /// /// #[derive(Debug)] /// struct AnError; /// /// impl fmt::Display for AnError { /// fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { /// write!(f, "An error") /// } /// } /// /// impl Error for AnError {} /// /// unsafe impl Send for AnError {} /// /// unsafe impl Sync for AnError {} /// /// let an_error = AnError; /// assert!(0 == mem::size_of_val(&an_error)); /// let a_boxed_error = Box::::from(an_error); /// assert!( /// mem::size_of::>() == mem::size_of_val(&a_boxed_error)) /// ``` fn from(err: E) -> Box { Box::new(err) } } #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] impl From for Box { /// Converts a [`String`] into a box of dyn [`Error`] + [`Send`] + [`Sync`]. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::error::Error; /// use std::mem; /// /// let a_string_error = "a string error".to_string(); /// let a_boxed_error = Box::::from(a_string_error); /// assert!( /// mem::size_of::>() == mem::size_of_val(&a_boxed_error)) /// ``` #[inline] fn from(err: String) -> Box { struct StringError(String); impl Error for StringError { #[allow(deprecated)] fn description(&self) -> &str { &self.0 } } impl Display for StringError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { Display::fmt(&self.0, f) } } // Purposefully skip printing "StringError(..)" impl Debug for StringError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { Debug::fmt(&self.0, f) } } Box::new(StringError(err)) } } #[stable(feature = "string_box_error", since = "1.6.0")] impl From for Box { /// Converts a [`String`] into a box of dyn [`Error`]. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::error::Error; /// use std::mem; /// /// let a_string_error = "a string error".to_string(); /// let a_boxed_error = Box::::from(a_string_error); /// assert!(mem::size_of::>() == mem::size_of_val(&a_boxed_error)) /// ``` fn from(str_err: String) -> Box { let err1: Box = From::from(str_err); let err2: Box = err1; err2 } } #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] impl<'a> From<&str> for Box { /// Converts a [`str`] into a box of dyn [`Error`] + [`Send`] + [`Sync`]. /// /// [`str`]: prim@str /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::error::Error; /// use std::mem; /// /// let a_str_error = "a str error"; /// let a_boxed_error = Box::::from(a_str_error); /// assert!( /// mem::size_of::>() == mem::size_of_val(&a_boxed_error)) /// ``` #[inline] fn from(err: &str) -> Box { From::from(String::from(err)) } } #[stable(feature = "string_box_error", since = "1.6.0")] impl From<&str> for Box { /// Converts a [`str`] into a box of dyn [`Error`]. /// /// [`str`]: prim@str /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::error::Error; /// use std::mem; /// /// let a_str_error = "a str error"; /// let a_boxed_error = Box::::from(a_str_error); /// assert!(mem::size_of::>() == mem::size_of_val(&a_boxed_error)) /// ``` fn from(err: &str) -> Box { From::from(String::from(err)) } } #[stable(feature = "cow_box_error", since = "1.22.0")] impl<'a, 'b> From> for Box { /// Converts a [`Cow`] into a box of dyn [`Error`] + [`Send`] + [`Sync`]. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::error::Error; /// use std::mem; /// use std::borrow::Cow; /// /// let a_cow_str_error = Cow::from("a str error"); /// let a_boxed_error = Box::::from(a_cow_str_error); /// assert!( /// mem::size_of::>() == mem::size_of_val(&a_boxed_error)) /// ``` fn from(err: Cow<'b, str>) -> Box { From::from(String::from(err)) } } #[stable(feature = "cow_box_error", since = "1.22.0")] impl<'a> From> for Box { /// Converts a [`Cow`] into a box of dyn [`Error`]. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::error::Error; /// use std::mem; /// use std::borrow::Cow; /// /// let a_cow_str_error = Cow::from("a str error"); /// let a_boxed_error = Box::::from(a_cow_str_error); /// assert!(mem::size_of::>() == mem::size_of_val(&a_boxed_error)) /// ``` fn from(err: Cow<'a, str>) -> Box { From::from(String::from(err)) } } #[unstable(feature = "never_type", issue = "35121")] impl Error for ! {} #[unstable( feature = "allocator_api", reason = "the precise API and guarantees it provides may be tweaked.", issue = "32838" )] impl Error for AllocError {} #[stable(feature = "alloc_layout", since = "1.28.0")] impl Error for LayoutError {} #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] impl Error for str::ParseBoolError { #[allow(deprecated)] fn description(&self) -> &str { "failed to parse bool" } } #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] impl Error for str::Utf8Error { #[allow(deprecated)] fn description(&self) -> &str { "invalid utf-8: corrupt contents" } } #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] impl Error for num::ParseIntError { #[allow(deprecated)] fn description(&self) -> &str { self.__description() } } #[stable(feature = "try_from", since = "1.34.0")] impl Error for num::TryFromIntError { #[allow(deprecated)] fn description(&self) -> &str { self.__description() } } #[stable(feature = "try_from", since = "1.34.0")] impl Error for array::TryFromSliceError { #[allow(deprecated)] fn description(&self) -> &str { self.__description() } } #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] impl Error for num::ParseFloatError { #[allow(deprecated)] fn description(&self) -> &str { self.__description() } } #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] impl Error for string::FromUtf8Error { #[allow(deprecated)] fn description(&self) -> &str { "invalid utf-8" } } #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] impl Error for string::FromUtf16Error { #[allow(deprecated)] fn description(&self) -> &str { "invalid utf-16" } } #[stable(feature = "str_parse_error2", since = "1.8.0")] impl Error for Infallible { fn description(&self) -> &str { match *self {} } } #[stable(feature = "decode_utf16", since = "1.9.0")] impl Error for char::DecodeUtf16Error { #[allow(deprecated)] fn description(&self) -> &str { "unpaired surrogate found" } } #[stable(feature = "u8_from_char", since = "1.59.0")] impl Error for char::TryFromCharError {} #[unstable(feature = "map_try_insert", issue = "82766")] impl<'a, K: Debug + Ord, V: Debug> Error for crate::collections::btree_map::OccupiedError<'a, K, V> { #[allow(deprecated)] fn description(&self) -> &str { "key already exists" } } #[unstable(feature = "map_try_insert", issue = "82766")] impl<'a, K: Debug, V: Debug> Error for crate::collections::hash_map::OccupiedError<'a, K, V> { #[allow(deprecated)] fn description(&self) -> &str { "key already exists" } } #[stable(feature = "box_error", since = "1.8.0")] impl Error for Box { #[allow(deprecated, deprecated_in_future)] fn description(&self) -> &str { Error::description(&**self) } #[allow(deprecated)] fn cause(&self) -> Option<&dyn Error> { Error::cause(&**self) } fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> { Error::source(&**self) } } #[unstable(feature = "thin_box", issue = "92791")] impl crate::error::Error for crate::boxed::ThinBox { fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn crate::error::Error + 'static)> { use core::ops::Deref; self.deref().source() } } #[stable(feature = "error_by_ref", since = "1.51.0")] impl<'a, T: Error + ?Sized> Error for &'a T { #[allow(deprecated, deprecated_in_future)] fn description(&self) -> &str { Error::description(&**self) } #[allow(deprecated)] fn cause(&self) -> Option<&dyn Error> { Error::cause(&**self) } fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> { Error::source(&**self) } fn provide<'b>(&'b self, req: &mut Demand<'b>) { Error::provide(&**self, req); } } #[stable(feature = "arc_error", since = "1.52.0")] impl Error for Arc { #[allow(deprecated, deprecated_in_future)] fn description(&self) -> &str { Error::description(&**self) } #[allow(deprecated)] fn cause(&self) -> Option<&dyn Error> { Error::cause(&**self) } fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> { Error::source(&**self) } fn provide<'a>(&'a self, req: &mut Demand<'a>) { Error::provide(&**self, req); } } #[stable(feature = "fmt_error", since = "1.11.0")] impl Error for fmt::Error { #[allow(deprecated)] fn description(&self) -> &str { "an error occurred when formatting an argument" } } #[stable(feature = "try_borrow", since = "1.13.0")] impl Error for cell::BorrowError { #[allow(deprecated)] fn description(&self) -> &str { "already mutably borrowed" } } #[stable(feature = "try_borrow", since = "1.13.0")] impl Error for cell::BorrowMutError { #[allow(deprecated)] fn description(&self) -> &str { "already borrowed" } } #[stable(feature = "try_from", since = "1.34.0")] impl Error for char::CharTryFromError { #[allow(deprecated)] fn description(&self) -> &str { "converted integer out of range for `char`" } } #[stable(feature = "char_from_str", since = "1.20.0")] impl Error for char::ParseCharError { #[allow(deprecated)] fn description(&self) -> &str { self.__description() } } #[stable(feature = "try_reserve", since = "1.57.0")] impl Error for alloc::collections::TryReserveError {} #[unstable(feature = "duration_checked_float", issue = "83400")] impl Error for time::FromFloatSecsError {} #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] impl Error for alloc::ffi::NulError { #[allow(deprecated)] fn description(&self) -> &str { "nul byte found in data" } } #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] impl From for io::Error { /// Converts a [`alloc::ffi::NulError`] into a [`io::Error`]. fn from(_: alloc::ffi::NulError) -> io::Error { io::const_io_error!(io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput, "data provided contains a nul byte") } } #[stable(feature = "frombyteswithnulerror_impls", since = "1.17.0")] impl Error for core::ffi::FromBytesWithNulError { #[allow(deprecated)] fn description(&self) -> &str { self.__description() } } #[unstable(feature = "cstr_from_bytes_until_nul", issue = "95027")] impl Error for core::ffi::FromBytesUntilNulError {} #[stable(feature = "cstring_from_vec_with_nul", since = "1.58.0")] impl Error for alloc::ffi::FromVecWithNulError {} #[stable(feature = "cstring_into", since = "1.7.0")] impl Error for alloc::ffi::IntoStringError { #[allow(deprecated)] fn description(&self) -> &str { "C string contained non-utf8 bytes" } fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> { Some(self.__source()) } } impl<'a> dyn Error + 'a { /// Request a reference of type `T` as context about this error. #[unstable(feature = "error_generic_member_access", issue = "99301")] pub fn request_ref(&'a self) -> Option<&'a T> { core::any::request_ref(self) } /// Request a value of type `T` as context about this error. #[unstable(feature = "error_generic_member_access", issue = "99301")] pub fn request_value(&'a self) -> Option { core::any::request_value(self) } } // Copied from `any.rs`. impl dyn Error + 'static { /// Returns `true` if the inner type is the same as `T`. #[stable(feature = "error_downcast", since = "1.3.0")] #[inline] pub fn is(&self) -> bool { // Get `TypeId` of the type this function is instantiated with. let t = TypeId::of::(); // Get `TypeId` of the type in the trait object (`self`). let concrete = self.type_id(private::Internal); // Compare both `TypeId`s on equality. t == concrete } /// Returns some reference to the inner value if it is of type `T`, or /// `None` if it isn't. #[stable(feature = "error_downcast", since = "1.3.0")] #[inline] pub fn downcast_ref(&self) -> Option<&T> { if self.is::() { unsafe { Some(&*(self as *const dyn Error as *const T)) } } else { None } } /// Returns some mutable reference to the inner value if it is of type `T`, or /// `None` if it isn't. #[stable(feature = "error_downcast", since = "1.3.0")] #[inline] pub fn downcast_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut T> { if self.is::() { unsafe { Some(&mut *(self as *mut dyn Error as *mut T)) } } else { None } } } impl dyn Error + 'static + Send { /// Forwards to the method defined on the type `dyn Error`. #[stable(feature = "error_downcast", since = "1.3.0")] #[inline] pub fn is(&self) -> bool { ::is::(self) } /// Forwards to the method defined on the type `dyn Error`. #[stable(feature = "error_downcast", since = "1.3.0")] #[inline] pub fn downcast_ref(&self) -> Option<&T> { ::downcast_ref::(self) } /// Forwards to the method defined on the type `dyn Error`. #[stable(feature = "error_downcast", since = "1.3.0")] #[inline] pub fn downcast_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut T> { ::downcast_mut::(self) } /// Request a reference of type `T` as context about this error. #[unstable(feature = "error_generic_member_access", issue = "99301")] pub fn request_ref(&self) -> Option<&T> { ::request_ref(self) } /// Request a value of type `T` as context about this error. #[unstable(feature = "error_generic_member_access", issue = "99301")] pub fn request_value(&self) -> Option { ::request_value(self) } } impl dyn Error + 'static + Send + Sync { /// Forwards to the method defined on the type `dyn Error`. #[stable(feature = "error_downcast", since = "1.3.0")] #[inline] pub fn is(&self) -> bool { ::is::(self) } /// Forwards to the method defined on the type `dyn Error`. #[stable(feature = "error_downcast", since = "1.3.0")] #[inline] pub fn downcast_ref(&self) -> Option<&T> { ::downcast_ref::(self) } /// Forwards to the method defined on the type `dyn Error`. #[stable(feature = "error_downcast", since = "1.3.0")] #[inline] pub fn downcast_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut T> { ::downcast_mut::(self) } /// Request a reference of type `T` as context about this error. #[unstable(feature = "error_generic_member_access", issue = "99301")] pub fn request_ref(&self) -> Option<&T> { ::request_ref(self) } /// Request a value of type `T` as context about this error. #[unstable(feature = "error_generic_member_access", issue = "99301")] pub fn request_value(&self) -> Option { ::request_value(self) } } impl dyn Error { #[inline] #[stable(feature = "error_downcast", since = "1.3.0")] /// Attempts to downcast the box to a concrete type. pub fn downcast(self: Box) -> Result, Box> { if self.is::() { unsafe { let raw: *mut dyn Error = Box::into_raw(self); Ok(Box::from_raw(raw as *mut T)) } } else { Err(self) } } /// Returns an iterator starting with the current error and continuing with /// recursively calling [`Error::source`]. /// /// If you want to omit the current error and only use its sources, /// use `skip(1)`. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// #![feature(error_iter)] /// use std::error::Error; /// use std::fmt; /// /// #[derive(Debug)] /// struct A; /// /// #[derive(Debug)] /// struct B(Option>); /// /// impl fmt::Display for A { /// fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { /// write!(f, "A") /// } /// } /// /// impl fmt::Display for B { /// fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { /// write!(f, "B") /// } /// } /// /// impl Error for A {} /// /// impl Error for B { /// fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> { /// self.0.as_ref().map(|e| e.as_ref()) /// } /// } /// /// let b = B(Some(Box::new(A))); /// /// // let err : Box = b.into(); // or /// let err = &b as &(dyn Error); /// /// let mut iter = err.chain(); /// /// assert_eq!("B".to_string(), iter.next().unwrap().to_string()); /// assert_eq!("A".to_string(), iter.next().unwrap().to_string()); /// assert!(iter.next().is_none()); /// assert!(iter.next().is_none()); /// ``` #[unstable(feature = "error_iter", issue = "58520")] #[inline] pub fn chain(&self) -> Chain<'_> { Chain { current: Some(self) } } } /// An iterator over an [`Error`] and its sources. /// /// If you want to omit the initial error and only process /// its sources, use `skip(1)`. #[unstable(feature = "error_iter", issue = "58520")] #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct Chain<'a> { current: Option<&'a (dyn Error + 'static)>, } #[unstable(feature = "error_iter", issue = "58520")] impl<'a> Iterator for Chain<'a> { type Item = &'a (dyn Error + 'static); fn next(&mut self) -> Option { let current = self.current; self.current = self.current.and_then(Error::source); current } } impl dyn Error + Send { #[inline] #[stable(feature = "error_downcast", since = "1.3.0")] /// Attempts to downcast the box to a concrete type. pub fn downcast(self: Box) -> Result, Box> { let err: Box = self; ::downcast(err).map_err(|s| unsafe { // Reapply the `Send` marker. transmute::, Box>(s) }) } } impl dyn Error + Send + Sync { #[inline] #[stable(feature = "error_downcast", since = "1.3.0")] /// Attempts to downcast the box to a concrete type. pub fn downcast(self: Box) -> Result, Box> { let err: Box = self; ::downcast(err).map_err(|s| unsafe { // Reapply the `Send + Sync` marker. transmute::, Box>(s) }) } } /// An error reporter that prints an error and its sources. /// /// Report also exposes configuration options for formatting the error chain, either entirely on a /// single line, or in multi-line format with each cause in the error chain on a new line. /// /// `Report` only requires that the wrapped error implement `Error`. It doesn't require that the /// wrapped error be `Send`, `Sync`, or `'static`. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```rust /// #![feature(error_reporter)] /// use std::error::{Error, Report}; /// use std::fmt; /// /// #[derive(Debug)] /// struct SuperError { /// source: SuperErrorSideKick, /// } /// /// impl fmt::Display for SuperError { /// fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { /// write!(f, "SuperError is here!") /// } /// } /// /// impl Error for SuperError { /// fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> { /// Some(&self.source) /// } /// } /// /// #[derive(Debug)] /// struct SuperErrorSideKick; /// /// impl fmt::Display for SuperErrorSideKick { /// fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { /// write!(f, "SuperErrorSideKick is here!") /// } /// } /// /// impl Error for SuperErrorSideKick {} /// /// fn get_super_error() -> Result<(), SuperError> { /// Err(SuperError { source: SuperErrorSideKick }) /// } /// /// fn main() { /// match get_super_error() { /// Err(e) => println!("Error: {}", Report::new(e)), /// _ => println!("No error"), /// } /// } /// ``` /// /// This example produces the following output: /// /// ```console /// Error: SuperError is here!: SuperErrorSideKick is here! /// ``` /// /// ## Output consistency /// /// Report prints the same output via `Display` and `Debug`, so it works well with /// [`Result::unwrap`]/[`Result::expect`] which print their `Err` variant via `Debug`: /// /// ```should_panic /// #![feature(error_reporter)] /// use std::error::Report; /// # use std::error::Error; /// # use std::fmt; /// # #[derive(Debug)] /// # struct SuperError { /// # source: SuperErrorSideKick, /// # } /// # impl fmt::Display for SuperError { /// # fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { /// # write!(f, "SuperError is here!") /// # } /// # } /// # impl Error for SuperError { /// # fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> { /// # Some(&self.source) /// # } /// # } /// # #[derive(Debug)] /// # struct SuperErrorSideKick; /// # impl fmt::Display for SuperErrorSideKick { /// # fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { /// # write!(f, "SuperErrorSideKick is here!") /// # } /// # } /// # impl Error for SuperErrorSideKick {} /// # fn get_super_error() -> Result<(), SuperError> { /// # Err(SuperError { source: SuperErrorSideKick }) /// # } /// /// get_super_error().map_err(Report::new).unwrap(); /// ``` /// /// This example produces the following output: /// /// ```console /// thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: SuperError is here!: SuperErrorSideKick is here!', src/error.rs:34:40 /// note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace /// ``` /// /// ## Return from `main` /// /// `Report` also implements `From` for all types that implement [`Error`]; this when combined with /// the `Debug` output means `Report` is an ideal starting place for formatting errors returned /// from `main`. /// /// ```should_panic /// #![feature(error_reporter)] /// use std::error::Report; /// # use std::error::Error; /// # use std::fmt; /// # #[derive(Debug)] /// # struct SuperError { /// # source: SuperErrorSideKick, /// # } /// # impl fmt::Display for SuperError { /// # fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { /// # write!(f, "SuperError is here!") /// # } /// # } /// # impl Error for SuperError { /// # fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> { /// # Some(&self.source) /// # } /// # } /// # #[derive(Debug)] /// # struct SuperErrorSideKick; /// # impl fmt::Display for SuperErrorSideKick { /// # fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { /// # write!(f, "SuperErrorSideKick is here!") /// # } /// # } /// # impl Error for SuperErrorSideKick {} /// # fn get_super_error() -> Result<(), SuperError> { /// # Err(SuperError { source: SuperErrorSideKick }) /// # } /// /// fn main() -> Result<(), Report> { /// get_super_error()?; /// Ok(()) /// } /// ``` /// /// This example produces the following output: /// /// ```console /// Error: SuperError is here!: SuperErrorSideKick is here! /// ``` /// /// **Note**: `Report`s constructed via `?` and `From` will be configured to use the single line /// output format. If you want to make sure your `Report`s are pretty printed and include backtrace /// you will need to manually convert and enable those flags. /// /// ```should_panic /// #![feature(error_reporter)] /// use std::error::Report; /// # use std::error::Error; /// # use std::fmt; /// # #[derive(Debug)] /// # struct SuperError { /// # source: SuperErrorSideKick, /// # } /// # impl fmt::Display for SuperError { /// # fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { /// # write!(f, "SuperError is here!") /// # } /// # } /// # impl Error for SuperError { /// # fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> { /// # Some(&self.source) /// # } /// # } /// # #[derive(Debug)] /// # struct SuperErrorSideKick; /// # impl fmt::Display for SuperErrorSideKick { /// # fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { /// # write!(f, "SuperErrorSideKick is here!") /// # } /// # } /// # impl Error for SuperErrorSideKick {} /// # fn get_super_error() -> Result<(), SuperError> { /// # Err(SuperError { source: SuperErrorSideKick }) /// # } /// /// fn main() -> Result<(), Report> { /// get_super_error() /// .map_err(Report::from) /// .map_err(|r| r.pretty(true).show_backtrace(true))?; /// Ok(()) /// } /// ``` /// /// This example produces the following output: /// /// ```console /// Error: SuperError is here! /// /// Caused by: /// SuperErrorSideKick is here! /// ``` #[unstable(feature = "error_reporter", issue = "90172")] pub struct Report> { /// The error being reported. error: E, /// Whether a backtrace should be included as part of the report. show_backtrace: bool, /// Whether the report should be pretty-printed. pretty: bool, } impl Report where Report: From, { /// Create a new `Report` from an input error. #[unstable(feature = "error_reporter", issue = "90172")] pub fn new(error: E) -> Report { Self::from(error) } } impl Report { /// Enable pretty-printing the report across multiple lines. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```rust /// #![feature(error_reporter)] /// use std::error::Report; /// # use std::error::Error; /// # use std::fmt; /// # #[derive(Debug)] /// # struct SuperError { /// # source: SuperErrorSideKick, /// # } /// # impl fmt::Display for SuperError { /// # fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { /// # write!(f, "SuperError is here!") /// # } /// # } /// # impl Error for SuperError { /// # fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> { /// # Some(&self.source) /// # } /// # } /// # #[derive(Debug)] /// # struct SuperErrorSideKick; /// # impl fmt::Display for SuperErrorSideKick { /// # fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { /// # write!(f, "SuperErrorSideKick is here!") /// # } /// # } /// # impl Error for SuperErrorSideKick {} /// /// let error = SuperError { source: SuperErrorSideKick }; /// let report = Report::new(error).pretty(true); /// eprintln!("Error: {report:?}"); /// ``` /// /// This example produces the following output: /// /// ```console /// Error: SuperError is here! /// /// Caused by: /// SuperErrorSideKick is here! /// ``` /// /// When there are multiple source errors the causes will be numbered in order of iteration /// starting from the outermost error. /// /// ```rust /// #![feature(error_reporter)] /// use std::error::Report; /// # use std::error::Error; /// # use std::fmt; /// # #[derive(Debug)] /// # struct SuperError { /// # source: SuperErrorSideKick, /// # } /// # impl fmt::Display for SuperError { /// # fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { /// # write!(f, "SuperError is here!") /// # } /// # } /// # impl Error for SuperError { /// # fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> { /// # Some(&self.source) /// # } /// # } /// # #[derive(Debug)] /// # struct SuperErrorSideKick { /// # source: SuperErrorSideKickSideKick, /// # } /// # impl fmt::Display for SuperErrorSideKick { /// # fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { /// # write!(f, "SuperErrorSideKick is here!") /// # } /// # } /// # impl Error for SuperErrorSideKick { /// # fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> { /// # Some(&self.source) /// # } /// # } /// # #[derive(Debug)] /// # struct SuperErrorSideKickSideKick; /// # impl fmt::Display for SuperErrorSideKickSideKick { /// # fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { /// # write!(f, "SuperErrorSideKickSideKick is here!") /// # } /// # } /// # impl Error for SuperErrorSideKickSideKick { } /// /// let source = SuperErrorSideKickSideKick; /// let source = SuperErrorSideKick { source }; /// let error = SuperError { source }; /// let report = Report::new(error).pretty(true); /// eprintln!("Error: {report:?}"); /// ``` /// /// This example produces the following output: /// /// ```console /// Error: SuperError is here! /// /// Caused by: /// 0: SuperErrorSideKick is here! /// 1: SuperErrorSideKickSideKick is here! /// ``` #[unstable(feature = "error_reporter", issue = "90172")] pub fn pretty(mut self, pretty: bool) -> Self { self.pretty = pretty; self } /// Display backtrace if available when using pretty output format. /// /// # Examples /// /// **Note**: Report will search for the first `Backtrace` it can find starting from the /// outermost error. In this example it will display the backtrace from the second error in the /// chain, `SuperErrorSideKick`. /// /// ```rust /// #![feature(error_reporter)] /// #![feature(backtrace)] /// #![feature(provide_any)] /// #![feature(error_generic_member_access)] /// # use std::error::Error; /// # use std::fmt; /// use std::any::Demand; /// use std::error::Report; /// use std::backtrace::Backtrace; /// /// # #[derive(Debug)] /// # struct SuperError { /// # source: SuperErrorSideKick, /// # } /// # impl fmt::Display for SuperError { /// # fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { /// # write!(f, "SuperError is here!") /// # } /// # } /// # impl Error for SuperError { /// # fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> { /// # Some(&self.source) /// # } /// # } /// #[derive(Debug)] /// struct SuperErrorSideKick { /// backtrace: Backtrace, /// } /// /// impl SuperErrorSideKick { /// fn new() -> SuperErrorSideKick { /// SuperErrorSideKick { backtrace: Backtrace::force_capture() } /// } /// } /// /// impl Error for SuperErrorSideKick { /// fn provide<'a>(&'a self, req: &mut Demand<'a>) { /// req /// .provide_ref::(&self.backtrace); /// } /// } /// /// // The rest of the example is unchanged ... /// # impl fmt::Display for SuperErrorSideKick { /// # fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { /// # write!(f, "SuperErrorSideKick is here!") /// # } /// # } /// /// let source = SuperErrorSideKick::new(); /// let error = SuperError { source }; /// let report = Report::new(error).pretty(true).show_backtrace(true); /// eprintln!("Error: {report:?}"); /// ``` /// /// This example produces something similar to the following output: /// /// ```console /// Error: SuperError is here! /// /// Caused by: /// SuperErrorSideKick is here! /// /// Stack backtrace: /// 0: rust_out::main::_doctest_main_src_error_rs_1158_0::SuperErrorSideKick::new /// 1: rust_out::main::_doctest_main_src_error_rs_1158_0 /// 2: rust_out::main /// 3: core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once /// 4: std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_begin_short_backtrace /// 5: std::rt::lang_start::{{closure}} /// 6: std::panicking::try /// 7: std::rt::lang_start_internal /// 8: std::rt::lang_start /// 9: main /// 10: __libc_start_main /// 11: _start /// ``` #[unstable(feature = "error_reporter", issue = "90172")] pub fn show_backtrace(mut self, show_backtrace: bool) -> Self { self.show_backtrace = show_backtrace; self } } impl Report where E: Error, { fn backtrace(&self) -> Option<&Backtrace> { // have to grab the backtrace on the first error directly since that error may not be // 'static let backtrace = (&self.error as &dyn Error).request_ref(); let backtrace = backtrace.or_else(|| { self.error .source() .map(|source| source.chain().find_map(|source| source.request_ref())) .flatten() }); backtrace } /// Format the report as a single line. #[unstable(feature = "error_reporter", issue = "90172")] fn fmt_singleline(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}", self.error)?; let sources = self.error.source().into_iter().flat_map(::chain); for cause in sources { write!(f, ": {cause}")?; } Ok(()) } /// Format the report as multiple lines, with each error cause on its own line. #[unstable(feature = "error_reporter", issue = "90172")] fn fmt_multiline(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { let error = &self.error; write!(f, "{error}")?; if let Some(cause) = error.source() { write!(f, "\n\nCaused by:")?; let multiple = cause.source().is_some(); for (ind, error) in cause.chain().enumerate() { writeln!(f)?; let mut indented = Indented { inner: f }; if multiple { write!(indented, "{ind: >4}: {error}")?; } else { write!(indented, " {error}")?; } } } if self.show_backtrace { let backtrace = self.backtrace(); if let Some(backtrace) = backtrace { let backtrace = backtrace.to_string(); f.write_str("\n\nStack backtrace:\n")?; f.write_str(backtrace.trim_end())?; } } Ok(()) } } impl Report> { fn backtrace(&self) -> Option<&Backtrace> { // have to grab the backtrace on the first error directly since that error may not be // 'static let backtrace = self.error.request_ref(); let backtrace = backtrace.or_else(|| { self.error .source() .map(|source| source.chain().find_map(|source| source.request_ref())) .flatten() }); backtrace } /// Format the report as a single line. #[unstable(feature = "error_reporter", issue = "90172")] fn fmt_singleline(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}", self.error)?; let sources = self.error.source().into_iter().flat_map(::chain); for cause in sources { write!(f, ": {cause}")?; } Ok(()) } /// Format the report as multiple lines, with each error cause on its own line. #[unstable(feature = "error_reporter", issue = "90172")] fn fmt_multiline(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { let error = &self.error; write!(f, "{error}")?; if let Some(cause) = error.source() { write!(f, "\n\nCaused by:")?; let multiple = cause.source().is_some(); for (ind, error) in cause.chain().enumerate() { writeln!(f)?; let mut indented = Indented { inner: f }; if multiple { write!(indented, "{ind: >4}: {error}")?; } else { write!(indented, " {error}")?; } } } if self.show_backtrace { let backtrace = self.backtrace(); if let Some(backtrace) = backtrace { let backtrace = backtrace.to_string(); f.write_str("\n\nStack backtrace:\n")?; f.write_str(backtrace.trim_end())?; } } Ok(()) } } #[unstable(feature = "error_reporter", issue = "90172")] impl From for Report where E: Error, { fn from(error: E) -> Self { Report { error, show_backtrace: false, pretty: false } } } #[unstable(feature = "error_reporter", issue = "90172")] impl<'a, E> From for Report> where E: Error + 'a, { fn from(error: E) -> Self { let error = box error; Report { error, show_backtrace: false, pretty: false } } } #[unstable(feature = "error_reporter", issue = "90172")] impl fmt::Display for Report where E: Error, { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { if self.pretty { self.fmt_multiline(f) } else { self.fmt_singleline(f) } } } #[unstable(feature = "error_reporter", issue = "90172")] impl fmt::Display for Report> { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { if self.pretty { self.fmt_multiline(f) } else { self.fmt_singleline(f) } } } // This type intentionally outputs the same format for `Display` and `Debug`for // situations where you unwrap a `Report` or return it from main. #[unstable(feature = "error_reporter", issue = "90172")] impl fmt::Debug for Report where Report: fmt::Display, { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { fmt::Display::fmt(self, f) } } /// Wrapper type for indenting the inner source. struct Indented<'a, D> { inner: &'a mut D, } impl Write for Indented<'_, T> where T: Write, { fn write_str(&mut self, s: &str) -> fmt::Result { for (i, line) in s.split('\n').enumerate() { if i > 0 { self.inner.write_char('\n')?; self.inner.write_str(" ")?; } self.inner.write_str(line)?; } Ok(()) } }