//! Mutex implementation backed by μITRON mutexes. Assumes `acre_mtx` and //! `TA_INHERIT` are available. use super::{ abi, error::{expect_success, expect_success_aborting, fail, ItronError}, spin::SpinIdOnceCell, }; pub struct Mutex { /// The ID of the underlying mutex object mtx: SpinIdOnceCell<()>, } /// Create a mutex object. This function never panics. fn new_mtx() -> Result { ItronError::err_if_negative(unsafe { abi::acre_mtx(&abi::T_CMTX { // Priority inheritance mutex mtxatr: abi::TA_INHERIT, // Unused ceilpri: 0, }) }) } impl Mutex { #[inline] pub const fn new() -> Mutex { Mutex { mtx: SpinIdOnceCell::new() } } /// Get the inner mutex's ID, which is lazily created. fn raw(&self) -> abi::ID { match self.mtx.get_or_try_init(|| new_mtx().map(|id| (id, ()))) { Ok((id, ())) => id, Err(e) => fail(e, &"acre_mtx"), } } pub fn lock(&self) { let mtx = self.raw(); expect_success(unsafe { abi::loc_mtx(mtx) }, &"loc_mtx"); } pub unsafe fn unlock(&self) { let mtx = unsafe { self.mtx.get_unchecked().0 }; expect_success_aborting(unsafe { abi::unl_mtx(mtx) }, &"unl_mtx"); } pub fn try_lock(&self) -> bool { let mtx = self.raw(); match unsafe { abi::ploc_mtx(mtx) } { abi::E_TMOUT => false, er => { expect_success(er, &"ploc_mtx"); true } } } } impl Drop for Mutex { fn drop(&mut self) { if let Some(mtx) = self.mtx.get().map(|x| x.0) { expect_success_aborting(unsafe { abi::del_mtx(mtx) }, &"del_mtx"); } } } pub(super) struct MutexGuard<'a>(&'a Mutex); impl<'a> MutexGuard<'a> { #[inline] pub(super) fn lock(x: &'a Mutex) -> Self { x.lock(); Self(x) } } impl Drop for MutexGuard<'_> { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { self.0.unlock() }; } }