//! Useful synchronization primitives. //! //! ## The need for synchronization //! //! Conceptually, a Rust program is a series of operations which will //! be executed on a computer. The timeline of events happening in the //! program is consistent with the order of the operations in the code. //! //! Consider the following code, operating on some global static variables: //! //! ```rust //! static mut A: u32 = 0; //! static mut B: u32 = 0; //! static mut C: u32 = 0; //! //! fn main() { //! unsafe { //! A = 3; //! B = 4; //! A = A + B; //! C = B; //! println!("{A} {B} {C}"); //! C = A; //! } //! } //! ``` //! //! It appears as if some variables stored in memory are changed, an addition //! is performed, result is stored in `A` and the variable `C` is //! modified twice. //! //! When only a single thread is involved, the results are as expected: //! the line `7 4 4` gets printed. //! //! As for what happens behind the scenes, when optimizations are enabled the //! final generated machine code might look very different from the code: //! //! - The first store to `C` might be moved before the store to `A` or `B`, //! _as if_ we had written `C = 4; A = 3; B = 4`. //! //! - Assignment of `A + B` to `A` might be removed, since the sum can be stored //! in a temporary location until it gets printed, with the global variable //! never getting updated. //! //! - The final result could be determined just by looking at the code //! at compile time, so [constant folding] might turn the whole //! block into a simple `println!("7 4 4")`. //! //! The compiler is allowed to perform any combination of these //! optimizations, as long as the final optimized code, when executed, //! produces the same results as the one without optimizations. //! //! Due to the [concurrency] involved in modern computers, assumptions //! about the program's execution order are often wrong. Access to //! global variables can lead to nondeterministic results, **even if** //! compiler optimizations are disabled, and it is **still possible** //! to introduce synchronization bugs. //! //! Note that thanks to Rust's safety guarantees, accessing global (static) //! variables requires `unsafe` code, assuming we don't use any of the //! synchronization primitives in this module. //! //! [constant folding]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constant_folding //! [concurrency]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concurrency_(computer_science) //! //! ## Out-of-order execution //! //! Instructions can execute in a different order from the one we define, due to //! various reasons: //! //! - The **compiler** reordering instructions: If the compiler can issue an //! instruction at an earlier point, it will try to do so. For example, it //! might hoist memory loads at the top of a code block, so that the CPU can //! start [prefetching] the values from memory. //! //! In single-threaded scenarios, this can cause issues when writing //! signal handlers or certain kinds of low-level code. //! Use [compiler fences] to prevent this reordering. //! //! - A **single processor** executing instructions [out-of-order]: //! Modern CPUs are capable of [superscalar] execution, //! i.e., multiple instructions might be executing at the same time, //! even though the machine code describes a sequential process. //! //! This kind of reordering is handled transparently by the CPU. //! //! - A **multiprocessor** system executing multiple hardware threads //! at the same time: In multi-threaded scenarios, you can use two //! kinds of primitives to deal with synchronization: //! - [memory fences] to ensure memory accesses are made visible to //! other CPUs in the right order. //! - [atomic operations] to ensure simultaneous access to the same //! memory location doesn't lead to undefined behavior. //! //! [prefetching]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cache_prefetching //! [compiler fences]: crate::sync::atomic::compiler_fence //! [out-of-order]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Out-of-order_execution //! [superscalar]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superscalar_processor //! [memory fences]: crate::sync::atomic::fence //! [atomic operations]: crate::sync::atomic //! //! ## Higher-level synchronization objects //! //! Most of the low-level synchronization primitives are quite error-prone and //! inconvenient to use, which is why the standard library also exposes some //! higher-level synchronization objects. //! //! These abstractions can be built out of lower-level primitives. //! For efficiency, the sync objects in the standard library are usually //! implemented with help from the operating system's kernel, which is //! able to reschedule the threads while they are blocked on acquiring //! a lock. //! //! The following is an overview of the available synchronization //! objects: //! //! - [`Arc`]: Atomically Reference-Counted pointer, which can be used //! in multithreaded environments to prolong the lifetime of some //! data until all the threads have finished using it. //! //! - [`Barrier`]: Ensures multiple threads will wait for each other //! to reach a point in the program, before continuing execution all //! together. //! //! - [`Condvar`]: Condition Variable, providing the ability to block //! a thread while waiting for an event to occur. //! //! - [`mpsc`]: Multi-producer, single-consumer queues, used for //! message-based communication. Can provide a lightweight //! inter-thread synchronisation mechanism, at the cost of some //! extra memory. //! //! - [`Mutex`]: Mutual Exclusion mechanism, which ensures that at //! most one thread at a time is able to access some data. //! //! - [`Once`]: Used for thread-safe, one-time initialization of a //! global variable. //! //! - [`RwLock`]: Provides a mutual exclusion mechanism which allows //! multiple readers at the same time, while allowing only one //! writer at a time. In some cases, this can be more efficient than //! a mutex. //! //! [`Arc`]: crate::sync::Arc //! [`Barrier`]: crate::sync::Barrier //! [`Condvar`]: crate::sync::Condvar //! [`mpsc`]: crate::sync::mpsc //! [`Mutex`]: crate::sync::Mutex //! [`Once`]: crate::sync::Once //! [`RwLock`]: crate::sync::RwLock #![stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] pub use alloc_crate::sync::{Arc, Weak}; #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] pub use core::sync::atomic; #[unstable(feature = "exclusive_wrapper", issue = "98407")] pub use core::sync::Exclusive; #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] pub use self::barrier::{Barrier, BarrierWaitResult}; #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] pub use self::condvar::{Condvar, WaitTimeoutResult}; #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] pub use self::mutex::{Mutex, MutexGuard}; #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] #[allow(deprecated)] pub use self::once::{Once, OnceState, ONCE_INIT}; #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] pub use self::poison::{LockResult, PoisonError, TryLockError, TryLockResult}; #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] pub use self::rwlock::{RwLock, RwLockReadGuard, RwLockWriteGuard}; #[unstable(feature = "once_cell", issue = "74465")] pub use self::lazy_lock::LazyLock; #[unstable(feature = "once_cell", issue = "74465")] pub use self::once_lock::OnceLock; pub mod mpsc; mod barrier; mod condvar; mod lazy_lock; mod mpmc; mod mutex; mod once; mod once_lock; mod poison; mod rwlock;