use super::{ abi, error::{fail, fail_aborting, ItronError}, }; use crate::mem::MaybeUninit; /// Get the ID of the task in Running state. Panics on failure. #[inline] pub fn current_task_id() -> abi::ID { try_current_task_id().unwrap_or_else(|e| fail(e, &"get_tid")) } /// Get the ID of the task in Running state. Aborts on failure. #[inline] pub fn current_task_id_aborting() -> abi::ID { try_current_task_id().unwrap_or_else(|e| fail_aborting(e, &"get_tid")) } /// Get the ID of the task in Running state. #[inline] pub fn try_current_task_id() -> Result { unsafe { let mut out = MaybeUninit::uninit(); ItronError::err_if_negative(abi::get_tid(out.as_mut_ptr()))?; Ok(out.assume_init()) } } /// Get the specified task's priority. Panics on failure. #[inline] pub fn task_priority(task: abi::ID) -> abi::PRI { try_task_priority(task).unwrap_or_else(|e| fail(e, &"get_pri")) } /// Get the specified task's priority. #[inline] pub fn try_task_priority(task: abi::ID) -> Result { unsafe { let mut out = MaybeUninit::uninit(); ItronError::err_if_negative(abi::get_pri(task, out.as_mut_ptr()))?; Ok(out.assume_init()) } }