#[cfg(any(doc, target_os = "android", target_os = "linux"))] use super::{recv_vectored_with_ancillary_from, send_vectored_with_ancillary_to, SocketAncillary}; use super::{sockaddr_un, SocketAddr}; #[cfg(any(doc, target_os = "android", target_os = "linux"))] use crate::io::{IoSlice, IoSliceMut}; use crate::net::Shutdown; use crate::os::unix::io::{AsFd, AsRawFd, BorrowedFd, FromRawFd, IntoRawFd, OwnedFd, RawFd}; use crate::path::Path; use crate::sys::cvt; use crate::sys::net::Socket; use crate::sys_common::{AsInner, FromInner, IntoInner}; use crate::time::Duration; use crate::{fmt, io}; #[cfg(any( target_os = "linux", target_os = "android", target_os = "dragonfly", target_os = "freebsd", target_os = "openbsd", target_os = "netbsd", target_os = "haiku", target_os = "nto", ))] use libc::MSG_NOSIGNAL; #[cfg(not(any( target_os = "linux", target_os = "android", target_os = "dragonfly", target_os = "freebsd", target_os = "openbsd", target_os = "netbsd", target_os = "haiku", target_os = "nto", )))] const MSG_NOSIGNAL: libc::c_int = 0x0; /// A Unix datagram socket. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// use std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram; /// /// fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { /// let socket = UnixDatagram::bind("/path/to/my/socket")?; /// socket.send_to(b"hello world", "/path/to/other/socket")?; /// let mut buf = [0; 100]; /// let (count, address) = socket.recv_from(&mut buf)?; /// println!("socket {:?} sent {:?}", address, &buf[..count]); /// Ok(()) /// } /// ``` #[stable(feature = "unix_socket", since = "1.10.0")] pub struct UnixDatagram(Socket); #[stable(feature = "unix_socket", since = "1.10.0")] impl fmt::Debug for UnixDatagram { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { let mut builder = fmt.debug_struct("UnixDatagram"); builder.field("fd", self.0.as_inner()); if let Ok(addr) = self.local_addr() { builder.field("local", &addr); } if let Ok(addr) = self.peer_addr() { builder.field("peer", &addr); } builder.finish() } } impl UnixDatagram { /// Creates a Unix datagram socket bound to the given path. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// use std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram; /// /// let sock = match UnixDatagram::bind("/path/to/the/socket") { /// Ok(sock) => sock, /// Err(e) => { /// println!("Couldn't bind: {e:?}"); /// return /// } /// }; /// ``` #[stable(feature = "unix_socket", since = "1.10.0")] pub fn bind>(path: P) -> io::Result { unsafe { let socket = UnixDatagram::unbound()?; let (addr, len) = sockaddr_un(path.as_ref())?; cvt(libc::bind(socket.as_raw_fd(), &addr as *const _ as *const _, len as _))?; Ok(socket) } } /// Creates a Unix datagram socket bound to an address. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// use std::os::unix::net::{UnixDatagram}; /// /// fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { /// let sock1 = UnixDatagram::bind("path/to/socket")?; /// let addr = sock1.local_addr()?; /// /// let sock2 = match UnixDatagram::bind_addr(&addr) { /// Ok(sock) => sock, /// Err(err) => { /// println!("Couldn't bind: {err:?}"); /// return Err(err); /// } /// }; /// Ok(()) /// } /// ``` #[stable(feature = "unix_socket_abstract", since = "1.70.0")] pub fn bind_addr(socket_addr: &SocketAddr) -> io::Result { unsafe { let socket = UnixDatagram::unbound()?; cvt(libc::bind( socket.as_raw_fd(), &socket_addr.addr as *const _ as *const _, socket_addr.len as _, ))?; Ok(socket) } } /// Creates a Unix Datagram socket which is not bound to any address. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// use std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram; /// /// let sock = match UnixDatagram::unbound() { /// Ok(sock) => sock, /// Err(e) => { /// println!("Couldn't unbound: {e:?}"); /// return /// } /// }; /// ``` #[stable(feature = "unix_socket", since = "1.10.0")] pub fn unbound() -> io::Result { let inner = Socket::new_raw(libc::AF_UNIX, libc::SOCK_DGRAM)?; Ok(UnixDatagram(inner)) } /// Creates an unnamed pair of connected sockets. /// /// Returns two `UnixDatagrams`s which are connected to each other. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// use std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram; /// /// let (sock1, sock2) = match UnixDatagram::pair() { /// Ok((sock1, sock2)) => (sock1, sock2), /// Err(e) => { /// println!("Couldn't unbound: {e:?}"); /// return /// } /// }; /// ``` #[stable(feature = "unix_socket", since = "1.10.0")] pub fn pair() -> io::Result<(UnixDatagram, UnixDatagram)> { let (i1, i2) = Socket::new_pair(libc::AF_UNIX, libc::SOCK_DGRAM)?; Ok((UnixDatagram(i1), UnixDatagram(i2))) } /// Connects the socket to the specified path address. /// /// The [`send`] method may be used to send data to the specified address. /// [`recv`] and [`recv_from`] will only receive data from that address. /// /// [`send`]: UnixDatagram::send /// [`recv`]: UnixDatagram::recv /// [`recv_from`]: UnixDatagram::recv_from /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// use std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram; /// /// fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { /// let sock = UnixDatagram::unbound()?; /// match sock.connect("/path/to/the/socket") { /// Ok(sock) => sock, /// Err(e) => { /// println!("Couldn't connect: {e:?}"); /// return Err(e) /// } /// }; /// Ok(()) /// } /// ``` #[stable(feature = "unix_socket", since = "1.10.0")] pub fn connect>(&self, path: P) -> io::Result<()> { unsafe { let (addr, len) = sockaddr_un(path.as_ref())?; cvt(libc::connect(self.as_raw_fd(), &addr as *const _ as *const _, len))?; } Ok(()) } /// Connects the socket to an address. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// use std::os::unix::net::{UnixDatagram}; /// /// fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { /// let bound = UnixDatagram::bind("/path/to/socket")?; /// let addr = bound.local_addr()?; /// /// let sock = UnixDatagram::unbound()?; /// match sock.connect_addr(&addr) { /// Ok(sock) => sock, /// Err(e) => { /// println!("Couldn't connect: {e:?}"); /// return Err(e) /// } /// }; /// Ok(()) /// } /// ``` #[stable(feature = "unix_socket_abstract", since = "1.70.0")] pub fn connect_addr(&self, socket_addr: &SocketAddr) -> io::Result<()> { unsafe { cvt(libc::connect( self.as_raw_fd(), &socket_addr.addr as *const _ as *const _, socket_addr.len, ))?; } Ok(()) } /// Creates a new independently owned handle to the underlying socket. /// /// The returned `UnixDatagram` is a reference to the same socket that this /// object references. Both handles can be used to accept incoming /// connections and options set on one side will affect the other. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// use std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram; /// /// fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { /// let sock = UnixDatagram::bind("/path/to/the/socket")?; /// let sock_copy = sock.try_clone().expect("try_clone failed"); /// Ok(()) /// } /// ``` #[stable(feature = "unix_socket", since = "1.10.0")] pub fn try_clone(&self) -> io::Result { self.0.duplicate().map(UnixDatagram) } /// Returns the address of this socket. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// use std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram; /// /// fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { /// let sock = UnixDatagram::bind("/path/to/the/socket")?; /// let addr = sock.local_addr().expect("Couldn't get local address"); /// Ok(()) /// } /// ``` #[stable(feature = "unix_socket", since = "1.10.0")] pub fn local_addr(&self) -> io::Result { SocketAddr::new(|addr, len| unsafe { libc::getsockname(self.as_raw_fd(), addr, len) }) } /// Returns the address of this socket's peer. /// /// The [`connect`] method will connect the socket to a peer. /// /// [`connect`]: UnixDatagram::connect /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// use std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram; /// /// fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { /// let sock = UnixDatagram::unbound()?; /// sock.connect("/path/to/the/socket")?; /// /// let addr = sock.peer_addr().expect("Couldn't get peer address"); /// Ok(()) /// } /// ``` #[stable(feature = "unix_socket", since = "1.10.0")] pub fn peer_addr(&self) -> io::Result { SocketAddr::new(|addr, len| unsafe { libc::getpeername(self.as_raw_fd(), addr, len) }) } fn recv_from_flags( &self, buf: &mut [u8], flags: libc::c_int, ) -> io::Result<(usize, SocketAddr)> { let mut count = 0; let addr = SocketAddr::new(|addr, len| unsafe { count = libc::recvfrom( self.as_raw_fd(), buf.as_mut_ptr() as *mut _, buf.len(), flags, addr, len, ); if count > 0 { 1 } else if count == 0 { 0 } else { -1 } })?; Ok((count as usize, addr)) } /// Receives data from the socket. /// /// On success, returns the number of bytes read and the address from /// whence the data came. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// use std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram; /// /// fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { /// let sock = UnixDatagram::unbound()?; /// let mut buf = vec![0; 10]; /// let (size, sender) = sock.recv_from(buf.as_mut_slice())?; /// println!("received {size} bytes from {sender:?}"); /// Ok(()) /// } /// ``` #[stable(feature = "unix_socket", since = "1.10.0")] pub fn recv_from(&self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<(usize, SocketAddr)> { self.recv_from_flags(buf, 0) } /// Receives data from the socket. /// /// On success, returns the number of bytes read. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// use std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram; /// /// fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { /// let sock = UnixDatagram::bind("/path/to/the/socket")?; /// let mut buf = vec![0; 10]; /// sock.recv(buf.as_mut_slice()).expect("recv function failed"); /// Ok(()) /// } /// ``` #[stable(feature = "unix_socket", since = "1.10.0")] pub fn recv(&self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result { self.0.read(buf) } /// Receives data and ancillary data from socket. /// /// On success, returns the number of bytes read, if the data was truncated and the address from whence the msg came. /// /// # Examples /// #[cfg_attr(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux"), doc = "```no_run")] #[cfg_attr(not(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux")), doc = "```ignore")] /// #![feature(unix_socket_ancillary_data)] /// use std::os::unix::net::{UnixDatagram, SocketAncillary, AncillaryData}; /// use std::io::IoSliceMut; /// /// fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { /// let sock = UnixDatagram::unbound()?; /// let mut buf1 = [1; 8]; /// let mut buf2 = [2; 16]; /// let mut buf3 = [3; 8]; /// let mut bufs = &mut [ /// IoSliceMut::new(&mut buf1), /// IoSliceMut::new(&mut buf2), /// IoSliceMut::new(&mut buf3), /// ][..]; /// let mut fds = [0; 8]; /// let mut ancillary_buffer = [0; 128]; /// let mut ancillary = SocketAncillary::new(&mut ancillary_buffer[..]); /// let (size, _truncated, sender) = sock.recv_vectored_with_ancillary_from(bufs, &mut ancillary)?; /// println!("received {size}"); /// for ancillary_result in ancillary.messages() { /// if let AncillaryData::ScmRights(scm_rights) = ancillary_result.unwrap() { /// for fd in scm_rights { /// println!("receive file descriptor: {fd}"); /// } /// } /// } /// Ok(()) /// } /// ``` #[cfg(any(doc, target_os = "android", target_os = "linux"))] #[unstable(feature = "unix_socket_ancillary_data", issue = "76915")] pub fn recv_vectored_with_ancillary_from( &self, bufs: &mut [IoSliceMut<'_>], ancillary: &mut SocketAncillary<'_>, ) -> io::Result<(usize, bool, SocketAddr)> { let (count, truncated, addr) = recv_vectored_with_ancillary_from(&self.0, bufs, ancillary)?; let addr = addr?; Ok((count, truncated, addr)) } /// Receives data and ancillary data from socket. /// /// On success, returns the number of bytes read and if the data was truncated. /// /// # Examples /// #[cfg_attr(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux"), doc = "```no_run")] #[cfg_attr(not(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux")), doc = "```ignore")] /// #![feature(unix_socket_ancillary_data)] /// use std::os::unix::net::{UnixDatagram, SocketAncillary, AncillaryData}; /// use std::io::IoSliceMut; /// /// fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { /// let sock = UnixDatagram::unbound()?; /// let mut buf1 = [1; 8]; /// let mut buf2 = [2; 16]; /// let mut buf3 = [3; 8]; /// let mut bufs = &mut [ /// IoSliceMut::new(&mut buf1), /// IoSliceMut::new(&mut buf2), /// IoSliceMut::new(&mut buf3), /// ][..]; /// let mut fds = [0; 8]; /// let mut ancillary_buffer = [0; 128]; /// let mut ancillary = SocketAncillary::new(&mut ancillary_buffer[..]); /// let (size, _truncated) = sock.recv_vectored_with_ancillary(bufs, &mut ancillary)?; /// println!("received {size}"); /// for ancillary_result in ancillary.messages() { /// if let AncillaryData::ScmRights(scm_rights) = ancillary_result.unwrap() { /// for fd in scm_rights { /// println!("receive file descriptor: {fd}"); /// } /// } /// } /// Ok(()) /// } /// ``` #[cfg(any(doc, target_os = "android", target_os = "linux"))] #[unstable(feature = "unix_socket_ancillary_data", issue = "76915")] pub fn recv_vectored_with_ancillary( &self, bufs: &mut [IoSliceMut<'_>], ancillary: &mut SocketAncillary<'_>, ) -> io::Result<(usize, bool)> { let (count, truncated, addr) = recv_vectored_with_ancillary_from(&self.0, bufs, ancillary)?; addr?; Ok((count, truncated)) } /// Sends data on the socket to the specified address. /// /// On success, returns the number of bytes written. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// use std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram; /// /// fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { /// let sock = UnixDatagram::unbound()?; /// sock.send_to(b"omelette au fromage", "/some/sock").expect("send_to function failed"); /// Ok(()) /// } /// ``` #[stable(feature = "unix_socket", since = "1.10.0")] pub fn send_to>(&self, buf: &[u8], path: P) -> io::Result { unsafe { let (addr, len) = sockaddr_un(path.as_ref())?; let count = cvt(libc::sendto( self.as_raw_fd(), buf.as_ptr() as *const _, buf.len(), MSG_NOSIGNAL, &addr as *const _ as *const _, len, ))?; Ok(count as usize) } } /// Sends data on the socket to the specified [SocketAddr]. /// /// On success, returns the number of bytes written. /// /// [SocketAddr]: crate::os::unix::net::SocketAddr /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// use std::os::unix::net::{UnixDatagram}; /// /// fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { /// let bound = UnixDatagram::bind("/path/to/socket")?; /// let addr = bound.local_addr()?; /// /// let sock = UnixDatagram::unbound()?; /// sock.send_to_addr(b"bacon egg and cheese", &addr).expect("send_to_addr function failed"); /// Ok(()) /// } /// ``` #[stable(feature = "unix_socket_abstract", since = "1.70.0")] pub fn send_to_addr(&self, buf: &[u8], socket_addr: &SocketAddr) -> io::Result { unsafe { let count = cvt(libc::sendto( self.as_raw_fd(), buf.as_ptr() as *const _, buf.len(), MSG_NOSIGNAL, &socket_addr.addr as *const _ as *const _, socket_addr.len, ))?; Ok(count as usize) } } /// Sends data on the socket to the socket's peer. /// /// The peer address may be set by the `connect` method, and this method /// will return an error if the socket has not already been connected. /// /// On success, returns the number of bytes written. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// use std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram; /// /// fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { /// let sock = UnixDatagram::unbound()?; /// sock.connect("/some/sock").expect("Couldn't connect"); /// sock.send(b"omelette au fromage").expect("send_to function failed"); /// Ok(()) /// } /// ``` #[stable(feature = "unix_socket", since = "1.10.0")] pub fn send(&self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result { self.0.write(buf) } /// Sends data and ancillary data on the socket to the specified address. /// /// On success, returns the number of bytes written. /// /// # Examples /// #[cfg_attr(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux"), doc = "```no_run")] #[cfg_attr(not(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux")), doc = "```ignore")] /// #![feature(unix_socket_ancillary_data)] /// use std::os::unix::net::{UnixDatagram, SocketAncillary}; /// use std::io::IoSlice; /// /// fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { /// let sock = UnixDatagram::unbound()?; /// let buf1 = [1; 8]; /// let buf2 = [2; 16]; /// let buf3 = [3; 8]; /// let bufs = &[ /// IoSlice::new(&buf1), /// IoSlice::new(&buf2), /// IoSlice::new(&buf3), /// ][..]; /// let fds = [0, 1, 2]; /// let mut ancillary_buffer = [0; 128]; /// let mut ancillary = SocketAncillary::new(&mut ancillary_buffer[..]); /// ancillary.add_fds(&fds[..]); /// sock.send_vectored_with_ancillary_to(bufs, &mut ancillary, "/some/sock") /// .expect("send_vectored_with_ancillary_to function failed"); /// Ok(()) /// } /// ``` #[cfg(any(doc, target_os = "android", target_os = "linux"))] #[unstable(feature = "unix_socket_ancillary_data", issue = "76915")] pub fn send_vectored_with_ancillary_to>( &self, bufs: &[IoSlice<'_>], ancillary: &mut SocketAncillary<'_>, path: P, ) -> io::Result { send_vectored_with_ancillary_to(&self.0, Some(path.as_ref()), bufs, ancillary) } /// Sends data and ancillary data on the socket. /// /// On success, returns the number of bytes written. /// /// # Examples /// #[cfg_attr(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux"), doc = "```no_run")] #[cfg_attr(not(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux")), doc = "```ignore")] /// #![feature(unix_socket_ancillary_data)] /// use std::os::unix::net::{UnixDatagram, SocketAncillary}; /// use std::io::IoSlice; /// /// fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { /// let sock = UnixDatagram::unbound()?; /// let buf1 = [1; 8]; /// let buf2 = [2; 16]; /// let buf3 = [3; 8]; /// let bufs = &[ /// IoSlice::new(&buf1), /// IoSlice::new(&buf2), /// IoSlice::new(&buf3), /// ][..]; /// let fds = [0, 1, 2]; /// let mut ancillary_buffer = [0; 128]; /// let mut ancillary = SocketAncillary::new(&mut ancillary_buffer[..]); /// ancillary.add_fds(&fds[..]); /// sock.send_vectored_with_ancillary(bufs, &mut ancillary) /// .expect("send_vectored_with_ancillary function failed"); /// Ok(()) /// } /// ``` #[cfg(any(doc, target_os = "android", target_os = "linux"))] #[unstable(feature = "unix_socket_ancillary_data", issue = "76915")] pub fn send_vectored_with_ancillary( &self, bufs: &[IoSlice<'_>], ancillary: &mut SocketAncillary<'_>, ) -> io::Result { send_vectored_with_ancillary_to(&self.0, None, bufs, ancillary) } /// Sets the read timeout for the socket. /// /// If the provided value is [`None`], then [`recv`] and [`recv_from`] calls will /// block indefinitely. An [`Err`] is returned if the zero [`Duration`] /// is passed to this method. /// /// [`recv`]: UnixDatagram::recv /// [`recv_from`]: UnixDatagram::recv_from /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram; /// use std::time::Duration; /// /// fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { /// let sock = UnixDatagram::unbound()?; /// sock.set_read_timeout(Some(Duration::new(1, 0))) /// .expect("set_read_timeout function failed"); /// Ok(()) /// } /// ``` /// /// An [`Err`] is returned if the zero [`Duration`] is passed to this /// method: /// /// ```no_run /// use std::io; /// use std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram; /// use std::time::Duration; /// /// fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { /// let socket = UnixDatagram::unbound()?; /// let result = socket.set_read_timeout(Some(Duration::new(0, 0))); /// let err = result.unwrap_err(); /// assert_eq!(err.kind(), io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput); /// Ok(()) /// } /// ``` #[stable(feature = "unix_socket", since = "1.10.0")] pub fn set_read_timeout(&self, timeout: Option) -> io::Result<()> { self.0.set_timeout(timeout, libc::SO_RCVTIMEO) } /// Sets the write timeout for the socket. /// /// If the provided value is [`None`], then [`send`] and [`send_to`] calls will /// block indefinitely. An [`Err`] is returned if the zero [`Duration`] is passed to this /// method. /// /// [`send`]: UnixDatagram::send /// [`send_to`]: UnixDatagram::send_to /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram; /// use std::time::Duration; /// /// fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { /// let sock = UnixDatagram::unbound()?; /// sock.set_write_timeout(Some(Duration::new(1, 0))) /// .expect("set_write_timeout function failed"); /// Ok(()) /// } /// ``` /// /// An [`Err`] is returned if the zero [`Duration`] is passed to this /// method: /// /// ```no_run /// use std::io; /// use std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram; /// use std::time::Duration; /// /// fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { /// let socket = UnixDatagram::unbound()?; /// let result = socket.set_write_timeout(Some(Duration::new(0, 0))); /// let err = result.unwrap_err(); /// assert_eq!(err.kind(), io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput); /// Ok(()) /// } /// ``` #[stable(feature = "unix_socket", since = "1.10.0")] pub fn set_write_timeout(&self, timeout: Option) -> io::Result<()> { self.0.set_timeout(timeout, libc::SO_SNDTIMEO) } /// Returns the read timeout of this socket. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram; /// use std::time::Duration; /// /// fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { /// let sock = UnixDatagram::unbound()?; /// sock.set_read_timeout(Some(Duration::new(1, 0))) /// .expect("set_read_timeout function failed"); /// assert_eq!(sock.read_timeout()?, Some(Duration::new(1, 0))); /// Ok(()) /// } /// ``` #[stable(feature = "unix_socket", since = "1.10.0")] pub fn read_timeout(&self) -> io::Result> { self.0.timeout(libc::SO_RCVTIMEO) } /// Returns the write timeout of this socket. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram; /// use std::time::Duration; /// /// fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { /// let sock = UnixDatagram::unbound()?; /// sock.set_write_timeout(Some(Duration::new(1, 0))) /// .expect("set_write_timeout function failed"); /// assert_eq!(sock.write_timeout()?, Some(Duration::new(1, 0))); /// Ok(()) /// } /// ``` #[stable(feature = "unix_socket", since = "1.10.0")] pub fn write_timeout(&self) -> io::Result> { self.0.timeout(libc::SO_SNDTIMEO) } /// Moves the socket into or out of nonblocking mode. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram; /// /// fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { /// let sock = UnixDatagram::unbound()?; /// sock.set_nonblocking(true).expect("set_nonblocking function failed"); /// Ok(()) /// } /// ``` #[stable(feature = "unix_socket", since = "1.10.0")] pub fn set_nonblocking(&self, nonblocking: bool) -> io::Result<()> { self.0.set_nonblocking(nonblocking) } /// Moves the socket to pass unix credentials as control message in [`SocketAncillary`]. /// /// Set the socket option `SO_PASSCRED`. /// /// # Examples /// #[cfg_attr( any( target_os = "android", target_os = "linux", target_os = "netbsd", target_os = "freebsd", ), doc = "```no_run" )] #[cfg_attr( not(any( target_os = "android", target_os = "linux", target_os = "netbsd", target_os = "freebsd" )), doc = "```ignore" )] /// #![feature(unix_socket_ancillary_data)] /// use std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram; /// /// fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { /// let sock = UnixDatagram::unbound()?; /// sock.set_passcred(true).expect("set_passcred function failed"); /// Ok(()) /// } /// ``` #[cfg(any( doc, target_os = "android", target_os = "linux", target_os = "netbsd", target_os = "freebsd" ))] #[unstable(feature = "unix_socket_ancillary_data", issue = "76915")] pub fn set_passcred(&self, passcred: bool) -> io::Result<()> { self.0.set_passcred(passcred) } /// Get the current value of the socket for passing unix credentials in [`SocketAncillary`]. /// This value can be change by [`set_passcred`]. /// /// Get the socket option `SO_PASSCRED`. /// /// [`set_passcred`]: UnixDatagram::set_passcred #[cfg(any( doc, target_os = "android", target_os = "linux", target_os = "netbsd", target_os = "freebsd" ))] #[unstable(feature = "unix_socket_ancillary_data", issue = "76915")] pub fn passcred(&self) -> io::Result { self.0.passcred() } /// Set the id of the socket for network filtering purpose /// #[cfg_attr( any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "freebsd", target_os = "openbsd"), doc = "```no_run" )] #[cfg_attr( not(any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "freebsd", target_os = "openbsd")), doc = "```ignore" )] /// #![feature(unix_set_mark)] /// use std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram; /// /// fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { /// let sock = UnixDatagram::unbound()?; /// sock.set_mark(32)?; /// Ok(()) /// } /// ``` #[cfg(any(doc, target_os = "linux", target_os = "freebsd", target_os = "openbsd",))] #[unstable(feature = "unix_set_mark", issue = "96467")] pub fn set_mark(&self, mark: u32) -> io::Result<()> { self.0.set_mark(mark) } /// Returns the value of the `SO_ERROR` option. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// use std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram; /// /// fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { /// let sock = UnixDatagram::unbound()?; /// if let Ok(Some(err)) = sock.take_error() { /// println!("Got error: {err:?}"); /// } /// Ok(()) /// } /// ``` #[stable(feature = "unix_socket", since = "1.10.0")] pub fn take_error(&self) -> io::Result> { self.0.take_error() } /// Shut down the read, write, or both halves of this connection. /// /// This function will cause all pending and future I/O calls on the /// specified portions to immediately return with an appropriate value /// (see the documentation of [`Shutdown`]). /// /// ```no_run /// use std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram; /// use std::net::Shutdown; /// /// fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { /// let sock = UnixDatagram::unbound()?; /// sock.shutdown(Shutdown::Both).expect("shutdown function failed"); /// Ok(()) /// } /// ``` #[stable(feature = "unix_socket", since = "1.10.0")] pub fn shutdown(&self, how: Shutdown) -> io::Result<()> { self.0.shutdown(how) } /// Receives data on the socket from the remote address to which it is /// connected, without removing that data from the queue. On success, /// returns the number of bytes peeked. /// /// Successive calls return the same data. This is accomplished by passing /// `MSG_PEEK` as a flag to the underlying `recv` system call. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// #![feature(unix_socket_peek)] /// /// use std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram; /// /// fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { /// let socket = UnixDatagram::bind("/tmp/sock")?; /// let mut buf = [0; 10]; /// let len = socket.peek(&mut buf).expect("peek failed"); /// Ok(()) /// } /// ``` #[unstable(feature = "unix_socket_peek", issue = "76923")] pub fn peek(&self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result { self.0.peek(buf) } /// Receives a single datagram message on the socket, without removing it from the /// queue. On success, returns the number of bytes read and the origin. /// /// The function must be called with valid byte array `buf` of sufficient size to /// hold the message bytes. If a message is too long to fit in the supplied buffer, /// excess bytes may be discarded. /// /// Successive calls return the same data. This is accomplished by passing /// `MSG_PEEK` as a flag to the underlying `recvfrom` system call. /// /// Do not use this function to implement busy waiting, instead use `libc::poll` to /// synchronize IO events on one or more sockets. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// #![feature(unix_socket_peek)] /// /// use std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram; /// /// fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { /// let socket = UnixDatagram::bind("/tmp/sock")?; /// let mut buf = [0; 10]; /// let (len, addr) = socket.peek_from(&mut buf).expect("peek failed"); /// Ok(()) /// } /// ``` #[unstable(feature = "unix_socket_peek", issue = "76923")] pub fn peek_from(&self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<(usize, SocketAddr)> { self.recv_from_flags(buf, libc::MSG_PEEK) } } #[stable(feature = "unix_socket", since = "1.10.0")] impl AsRawFd for UnixDatagram { #[inline] fn as_raw_fd(&self) -> RawFd { self.0.as_inner().as_raw_fd() } } #[stable(feature = "unix_socket", since = "1.10.0")] impl FromRawFd for UnixDatagram { #[inline] unsafe fn from_raw_fd(fd: RawFd) -> UnixDatagram { UnixDatagram(Socket::from_inner(FromInner::from_inner(OwnedFd::from_raw_fd(fd)))) } } #[stable(feature = "unix_socket", since = "1.10.0")] impl IntoRawFd for UnixDatagram { #[inline] fn into_raw_fd(self) -> RawFd { self.0.into_inner().into_inner().into_raw_fd() } } #[stable(feature = "io_safety", since = "1.63.0")] impl AsFd for UnixDatagram { #[inline] fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> { self.0.as_inner().as_fd() } } #[stable(feature = "io_safety", since = "1.63.0")] impl From for OwnedFd { #[inline] fn from(unix_datagram: UnixDatagram) -> OwnedFd { unsafe { OwnedFd::from_raw_fd(unix_datagram.into_raw_fd()) } } } #[stable(feature = "io_safety", since = "1.63.0")] impl From for UnixDatagram { #[inline] fn from(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) } } }