use crate::alloc::{GlobalAlloc, Layout, System}; use crate::ptr; use crate::sys::sgx::abi::mem as sgx_mem; use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}; use super::waitqueue::SpinMutex; // Using a SpinMutex because we never want to exit the enclave waiting for the // allocator. // // The current allocator here is the `dlmalloc` crate which we've got included // in the rust-lang/rust repository as a submodule. The crate is a port of // dlmalloc.c from C to Rust. #[cfg_attr(test, linkage = "available_externally")] #[export_name = "_ZN16__rust_internals3std3sys3sgx5alloc8DLMALLOCE"] static DLMALLOC: SpinMutex> = SpinMutex::new(dlmalloc::Dlmalloc::new_with_allocator(Sgx {})); struct Sgx; unsafe impl dlmalloc::Allocator for Sgx { /// Allocs system resources fn alloc(&self, _size: usize) -> (*mut u8, usize, u32) { static INIT: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false); // No ordering requirement since this function is protected by the global lock. if !INIT.swap(true, Ordering::Relaxed) { (sgx_mem::heap_base() as _, sgx_mem::heap_size(), 0) } else { (ptr::null_mut(), 0, 0) } } fn remap(&self, _ptr: *mut u8, _oldsize: usize, _newsize: usize, _can_move: bool) -> *mut u8 { ptr::null_mut() } fn free_part(&self, _ptr: *mut u8, _oldsize: usize, _newsize: usize) -> bool { false } fn free(&self, _ptr: *mut u8, _size: usize) -> bool { return false; } fn can_release_part(&self, _flags: u32) -> bool { false } fn allocates_zeros(&self) -> bool { false } fn page_size(&self) -> usize { 0x1000 } } #[stable(feature = "alloc_system_type", since = "1.28.0")] unsafe impl GlobalAlloc for System { #[inline] unsafe fn alloc(&self, layout: Layout) -> *mut u8 { // SAFETY: the caller must uphold the safety contract for `malloc` unsafe { DLMALLOC.lock().malloc(layout.size(), layout.align()) } } #[inline] unsafe fn alloc_zeroed(&self, layout: Layout) -> *mut u8 { // SAFETY: the caller must uphold the safety contract for `malloc` unsafe { DLMALLOC.lock().calloc(layout.size(), layout.align()) } } #[inline] unsafe fn dealloc(&self, ptr: *mut u8, layout: Layout) { // SAFETY: the caller must uphold the safety contract for `malloc` unsafe { DLMALLOC.lock().free(ptr, layout.size(), layout.align()) } } #[inline] unsafe fn realloc(&self, ptr: *mut u8, layout: Layout, new_size: usize) -> *mut u8 { // SAFETY: the caller must uphold the safety contract for `malloc` unsafe { DLMALLOC.lock().realloc(ptr, layout.size(), layout.align(), new_size) } } } // The following functions are needed by libunwind. These symbols are named // in pre-link args for the target specification, so keep that in sync. #[cfg(not(test))] #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn __rust_c_alloc(size: usize, align: usize) -> *mut u8 { unsafe { crate::alloc::alloc(Layout::from_size_align_unchecked(size, align)) } } #[cfg(not(test))] #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn __rust_c_dealloc(ptr: *mut u8, size: usize, align: usize) { unsafe { crate::alloc::dealloc(ptr, Layout::from_size_align_unchecked(size, align)) } }